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Show Cadmus Club Is Is Entertained by Mrs. Carol Wells Members of Cadmus Club met at the home of Carrol Wells in Lin-don Lin-don for their regular meeting, held a week earlier, so as not to conflict with the Gold and Green Ball of the First ward. Special guests were Mrs. Printha Fautin and Mrs. Beth Fautin. The annual music contest held at the High School was discussed by Faye Belliston, a member of the committee. It was decided to make three divisions this year and award a ten dollar prize to the winner of each division. The three groups being vocal, instrumental instru-mental and piano. It was also voted to help with the Art Exhibit that will be held in the high school in May. Beulah Bradley then took the club members and guests down "poetry lane" giving a number of her own original poems. Those in attendance enjoyed and were were amazed at her versitality in style and subjects.i The book "Honeymoon For Seven," Sev-en," by Alfred Toombs, was given by Ella Jackson. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by her daughter Lila. The next meeting will be held on March 10th at the home of Carrol Jaynes, with Beth Shoell as hostess, host-ess, when officers for the coming year will be elected. |