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Show BEAR pJVEft VALLEY LEADER, THC2SPAr. OCTOBER 5, 1839 Cuba Applies Pres- 4,000 Fanners Visit Poultrymen Conclude School At Utah State sure On Sugar Tariff New Field House At Local and Social Items RUBINOFF BRINGS ; U. S. A. (J. OGDEV j Poultiymen who attended the sixth (Continued from Fage One) annual Pullorum Testing and Flock ally wise men anticipate and predict With the of the new I Selecting School held at the Utah the state department will meet with field house atcompletion of nation's the Two State Utah outstar.diAgricultur Mr. and Mrs. Loriii Anderson are Mrs. E. N. Hanr.a spent a few days State Agricultural college, Septem spokesmen for Cuba and will then 1 which was first used last musical teams will appear in the ber 27, ,hJ 29 the "school" St3rt thC lmg 8Rd tediUS prOCeSS f al college, when visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. with Mr. and M13. W. W. Whitney. musical son'B event featured D on farmers 4,000 Saturday tT Joe Burgess. be most yet held, workinff out a new trade agreement, heard the haL presented in day, October 13, at ugden Hi' college Mrs. Duane Lower and Mrs. Joe reports Carl Frischknecht, extension, which, among other things, will make concert, a fine new building is now School auditorium. They are: RukJ L The newly elected officers of the Burgess and Sandra Jean were visit- poultryman at the college further concessions on the sugar tar-- available for use the and and his and off violin, and by Bra college Fray American Auxiliary met at the home ing Sunday at Arimo, Idaho. is a big factor among! "Cooperation the state. giottL of President Zina Stander Friday evpoultry producers," declared Mr. such a move would be wholly o In the field of playfcpVotu The new structure will be of great to for the outline of school the "And this Mr. Schick, brot sistent with the guarded assurances program ening Montpelier, Idaho, and Mario Braggi coming year, which promises to be was the Sunday gutst at the home aJl types together in a common work that Secretary Grady gave Represen- - service not only for athletics but for Jacques Fray the various other divisions at the col- are the first piano team and the a busy and successful one for all of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Garfield. that of improving their poultry; tativa MiirHr-fIt will be used for stock shows, word in musical entertainment. Th 1 A ' lege. AuxlHiary members. men from the west. It would require raising practices." horse club and Future will play an especially arranged p. shows, Featured at the meetings was J. probably six months to Mrs. Alice Samson, of England negotiate a Farmers of America conventions, for gram at me rugn scnooi, Mrs. Kenneth Rose and son, Kenny, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Sykes, poultry husband from the new trade rangi.; treaty and put it into ef- commencement Vil caroe from St. George to visit with John O. Garfield. erercises, pageants from a Bach fugue to a Gershwin United States Department of Agri- - fect. a from nocturne civic numerous for and to Debussy sody, Mr, and Mrs. Perce Watkins and will organizations cultuie, who expressed satisfaction In hi3 talk Thursday with Secreleave for Preston shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Garfield spent with the progress of the poultry in tary Grady, Mr. Murdock called at- other uses which may be presented. Duse Ellington blues number. Rubinoff will also have a special dustry hi the state. tention to the fact that western in- The school of agriculture under Tuesday in Ogden. whose direction the agricultural shows arranged program consisting of n' ! idss Betty Allen left Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stocks and Mr. Mr. Sykes explained that the chief dustries have been hit by some of the and , crop displays are given will find! most popular numbers he has play Hurley, Idaho, where she will visit and Mrs. Roy Stocks were dinner problems confronting poultry produc the field house fillin a particularly over the air according to the nj.jltM aereral weeks at the home of Mr. and guests Sunday at the home of Mr. ers in the nation are "the lack of the donr Z L-- J numerous lequests received. He Mre. Robert Rigtrup. need. economical production of poultry and gree to Canadian and Mrs. A. L. Madam. Alp ... c i livestock; that con great ma uwu lumpositio' inseveral ui u: More to 3500 seats are now the failure control the loss of cessions to England on woolen than piay f goods stalled in Mr. and Mrs. Mike Giles, Mrs. Ef Mr. and Mds. Annie Palsom, of chicks by pullorum disease." He ex- further hit a western the field house and with as the "Romance," "Dance of t; industry and fi Giles, Wendell Giles accompanied Wyoming, are visiting with Mrs. C. plained that the National Poultry Im- that concession "Slavonic Russian Peasant," Far.:, on zinc had adverse- comparative ease this number can be Mr. and Mrs. Retd Giles to Ogden. A. Stenquist. increased to 5,000 which will be neces sy," "Fiddlin' the Fiddle," and Sfe provement Plan is now in its fifth ly affected the western mining Mr. and Mrs. Reed Giles are leaving year and 44 states are cooperating in! sary for certain gatherings of the popular tunes as, "When Day for the East after purchasing a new l, Mrs. Lynn Thomas, Mrs. Bill me worn, toince ine plan was introand city and county. On Oc- Done," "Sophisticated Lady," and MX. an On top of that he any college car. They will visit Mr. and Mrs. J. Mrs, Ted Wood. Mrs. Don Shef- duced pullorum disease has been new treaty with Cubaprotested tober IS when the United States Aral nthpr that would B. Becker of Marietta, Ohio. Mrs. field, Mrs. Dick Calderwood and Miss greatly reduced and he indicated that All proceeds of this concert strike a blow at the western beet su- Navy Band presents a concert in the Becker was formerly Miss Cora Giles. Mae Calderwood stayed with her sis- it bids fair to continue into the Lions fund for the be,t'refon! go field to house crowd the the gathlargest curbing gar industry. Mr. Grady's only reply of the blind. A special school fit ter in Bountiful. er in a building in the valley will be malady. was that prevailing prices show those ciy peai dren's matinee will be held at thre Means of selecting good flocks were western Industries have not been accommodated at the concert hurt, t 'ili!e Mr. and Mrs. Ross Milier were over discussed and Byron Alder of the col but the As Dr. Elmer G. Peterson, presi thirty p. m. insisted congressman the that ( wili sti . to Logan Thursday on business. lege poultry department said the se- war had had much to do with those dent of the Utah State Agricultural 7W lection of birds for vigor was import- and other college, has said, "the new field house Addressti As "Mister Cod" jtxperiem prices. Mr. and Mrs. Cuy Johnson and fam ant, not only for rthe will have a wide value for the many im The Croats of Yugoslavia are thince tht general Glass-ford rrovement of the flock but for se ily, and Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. departmtnts at the college as well as only Christians who, in their prav) vi h a and family cf Salt Lake. Edith curing a more its immediate purpose of providing ers, address the Supreme Being ' hen. 10 j gU; and Irene Stoddard of Salt Lake were Vigor is generally indicated by the excellent facilities for competitive and "Mister God," says a writer in trave all guests at the home of J. S. Stod- appearance of the bird. U. S. intramural athletics. Its many uses tier's Weekly. leard ov dard of Richfield. It was his 75th are innumerable and the college will "The better producing hen nearly New 1940 Po1 birthday. A grand cake was present- always is more active and has better always be deeply indebted to the of fl!iiiI!fifflH!!liElli3 sem ed by Edith and Irene. There were plumage than the cull bird or other ficials of the state, the board of trus 5 inal operations on Chevrolet's tees, and the many others who workjpur pass places set for 30 guests and this poor laying types," professor Alder 1940 i what cake was the center piece. passenger cars began this woek ed so hard to create this very useful pointed out. PROTECT YOURSELF in the company's 10 assembly plants and to addition the important college Waent tra' Mr. and Mrs. Clark Rasmussen, of throughout the United States, M. E. plant." With B. R. ReS. Coyle, general manager, announced Mantua, spent the weekend at the AUTOMOBILE home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Giles. today at Chevrolet headquarters here, Only Slan Can Occupy Throne amplifying an announcement made In Belgium the throne can be ocL Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Calderwood .&rt,i Hr.As off We Also Cany a Complete Receipt of seven dollars and fifty last night before 350 Chevrolet field cupied only by a man? The conwere in Coalville last weekend to at- cents prize money given as an award and central office sales executives at stitution applies to kingship the Line of Every Form of tend the Calderwood-Carrutreunion for strict salic law whereby the throne winning second honors in march- the company's annual convention. I was a N C E Mr. Coyle said that production was can be occupied only by a male. ing at the Peach Day parade, was Mrs. D. A. Arbon and Mrs. Del Par announced k the str Come In, Get Acquainted Tuesday by Director C. C. expected to approach 5,000 units a I man from Ogden are visiting with Watkins. . . . dealto in order stock Ads are news printed in the Leader. 1 day very soon, Mrs. Don Sheffield Thursday. Although the hand has participated ers for the new model announcement in celebrations at Salt Lake, Ogden, set for October 14. iw a i C. N. Sheffield and Mrs. Wendell wh loew$ Login, Brigham and Tremonton for Chevrolet manufacturing plants Hunsaker, of Brigham City, will be several years, this is the first time cated in le&atime and Indiana Ohio, J. H. MILLER, Agent Michigan, the guests at the home of Mr. and Xow's the time to check up on jeopie 0f any cash prize has been won. New York, have been in operation Mrs. Don Sheffield Thursday. Mr. Watkins thinks the band is since late your last year's profit. Did j;oo jeered ti August, Mr. Coyle said, By make money or did too largeaR'hat was definitely improving and hopes it will building engines, axles, transmissions r make a good showing at the national and other PRIVATE OWNER with which percentage of your profit go11613 an( ' contest at Grand Junction, Colorado, to suddIv the ishore y ,, . '"1 t,n, lt im, when lines assembly out for fuel and repairs 0ut in the spring. o otay the latter get under way. obsolete equipment? u night, be The assembly lines have already td ORDINANCE Hundreds of farmers, many fcrs.at 1935 CHEVROLET gun operations on the new 1940 com onlv cars and trucks, it was anAN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECthem our neighbors, have mt jj differ cf of many TION 7 OF CHAPTER ONE OF Tiniin ppH and delivery this check and then investi-jW2 TON gajjj. THE REVISED ORDINANCE OF these units is already under way. Diesel sav leabtime "Caterpillar" gated TREMONTON CITY, UTAH, 1937 RUBBER LIKE NEW figu ings and foufnd these savings 9 am ii URDAINED BY THE CITY Pe meant extra profits. Why don't AIR BRAKES re order t COUNCIL OF TREMONTON you do the same thing? cD3menade STAKE RACK UTAH, AS FOLLOWS: gladly help you plan your ncxt, Lajie! Babies Born the Past Week SECTION 1. SECTION AMENDED. a Mrs. born Mr. season's farm program. See usfi .itlemen and Crozier, boy, Section 7 cf Chapter one of the ReCompletely Overhauled fcrtitioned vised Ordinance of Tremonton City, September 27. today. n ping all Mr. and Mrs. Seward Tarbit, a boy, Utah, 1937, is amended to read as fol born October 3. lows: INTERMOUNTALN Afton Gleason was able to return Sec. 7 General Penalty: a after ophome, undergoing major & Harvester : ailing ti EST Your Memory , . . Visit out Stora. Any person who snail violate any ordinance or any provision of any or eration September 30. Phone 5?aLpl! The following had their tonsils redinance of Tremonton City where the moved: Farrell Couch, not Jensen, is Gary otherwise 100-GARLAND punishment 1 I Fhone 110 E. ROCHE, Pre 1 concen provided, snau be punished by a fhie of not and Monte Scothern. (r ay more. ' r rumrifi n irnwii more than $100.00 for any offense, to safety at J ' "'" " ' Hl...p..l..l,.liu,...,-.,.,,.lll.....,- tl MT'PWMI. gether with costs, and in default of j is and the payment of such fine and costs rei ftter McUClV&J Range Sale. be confined in the aiission t city jail at the rate During of one day for each $2.00 of fine and W all costs so imposed, and while so confin is all A ed may be required to perform hard I Americ; ? moor upon the streets or elspwhpre. e were f r for the benefit of the City of Tremon s ed crowd ton. ;We had SECTION 2. Prime Mi In the opinion of the City Council Duke, of TremontoB, it is necessary to the 1,'No Acc Modess peace, health and safety of the in St. it would habitants of the City of Tremonton. Box 30 i started 45(4 79 POCKET that this Ordinance shall take effect have ill f M" '' fiMinl upon its first publication or posting. xxu ere certaii o()c BARBASOL SHAVING CREAM rassea Dy the City Council of Tre31c PABLUM 43c ternational CEREAL monton this 2nd day of October, 1939. PALMOLIVE BEAUTY SOAP, 3 for 17c At first it MILK OF N. N. E. SHAW, MAGNESIA, P. " Dr. West's Miracle Tuft Instance, Full Quart 39c Mayor of Tremonton. t understa TOOTH BRUSH ATTEST: R. S. CALDERWOOD, ! 47c McKesson Norwegian f Cn Ihe s 50c KOLYNOS TOOTH PASTE City Recorder. 39c COD LIVER OIL - Pint 59c ame diningr MAURINE COOK, Local Correjondent I'hone 60-a-- VIOLIN TO Saturday 2 s ; ZZtt two-pian- 1 c 4-- H n-- l f i hn "Z r ill' San-dal- Assembly Plants In Turning Out Chevrolets high-produci- mm V p--- H. Rand ceives Cash Award INSURANCE h INSURA Farmers! Bear River Mutual Insurance Company TAKE INVENTOR! FOR SALE "'""Wit ...,.. m , i me-rcia- l TRUCK HOSPITAL NEWS e DENT RICH 1 REPAIR Soier 6th to 14tli r - Wo ft ' A ' i ii ii i iigiiiiniiiir-- in- Mo nsMngirisHsiEK m CITY UEUG Tremonton. --- ir rim m- n i , our g Tractor j of i Sanitary Napkins Regis WATCH r PRE-COOKE- Any Building Investment Is as Sound as the Materials Used 10-St- Orpheum Theatre Friday and Saturday DEANNA DURBIN i "THREE SMART GIRLS GROW UP" "6,000 ENEMIES" Sun. - Mon. 19C 2c China Ware "LADY OF THE TROPICS" Farmers' Cash Union Wednesday "Your Good Will Our Best Asset" J Thursday VICTOR McLAGLEN in "EX-CHAM- P" LUCKY TIGER - $1.29 Pi sR..!?ter"1 in tli7ie z uumors Shampoo and Tonic $1.50. Value ?J 1 1 Ask ftor : KSGULAR JUNIOR SUPER TRY All THJIEE 31( ASPIRIN TABLETS Tin of 12 3d KLEENEX TISSUES (' i- ; PAZXASE OF 12 2. 49d There It only one Kleenex. IMPORTED Keep a box OLIVE OIL in every room bottle in. ' With 8 Blades and L'g. Tube Lifebuoy SHAVE CREAM 16-o- z. : them Another one i stroke am : "0"hfs on ven heard in was Mr. Bi when t if nn war r co "as also a b lived Ca;.r SCHICK RAZOR All for ha and 'ii'-li- 1 Your Cioica of 3 Types Is ';1 Regular Size for 98 i?irte boi C. W. SOAP 10 or st and fur f mum r. s-o- Prime M hy he shou imsolf and ne LUNCH KITS, Complete with VACUUM BOTTLE Upjohn CITRO CARBONATE Tucs. IIEDY LAM ARR and ROBERT TAYLOR in QUALITY MERCHANDISE - 89t TREMONTON", UTAH Reputable Quality Materials, more than any other element in the building of home improvements, are essential to the soundness of the invest-men- t that those improvements represent. If help is needed in selecting the right materials for your remodeling job, we tan help you Coal Hardware - Glass CONGRESS ALARM CLOCK EPSOM SALTS Bag Fort Howard KITCHEN TOWELS 2 for 5-l- b. ... D l. BBSSS When a home or any remodeling on a home is being planned it is planned to endure. Hence, it becomes an investment in time, in labor and in money. And, like all other investments, it must be a sound one. - Tremonton "200ieei fc?3 Q 79! YOU SAVE VVHEfJ YOU TRADE the evenii 'v ' declared fa M c all kinda of ftiaits i J .othing unus There were in Ale: 'h-- r,.e, none : o: all I 'fce way, on ??aded a da fVjurageous, cUon with lisl ej".. ! and w rriease ' |