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Show yum BY TELEGRAPH. AMERICAN. Washington, 23. The secretary of the nary, toJay, issued the following order: Navi Department, Washington, Not. 2Sd, 1875. The President of the United States announces the death of llenrj Wilson. In pursuance of the order of the Presidcuc, it is hereby directed that upon the day following the receipt of this order, the ensign at each United States vessel in commission be bois ed at half mas' from sunrise to sunset, and that thirteen guns. be fired at sunrise, nineteen minute guns at meridian and a national enlute at sunset at caoh United States naval station, and on board Hie fl ig ships aud vessels acting single at home, and abroad. The officers of the nary and marine corps will wear the usual badge of mourning fur a period of three months. Vice-Preside- TREES! TRIES!' corpus in behalf of Robert 'Wlshan', charged with negotiating forged bonds of the Chicago and Northwestern railroad in Philadelphia, and the accused was sent to Philadtlphia. ' Boston, 23. The creditors of Cutter, Tower & Co., stationers, have found their liabilities to be $175,000, and assets $89 285. and have agreed to accept 35 per cent, iu full for their claims. San Francisco, 23. The body of E. M. Hastings, of Crane & Hastings, wholesale liquor dealers of this city, a passenger by the Pacific, was picked up near Port Angelos, W. T. The official vote of Oregon gives Lane, for Congress, a mnjority of 267. Victoria, 22. Bodies of two men were picked up at Whv import trees from the States when Samuel Fowler X&.23LZH SBJ&.TjI? & Co Hooper City, Weber Co. IN ALL KINDS OF can ronmsH choice Apple, Pear, Peach, Plum, Apricot AMD A FULL OZC?"3T, Wliolesale Bealers OF apie LINE Of SMALL FRUITS, And alw a large variety of Beechv bay and brought here today y the Indians. One of them has been ilentified as thH of Thos. J. Firrel, Sin Francisco, tbo other isyet unknowi, Consisting in part of ince the publication of the etateuiei t 0 the captain and crew of the Orpheus a feeling of indignation prevails among Geo. M. Robeson. the people of this place. The desire fur (Signed) The committee of arrangements met a searching investigation prevails. The at the capitol this evening, and agreed inquest was adjourned from Tuesday upon the following order of procession last. An inquiry will take place to ALL RAISED U THIS COUNTY AND for the funeral or lion. Henry Wilson, morrow. The crew of the Orpheus ar WARRANTED ACCLIMATED. of the United States: rived this morning. The captain is exThe comniittea of arrangements, pall pected. The quartermaster of the bearers m l mourners will attend at the Pacific is also here. Vice-Preletit'a chamber, in the capitol, FOREIGN. ou Friday, November 2Gth, at 10 o'clock, INTIIB BEST MADE AND tit which time the remain will be re23. Queenstown, STRUMENT MANUFACTURED. moved from the rotunda in charge of the The steamship China, (from Boston, for Northern Utah, attended of Agent committee by Nov. arrangements, at noon. In 13, arrived and mourners the pall bearers, Sergeant Uttitude 49 - 0GDEN. north, longitude 20 west, JOHN FOWLER, of the Senate, to the Senate fell in with the steamer Amerique, she divine chamber, where, at 1:30 p.m., Pausolz, of the general transatTerms Easy) Rates Reasonable. service will be performed. When the Capt. lantic company, from New York, Nov. have been shall completed 13, for Havre, with her shaft broken. ceremonies Orders by letter promptly attended to. toe funenil procession under command The China took aboard the Amerique's U S. W. W. of Bvt. Major Gen. Emery, mails and passengers. The Amcnque Instructions given by tha quarter. A , will move from the Senate chamber has sail for Havre, all under proceeded to the depot of Baltimore & Potomac well. Ii. it. company, where the remains will London, Ont , 23. be placed in charge of the commitiee apThe new church of Latter day Saints pointed by the Governor of Massachu was opened here vesterday. This conTo all who are suffering Irom the errors and in petts to receive them, The body, upon has been of youth, nervous weakness, early dediscretions promaking gradual its arrival in Baltimore, will have a gregation Ions of manhood, Ac.f I will send a recipe that under difficulties, cay, including many gress military e?cart through that city, leav- that of mob law, tor some months. Ser- trill cure you. FREE OF CHARON. This great ing there at 6 o'clock p ni. Rev. Dr. vice yesterday evening was attended remedy was UidcoYered by a missionary in South Sunderland, Chaplain of the Senate, will with an A stranger America. Send a scene envelope to the offer prayer at the funeral ceremonies of in the enliveniag rose to refute the D. Station Bible House, T. RiT. I.nmas, Joseph congregation Friday morning, and Rev. Dr. Rankin arguments of a Mormon Apostle, amid Asia Turk City, The body will pronounce a discourse. The a scene of unusuil disturbance will be pluced in the rotunda on Thurs service was hours. to four lengthened day morning, where it will be in state on There is great resentment manifested the tfawe catafalque ued fur President the church in thj neighborhood, Lincolo, Senator Sumnar, Chief Justice against to take active shape which threatens Ou Chase and lion. Thaddeus Stevens London, 23. reaching Philadelphia on F riday night, The Carlist official organ claims that the bo ly will be taken to Independence Don Carlos has saved Cuba aud the honor 1111, wnere it will lie in state until 10 bis recent oiler of a truce'hav-in- g wr 11 o'clock on Saturday morning. It of Spain, caused the Americans to modify is not the intention of the committee to their attitude. , stop in the latter city. They eipect to accounts from Madrid, state Private leave there for Uoaton on the 9 o'clock that the Constitutional party is divided, train on Saturday morning. some advocating abstaining from the apGeneral Sherman's current report to elections ' , the secretary of war has the following in proaching is also stated that a majority of the It reference to the Siou Indians: disapprove of the teply of the. Tbj Sioux recently made excursions ministry of Foreign Affairs to the WashMinister into northern Nebraska, mostly to steal note, which was regarded as too y ington cuttle and horses along the Pacific moderate. It is understood the reply as and north of it Gen. Crook is of delivered to Washington, was , the op nion that the whole army, acting finally drawn by Gen. Jovellar, President of up defensively, cannot prevent these incur- Council and Minister of War. sions, and suggests that troops be sta' :.. Tashkend, 23, tioned in the mi 1st of the Indir.ns, bo as Gen. Kaufman left Namanghen Wn frnt It own ti After America. to watch and prevent their leaving on for Its rafrit sr well fennivn throng fthe rebelled Shwkaod, Kiptschaks rom the h.tbitw.Ie worM. It pretense of hunting. This is impracti- and invested the citadel. The Russians the olilct bct rtvorcl of anjr cable, unless the army have the super- resisted I LiBimi the From the successfully for three days, millions vision of necessary supplies of these when General mUHcns of bortlra upon returned at Scopleff aoUt uu complaint tribes within the reservation, which is reachand the Kipschak fled, leaving ed us, and u healing and now not the case. The damage to lifw tacked, dead on the tiekl. Ananchy veigns and property is believed to be less dur 3,800 PAIN SUBDUING LI?ilEMT Shokand. . throughout ing the present year than in any former 23. P.aguss, IT HAS NO EQUAL. year, and the prospect is as the country News, has been received here- frera btttlei it will be less each year, till all Sclavonic It in lih nnbonnded asstrr. sowrjes announcing that the aisce the Indian; are on small reservations, in ail cases cl'Cuts, Uruisea.Dtirns, Upraise, have insurgents captured Ilneurnatism, Hard Bwnllinua, Kteb, but till they acquire habits of industry with all its garrison, which comJoints, frozen Fee. I"ar3, in farming or stock raising, they will fort mands Tube. Thu insurgent have also tec, c, araonj? all pontons, and for Sprain', need food trom the government, because J'onndern. Uinpbone, Scratches, , the game on whiuh they buve subsisted I oocupied several utrong posilioas in the Spavins, Springhalt of Piuva and Harntbs vicinity also diaeafab GaiLt; oi tUe Et baa diminished rapidly. and Ear in New York, 23. the extensive brewery and malt boii9e of Jones, on Sixth St , The following stcry is told as a renear Avenue C, was entirely destroyed by file. The building was heavily stiKk markable in&tauce of the cppreciatio.n ed with grain, malt and bops, immense of humor: A G erm a o soldier waa orvau'ts were tilled with beer i process of dered fifty lashes for Some alleged act and Vice-Presiden- C3' 1 SHADE TREES, Required by the Trade in the Locust, Lombardy Poplar, Mulberry, &c, . t B38-2- ESTEYCRCAW. si Purchasing direct from Mamifacturers or the most extensive dealers, ami having special advantages from buying in large quantities we Can offer to MERCHANTS to-da- at-ar- THE AND EETAIL TRADE CTOBBING & 8l9-t- f Inducements Unequalled House in Utah. by any other SHIPE3E.MTS CY1ADE TO ALL FOiTS. d s77-6- i , . ORDERS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO H. B. CLAWSON, Supt. s4-t- L HOUSEHOLD GOODS! The Best TIace in Northern Utah. at " which to.Purchaso IT . rail-vu- TllflllFIFF r tt nt ad hs wrii. ! XT-R- For Any Part of the House is at '. iVSAirJST. - -: OCDEM. Who is in continual receipt of new ments from the best Eastern Manufactories. la evr PRICES TO SUIT THE TILDES. COME ship- AD SEE. - Poll-Evi- Wind-Gaii- s, l, Iloof-ale- Sorry' Fun. To-nij- Iai'l manufacture great quantities of esbarrelled ale and beer. The timated at $350,000: insurance $30,000. The adjoining buildings- were damaged by falling wails to the amount of The fire originated from an. explosion of gas which escaped from a leaky pipe and was ignited by one ef the workmen striking a match The Baltimore & Ohio railroad company have completed arrangements with a new foreign line of steamers to' ply between Baltimore and Liverpool. .The first vessel will leave Glasgow in a few cUjs. Each ship is to- be of 2150 tons capacity, aal built expre.'wly for carrying heavy cargoes of grain. The regular trips will be begun in the latter part of r ffes,Mnles or Cattle. of insubordirjatiou. Fritz, disciplined to silence, was fixed to triaDglea in the presence of kia company, When the first lashes fell upon .hia- Baked ahoulders tho .worthy fellow, instead of displaying evidences of distress, burst into a fit of uuceatrollable laughter. The executioner, regarding this manifestatioa as by no means complimentary to his skill, luid on with redoubled ardor. ' But the more ho laid on tho more, Frita laughed. When cut dowo he still, found great difficulty iu restraining, hi., Biirtbj and indulged in loud intermittent December. The officer in Command of At a meeting of the produce exchange guffaws to dy the following' resolution was the company, with a curiositv ua-adopted; Resolved that the seller of tunMly excited approached tae blwd property has the riht to1 detoaud pay ing wretch and inquired the cause of ineut lor that property eu delivery of hts mirth. the title to the buyer. "Why," replied Frita, 'breaking At the annual meeting of the Chi"am ldren's Aid Society the treasurer into a fresh 'fit of laugbAet,' that of the the man!". reported past the wrong receipt! year were $220,547, and the expends Funerals ".Furnished. Caskets always oa Hand. Coffins Imported or made to Order. ; , CA BINET WORK D ONE ON TIIE PREMISES: Picture frames a Specialty. Mattresses, best patterns lois OGDEW - , ; $20v-CO- - - . ! lanins and Cnre KenraTgla, Hheainat'PTn, Cottt, Lam Back, Salt Rheum, I'oinMious Bites, Kxternal Uone and Maacle Affection Sore Nipples, 4c, mills, na: AXU X UMBER YAM A' aadniiiy bojnstlxtcuuodthepacAcsAt'oraU , Se-Sawi- EXTERNAL "WOUNDS. Rentwmber, tbis Liniment did lit a day or ycar.pro- Kprlii-- r (JUOingTHB MTABSCEBiM).trNNATUBAl,crBia not a up BI mevis. But CLAIMEB KEW-l!-a JIXIKHBOOM AN1 SliJxiglcs, LlITI tho erorience of over w:tli tho nwntBub. years of trial, thirty etaut.alre8ults,ajid by a niulk.tudj-.- f witucasea. If the liniment is not as recoir inttiled, tha ' To fcavo ; ' ' . ; j , Windows. oBIIndSf Pickets, Ac, Moiiitliijg, ; i , . "I to-da- y, The secretary reported that The intelligent compositor .used to all tbo lodging hauses in the eity were han; m his coat in thj. Detroit Tost in a, flourishing condition, ami wt rc ofhee. but th editor 'wrote a paragraph bfgirfLtug "GiHUl'a auction was not tiaiiy receiving uuuibeta of, outcast a prccfs," and ha apeUsd ''auc'.icuj."' Judge Davis dismissed tte babeis wilb an s." , ci.ll-drvi.- 1 Mciicyyilll;cEcfnii(Iei Do not be fmposcT ty tisinp any oilier sam pnP-itieilnimttit claunin thonpwi or reai-a chcatttiiJai'r-u- J. sults. They Be aura anigetaothiag but ,, , ;, i 15c, it ST COc. all tmcouraTa and 01 GIVE US A CALL AND EXAMINE OUR PRICES. GIBSON ECCLBS Sz Co., .. "' 1J-- 8olo " ASD Cocstbi per Bottle?.-- ' ' 1 P.S TVe EMPIRE will revive oraew for AMES'. ENGINES tmd ffiTlN st fl d MILLS, &c, &c. Als) the St. Louis INVINCIBLE THRESHING MACHINE mth CARET ; TOWER-- . ; flW AtTT ctrcu ars e32tl T C CtllVPT l.i J T rrlrx l nFITXTt1! CAIN VI.VtloT M .; GiUson, Eccles $: Cfc |