Show YELLOW FEVER DISTRICT Fasting and Prayer In the Mississippi Conference Con-ference Sturres Miss Dec 13th 1S37 To the IMItor Irsl elll T Pomeros and his com pinlon KMtr Thum Condle of tho llUwurl conference spent quite u while with us durlns tho quarantlnu on aicount of jellon fever Wo think there uio fuw such men anywhtro In tha mission Held certalnls the have no suerlor 11 sdtdeoUon nnd enr In Iho caUe W tecl that we hae lnUy lc wlh thlr counel and aIlce During the sets uwter ca 1ldL set-s 1oineroy and tastd d hMlnS COldle 110 re quested TheTl ldefs of this the Mis sourl > teronco to tt at Ihe me time that the Idemlc then rairlne might bo Biased That m Itsicrince and the prusers of the Illdeis vveie doubtless the means In the InnilJ of Cloel In protecting the Ulders from the seouige and stuslng ita ravages In the state At any rate I was not so malignant oa It vvns In 1SVS In Mem IhlB lenn and various places In MIs souil 1 Ihe bcrlpturea Inform us that Ihe elTaetual tercnt Inyrs or Ie rlgblol nall much Nt an llder so tar no I Imow was rrId hy tho dla alhough somo or Ihem were Hry lar Its rvage Wo In ho e Ihot 1ld Lymon and Cole 11 their our through the South would liold contreneo nnr enouh t 1 that some 01 u at leat coul1 njT the Icllel or the cnunel of these AJKHUPS Hut ns thy will I hold forth In Jackson more thon 100 mi la we mut toro Ih la I uro for thla time II lfLo Ph |