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Show IRiday.aprJ THE AMERICAN FORK CITIZEN FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1939 BETTER FEEDS OUR FRESHLY GROUND FEEDS GIVES ALL FEEDERS MORE FER DOLLAR All Kinds Chicken, Turkey and Livestock Feeds Local Items Mrs June S. Wright was a Salt Lake Cltv visitor Monday. The B I3. club held a party on Thursday of last week Mrs Rose Hansen was the hostess. Miss Chloe Friday spent Monday in Salt Lake City, where she worked on the high school yearbook at the printers'. Miss Priday is editor of the American". Mr. and Mrs. J. Cortez Christensen of Shelley, Idaho, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Priday Pri-day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney W. Nicholes and daughter, Elaine, spent Sunday In Salt Lake City. They were dinner din-ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Nicholes in the afternoon. after-noon. ,,rj Members of the Bee Orchis club er.'oyed a party on Thursday of last week, held at the home of Mrs. Lcona Anderson. Mrs. -fr-Meredith and Mrs. M. L Iiiiifd attended a 1:30 luncheon at the, home of Mrs Oeorge Boyack, at Salt Lake City, Thursday of this week. Gleaner Girls of the First ward entertained at a party at the home of Mrs. Allen Winterton Wednesday evening. The girls spent the evening working on their Treasures of Truth books. Thomas Priday and Leland Priday are expected to return Friday or Saturday from Pittsburgh, Pennsyl vania, where they visited Mrs. Robert Rob-ert B. Simmons, the former Florence Priday. Leland picked up a new car In Detroit, and is driving It home for a member of the firm where he is employed. Sameo Ttatir WEEKLY PROGRAM The Amusement Center for the Towns ef Northern Utah Co. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 2l AND 22 Fredric March and Joan Bennett in "TRADE WINDS" With Ralph Bellamy and Ann Sothern A rendezvous in an island paradise before he delivered.her to the law! The year's most entertaining, most suspenseful, most romantic love story! ADDED GOOD SHORTS. SUNDAY AND MONDAY, APRIL 23 AND 24 Tn7n pr r U ft-J U U I I mm QYarner J)ros., makers of "Submarine D-1". "Flirtation Walk", ' Devil Dogs of the Air", dedicate this glorious saga to the dauntless hawks of the sea . . . to the invincible battleships they fly . . and to the heroic women they love . . . and have to leave! 5 it.- GEORGE BRENT OLIVIA DeHAVILLAND JOHN PAYNE SI" tm i- s T 2 Frank Mcl lugh John Lilel Victor Jury 1 lenry O'Neill A COSMOPOLITAN PROD'N DirecteJ by LLOYD BACON Original Screen Pity by Michael I'cicr OL.L Di...8futieMI CCC OLk lime ftiavrl CfC 30 ntiW-Mr-kow OUU mytUry alrplantl CCr ftrlnt batttaakla wtt Inotnaifela lnal ADDED SELECTED SHORTS Matinee Sunday 4:00 P. M. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25 AND 26 BARGAIN NIGHT "Silver On The Sage" With William Boyd Hopalong and his buddies play as undercover game to Uncover a mess of crime and plant jus tice in the West! ALSO GOOD SHORTS ADMISSION 10c AND 15c THURSDAY ONLY, APRIL 27 Jack Benny and Joan Bennett in "Artists and Models Abroad" There's dancing and romancing in the streets when Jack and Joan and a gang of beauties put on the rip-roaringest celebra BRANDS Wc suggest you select locally known or nationally nation-ally advertised brands. Our store has them in a wide selection. Butter, 4-in-l 26c Pineapple, large can 15c Grapefruit, Shavers, 3 for 23c Sodas, 2 lb. pkg. 15c Lard, 1 lb. pkg 3!)c Brooms, choice grade 3!)c Syrup, 5 lb. Karo 31c Toilet Tissue, 4 rolls 15c Jcllo, any flavor 5c Oxydol, large pkg 20c C. W. Soap, 6 giant bars 20c Flour', 48 lb. bag ... .... 69c DelMonte Salmon 20c Salad Dressing, qts., .. tall can 25c Spaghetti, tall can ... 5c Milk, 4 tall cans 25c Sugar, 10 lb. bag 55c Marshmallows, 1 lb. pkg 12c Tuna Flakes 10c FRESH VEGETABLES Asparagus, tender, lb. 7c Oranges, large, juicy, dozen 15c New Potatoes, lb 5c FRESH MEATS Pot Roasts, meaty, lb. 17c Boiling Beef, lb 10c Bacon, sliced and rin- ed, lb 25c Cheese, choice med., lb 15c OLR SKAGGS Everything for your outing: Lunch Goods, Paper Plates, Cups, Etc. All Kinds Soda-Water, Soda-Water, in small and family size bottles. BEER . . . $1.89 Per Case (Pius Bottles) Also 14 Other Kinds of Beer COTTAGE TEA ROOM AND MARKET AMERICAN FORK Phone 139-J FEATURING DEPENDABLE QUALITY i 1 I s SPECIAL VALUES FOOD sroos Mrs. Jennie Welch will be the hostess' hos-tess' at a party for the School Chums today (Priday). Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Anderson of Ogden were American Fork visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Barratt Chadwick of Ogden stopped in American Fork Sunday for a short visit with Mrs. Cora Chadwick and Wayne E. Chadwick. Chad-wick. Mr. and Mrs. William Irvine and sons Robert, Arnold and Reed, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ashby. Robert Irvine is a returned missionary who served in the French mission with Will Ashby. Thirty members of the Kedding-ton Kedding-ton family and a number of friends were in attendance at a party Saturday Satur-day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Christensen. A musical evening was enjoyed, and a buffet lunch was served. The special guests were Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Sweeten and Mr. and Mrs. John Beck. In attendance at the Federation of Women's clubs convention at the Hotel Ben Lomond in Ogden Monday Mon-day were Mrs. John H. Miller, Mrs. Jarvis Aydelotte, Mrs. A. W. Clyde, Mrs. Elizabeth Coddlngton and Mrs. H. C. Jensen of American Fork. The women from American Fork, representing repre-senting the Ladles' Literary club, also were guests at a tea given at the Country club in Ogden, at 4 p. m. Wllburn E. Hoggard was in Ash-ton, Ash-ton, Idaho, this week, on a business trip. Mrs. Margaret Richins entertain ed Tuesday afternoon, the occasion being her birthday anniversary. Twelve ladies were in attendance. Mrs. Ell J Clayson. Mrs. Dee Healey and Mrs. Earl Wright visited in Layton and Ogden on Thursday of last week. Miss Mae Keddington of Salt Lake City was a week-end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Christensen. ft Word was received here Tuesday I by Eli J. Clavson, from Atlanta'? Georgia, of the birth of a son to Mr. ff and Mrs. Merrill D. Clayson. f & Of S OS & I I s t s of I Cotton and Rayon DRESSES At an Economical Cost of $1.66 Regular $1.95 and $2.95 Newest Color Combinations. ' " They're beautifully made with tested scams and full deep hems. One Rack Unusual Values in women's long and short sleeve DRESSES Dark Colors Values to $5.95 $1.39 Children's Print Aprons Save a Dress a day Sizes 1 to 4 15c Mrs. Earl Wright and Mrs. Dee Healey returned last week from Cedar City, after attending the Easter services at Zion national park. At Cedar City they , were met by Thornton Wright, who took them to the Easter services. Mrs. Elizabeth Thornton, who has been visiting in Southern Utah for some time, returned re-turned with them. Members of the Clayson family, who presented the program in the Third ward Sunday evening, were dinner guests at the Clayson home. Covers were laid for Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Brockbank and children of Spanish Fork, Mrs. Lillian C. Booth and Wayne C. and Lucille Booth of Provo, Miss Ann Clayson of Salt Lake City, John Larsen of Ogden and members of the family at home. Miss Merline Gardner attended the Theta Alpha Phi national convention con-vention held in Salt Lake City last Friday and Saturday. Merline was president of the fraternity -chapter at Brlgham Young university last year. The LaConda club met Friday of last week at the home of Mrs. Clyde Chestnut. " The time was pleasantly spent in playing "Five Hundred" and a luncheon was served. Twelve were in attendance. s & 0, I Women's Novelty Organdy and Print Aprons 25c All Brand New Girls' Slacks Sizes 8 to 16 59c Just Received Women's New STRAW HATS Exceptional Styles Tremendous Savings on Wot: and Children's FOOTWEAB une labie Uhiidtcn's Oxford ana btraps 98cC One Lot Exceptional Saving Women's Drossy FOOTWEAR Very Large Variety Values to $1.39 LITTLE TOTS' FARMERETTE Bright New Sport Colors Sizes 49c SALE One lot 80 Square Far. PERCALES SATURDAY ONLY 12c yard Little Tots' Polo Shirts Novelty Stripes 25c Cleanup (12 Only) . Girls' Skirts $ ft CHiipmami Merc. C Danes Aid Farmers Legislation designed to preserve the number of independent farms was started in Denmark in 1769. Hospital Notes Lela Carson of Cedar Valley left the hospital Saturday. The Merry Makers were enter-ained enter-ained on Friday, April 14, at the ome of Mrs. Libbie Varney. Prizes were won by Miss Cady Dunkley and Mrs. Rose Varney. Miss Helen Ellison and Miss Helen Glissmeyer attended a Fedelas social unit breakfast, at the Hotel Roberts in Provo. Sunday morning. Tom Reece is recovering nicely, following a major operation performed per-formed Thursday of last week. Mrs. Alvin Thayne was removed home Sunday having recovered I satisfactorily from an appendix op eration. Seagull girls of the Second ward held a party Saturday night at the A. B. Allen home, honoring Roma Jopcs on her birthday anniversary. A pleasant evening of games was enjoyed, and refreshments were served. Attending were Shirley Storrs, Barbara Birch, Ruth Cyrstal, Carta Varney, Roene Chelton, Lois Hanks, Roma Simpson, Shirley Allen, Al-len, Madge Jones, Marilyn Magleby, and Roma Jones. TOP GRADE You Always Get Choice Meats at BOLEY'S 3 lbs. Spry 53c i 3 lbs. Best Spinach 10c 3 Bunches Onions 10c 3 Bunches Radishes 10c 3 Bunches Carrots 10c 3 pkgs. Popcorn 10c Tuna Flakes :. 10c Large can Salmon 10c 4 large Milk 25c 10 lbs. Sugar 55c 5 C. W. Soap ,,. 17c 1 lb. Cheese 1 15c 1 carton Matches . 17c BoleyVInc. WE DELIVER TELEPHONE 4 Chocolate Eclairs and Cream Puffs REAL CREAM 3 for 10c Large Pineapple and Raisin Squares, 2 for 5c Rays-N-Date Bread 12c Assorted Donuts, Jumbo Sugar, Cocoanut, Chocolate Cho-colate or Glazed, doz. 20c Currant Filled Jello Rolls, each 15c Home Made BREAD 3 for 25c Cakes Decorated for all Occasions Griffin's Bakery PHONE 68 Ralph Blnnall is doing well after an operation for removal of a rup-1 tured appendix. He underwent the operation Saturday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Lee are the proud parents of a son, born April 11. Mr. and Mrs. Bardell Beck of Wendover announce the birth of a son, at the hospital pn April 12. Mrs. Beck is the former Catherine Shelton. Boyd Hooley of Vineyard will leave the hospital this week, having shown improvement following an iipp-ndlx operation. SPECIALS Friday-Saturday Star or Peacock Flour 89c 5 C. W. Soap 17c 3 Jello, any flavor 14c 1 lb. Schillings or S & W Coffee 25c 2 lbs. Soda Crackers 14c 2 lbs. Graham Crackers .... 16c 1 qt. Miracle Whip Salad Dressing 34c Large Salmon 10c Tuna Flakes 10c 5 lb. Brick Cheese 73c Butter, Creamery 25c Bananas, 2 lbs He BATE ' The Store of Lower Prices klL17 THROUGH H n9 a nwii It I ( tssss a I Fuller Pure Prepoi C&tllrrZS I prot.ctina Toll over I price slashed to . . . t ? 92CQUART 55PINT yv2 1 3.I8cal1i! ' I "job-W i PORCH P Fuller Porch & Deck Point 1 Stands hard use. For M dally reduced to EXTERIOR VJj Fullsnoar. To weafhsf'rl doors, garden furniturs, for two weeks at . 1.47 QUART TRI-STATE LUMBE1 A Complete Home Building rilONE 26 AMERICAN FORK, Ul tion that ever .hit gay Paree! ALSO GOOD SHORTS. |