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Show r i , V - ( t 1 i J yol. i. CORINNE, UTAH, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY CORINNE DAILY JOURNAL Australia is determined to check it but sets the about work in infidelity, a way that promises other results than that intended. Mr. William Lorando Jones, a sculptop and a member of the Royal Academy of Arts, has been sentenced to two years imprisonment and to pay a fine of 100 for blasphemy. Mr. Jones lives in the town of Parramatta, sixteen miles from Sydney? It has been the custom to hold open-ai- r religious services in a park consisting of the grounds surrounding the former Government-house- . Published Every Morning, Monday,) GERRISH WHOLESALE & MILES, RETAIL DEALERS AND IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware, NO. 9. 11, 1871. E. P. JOHNSON, raiur PHILIP Attorney Sr Counselor at Law at b. b. w. AD8l0UTII locks. Cl Co. Solicitor Chnucciy. UTAH. 1 CORINNE, CLOTHE I lETO AND- - GEORGE L.- HOLT, SKA BOOKS, Lift Gents Furniolilng Goods, IX- STATIONERY, NEWS, Nos. 34 and 30 Lake Street, - ILLIHOIO. CHICAGO, Some time in WALL PAPER , AND uary last, a dispute arose between the n MACLAY & CO., Socket Cutlery and Notions of all kinds. Proprietors, preacher of the occasion and Mr. Jones. E Post Office Building;, The latter contended that the Old Testa- W E RY MONTANA B this is the UTAH. ment was not a fit book for women and CORINNE, FOURTH ST., CORINNE, ONLY EXPRESS LINE HAYING a children, and spoke of Moses as robber and murderer, and a cruel old WTetch Other characters of the Old J-- hrough Eastern Connections . ALSO HENRY LEIWES, TO THE CITIZENS OF THI8 PLACE Testament were denounced with equally OFFERS country, the beet quality O I Wholesale and Retail dealer In opprobrious terms. This was the basis DEER. LAGER of the prosecution, and although there Manufacturers of Tin, desired to on the most Delivered le Copper GROCERIES CIGARSS, any place LIQUORS, was testimony that he spoke of God Eight Days from Corinne to terms. myMdtf Tobacco Etc., Etc. with reverence and of Jesus Christ as 7 Helena I AND a good man, the jury, without a Fourth Street, near Montana , merits hesitation, returned a verdict of - - CORINNE, MONTANA ST., UTAH. CORINNE, guilty, and the unfortunate blasphemer - IRON was then sentenced as above stated, The prisoner has been cropped, com-th- e To Insure Speedy Tra nsportataon mark GENERAL DEALER IN SEASON. IN FRUIT pelled to don the prison dress with the prison brand, and associate with the Packages worst criminals of Australia. Of course Via ?ar West Freight Company, SHEET A FULL ASSORTMENT OF mySdtf COPPER, ROCKER IRONS, FRESH there is an earnest effort to have him TIME VEGETABLES, NUTS, FREIGHT, liberated. One Unitarian clergyman AND D declared to his people that he held the C O NFE CTIO NE R Y, DD Rlt Gold Psuie, Gold Scales, dtutelurtlver, North Front Street, Close to Depot, same opinions as the condemned man, RRR luuad on at DDD. ' . Constantly . CORINNE, UTAH. 1 and asked pointedly why he himself Care Line, HENEY DENHALTEES. EEE-LLL on Restaurant the Kept was at liberty while Mr. Jones was in Style. EE LL Cobixxb. Modern POINT SHOVELS Corner 4th and Montana Streets, SPRING Beds.. Good Clean ? Our own Luxury General Statutes E jail 0 tain a section which would condemn Dealer in I UTAH. every person who openly promulgates CORINNE, GROCERIES and LIQUORS. ROCKER DIPPERS, PICKS, UNION BAKERY, such views to the same punishment as my2dtf JAMES CHAPL0T7, FRESH Mr. Jones is suffering ; but it would be Com-nnd Proprietor. difficult to find twelve men in the BREAD, PIES AND CAKES, however And a Good Stock of monwealth, strongly they might reprobate his opinions, who would vote CIGARS LIQUORS ANDon hand. him worthy of such a sentence, Kept constantly BRANCH OF THE Jan-Pershste- Attempts inn. e. a. JOBBERS OF , IRON, STOVES, NAILS, wamwoxth. Suicide. nt , The Carson Register says : Why a young boy, not over ten or twelve years of age one who is well cared for by his but too indulgent parents, and who is or iny5-l6- RJ Implements. Mining , my2-dl- appears to be surrounded by every com- fort and indulged in every pleasure con- ducive to youthful happiness should make repeated efforts to destroy his own life, is something that astonishes us. But when we see three ojr four such boys making such attempts in a small com- munity like this, we are astounded. every day some one or more small boys may be seen crawling up of the dome of through the scuttle-liol- e the State Capitol, about ISO feet above ground, and climbing up the steep and smooth tin roof from the scuttle to the base of the flagstaff, a distance of six or eight feet, and there clinging td the smooth moulding with , which the pole is surrounded, until they can attract the attention of a dozen other youngsters . passing along the streets. Some day (if this thing isn't stopped) somebodys boy will take a slide off that and come down oil the ridge of a distance the one of wings condi- senseless of 48 feet ; thence, in a tion, he will go whirling down the steep roof to the eaves, a distance of 25 4eet, from there will drop to the ground below, a distance of 55 -- feet, and will become a mass of sausage meat stuffed AND itv clothes and everybody will wonder GEORGE IIANF, Propr. A.T Fran-ted A New The commitSan UTAH. have should Intention.1 so CORINNE, one why young REPORTER OFFICE, f suicide by jumpiug from the cupola cisco Bulletin of April 17th says UTAH. CORINNE, ! Thomas Cullen of this invented has GOODS. of the Capitol HOUSE FURNISHING city, mySdtf is an effective weapon, one which T AGKRT, likely g Tiie Squire's Indigestion. Old to supercede many, if not all of its class IflSUrHIICB SILVER STAR HOTEL! was a very successful and now in vogue. The invention consists of e Squire II MONTANA STREET, OORBtSE. (Opposite Metropolitan Hotel) substantial farmer in an interior town in an improved magazine rifle, so UTAH. CORINNE, and a more amazing eat-- 1 ously constructed that it combines all Opposite Post Ofles. FOR A COMPLETE OUTFIT TO EYERYTIIING A muzzle-And the substantial of town the or never lived in any qualities anywhere, GOOD ACCOMMODATIOZTL COMMODIOUS CORRAL especially much did he eat when loading, with those of the repeater. The ILLINOIS. BOARD and LODGING per week, C9 AND . CHICAGO, fresh pork was to be his nourishment, stock contains a set of adjustable $ OOweek, per Good tor Aceommodatlona HUNT HIDE Freighter! SINGLB MEALS, at a certain time one of bis hogs volving cylinders, in which may be ffi FREIGHT, LODGING, 0 . cartridges ; access to had been killed. The next morning placed forty-twf is the secured of means a and there was fresh pork for breakfast, by SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, cylinder - $5,000,000 the old man ate most wondrously. In cap at the butt of the weapon. The CKiiitul Stock, OR LEWIS SILVER, Proper. , $1,000,000 ! the course of the forenoon he ate his trigger guard forms part of a lever. A Capital, f Branch Officers, Corinne, U. T. luncheon, consisting of bread and butter, downward movement of the lever, after mince-pie- , and cheese. At noon his the discharge of the rifle, throws the old TVT- - T T- - N. S. RAHSOHOFF. QRATT President, ATT, from the breech return the fresh ; consisted MONTANA of dinner CORINNE, STREET, pork, pickles, cartridge - - - HAT STEIH. minee pie, and the usual accompani- - movement brings the lever to its original Director, TO THE CITIREN8 OF THIS CITY - W. H. GLASCOTT. QFFERS of goods in his line, ments. His afternoon luncheon was position, and reloads the rifles The pro-lik- e Manager, 1 Cor. 4th and Montana, Corinne. that of the forenoon. When he cess of loading is not secured by any M AT AUCTION PRICES I t ADVISORY BOARD came home to supper his favorite dish complete arrangement of springs ; on ooxsisting or N. Kanady, J. 0. Tbouas. S. L. TIBBALS. had not been prepared as part of that the contrary, it is simple jind not liable j ED. CONW AY, School Books, Cutlery, Dry Goods, etc. BKTWEZX FOURTH JLXD FIFTH, Second Hand Qoodt Bought and Sold. OSCEOLA SALOOn E. P. JOHNSON, meal, the old man fretted and scolded to derangement. In manipulating tke Attorney reis skill or substanrifle no delicacy extra till fresh pork was added to the AND tials. He ate voraciously as usual. In quired, and the quicker the machine Utah. the evening he toasted some cheese, I moves the better it works. During a Y MERCHANDISE, dwellings, STORES AND Corinne, W. McNUTT &C0., otber propertj iLL fired from buttered and ate it. Just before . goingn recent test, sixty shots were . , Particular attention given to the insurance of , , MONTANA ST., - . - CORINNE, to bed be roasted a couple of apples and the rifle, anu it - still remained clean and Dwellings and private Barns and 'their contents, Wholesale and Retail u w ,I1 i J XCXT 900B TO THI imBOPOUTAH BOTXL. ate them. In the night he was with a severe colic. The doctor with him till morning, and , AJ Particular attention paid to orders by mail stocked with the is always bar brands HARD ON StroxgmINDED Women. that we can give rates that will be entirely satis- DEALERS IN The life, old in mans the of miracle a wrought Laura Fair held, says the N. Y. Tri- - J fact0r7 The next day Bolles W., one of his neigh PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Clears, Wines, Liquors and Calm. btine advanced views of , what is termed ;W. II. GLASCOTT, Manager. bors, went in to condole with the xld San from direct Francisco, of and some them she has my2dtf Faithfnl Bolles, pvomaUUO Oils, Squire, on his illness, Faints, ?erllaPa a sober con Pllt Practic". died said the old wonnv, "1 like to have Window Olass, Champagne Cocktails a Speciality, a "Varnishes, fAflll ot this fcarM case ma, con& mpUuon roast another ffOlBBb cat never HI la,t night. 4 FINE TOILET ARTICLES, vnce ladies of her nay of thinking that A, US CALL. A A3GIVE apple m long as I live. I never did love those fantastic theories FAMILY which strip wo- STAGE & EXPRESS LINE AND them very well, ami last night I ate only KANADY THOMAS, Props. the of man the attributes of proverbial A killed me. CTTT1YF!. two, and they nearly my2d3m FROM sex can have no otber logical result in GOODS. The Cliampion of 136 first premiums in two my2d3m reduce to than to woman the seasons. vOiirt practice ot JjA sl . monster. a life of . Queer Mldical condition the If seam is stronger and less liable to rip than Defiance Cigar Manufactory, in Jacksonville, Illinois, is occupied m Laura Fair, who now stands convicted of the Its Lotk Judges Report of the Trial . TO the trial of a case which has excited a one ot her murders, is more horrible than Send forStitch. the Report and samples of work con Bo. 174 Water St HEW YOKE. LIVRRY, FEED & SALE STABLE that community, the lives ot others of her of stitches on the aamo piece bntlrlnds taining good deal of . interest in not it VIRGINIA is school, CITY, of goods. AND CORRAL. and which is rather unique in its char- - because her are worse than s principles any ri v acter.v. Dr. I). . Lemon, a homeopathic those of the Beat Accommodntiom for Freighters HELENA, reformer, but be- The Lion, Defiance, of considerable repute, sues cause she has average usd Travelers. been more consistent and Ehysician CORNELL, WARD & COMINGS, AND , Universal Standard, Falstaff Corner Front and Sixth Streets, - - - Cobikxe. an allopathic physi- courageous in Prince, 133 Lake St., Chicago. acting up to their ultimate Power of Fashion, Success, cian and surgeon of wide celebrity in tendencies PORT BENTON, my2d4m-ly RANCHING BY WBIGHTS Big Thing, The Golden Eagle the West, for slandeT, claiming damages taken and night Herd, stock Game in the The literary men of 'France do notl'RA'MTT Booster, in the sum of $5,000. The facts Pelican, MONTANA, these Stables, to Ranch, on Day rjnRTKTWTi! Legal Tender, Tupites, case are stated as follows : About a year j value highly the talents of Thiers as a Reasonable Term. j The Lone Star, the Michelet leader. for calls a and sale advertised Lemon Dr. Carrying politician ago myfidtf El Meshisto, CORINNE, UTAH. medicine which he claimed would pre-- 1 the historian of the French Revolution a GulUrer, It was developed in strong mediocrity, a superb common-eiidenc- e vant small-pox- . Choicest And of brands other various the Cigars. D. 0. Dumas he thinks President consisted of place. Alexandre CASS, AND that the medicine says Cashier. pills made of scabs taken from small- admirably, but executes wretchedly, W. T. FIELD, Barber Shop Cl Bath Uoaca, - Gautier declares-hiinterfree as rhetoric &. taken be to and was pox patients, Wells, Fargo Express nally. Dr. Prince, in a published card from faults as his Government is full of II. W. P. SPEHCER, Propr. mer his own signature, denounced the them. Houssaye confesses that if his remedy as an attempted imposition upon measures were as wise as his sentences Government "Vouchers, lf.ave corinne- - daily coaches WHOLESALE the community. The nd Hence the suit. It are graceful, he would be one of the first Helen Fort Benton, Montana, Gold nl Coin, Dust, HOT AND COLD BATHS! of both the connect with paanenger train, will be observed that the case really in- - statesmen of his time, and adds that in Comer 5th andMontana Street, - - - Conixxx. wy, and Pacific Railroad. Exchange. Central volves to a considerable oextent the politics Thiers learned nothing and , PORK, and MUTTON sold ON DRAFTS DRAWN SIGHT of homeopathy as a system, and gets everything, Good Stocky by tbe Carra , Side or Quarter. Madam Spencer will persona lip re hence its termination is awaited witff New and from New Australia route The cclwe Ladles dethrlng Bathe. York, much interest by the partisans of the Choice Neat for Dxmilic always on hand. Coaches Nciv via San , Zealand to Chicugo, Francisco, England O-respective schls of medicine. MONTANA STREET, C03INNB. San Francisco, is about one week shorter than via Cey to. attended All order promptly j TIME. and QUICK Ion and the Suez Canal, and is decidedly Andjhe Principal Cities East and West. Tbe bigbest Prise paid for Cat stock. All in Imagination. The following less monotonous. i These facts have al- my2-dt-f TIM. HENDERSON, Agent, kmrsing incident occurred latly in a ready been ascertained, and it is perCORINNK. Ullage m Ireland- - A servant girl went certain that a line of steamers n stall Dealer te Wboleeale into a drapers shop to purchase some j fectlybe mv2dtf The pUt upon it before long. ribbon. The shopman produced a very arn0unt of travel which WINSCHELL IS PREPARED TO FURN- - APPLES, PEACHES, may be expected mr2d3m fine article, but she objected io it on the to .itth.nyqumffi American BEAR the RIVER across and over HOUSE, ORANGES and LEMONS, it, t?Vxxt pass ground that the shade of the color did Continent, is estimated by good judges oVVBilJ. UriUN AJtvD CL OO., not exactly suit her. Corinne, on the car t the depot at Front Street, perch. This is Oh, said the at 50,000 passengers per year. in the counmaterial to tw 4f building any AND ALL OTHER superior will shopman, you only imagine that dbfot,) for mySdtf (opposite permanent Improvement. try renowned it pleases you the color will make no the . Theophile Gautier, "V"r TROPICAL PECDHCTIOnO, 9 diflerence. E. A. 8TAHN, Proprietor. Vv L --L 1 And he entered into a long literary animal fancier, had at the begin- hundred disquisition upon the extraordinary pow- - ning of the siege of Paris one 1 D. HUNTOON, ISAAC. tnrdsz coaiimc, the and at him and The capitulation I S fifty cats, Y manatingirl heard House is nbw, and travelers mins through very attentively, and then con- - J discovered that his feline stock had been Will find the beet accommodation in the city X rented to Have three or four yards of the reduced to nine, owing to the roving The table will always be provided with the Corner Battery and Washington Sts., Beak and ribbon put up. She the , Best the Market Affords, Stnlicncry put it quietly in her habits which made them a prey to SAN FRAUCYSCO, - - - - - CAL. Ucket and was about to wallc off. Stop, hungry population. Even of the nine, iv06iin6 S vj6ITI1II1 ijlttGl'Sj on and no pain will be spared td make the guests hand Always ds ZsZsst if you please said the shopman, you four had their tails shot away. Gautier , comfortable. I Bar always supplied with the choice brands of havent paid me for the ribbon. Nev- - j is sorely troubled over his losses, and his Com xx CREIGHTON h MUNRO. ' 1 F. J I. WINSCHELL reason-onab- , J. C. KUNEY, mo-Near- ly SHEET WARE. my2-d3- BILLIARD HALL, m BILLILARD MATERIAL MASONIC HOUSE, r W con-cupol- a, my2-d3- m I ker-wallu- p, CORINNE CITY Farming Implements. my2-d3- m. DENNIS J. TOOHY, ... ATTORNEY GREAT WESTERN J myS-dt- J. R. Quaker City Stables, .... i pPQ J J ingeni-Massachusett- s, re-We- OP ... I LAW, 1 1 s ;! . ........ ll, o ji - myS-dt- Auction Prices P ROS PE my2-dt- I. J. FARWELL, C T W OFFICE, f . ONTANA STREET, I my2-d3- m INSURES I CLUB ROOMS. J. I 1 I I DRUGGISTS, I -- my2-d3- rnv - J m Gilmer & Salisburys s F.WIIVG itA FANCY OOBI3SFUE 1 j I Hardenbroolt Bro.s -0- BRANDS AGENTSWANTED. w OF XJnited States Mails SAINT LOUIS my6-d6- m Cos s BUY AND SELL . . R. MARTIN & SON, butchers. for-meri- ts -- my3-d3- BUILDING STONE. UTAH GRANITE J -- 1 4 ttt- r O. H. Limes, Nuts, Pi ri . JrOrBIQll LIQIIOP J a. . Commission Merchant, i Gtro. . I I ... CHICAGO. 1 mj5-d6- m -- Liquor end Cigars.my2d3m ELLSWORTH A LOUTHAN, Kkltox myi-d-tf Newspapera J A MjtSS ' |