Show looking for spanish privateers san francisco july U it has been earned that in accordance with orders just received from washington the gunboat bennington Benni neton would probably eail today probably for alie alaskan coast in quest of privateers capt nicolla of that vessel has been examined by a medical blaid of survey ant failed to haep and commander Mocie the albatross has been appointed to command the commander certia of the ben clington will assume command of the Albat roBB and will probably be in command of the mosquito fleet when ad miller transfers his flag to tho philadelphia and leaves for honolulu the work of coaling the bennington is being rushed the revenue cutter grant will begin taking on coal today and may sail on friday also for northern waters admiral miller says that the bennington ia neither going to manila nor to the Ladr but ho will not affirm abo report that she is destined for the north pacina A dispatch received here states that had been identified as the saga and |