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Show i JIX P' O IS E K.T." rcci ration, .Mi?", Jane Mts Sarah MI3 i V.iiltr' Duet. 'Onlr an lizzie and Etta Parser Kecitatieu byCiitni at MA KIT r.IC ALII nOW TO " Armor-benrci- v tatlon, 'Gjm?eIor Nettie Leaker, chiM's piece; A jdre$s, Master George Coula:::; Song byMi&s Pollv Newsen; Historical address byOliss Minnie Coult; Duet. "W'hippoonvil! by Misses Laura Den ney and Louie Felt (two very little Bible" questions were answered by " Jmldren in; choru3r"77"'"'" 7; 7r rirls). the Remarks were then made bv Sisters E. C. Clawon. M. I. Home, E. S: Taylor, E. 15. Wells, II. T. King, xM.. A. Freeze and Bishop "jcRae, iBenedictioa by one of , the member excellent one in every regpect.there being about oiveJiuiidreirand fifty children present. K ofter the close of the meeting"'" Sisters M. I. Horne, On Tuesday, Nov.-11G. Cldwson went to Sandy E. Howard and E, to meet with the Relief Society and reorganize the Primary. Two meetings .were held, one with the Relief Society and the other with the children. Sister Clawson organized the Prim-ar- y with the following officers: Sister Hannah Shaw, President; Jane Clark and Maggie Hewlett, Counselors; Elizabeth Shaw, Secretary; Ruth Lewis, Assistant Secretary; and" Mary Jane Lewis, Treasurer. 'lhe-metinras"- Jir Cbo Urge .icambers, :.saiud-cll- g off tho "tleni4wi for cue night. In tto morning draw bnue aivd put all tho articles to. soak in weak vinegar tend water, for, two days; Jr aw oil aaiu, iuU'ttw spke in and boil live quarts ot vinegar and tlva pounds ofj brown enar, and iytir onhotDothitbrce nOThlnRs; tJi-- i tbird mornipR mix a teaenp full of ground mn&tard, stir It well through the whole, puV into a stone jar and. M. G. "W. cover securely. 7: While Sister K R. S. Smith wa3 making a tour through some of the settlements of AVeber ijikeshecyisited-Edei- i5 bjEsp"edal;T;equWaff(I L. M. I. A. with Mar- -' aY. while there organized tha A. FerrW,-Presid- ent; Mary Jane Fuller and Rosetta Larsen, Counselors; Elizabeth J . Eggleston, Secretary; and Lucy L. Ferron,. Assistant Secretary; and Mary L. Eggleston, Treasurer. 38 members were admitted. -- : ' 77 Thursday, Nov. 13th, Sister B. W. Smith went to Boutb. Cottonwood and -- met With the Primary at 11 a.m. HacT a pretty good 1 ime, and though there was no psTrjicular programme had a number of songs and recitations; alto" . gether they acquitted themselves very creditably. A number oi the sisters spoke to them and gave good counsel. Bro. Jones and another brother spoke also. 7; Sister Smith did her best to encourage them; all felt that they. had had a good time And appeared satisfied with their meeting. , ciety, had few sick and no poor to speak of. They ha7e a splendid hall of their own and are furnishing it nicely. Sister B. AV. Smith, Prest. J. Y. Cahoon, Sisters "Jones, Rawlins, Pixton and two brethren addressed the meeting. Expressed themselves as feelingwell iit the Latter:day work. 7 : . In the afternoon tlu Relief Society met. Had a pretty goodttendance. Sister Eliza and others were expected, but could not come. They had a very satisfactory report of the so- 71 v . Sistermjthjnjojdi 7 , returned home tired, but happy, hoping sh . had done some' little good to "her listers and - " the children. -- . generally ad mitted '.at ; has Ja Cleveland plurality of votes, and in ail ' probability his claims are established so far as his party are able to ensure them to him. It has been a closer contest though than either What will transparty seemed to anticipate the 74th of March, 1885, pire between now and it is impossible to telh One thing we know, and that is, that there is a Spirit of partyism gaining ground in the United S tates that is accompanied with suchdire hatred and "desire for revenge as is not healthy 'to any nation or people.and it has readied so great a Jieight that it seems likely to culminate in the same form It ; is noyr very in7this-broa- , --l- ie? X. d -- - Repjibjtsnauabsolute "Uneasy monarchy ,.Df which. Pope wrote: the head that wears a crown." - , OBITUARIES. ""DiEDraf ree,inTooel8 h an ' " ; Qty September 2Sth, E'dt r vrnanrTTDplior InTier ha$fr m land, the islanttxf crsev7immtgratcdtonha"vaTrej sho has where ISo-', and in lS5o removed to Tooele, jTll of T&9fEy -- ljecirfor many years identified as a practical ,' ' riUMAllY SPKAKEU, Noa. 1 and 2, 7 25c per "copy I MUSIC BOOK for Primary IIym Book,7'40c; 7w 7 $1 '00 7 7 POEMS, by K. II. Snow, Vol. J, ' Vrol. 2, Btcel engraving containing " of tho author, bound in morocco, 1.25 7 " OKHESPONDENCE OF PALESTINE " " TOURISTS, with steel engravings of A. Smith and Lorenzo Snow, . - George " 1.50 iu bound in doth, .$1.25, morocco, , - 3' BOOKS BY ELIZft B, SHOW; Latter-da- ' ' y AVhcn the Ladles of Utah can procure an article of rTtrierlt which is made here. In our midst is It not their trial ? bo when lt .costs.no more-th- ai gn txgTianinteeirto "nive entire satisfaction. or aii juaxe uiiy are now fr v v IT 1 m engaged iu the mauufacturo and introduction of the -- --Tm--e Saint."' , v'-- - 7 '. She was called as teacher in tha Relief Society in office she 1870, and in 1S72 was chosen. treasurer, which held up to the lime of her death, and by hei integrity . and uprightness wontbe confidence and love of all as-- living children and seven teen grandchildren, born and raised in plural marriage; and many times she 'has borno testimony of the truth and purity of that holy principle. at present filling misShe has a eon and sions in Tennesee, but her faith was iirm in God, and she left them in His hands, knowing "all is well." SbtHcaws-af3xnilr"ofsi- x: L1 "Way Up" Baking Powder. - Eociated with her. V 11 As a guarantee of good faltii they agreeito refund for every can old which docs not give the "money Complete Satisfaction. Ask. your"1 grocer for "WAY TJPt" and accept no "herrfyouTgToce write to P. O. does not have it tell him to SMITH & CASE, 7 RaLT LAKE CITY, UTAH. r.ox 504. . EST ABLLSII ED OCTOBER, w Bon-in-la- i H Eraelino Dibd, in Falrvlaw, July 11th, young, daughter of James M. and. Mary A. Pritcbett, and wife of John Floyd Young." Sister Young, was born July 1st, 1S12, ia Kich Valley, Smith Co., Virginia, andwas baptised in 1S5S. Was married November 2nd, 1S59Utah in ISO.",; moved to Fairview in Novem .came-t- o . , . bcflSOTr whom of live of sixteen Sho was the mother children, Bkvo 0. few hours old. Clr.H a tiba only uftcy. She was a te,ae'hr in the Ilelief Society almost from its organization; always cheerful and willing to perform tlie'duties of her oflica in ministering to the wants of -- : the 6lek and needy, As a Bociety and as friends' we deeply sympathize with her husband and family in their great loss, and-fe- el to commend them to our lleaicnly Father, who alone can comfort and sustain them. 1SS4,-Nanc- --7-"- y DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, z HEAVY" AND SHELF HARDWARE, GLASS AND QUEEN8WARE, :j AGRICULTURAL TOOLS AND IMPLE-- " " S1ENTS, CLOTH AND CLOTHING, PJJRE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Catherine Lewis was born February, 1313, in London, Christ- England; was baptizcdjtotoJJb rikftifdaySaints August lltb,l849. County Urackon, South Wales-- .- Immigrated to Utah July, 1S7I. Sho died at her residence in .Sandy, October Ctb, 1884, at 0:10 ' a.m. She died as she had lived, a good, faithful Latter-da- y Saint. She leaves a good husband, Phillip Lewi?, and eight children to mourn her loss. She attended Conference October 4th was at two meetings that day took sick in tho night, was administered to and came home Sunday evening and died ' Monday morning, as stated. -- Showas a member of the Relief Society, and held the ofljce of Counselor to the President from the organization of the ward faithfully to the time of her death. : T We carry a larger and more complete Stock than any house in the west. H. JA-3E- S CO., TINNER, CAS, WATER & STEAM FITTERS. for RUMSEY.S celebrated LIFT and FORCE PUMP8. Pumps Repaired on soon notice. Orders from the eountry promptly responded to. ent EAVIP J1Z3, B:j 358, C1LT UXZ.CITY. SELDREDCE, Supt. Special to the Ladies. - Will be found tho latest styles and pioductions . in LACES, RUSHES, EMBRODERIES, FANS, GLOVES, PARASOLS, RIBBONS, COLLARS, TIES, And an elegant assortmenf of JDIRj "Y" Special department fant's Shoes. : : S for Ladies' Misses' and G-OO- D In- 112, 114, 116, 118 W. O. . , CARPETS AND WALL PAPERS, ALL GRADES AND NEWEST DESIGNS. - 7 GROCERIES, . Died, in Fairview, Aagust 00th, 13S4,TIorcnce Jano bom J une lTtb, 1S50, in Smith Co., Virginia. "Was married to. Parley R Young October 30th, 1S70, and carae to Fairview the same 3rcar, where she resided until her death. Sister Young had been a great sufferer for about ten years. Sho died In tho hope o4 a glorious resurrection, leaving a husband, two daughters and many friends to .. mourn her loss. , Lois Ann-- Wilsox, Secretary. ew-Aifce- ' IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Pices Young, ::, UB SALT LAKE CITY, Utah. " D LiUUD D - T7"-: ltt 2D.-rXZ- 18C8. 7 East Temple Street. Terbach & Bro. ID A Full and 'Jomplete Stock of 7 MILLINERY, Sprinr and Surrwjer AND LADIES Goods DRESS TRIMMINGS. tZU ClVLL AND EXAMINE. A |