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Show THOMAS TELLS OF GILSONlTE MINES Stale Coal MIno Inspector Gomer Thomas reports that ho has recently visited visit-ed the mine of tho Gllson Asphaltum company com-pany near Duchesne, known as tho St. Louis mine, and found it closed down. Tho electric lights and ladders have been taken out and tho twenty-live men laid off. Tho tools and machlnory aro being taken to White river, ln Colorado, where new mines aro to be opened. Tho reason given for tho move Is tnat tney will have railroad connection with, the Itio Grande bv August Lst and will then bo ablo to get cheaper transportation and furnish a larger output. Mr. Thomas also visited the Pariotto mince, thirty miles south of Duchesne, which is employing twenty-rive men In thiyo shifts. Ono doublo cylinder. 50-horso-power hoist, ono 40-horse-power nir compressor, a complcto electric light plant and a 70-horsc-power return tubular boiler constitute the mechanical equipment The mine buildings coDflst of a washhouse for the miners, a large dining hall, sanltary bunkhousc. foreman's cottage, office building and Icehouse, Within two weeks tho companv will Increase tho force to fifty men and the output to forty tons per day of good gllsonitc. The vein has widened to three feet, and 10,000 tons has been blocked out. Tho mine is owned by tho American Asphaltum and Rubber company of Chicago. |