Show i Architects Enter Union Competition Eleven Firms Fins tv will ll Submit Plans in Hopes of Gaining Gaining Gaining Gain Gain- I ing Contract Contact for fOI Building I Eleven firms of ot architects have been declared eligible to enter the contest now under way for determining determining determining deter deter- mining the architects for foi the Utah I Union building according to anI announcement an an- I made by Douglas I Woodruff secretary of the Utah Alumni association and the Union Building committee Fourteen applications ap- ap ap I were received by the committee three of which were declared declared de do- I dared under the rules of the tho American Institute of at Architects ArchItects Arch Arch- I w which ich are to g govern v rn the c con con- n. n test The firms qualifying under these rules for entrance have from frain now until January 5 in which to submit drawings of the Union building made In accordance with specifications thins drawn up by the committee with W. W E. E Fisher architect t of or Denver who was chosen official advisor The drawings submitted before January 5 will be Judged by bya a committee of three to be chosen for that purpose purpose one of whom is isto Isto to be a professional architect approved ap proved by the local chapter of ot of the r American Institute of aI Architects Tile The local ch chapter pter of ot the American Institute of Architects has ihas already I submitted a n list of names of or archItects architects arch arch- from the tho Pacific Pacific and as far east as Omaha The following firms were eclar- eclar ed eligible to enter the contest Ashton and Evans Edward O. O Anderson Anderson An An- derson Cannon and Fetz Fetzer r Miles E. E E. aMiller Leonard C. C Neilson Nellson Pope and nd Burton Durton Woolley and Ev Evans ns Young and Lorenzo S. S Young U l Salty tL Lake k P Jg Clenahan of Ogden and Joseph Nelson Nel Net son of or Provo The winners of or the contest will willbe willbe willbe be announced about January y 20 The rho Jury selected will wUl chose a n first second third and fourth place win win- nero ncr To the first winner will be awarded the contract for the bult build Ing Each Ench of ot the others will willbe be given an award Doward Immediately upon selection the tle winner will proceed with fth the c de do- a. a tails It is planned to begin actual construction lon on the bun building ding early I in the time spring |