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Show jT j V je av '' to V to,4 - to her- V "w"- v, ' 1 - tr S ' M, V'ji ' q. '- - - 'w V . wSeMf.e.i'J,' ' .. DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE CITT THE the one still are constantly betoy apparently most needed is that of greater v 4? e$nr.(r.w.raidnwtone-toMtea4ya- ? ; 9 MONDAY OCTOBER 1930 cd safety. Except Sunday. Phona Was. IW. - gait Lake City. Utah. Member of Tbs Audit Burras of Circulations SUBSCRIPTION BATES. SfOno WmS ; om A. . s ''"i1 ,j (tooth fear (if paid A manziot) p SILVER'S ABLE CHAMPION. of representing our neighboring dale ASNevada In the upper House of Con- gress, as well as on his own account. Senator Key Pittman would always be welcome in this community. As chairman of the j investigating Sepate tbef low price of silver the moralualion of our oriental trade, and the relation between the demonetization of the (ado. Montoaa, VSSTpq white metal and world industrial j depresREPRESENT sion generally, he is assured of a welcome I NATIONAL ADVZETlSia p doubly cordiaL" Sot only for himself, but NW too CODA Rotboabum reason of the cause to which be is giving Sew lork city mV North ffrAwSSa by Bultdln such efficient championship, he is entitled Motors Detroit ui coco Cols Buildingh- -' will receive, every friendly attention JCsssas City A UAH ts during the few days he j u Building and now plans to spend with us. As with his own state, so with Etahi) .1 Third Btiwei Un Francisco whatever injuriously affects the Use, price for pubUeaUoe and production of the royal white metal, iAlTa oorreapondonco has ah immediate damaging effect upon our is tho Editor, com-btuineas There is no disposition to claim remittance Send 6al I prosperity. tO Tho for it any privileges or priorities to which City, Utah. it is not entitled by the experience and practice of the ages, and by its own peculiar fitness for the tees which some of the City as second sf Congress. March A nations wish to deny it But we should be derelict and unworthy if, seeing the purpose i io strike it dow n and sensing what that would mean to our welfare, we should supinely yield without a struggle while so malevolent bS o a program w as under way. The power of , CrT:, Y- OCTOBER 6, 1.U-Fintelligent public opinion Is enormous. Let this community show Senator Pittman conTllE OftFEREGK vincingly, not only that our sentiments are all right but also that our courage and of LaUer- resourcefulness are equal to any demand HE Church of Jesus Christ be the power that the present situation may make of them. toy eamts could not ; if could not wield the influence for good JUDGE WILSON L SNYDER : that it does, without its general confe - ilh - ""'Gn Cb-c- o ? w lf. f '1 SiS5i5S? t . LS tm ciir 1 T fs. I assemblages- .1 three-quart- 4 - " Here twice HEY sent away from this city yestera spirit that impels a peat peo- T nobler ideals, day Tor sepulcher in California the and better toward higher ple to press on and mortal remains of a man who has done living and truer impulses more than most people realise for the enT wpir; not in welt dOlDg- of legitimate mining in this couragement representing souls, 20,0 An estimated of a million earnest adherents region, and more than he probably will ever I sessions get credit for. He was not one who had J to a faith espoused, attended the hun-- 1 made a vast fortune from the treasure and I of the conference Just passed, words buried to the hills, nor one perhaps pubto the listened thousands dreds of r The great licly identified with the discovery or develof inspiration over the radio. notable for its coherence of opment of any great bonanzas. In fact he was gathering and ringing was not one to thrust himself into promInspired injunctions, for clear uncertain inence or seek a place to the public eye on 1 admonitions, for the call in no and doing to any account. But he made a deep study be to Batata np t tone for the I the work of spreading enlightenment to the of tbs fundamental principles of tho mining industry, and of the laws governing it He ' I world. I Presidents Haber J. Grant, Anthony w. was therefore looked upon as a high auI Ivins, Charles W. Sibley, and all who ad- - thority on all these phase of the subject; - dressed the mighty concourse were clearly and be was always willing, to the extent of hit means, to prove bis faith by his works. inspired to dwell upon phases of spiritual Such was Judge Wilson L Snyder, who died to are uppermost I and temporal affairs that I the minds, not only of members of this on Friday last He came of virile pioneer stock, and and to j Churcb but of all mm fa general, to the large family with which he was condifficulties out of Che many way ; point which mankind today is embroiled. It was nected have been favorably known by some set forth that this Church to common with of its members in most of the mining disthe west. In an earlier period they ; all Christian denominations must exert itto tricts of too in other activities incidental to engaged ; rightful influence and wield its power : redress tho wrongs of misgovernmenl; this the creation and establishment of the state its Performance of these rugged, physical tasks, j people must not depart one whit from ec- -! however, did not prevent them from the and to obedience civic, law, course in ; desiastic; the great call to repentance must diligent pursuit of learning, with such opeontinue to be sounded; this Church must portunities as the times afforded- - In this - see to its own good to the matter of un- regard Judge Snyder set a fine example, and it was inevitable that his attainments employment and the temporal welfare of in a word, the great work should win for him a large measure of his 3 its members must go on. the work of redeeming, the fellowmens confidence and esteem. -world; the Gospel of Jesus Christrmust take JOB FOR UTAH'S GULLS. : its place for what it is: The one sure and - unfailing anchor for distraught humanity. MEW JERSEY'S fame as the home and semiTruly, the habitat of pestiferous insects has annual conference was a great occasion, hitherto rested chiefly upon the size, num, uttering forth a clear and definite message ber and voracity of her mosquitoes. She ; which the people will long remember, and now wishes it understood that she has ; from which, if heeded, there cannot but other contributors to her reputation. An ; come mighty result I important section of the state is at present being besieged by hordes of cricket, and THE AIR TERRIBLE TRAGEDY call for help in halting their ravages : A ERONAUTICS m general, and that type has been sent by the health officials to of t in particular w hicb is represented the state agricultural experiment station. Not content with the destruction of plant - by lighter-- ! han-a- rr machines, hag suffered the crick5j are bribed as eating foiTHlfe on prr.T.-ihi m nd the gering destruction of the coios-British airship the noise make is said to be something reported from France vest onlay. The awful. A they bug expert who was summoned i science and safely of air navigation nitrated by the famous Graf Zeppelin the tolhe scene was able to give no better British our own Los Angeles and counsel and consolation to the suffering been slow in capturing the pub- inhabitants than that they unite in hoping others, has lic confidence, notwithstanding the great for a good frost as the quickest way to gel relief from their affliction. ; successes that have been gained by those Utahs experience with crickets, though 3 ships, notably the Zeppelin. This terrible not of the carpet- - and furniture-devouriworst the the in altogether history j breed, has"been vivid and the rescue memor, of aviation, will set the cane far back, and able. our xiearesl approach to a make nece ary another long and laborious pest, regarded once a harmless and record of securily and performance before introduced with the best of intentions, was ? people will feel to accept the new agency of transportation as safe and trustworthy the reptile called the carp, concerning which Great things were expected of the ltl- -f a truthful farmer, fencing ip a bit of water ; tor breeding purposes, declared that the fated era ft, sister ship to which re- fish actually ate down his cedar posts! cently made a successful flight from Lon- -i don to Canada and back. That expenmentat SILVER AND WORLD DEPRESSION. jvovage was announced as the first of a regular service soon to be established heAlong with civil disruption, the fail in 's tween the Mother Country and the Dorain- -i the price of silver is a factor of equal imion. For was reserved the other great portance in the Chinese situation, and for rest the of the world that slump, is of even rouie, between England and India. Her more serious Half of the huJ recent trials have not been quite satis-- f man race, it isimportance. is estimated, dependent upon with but factory, minor alterations it has silver currency. As a consequence of the been felt that she would soon qualify. Her recession in silver values in terms of gold, brief life, uncrowned by any triumph, has the purchasing power of lh?e hundreds of millions of people has been. about cut in I ended in dreadful tragedy. half. Some economists attribute the prethe of conquest the is Perhaps air takijig vailing world-widepresston tn very tgrge .'n heavier a toll of human life than other measure to this fact, particularly the deadventures am achievements of an earlier pression in the textile industries. Phila.(lav which are now regarded a cortimon- -- delphia Public Ledger. places. But it ihteenTsvenHhat way. Hard- -j THE COMPLETE CHAMPION. ijy a dav hut brings its story ,f alf fSalit ;from one mu.--p nr ' nrt n fF'"z to torture Mto etofre. H'ard-- ' rnrrefpormfi'r: Hiaopooneri-i'fbanrrorGian Bobs-- Jm kt , mone which.ij kppping h(n jr0tu jnDI$ 1h(5 ,ms,icur ' geminated ers I al R-i- ng home-destroyi- ng , W, R-i- 01 de 7 - i Boston Transcript. (The fsm oua educator named has hoots of friend In Utah, where her h e ri sited frequently. ' They will rejoice la the honor and compliment paid him.) The Detroit. Mich, Board of Education has voted unanimously to name a near school hutidlns -- whleh -- wUI -- b craeUd in Sho naaejwtw bert E. Wloahlp of Boston, editor of ths Journal of Education since and ad educator of national renown, who, at the la still vigorously acase of eighty-nv- e, tive In his chosen field. The reeolutlon follows In passed by the Detroit-boa- rd ' full: Resolved, That the Detroit Board of Education honor Dr. Albert EL Winship, an educator of naUonal renown, by placing his name upon a future school building, and request the superintendent ef school to designate the building to he so named. Dr. Wtnship Is New England Born, with a sturdiness of physical, mental and moral fibre nurtured by that soil. As student, volunteer vetema of the Civil War, teacher, preacher, fecturer on educational topics editor of educaUonal periodical, author of hooka on educational subject he has led a fruitful life of great activity and become established as a leading educational authority. At the he is still Vigorously age of eighty-fiv- e active In his chosen field. Dr. Winships name Is a household word among educators all over tho country. But has been a life of study,' observation, reflection, and exposition: ho is ths holder of many scholastic de- lit grees As editor of the Journal of Education (Boston) sines 188. consistently advo- -. eating conservatively progressive Ideas la education, he has exerted a marked influence oa educational thought pud . method. As S lecturer of great popularity and appeal at educational gatherings, he has been an Inspiration to thousands of teachers all over the country through his clear and sympathetic understanding of their problems and his helpfnl counsel for solution. Dr. Wlnahlp has enjoyed great renown as the result of his labors and ho has lived to see his children assume leadership In literary, civic and educational affairs. His name is worthy to ho plaoed oa a building dedicated to education of youth, as an example of character sad citizenship on which to mould young live Twenty Yeats Ago. OCTOBER - tbr Midad jbgda AMERICA GOES FLUID. Dongtmnt Month. BY GLESX FRANK. of Wlacooste and Forme ' Cctrtary of Cairsnhy J (Copyright, tJJS.-- by KlngFa-w- e- tupw sgidictMJLac. L About (OS years ago Michael Angelo, working on 8U Peter, complained to tba Pope about dishonest contractors. Even then they delivered Inferior goods. The greatest artlat that lived reminded the Pope that designing and building would do him ao good unless it should benefit his. soul, for he got' no profit front it He found happiness to knowing that it would bo n source of Inspiration through countless centuries, a a a can philosophy of constantly stondarqp pf Uvmg b. comes a retreat Into perpetual unemployment and the acceptance of a cesspool of poverty for some large part of our people. The noble and manly sport of permitted to spite of law by politicians that shark Us profits, 'produced one of its sum-ierofatalities to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, oa Thursday night. Kid Leonard, 11 years old. who had already fought other professional lights, struck BatS7. aged Kelson, married, tling with four children. Kelson fell to the Boor and died. o o e The young man that killed him will be held perfunctorily, the encouraged - and prize fighters, permitted almost as children to engage to brutal assault, for profit, are not to blame. The blame Io with politicians that, for a share of ths money. will license any indecency to de- - j Cance of law. prize-fightin- g, na it How amazed would Michael Angelo be now. where he dwella tn a grander cathedral, if he could know that a telephone, part of the system --of- Vatican City, was Friday installed in ths dome of St. Peters. And how much more amazed if be could know that the Pope of today. sitting to the dome, could talk with that zeroes the Mediterranean and the Atlantic: To his bishops living in a land that. Columbus discovered when Michael Gambling doesn't pay. If you wa seventeen Angojo years old. doubt that statement, ask an unfortunate man, recently cashier of Bear In mind please that this Is Charles Scribner and Son. He doughnut month.? and concentrate confesses thefts totalling il,04U attention oa a noble concoction and adds all but il.MI was lost associated with American tradi- to stock speculation." tion and history, as thoronghly as Triple humiliation and regret, Yankee Doodle or The (Star gambling and losing, confessing end headed for jail. Don't gamSpangled Banner. To make a good dough, ble, nut is an art. a.really public service. To King George and Queen Mary make a piece of sogginess with a hole in it is a crime against hu- have bought Bv new automobiles, announcing that they do ao to manity. encourage i A doughntit may he sat light aa give employment and exm- froth on the waves or as heavy industry. They set a good followshould be widely a remorse. Should It be made with pie that ed. batter or lard? Each American to a big way If can afford it. in a smaller way President Hooverexcellent he if necessary, should set that good analysis of condition in the Dotthero ia the United Stairs. ed State greatly Increased its example usefulness by four additional parChinese bandits captured two agraphs added at the last moment British women missionaries, deSomebody in the bankers con- manded a ransom, r threatening vention. which President' Hoover death. addressed, had suggested that the Their demand for ZZS.oe was standard of living Is too high in refused. They cut a finger from this country. one of the unfortunate missionEmphatically the President re- aries, Miss Kettieton. and sent that pudiated the theory that the many to the authorities, they should Thro meanly, to enable a few would accept 15.000, saying but would to live in luxury. kill tho two elderly women If the He said: money did net come. Not only do I not accept such The Rev. W. Cash, secretary ef a theory, but on the contrary, the tho Church Missionary society, whole purpose and ideal of this said he dared not pay the ransom. economic system, which to distincIf be did so, kidnapping missiontive of our country, is to increase aries would become a business. Ransom was refused, the two the standard of living by tho adoption and the constantly widening woman hav been killed. England to much excited, although British diffusion of Invention and discovalso opposed payment ery amongst the whole of our authorities ef ransom that might endanger people. "Any retreat from ear Amort. the safety of all foreigners. tola-pho- ne far-aw- PARAGRAPHS semi-annu- al st Arthur Brisbane. , ISIS. With good weather prevailing, and thousands o( visitor to ths oity, the Eighty-firconference of the 1a D. 8. Church convened in 'the Tabernacle to the presence ef a capacity congregation. The speaker at the opening searioa were President Joseph T. Smith, Anthon R Lund and John Henry Smith. see The sixth annual, convention of the Utah Retail Merchants association was brought to a clots with ths afternoon session in the Jennings block. J. S. Carver ef Ogden was chosen president. In' the evening a banquet wa given in Odd Fellowa halL Ogden was chosen as the next meeting place. At a meeting of directors of the Utah Independent Telephono company held in this city. President A. Harvey tendered his resignation to engage in other business in the east. Attorney Waldemar Van Cott of Salt Lake City was chosen to succeed him. a a a Edward Patterson, of the famous Ravenswood farm near Buncetun, Mo, who was here to judge livestock at the fair, was auddenUy summoned to his home on account of the murder of Mr. JEd Msddex, wife of his foreman. She was found Main in a barn on the farm, a o a As the reeult of a wrangle in the city court, extending over a period of several days, between Judge J. J. Whitaker and City Attorney H. J. Dininny, Judge George o. Armstrong of the Third district court cited both to appear before Bun and reette-thehr differences; ft - -- BY ROBERT QUILLEN Time heals all wound, and few match and ifave the fun of watch- would tick a lieutentog It disappear. ant now if they had a chance, e e Americanism: Offering money Witness: An Innocent man bul- at Z per cent te stock gamblers lied by shysters with the silent who dont want it; keeping the tittle fellow's hands lied by refus1 consent of that kind of court, o e e ing him loans at any figure, e a Among foreign products kept Autoa wouldnt be safe, either, out by tariff walla la the product if the beat drivers had to act ths of tho mink fool to entertain crowds. Ono aurpriaing thing you learn Hard times: A period when peoto England la that the people don't can negotiate the four blocks apeak the true Hollywood British. ple to the drug store without cranking up the sedan. re Colgate t trying te - find the best way to promote sound sleep i One good way to to saunter along between plow handles from Sun to sun. a e You can toil golf to a gentlIn a little while nations wilt emans game. So many players now have tariff walls, all and then they have their monograms on their can ail get rich by charging themballs. selves too much. e e The most annoying thing about I a philanthropist' hard times to the epidemic of ex- onFrequently who give it away when he planation. should be giving it back. A wet or dry victory meane. If you dont know the popula- among other thing, that peoples till prefer the better man regard-leaof hia humidity. -- sea A few years ago. however, the accused went free because his own mind wasnt right. see urging eleven husky mauler, to concentrate on weak shoulder. championship at the Merioa Cncirt Club on opponents . s seeniei about as promising as an interrupCorrect thto aentenco: W have tion of the law of gravity. And i the scene to each picture," event proved. He is now the complete a drinking said the movie man. in order to champion of golf, holder of the amateur show people the oviis of hooch. and open titles of the United States and A man Isn't really ancceaaful unGreat Britain. It is a unique record in sport one of those next to unattainable til he begin to get at least tec week. thing that do come to pass. Regardless begging totter of tiie victor's personality, admiration would You ean earn a reputation ot bo heaped upon such an unheard of exhibimake a million ' dollars, but raa tion of consistent still. The pl'M-ur- e in must be born that way to look imBobby Jones's clean sweep of the links portant to a square derby. includes also a universal affection for hi) quaht as a sportsman, as modest and considerate of other players as if he won a matti only now and theu.-al- d New Ywk Her- - iia . -- John Dftbler, the restaurateur, having grown overcorpulent, and being anvway a good judge of horseflesh, bought a riding mare two woeke ago, and aver since he la taken his daily couple of dozen on horseback. He bad great hopes of reducing bis avoirdupois. In two weeks he has gained seven and one-ha- lf pounds and the mare has lost forty-on- e. King City News. five-gait- od and-econo- near-at-ha- day-to-d- The technical forces of Mow if tho follow who invented this substitute for golf will invent a substitute tor parking space.- o o Ono reason why Important men to wear bathing suits beeaose time era wo full length mirrors to room beach drin facile g ecotransportation and nomic enterprise have completely changed this picture. The average American to today bat loosely rooted In any particular eoiL He to teas and lea likely to live and work and 'die to the locality of his birth. He to a come and-g- o creature. He may he born-ifar-flun- Massachusetts, educated in Wisconsin. married to Virginia, harnessed to a business career in Colo rado, finally to die In California, the sunshine of Southern Franc. The old homestead with tta tin brakes continuity of local loyal On Utah and Idaho Irrigated Farms Interest payable annually. Yearly options 6'z The Home Investment & Savings Co. Bonding. DOmilDURE TOMl'IG PILES USE RESlilOl Tho quarterly prize for inspired composition goes to ths linotype operator who said: "Glasses flttsd by a graduate optimist o oftkaHwkebsv REPEATERS. Nntomtioell a0 i Well. If Muasstin! dees atari a . rto Immediate raSaf it war with Franco, It will solve the fachtog. Wooding, pain Xhe police squad that played a return problems of unemployment, and fwl ptiea, yoa would b convinced engagement and wrecked the same speak- congested PRimtotioa easy, twice within ap hour seems praiseIf aa auto racer should steal worthy for perseverance Cleveland News. a rivals tomiahyOTtkt zml that would bo dirty: Hamod porta. Mahyve wfafg a yacht racer steals the wind CHANGEABLE TASTES. hi opponent, that to ciever RnoV,n valaabfo far relief oJ hailing. o o , . - , In a republic the hi Idea is to give the Lesson tot tod-vv-: When a wife oeonle what they wa'nf. the theory bring r inew w . today to , Inherit money, should she tond casgst a that they won't winl It Blade it to her husband -- on striko a ( svosmoi, Dpt. 36, Baltimore, hid. - 7- i and local traditions to a fading memory. The forces of transportation have made this change. And even 'when the modern American lives out hi entire life ia Of bia binb. his mai jor economic interest may be scattered throughout the nation and the world. The forces of credit, contract, capital, and eorporate organization have made thto change from the era when mens interests were mainly where toey lived to the era when mens Interests and their residence may be leagues apart. A steady delocalization of men interests and loyalties baa been going on over since the dawn of the machine age and of modern business organization. In figTirative terma we have-brokcamp and gone wandering again, as our ancestors wandered before they had established the Institution of localized governments. We pitch our tents for a time here and there and yonder. Wo have shaken off the restraints of residenc- e- An air of the tentative hovers ove'r everything American. hat this means for our political and economic leadership I shall to in the next snejri-s- t la; try Cnp right, McClure Newspaper " Syndicate ) ties. local interests, w The Way of the World BT GROVE PATTERSON. JUST MORTALS When Edmond Burke, master British statesman of the eighteenth century, was one day delivering an oration In the House of Commons word was brought that bis foremost political antagonist, the very man whom he was then opposing to bis speech, bad suddenly died Burke paused a moment, bowed hi bead, and then spoke these word to hia audience. Gentlemen, what shadow we mortal be, and what shadow we pursue.. I it worth while to be angry wlfh anybody, to be too upset over matters that are after all so email, so finite and o fleeting - EORGIWNG tion of a town, you can guess It It wa Stevenson who said that one who could not forgive any ntor- by tba sum required to make man use that kind ef telephone! tai thing must be a green hand at I voice. ufe. Your Kidneys Help wit h Kidney IW Promptly tmpdarUim. F bothered with bladder irritations and getting up at Bight, hrip yoer kidney with Pess'iPUIi. Stressful lor year. Endorsed arnre than SO the world over. Sold by dealers everywhere. 50,000 Users Endorse C. A HAWKINS. SHOTWELL jong.-Toled- o Poant ST.. SAN FRANCISCO. CAUF .wyt: Mykid TwnOiiRdBelgudtddlipwMmiitioitMwgwmfbBck. Doaa'r cyi dtda't moi is art right after a cold ami I MtaKwtof tarti. PuBe were whet I ee4ed.Tly made me feel like atyiagtau 1 wow keep tteem kng-right Mills f A Diurttie or tho Kidntyt Stomach trouble? drink Ficgo Tho moat wholesome, palatable you ever Kadi Coffee-Subatitu- Good for your Stomach and your Nerve 1 lb. Pkgt It relieve Constipation! It always pays to buy tba Boat WacBnliiag Home washing meant work for you, no matter how modem and complete your equipment. By sending all the Family Washing to the Troy you are saved from e drudgery. You get laundry work and it costs you less. that bet-ter- iSTSKILSSLCS H Editor of (bo QUICK LOANS Tribune. WEIGHT TRANSFERENCE. By the phrase "America Goes Fluid I do not refer to its drinking habits but to the new nature of its which life, social political and burineas leadership acebOht mual really' Uke it to to serve hiif Tuture effective-iy. The theories and techniques of our govenhment were formed to fit that a eelUed people. It is true conwo trekked Westward in our quest of the continent, moving to ever newer frontiers, but, as a people we bad outgrown the hunter and herdsman habits, and were ready to set up and support social and political institutions that would servo the interest of Uvea and enterprto-our eoo good sportsmanship; t i- i TODAY a 1m-l- of wViTtoO Honoring Dr.'Winsbip emwiwieewlew-awawwea"a"eiww- Distinctive Woik Hyland 190 en |