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Show AtiillifuimLi. Last night, Mr. W'ardo gave n good Uliplay of Ida versatility as an artlat lu ttieOrauiatlo lino. He B-arcd as Hhyluck lu the ".MeriliauUf Venice," and hlanuilirlugol thu grinding old money-lender war a coin) li lu auicuaA. Hea icarvd alao ai l'(Hruchlo,a charao-terlheillamelrkally charao-terlheillamelrkally upianlle ufHhy. loik, and hla auilliveiueul was a tdiiia tironmlaeurptlre, Mrs. llowtrs, atiaarv-Jaa I'ottla and ni tlaual aiiUlltl hefeelf nctllcull). Hhedld notopitar lu"ICatehrluo and Fetruclllu.' ToulclitMra.l'niwAi wlltapraurav I.iuy MacUth. UlUi Ihla (lie "ugaet-Ineut "ugaet-Ineut cloaaa. Tbo poiailarcumeillcnnc, I'attl lloai, will 1 reaent on Monday night next tho "Imp," and uu 'fuisday night "Margory Daw." Tlitee lxys allurd hcrsmilu grouul to show what sliu laiidnlurun, gaiety and humor, as wellaalutluglng atiddanclug, In all of whlili she Is Inluilkiblu. lu her tnijuy aro the very pu ulsr couiedl ana Clcurge ('. Ilonltaie, Jr., aud Harry V. Illch. Harrlgau's West souga will Ire sung. 'I l.o Homo Drtmnllo Club will leave next ruerdny for Holm, wlieru they will play two 11I3I1U. On Ihe rttorn trip Ihey will 1 lay one night at 1'ocalellu. Marie tVulnwrlglit. with her eor gcoua production 1 f " Twi Ifth Mghi," wlllaiimarut the Halt 1-nke riiealre uu Wwlniiidny, aud 011 Thursday night she will I- seen III that nleuliig comedy "The Honeymoon. |