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Show NOT HARD TO MAKE CHOICE Probably Lester Could Have Determined Deter-mined Without the Appeal to His Physical Feelings. Two men passed avny. One had been horn, and In due course admitted to the bar, soon ran for olllce. was elected a continuous Hon. until at last he went to his reward, such ns It was. And the local paper gave him an obituary as long ns your nnn. The other man followed In the footsteps foot-steps of his brawny sire, and became n maker of harrows. lie was Industrious Indus-trious and honest, and for years the UllllgosH harrows which he whacked out by band were known nearly all .for the county as reliable utensils. My-Hiid-by he, too, passed on. The paper announced his demise In n few lines and spelled ',1s name wrong. Now, tell me, Lester, which of those men would you rather have been? Do not say the former, or I'll slap your Jaws for ou and not let you go to the picture show, either. Kansas City .Star. |