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Show v " . 4...' TIIE EVENINGTIEILID, WEDNESDAY JULY 1, 1925. P. (IE TWO news features. TIMELYJDIJORIALS WASHINGTON NEWS :press-co?.im- ent . - . .': - - , THREVENTNfi HERALD COLURIOiA Tonight Servlre H rtter United WABHINOtON Cunnlnghnm is coming to for ft 'certain amount of criticism lb V.'ahlnr ton for reporting the International police JuillBed in flring into a mo xr native Maaanj.Wirai nr during the Shanghai rlneq whkb precipitated the latest antf foreign outbreak fn China.' k Traditional! : frlendty ;tn the -.. acoiidlaaa matter at tba postofflee la Ptoto, CU. tkkms or MLBsaaejiox--- -- " rt .v... byearrk, pr aioarli iwivered by carrier. fer yr, to advance, ,.,.. ............... Wi thered by mad la I'tuh.eoouty, per year. In advance...... ... 43.39 le!iwtd by tuU U luited States, outalda Utah county per year ..t-.................. ....... i In advance H, Hdirilrook ti..t,.publ!shr N? Umsuar Kfn wa ....City Editor OcliverW press Nwa Service and Member jL'n!Ud N. B. r iltorial Rooms,' Telepoou , end greed. In some I ......,........10T firtidrt. - - i i ; : . ,; ; ; older kiftitflOhs. have been cora- irrounds, even among the education- ' r'-- -' tfiplornas will, therefore, be taken as certifying ';lyhiiSClt-fijn-R-hiieIhdiplomas of the public universities . ! v certify only to education. . : " ; 'Quite; .'a- rnany: exceptional persons will doubtless grad-- ; .'u.c'frpm the olie as the other, and the grounds of academic may not indicate the best qualified for anything ;The result e p(4i( d 16 selection oUjier ;al t(u:tlified. a? - 'r -. i ' ; -- " wli-'ctio- ; .Rut the burden .of proof will attach i"c. more detnocratic diploma, while a certain prosumptioit wjll go with the diploma of the institution of limited atterfi-oiflyj- " It.4s bit unfortunate, but perhaps unavoidable teji- " ; "7"; l'-Ll'vil- holder-o- ...to-th- e' --- -- Oafliryl'haise . & - -- -- Utah EXiDi batw:hy7 . ' WANT ADS Eighteen . j. 111; mv'imtiv riuvn a sittnacr rnnnrn !' Twn v m.miiaa ' ot J?i4tttS ewil. but tbe plunlp, they cheaper Uiaa on alngl man in love., ift- -' c a tut chiintft. Am the brldea aay, a ring'oft thai ttoti Bvyoni hMr a man brag about JTho clutfifa that muk the women i'loihva thut break the Ditn. qf t'uvt of a. chicken dinner depends it Udb chlckcosi 'you invito. .".Tt-tr- la ro t. . bapd ia worth two In the store. excuse for a bache- - J t ' ..1 With fur coata atowed away th jnotha are In aoO. It tck hear la dangeroua to talk your wife. She might . ' to you. thousa n d readers daily.' Just think, you can insert a want ad in the Herald classified column for one entire week for the small sum of sixty cents and reach the people of over 3,100. homes. Call 95 and tell them about the thing yon have for sale or have lost. HERALD-WA- NT ADS PAY! Fine feathera make sad birds When the bills come In. ; 2Z. IfiOTOR-IT- OFFICE MOTOR-IT- MOTOR-IT- E E 1 MOTOR-IT- E ? - Wife! Ko many bills, I don't know "I hear Tom kissed where to IickIii. Utihtiy: Begin with the butcher. night "Yes ly force," I have to pass his shop ou the way "Arm ir habit." to work every morning. you r Hal (af PARTIES - i S s. Twenty-FourJlp- ur Si .p- J fPift ;pffl ipS - .1 i, last i vii iaaw.1 i'ldf v i tki asrr m mzsr-r- m up - d JEasy A .type-fl- j !f, Writer-IT- " ' IAM IT it was to 9wn say3s One' bo ' pcttlmit UEins btler GradEs " ' There may of trnth In the that there are a lot of food fish In the sea, bnt our observa on tion has been that the big ones are '. . to too wise to bite. lie a lot - . It's Quite ' imirivemetit")L ' wtl63 whAt 0n3 nieAns. , Speaking of recent accomplishIt IS"nt so" Hard To SaT. ' ' Th It551o thIIXit w4ites sfiPLAin ments in the field of invention, one Pro vo man has invented a noisethat you" less A; When jOu fiud e dlsbrag, made of wireless wire. strcK 1',-r- itmt'jnb; 1 lay : -a like"y76" knevv the a MOTOR-IT- P r : With An Automatic Refrigerator dove J" ' remarked prefer the ". 1 E In "a . . vil- o lage In southern Nevada have found pairs of dice carved from bone. We AaVe suspected that eilblst art was . nq new thing. .,-- ' C-'- Excavators s j, , ' J- ; . " ' " relatives. r." "; Eight walls of honestly constructed insulation, autoa never that matically circulating air, trap gives trouble rnd which is easily cleaned, wide roomy shelves .and many . 'oth?r special feature make the AUTOMATIC the leader - 1 ' - : , ; , ; among refrigerators. Dixon-Taylor-Russ- with Newark, Ohioi Advocate. Co. ell sir The new question of the- .age : r should an engineer -. ledvtir: -- - r;- y "THE ONE PRICE HOUSE , SPRC'GVILLE PROVO NEPHI , - An experimenter in'a Imlliwm re- t motive at ,10,000 fet?t I .... niaa'a. shont at i iort.s hearine When Imhotep, "architect of the Our Own DefinitiiM,- in l.fSiH) feet: the croakins ist : A 'mah who '.believes it . ,nV.h roll of King in ffiw and Lower Egypt," ft.0(K) feetr JBapt eofne 6ut In the wash. ' drums nnd music of lin 4tw4jet.ra at was (lesisiilng the beautiful tvtuple t .Ztwcr.. 3W0 K. iXM Ttet : church itells tollin ,... m ft.. :,.. .muim u iSi itib were uviug nt a rifle report fi.Ht, rhntsw qiaking crude "v .. Ww tJmit fefip; tut iiolpp of a moving trnln ati and tlilpping stone, and the 8.200 feet and thp whistle of a HiVeninff ' ... , te a00ST!Subscribe J'S for your home pape- wnttlc-and-dan- - iieraiU. GoIdWateK Away al CCEN Givien PAYSON - ""hy the E i - , to Mt Vernon sherill visit re tmrmatpef Ts TSlogah which does not apiieal to the boy ' wU6 "exiiet'tsTt slianUiig." i, MOTOR-IT- ' - . t went, Any housewife knows the amount of expense connected 'with the keeping of foodstuffs during hot months. And' any housewife who has used an Automatic Refrigerator know? the ease with which footstuffs can "be kept In it. ; Th Automatic saves food, health, ice and "moneys Jt is the highest development of refrigeration and the perform ance of one will more than prove this statement.' -t - ttay by day in every; way, they're getting shorter and shorter. Oh boy wait till summer comes. v,i-:. j"'' ''" i Well) the librse market Is looking up- - , Thrwr of them brought 97 tents at Tennessee sale the other day. Mrs. Calla Coe Thursday where - ,,::.:;.';'..' , Food, Health, Ice . and Money ' ' , "Oh for the. wings of ' said the poet- - Of"aer what the host; 'bntl should neck ttf a chicken." ' Terms Save 1 mlfhtt I never knew 'w Service" M0T0R4TE . : Superior Service Stations Ul FOR PICNIC ACCOMODATIONS ' Bitting In a shoe store trying to Our runtf niton is a man should be remember, which sock had a bole In at. least, so he carries a cane It is worse- than trying to solve a and twice tlmt Ufore be wears cross-worpuzzle. spats. We imagine that most folks who read this eolumn do no with the - My Corona. hope that it won't be tiresome every Say. lSve cot a lltflc Oorona Issue, Aim , tturei fiNe ,ine. r& PLENTY OF SHADE AND - - Mi f ; withoir"' E ..r ; Served from service pumps at only 1 cent per gallon over the regular gasoline price also sold in handy cans..in two and four ounceHsizesCarry it for use when away from regular service pumps ' Vi MOTOR-IT- 1 e E MOTOI&TE Bath Houses! i M I. " MOTOMTE r Service Confections! ' -Boats! lit 4$shows one INDusterous bc3n And It Coa5 me bnt Tile IMlLlar premier of Finland says siGn can A be foUndl inovicH nre inunaral but who carca a hock what lie thinks, about, It? Wtmt if our preinlcr' Bliotild come .At ten years old, Jackie Cooean can look forward to making rnVire. luiek ut &iin and say fiiiuan-uuddifarewell tour's of the world than wete Uidit'eistUjle f ,. any other star. Tie . 1 MOTOR-IT- m ' Hot Dogs! . THE CARBONLESS MOTOR'FUtit, REMOVES. CARBOrT-- DEPOSIT PREVENTS FUTURE CARBON DEPOSIT l J :';ONCE USED ALWAYS USED E Sandy? Beach j. Covered With Clean --White Sand ; Tiling , JussT JnB nnd tr!T$t to luck 18 eaSy To opEKATE and THEir - M0M-1T- E r 1 - 2LC MOTOR-IT- : -- Biff-Beauti- ful rure you'-Uke- MOTOR-HE-" A 1 M . 12-wo- rd ; - surted..ff'Ca from Tellnride Motor " . Ijljut a good boy he waa. ! 's Light Co. arid Tow-ef- -- . ' - ; ' "from ; j'Ti'-tya- tio-le- " & - '"k.';-;--- ;all SEATS IQc' t I - v the Mouth of Provo River; wns--pcke- PRINCESS' old-age- thar " Wit to have them - jXt , fGiJa Iront. n notkin 1lSfr-";"Kenini- offwyg-so- jnt Co."" : Watch a "gangi of .small boys who are real friends. TheyJ of it each, cf other, part calling pnrt Uiojimo pounding Wif-othwf wrnw?ipart ofjt perioutdy fightthg tli6 other t'biiv. and the"re8t in playing fighting games. Thus their prec,iou things to bfiL" ii'ieiijWiip- grows, "until it lieconic ttssijcdMhrtiiKh all the Umg memories of hd , ',5 i,".vr-'Thursday rick' up Iliad, t he. greatest literary monument oi the thildhood of the world. .U1n an epic of fighting men . EVELYN BRENT "There are" ihiniatur(e Iliads , in every . . . ; Jn , v;'K'r,cvtr UlnWing' Odysseys in every trip to the old ickyi'.rd. !! MOLLY" "MIDNIGHT f ' ' ' sivimnruf and Z' And watch the antics of childish men, who conduct the "Riddle Rider" No. 3 Lhlions,. liUying with the terrible weapons of .the lives, and fortunes of men like irresponsive tuihi.i: whu know nothing to d6 with clods and etones but .tljow-therat tach other. v HEAD THE Viii the wqrld never grow up? - - he sas-fhlUklhe coolie , . haw-pleit- ry" go-- f 'ths ,"fir-etgor .hating devils" in their midat. i rt the further fact' remains that the , comparatively small nurjrticr the . latter actually In Tchlna haven't mtrclntholc'e but to jJefend d themselves when the natives, go will a Jiihlierlng on the rampage." IhronK f Chlnene nnd ixt one weH to rh inre under heaven of eilnin- Theoretically It'a all very Kur all nwixt of the nay that 4hs forelgnera' 'brln' 'Irtf nonwIvMtrouble on themselves. There are, mob knew, we'd'killed ,someldy. so do and) who aay foreigners Ketirlng into Ihe rluhwe bolted the door - while Ihe manager deprecate the treatment of the Chinese by "European a" all I telephoned for the Kikhs Ihe aens.-- ' including the dinn ntillre the :Vtllenten- - maliw claaxed as ''Europeane" in China.. inn. ... ly ihfM-nd-s dlen'r-- ! The row tielng - a trifling af? , , But In eaae of what are these friend of ihe fair, it look only half a doaen Slkha fo break it up with the nativea to oor i ney neean t tmar-la mob of Ignorant coolies Will butt ends f heir .'carbines. I'll make any . distinctions In their say. however, llat we Were glad t'-ifavor. to see those Kikha. and 4 think I f Jt'a up to them to help aland off mnderataad Omsul Oenral. the ruahor be cut up sto riewMnt. even though and do their protesting he mrif have been sorry for the later. And the police policy Is to Chinese killed in the recent let no rushes gain momentum: so There are many Chinese that .1 ,.. As. jtot ftu 1 1 Jifl.ooll- - nf jpourae they're" tnlghiy hard to stop whynfj hey lost the money we owed I hem they fairly get maybe were "beaned" by the Uulte: likely cunnlncnam had J Sikh policemen Into the Imrgnln. Which w too Kid. but how could something of this kind in jmlnd in ' v we help ttaej Bhgnghal Inter-- , t, pt Jwyb afrit . Every ticket purchased matinee or night will be given coupon." STAR TOURING CAR by Naylor Auto Co. UPRIGHT PIANO by Waller Robinson Music Co, SAVAGE WASHER by Bates Stores Co. ; Next Monday's Prizes PREMIER VACUUM CLEANER i x -- Chfawas- - .anuill ..'two th-- - v. - vJ wait nuiite. Yiril, they dlds Klnikhlng' our lunch and vonmiy uut SO minutes Inter, we niulitn t pick vur pair ?rat Irom the Ti lu imw of their tiini Kot h tij nt thf club en.' f ur. dilemma, the. whole KniMTii I it ire wn on us. Of nut tw were unions, them nit Blillttl to iTicir money hunt W8 hnlek-- i lo try to idem, tlfy them A rim started. l In atMiut me minute thru street j prejudices, m e e ,. i all due gllowanr. MAKINO for the fact that the dfffy;y Grownup Children My niininiiKin It would tie - j a i al Mt. fr ?iiK!Sftahfa,h l the mmoepher of the Shanghai- ,,Eu)'tean .settlement" until he haa come to aha re Hi -- it re aorbed - The-newe- ntwrlrd gig ' m M : quartersthe k"t ..'rb'fcrhMW . bavtor.aj'rogatnre . '"ha iMrdedTh1HTSfiuiIh g BSmTiaa'iiTt'' Thcr V Anr-;n- f ' developing two sorts, of American fiege education, differing less in education.than in pres-i- i awl "iHiHtrdVaW.'Tirhtt Jhave lieen compelled ta Jimit,the rojfit.of limited fuhds, . RlirUor of students: .:..:. p .fitatei anivfeFslties, being supported by . the J; Ut?x of the very people whose spnrand daughters are clamoring for admission, have felt obligated to accept, all quali- comers, and to call on tnese taxpayers lor jhe necessary . iiuif rool"i7and T iVti nl' yv 1 Provdna Beach e niMnU. mMMii) W'd.h. .. '.- The Waters Fine! r. r out-MgM- on Jt8ervlca .( rm'd if. IfcetfthlneVe 'nm.it fiamd at ' snpfeaiatAt' and the ranidHy with tuck such affairs:: -atwrr wswwimwn' , la tMfrgjhm'lair h ihghal he yrr- I be wfl,. an Atrteratin friend kni" tpurd way lo tif Itotel for a blip lo eat sf the Curbtna Club, a fimhlonnlil rlHunint fn the tor- elgi tsMtieter.,. ,ta pay off our 'rlck' qMy jiiin Ve, Trio Kinds of Education : i m " a. . v a - xlCoinc in Boys! h ta CMna. 4 ineton tenos v me wen iiui in jrelghere 'mong Ifietff-"dTOtheru to violence by jhflr i Only dally .newspaper li t'tsh aouth of Salt Laia'Clty : laraeat dr-rffarii.o- - f any nejrepapcrla Utah flutnlda 8alt.Lak Ccy-a.nGgden. ........... a. m.ln. t "" CHARLES P. STE W ART, BY Kutatdishod at m wekLr to 18E8: dally la 1922: 1mo4 erj morning; nual morula - edition iMiig except Saturday, and -Bntnlny ? i v y .Monday? morning wy nwpf West atwet la, tu herald tiulldiui, M South : Entered -- CV - An independent Newspapers i hshingtbn y , . archWect nf Stonehenge had not yet, ; ' seen the light of day. ' TutH the outbreak of the world yfar oije of the original cedar of Lebanon groves ' mentioned in this ' Bible was still standing at the heftd ' of Kcdlsha yalkjt.it'hr ancfeul; Le, " ' , , . banou. . WEDNESDAY JULY . 1st Warner Stone's Columbians - ; - . s - ' f 1 |