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Show t'-liiitwnii - - L J... 1 "Mormons," Honorable and My animadversions are always and solely directed against the The "Mormons," have no quarrel with the honoraole who are as much opposed to methods and lawlessness as the ' "Mormons" well can be. Some days ago I wrote you as follows: the It will be observed that the 88 of But total 4d are old ; removed from Kanvoo with her parent o 184S, and stayed at Uarden in ta 13 ever even professed the "Mormon" Grove spring one year. The following year came ' faith. and remained there until The U. S. Censfla of 1880 put the to Council Bluffs I At f 00 O'OLOCk. 1854 ; they then came in 1858 to of the of Utah spring number of In E.T.City, Tooele Co., settled and under 17 per cent, of the total popula- the valley Yet this insignincant per cen- In the move south her parents went to Jbehi, tion. AKD FUBLISKED BY THE PBdNTED yi tum produced S3 convicts for the Utah County, and on the 12th day of June of Penitentiary while thebut83131per cent. that year, Solenda was married to Joseph COMPANY. 'Mormons" produced DESEjRET .NEWS Again, In Lelii, and later returned to have an aggre- S. Huntsman, the 33 . T. City. ' Her husband was In home their 107H while serve of to term years gate13 ? The 37 distilleries which Governor Murray south in IStil, and the following calledto go "Morto "ilor-moncredited the the " JEDITOR." CHARtES V; rOROSE, av were owited by the prisoners entrolbfnily uVned and operated by the mons are In for 2tiX years only. This, year she Joined him and remained In the wfre without further comment, shows how settlements until her death. fine was ever lollowing- rl3e : much more atrocious and depraved faithful to her covenants, was a faithful bix bt"Moruioai;" twenty eight I8W. . Irom Jane ecceders 20, moit of theiu were the crimes of the Friday, mother, and was loved and "Mormon" Church fellowship, and three over the all of wife, a tender all who knew her. She was doubtful. Thre of the ".Muruiou" six were whom are without"Mormons," by respected church fellowship fc:lt owned and operated by the Cities of of nine children, three sons and the mother were led without many doubt, and, of the One TIIE TACTS AND FIGURES OF Lake, I'rwro bt. and Ueorg. who, six daughters, fire of whom are living. Com. by the astrayjnow 1 remaining- three jnade graie wiue only. HisTamcus.M conand then an exception, are with Many of the thirty seven were siua.ll cerns, and nearly all wers ilhclt and were known to be lawless and corrupt, v another communi promptly Wb punish to-d- ay closed as soon as the civil authocent. "Mormons" of If the 83 cation flora "Hlstorlcus" on the sub' rities ducovered Uiem, a the following 11 Utah were per as lawless as the 17 per hows: e. their accredited cent. .Jectol he "Mormons'; ana lemper-ancSix were dosed the same month and year criminals in the Penitentiary would . Ills former letter was in refuta- they beg-anan serve have to aggregate term of 64 tion of I some untruths uttered by Ou was open bat a single month. of the instead years allotted years, was One open t months, Govern r Murray through the Korth totheni.and on the other hand if the 17 Six were open S months. were as Aneiica. Review. The present paper percent. as One was open 4 months. OVER THE UTAH CENTRAL EWT, the 83 per cent. "Mormons" was open S months. was re tjlered necessary by a violent One would of t,nelr 7 was term One months. the imprisonment 107 V open juid abu fire article written and signed instead of the One was open 8 mon'hs. expire in 6.S years, was 9 in One months. and O. to them and aside from open allotted published J Holllater, by years were n" open 10 months, the gravity of the The Train will leave the U. C. Depot at 7 :30 tbii citl He aald "the Church, the Two One was open 11 months. a. m. on criminalities over the " Mormons," if Jlornioof Territory, and the cities and And one was open 14 months. 83 cent. EVENING NEWS AnU-"ioruiou- s." LIKE SALT cOMMEXCETG 4 antl-"Morm- DutinffuinUed i ADMINISTRATRIX SALE OF REAL ESTATE. . DRAMATIC COMPANY. THURSDAY EYEJSINg JTJKE 19, A The famous Thompson's. HOLIDAY Comedy-Drama-Charlot- 33 " 3NT Eeplete Wim O--- EXCURSION TO OaDEIT. "ST 3E 3E3 , x nu mu &muv. 0E3 i FRIDAY EVEStXO, JVXE 20, The great Emotional Comedy Drama, CJLTOIT MISS I SATURDAY EVESIXO, JVXK 81, antl-"Mormo- counties! and prominent Mormons" were "ml liars and hypocrites," La lclalmii to be opposed" to intemperance and other vile things which hare rbeen lnti d need here by Mormons" the aud that mons," ought, in common decency, to' stop their I; lernal lying about these things. I We sail nothing about his. intemperate and blackguard effusion at the time, but left if to "Illatoricus" to hoist the of Bevenue with his own" poiard. It will be seen ,'! that th garea given by ia the first instance, weremae up from O. J. HolJister's own report. That report was published, at ail earlier date, in the same sheet "in whlchlhis violent attack and ao companjias figures appeared. They antl-MMo- v "His-toricus- r,n nni,i rnmntrai It will be seen that Hiitorlcua' was correct in his fljures,' r Lf he .erred at ail, gave a slight tllvantaje- to the other side; waiie th;ex-Collect- stands or self-convict- ed the very offence which he is so ready fo charge against the "Mormons," chd which he classically denominates "infernal lying." The trithof the matter" la that the o leaders if and has been against in- duvgenccf id any Intoxicant or sjlmu luut. Irftlmes when grain irwsjra drug l:rthe market owing to lack ot means of ready 1 ransportation, attempts were , i... .,'1 iui: iiia'ie in iuiqc places at couveriuig. be to used for pnto surplus spirits, manufacturing! and medicinal ptr ut as this led to drinking poses, habits, tge business was opposed, la f to restrict the tles, In I order or to it suppress production, aItogeth-becoming the purchasers of these establishments and eventually closing tem up. The brief periods of their cxiitence show 'that the community vere hostile to their continuance, an the facts and figures that the attempts todlstort and use agaiqt "Mormon'', temperance are strong a4d convincing evidence in their favor. Jencehis virulent letter and his epithets in the place of arguments- ' He is so lull of gall that all lis efforts are saturated with It, rendering them unreliable in the ' eyes of bs own party. " It Is useless for any one to deny that the "Monnon" people and their leaders are aad have been opposed to the establishment of. drinking houses and all formj ht Intemperance, "and that their efforts to suppress them by ter- - j tor , anti-"Morm- on' In a late issue of the Salt Lake Tribune Hollistersays: "As to the time the 37 distilleries were open, this Is what the records of the Inter nal Revenue office show, approximately:. On was open 7 years, One was open 4 years. Koar were open 3 years. Two were epon IS months. Six were open 1 year. were open 6 months. Eight Kour were open 8 months. . ine were open 1 month." The same depraved print, August 9, 1883, gave the following detailed list of the tulrty-seve- n distilleries, most of which were owned ana run oynon- wisnca-an"Mormons," against the xnpvrn earnest protestations ; of every d Saint. The words and in brackets are mine. Latter-da- y nx-ur- es Exit Laks City Corporation, began Sept.. closed March. liM. Open 6 years and fl months. wm. Howard, Big Cottonwood, began Sett.. 18o2 (sold to Joseph Home), closed Yeo., l;fl.. Sc. Open & years and 5 months. Olasgow Covington, OgJeu, began Oct.. Closed Dec., 1m3. Open 14 months.) Co.. oegan Oct., vmsi, cumb closed Aqg., Id63. JOpen 10 months. Ed. I'riel. SurlngvUle, beirau Oct., W02. closed July, looa. (Open 3 years and H months, j Spall ord, Grange x Co., Sprlngviiie, began Oct., laws, closed Vc, 1 to, Open 2 months. Jas. M. Clti, Four Mile Creek, Weber Co., began Nov.. looi. closed June, 13S3. Open 1 months. Esaiaa Ldwards, iiuiviue, began ov., closed Jan., 1S63. Open 3 montns.J Curtis ft Grange, tpriugviile. began Nov., 1865, ciosed 1'eo., j. Open 3 months. Wm.il. Spalford. Spnngvilie, began Jan., Ie67. f Open 1 year. closed 1S66, Jan., Frank Stephens, iaiincld, besfau Dec, 1864, closed April, loi. Open 4 montLa. E. B. Keisey, Tooele, uegan Jan. 1 S3, 10 1 tw. closed Xov. Open mouths. Jaa. Smith and Jos. ThomDson. Snrinsr- Open rille, began Jan.isw), closed 1 eo. 3 years ana l montn. December isttf, closed Jane latiU Open t months. j D. K. Miller, Santaqain, began April 1863, closed Jan. 1S64. Open 9 months. IS63, Ceo. Coleman, i airfield, began closed July 1466. Open 8 years and i months. i Andrew B, tTilde 4 Co., Springvule.began Oct. 163, closed Oct. 1&3. (opened ana closed same month and vear. Barrel Covington, Ogden, began Xov. 1?:C3, closed Xov. 1st, opened ana closed same month and year. 6t. George City Corporation, began 'Xov. 1&3, closed Jan. 18G8. Open 2 years and ' months. O. B. Gardner, Virgin City, began May 1SB6, closed May 1805. Opened and clovu same montn ana year.j j Jan. 18C4. Matthias Kelson, Tooele, began closed Feb. 1J7. Opou 3 yesrs and 2 months. Grange & Ilarrison, Springvllle, began Oct. closed April 1S60. (open 1 year and 6 months. W'm. Theobald, Duncan's Betreat, began May 1S65, closed May ls65. Opened, and closed same month and year. . John Leetham, Trove, began Xov. ISCi, closed July, One year and 8 months. closed March, 1JG6. II mouths: -HunUuetou & Whitbeck. SDrinarvllle.be- closed July, ISOo. a months. gan Xov. Seth M. Blair, fiain City, began Jan. ISM, closed Jan.-lo(Opened and dosed the , same montn ana year.j Alex. Gardner, Xepui. began Jan. 1366 closed Jan. 1906. Opened and closed same ls-- ' S iiAMW haew beea V'lAVtllTA V Of V v SaVS UJ UIMViyw lj . - ily l4, I. rendered measurably V W AA A - te TEJIPiES ; 1 1 closed same month and year. Wood a Steward, Cedar City, began Aug. 1866, closed Oct. 1306. 3 months. James W. Stewart. Farmington, began Oct. 1S66, closed Nov. 1863. 11 month. corporation 01 rrovo, began Dec iSo, closed Dee. 1866. (Opened and closed same month and year. Jos. Home, Big Cottonwood, began May months. 1968, closed Feb., 1869. AS EDUCATIONAL ST1TUTIONS . v ONioithd specific uses of Temples does not .appear to have such a conspicuous old upon the minis of the people asl the administration of Gospel ordinances for the living and the dead. Not only re Houses of the Lord erect- ed for performances of sacred rites pertaining to time and eternity, D at they re also Institutions of learn- educaUOual phase of the Thif lag. wot persammg to lempm m enjoined.by revelation, and was exemplified In the course taken by the Prophet Joseph ad the brethren who were as sociated &ith him. They entered upon and conducted various branches of learnluc'such as the study of ges, history, astronomy, the Uws, governments and usages of kingdoms, inrousu imionaiiiies, etc.' ind by the blessings of means, ' , l)rd, th although Josep'i was selected iwhon iljterate as the instrument to usher in the last dispensation, he made rapid progress In and attained as a Greek and Hebrew bha!ar. . That.i8 lately completed Logan Temple. veill. be nsed for thij progres slve purosa Is foreshadowed by the dedicate iy prayer, uttered by l'reitt 'lent layMjr, in wmcn speciuc uieuiion was lartp uf this bcueflcleut object In my first list I Included both the initial and terminal months; in my present notes I count hut one of these months. iAfter the detailed list, the writer : adds "A true copy from the record of distilled spirits, turned over to Collector of Montana by O. J. Hollister." Holllster says of his list:' "As to the distilleries were time the thirty-seve- n open this is what the records of the Internal Revenue office show." Both, then, are from the Internal Revenue otUce, and the immaculate Hollister is credited with making them up. How nicely they agree will be seen by comparison. This I same person claims that the "Mormons" are responsible for all the local social disorders, Including, I suppose, his own chronic determinalie tion to vlllify, abuse and about those who are. in moral elements as much above him- - and his ilk as Monnt Nebo is higher than Salt Lake. There is not an official record lu Utah that does not sustain this statement ; and no fair minded visitor who has come here and used his senses legitimately, but supports the sameconclusions. . All the prison and police records, without conflict, show that the more the are ruanv-fol- d children of diableri than any othy In class Utah. men Last year there were forty-si- x sent to the Utah penitentiary By the United States Courts for various crimes. Herewith I submit the names of these convicts, and the crimes committed, with the terms of imprisonment. Names of convicted and Iron January 1st sentenced in persons Utah, 1SS4: 1SS3, to te . - , lan-jua.- -- self-eucati- on Antl-"Mormo- The acqujcmtof wisdom ind knowl- edge Is, uncording to U. revelation, to be obtaijedby research, stmr. and faith, ni lu no other place can studlss ' be prostiputed 'or faith exercised to better advantage than in a ,Temple, where 4 he Spirit of the .Lord dwells contlnuofsly. When the intellectual powers afe touched by that Inspiring, are quickenlisg j influence they luteusia4 and their grasp enlarged. Temples re necessarily houses of education, aiid everything connected with the Churqh should take the key of pro gress froto this essential feature. The object of the Gospel Is the cultivation of the wlfolo nature of man, physical, - luoral, intellectual and spiritual, and there should be a constant effort in the directional advancement. It Is Iter ated and that co man can take pari in building up the work of the Lord and be successful, except he be endowed with Ills Spirit: .This. Is undoubtedly 'correct, but it is also ' true that that influence exercises with the greatest potency through a progressive mind.,. The . Trophet Joseph said ; "If a person gains more knowledge and intelligence In this life through ibis diligence and obedience than another, he .will have ao much the advantage la fae world to come." Hot only is a man's sphere of usefulness Uksrcased by an enlargement of understanding in this life, but corres-- f. .pcndingl j with the advancement made here Willi his position among the Intelligences be in the future existence. Mere biactive goodness or morality will not glorify "man; Goodness should be allied to a progressive spirit, evinced by an eSort to cultivate all , the powers be- tas inherited from his o this purpose will .Temples Maker. 9 CUUVlVIUiUI Uo put, AtjtU UVUl UKIU( centres, irUl a progressive influence constant Jr radiate to the. body , of the ' Saints composing the Church. "May : tr-u- " asst.-robbin- - WnO ' ; ;.. 4 M O R HON S M' ANfii Robbery... Burglary "iXTIKXAt UAX," O. OR HISTORICXS 7 - House breaking. ......... Assault and robbery As-an- " It must be remerrbered that In Utah there are ttiree tUur ..i Classen, vli: MormpBS-Momea'- Murder In Manslaughter Assault to kill Assault with deadly wea - pons..... Obstructing railroads.... r;p with V. 8. Tampering - maila...r larcenry.. TEMPERAS CISA it ' to roo. e 1 - - . s - j 1 3 3 1 1 - ' crlm-nalst- he anti-"Mormo- n." ' : i T iiY TELJEGKAPII. rr.u WEST t UN CKIOM xeleobxph like. AMEKlCAjy. LATEST BY . -8 Union 69. ; The Cattle Trade for Canadian Ports. Ottawa. 20. On behalf of the cattle ranchers of Montana, the Canadian 1 miuu nainyaj buiu miles represented tO the minister of customs the pro 01 anowm? we cattle 01 tun priety Western Statea to be carried througn Canadian territorv in bond for exnort. Montana ranchers propose entering vac divl Bt i uiu uLaji, unviUK trill to the Canada Facinc It. 11. for shin tneut. An effort will be made at Montreal to market the cattle of Montana aud other western states. The minis ter has agreed to the relaxation of the customs regulations so as to bring this uaue to isauauian pons. Commodore Garrison Failure. Nkw York, K. Gani son filed assignment in the to jonn j. Merry, county cierK-- omce The details of the preferences $631,000. assignment proviucs lor payment of a certain sum to Lettitla W. Garrison. and sums to his lawyers, also to pay Geo. K. Forest. Indebtedness for man agement of his affairs; the remainder la clue on notes secured by stock bonds r ' a id realty. . The Commodore C. K. who Garrison, nmcie an assignment is well known as formerly deeply Interested in Pacific Mail, the New Orleans and West India steamship lines and Is a large stockholder In profitable gas companies of this city in St. Louis, New Orleans and other large cities; was principal owner of the Missouri pacific Railroad, but soJd out a few ago to Jay Gould, He has been years Interested largelv ia numerous railway schemes. Was formerly a resident of St. Louis.. He made the bulk of his fortune prior to the rebellion. Toe Xomtnatious. Bostox.20. The eommltteo appointed by the National Republican Convention to notify Blaine and Logan of their nomination, met and decided to take a special trairffor Augusta at 10 o'clock, and will remain at morn- -, headquarters until tng. The committee will wait upon Blaine with nominaton,' which will be tendered by Chairman Henderson. After speeches and other exercises, the committee will leave for Portland, where a reception will be tendered by the citizens. They will reach Boston oj Monday.and then return home. 1. 1 1 elius to-d- ay s 3 3 1 1 . - g 1 "1 IS S3 Salt Lasx , to-da- 8pt. - a- - T i ' - i, . !. -- ..: recommend it. Yours Tery truly;, LZ. ' VSaXT C. 1 JOIlN II. GROESBECK. ........ Lake ClTT, April 25th, AT. 1S31 -- -- Mercliaiit Tailormg: 'i FOR 25 CENTS. z. c. at. Salt Lacs Cxtt, r April 20th, 1SS1 GisTUMiy.- -1 cheerfully recommend the Miller fTrought Iron Range as by far the Best Cooking Kange that we have ever used, our experience embracing several kinds. Aa an Economizer of Fuel it Is apparently perfect, and as a Boiler Attachment Heater, I know of none so good. v ery truiy youra, urajASiin iiAMrru - : j rxweuta wara, bait Lake city. fro-tide- IvATA KMEi JSS4. . - - May 19tb, Oexts. The Miller Wrought Iron Range I purchased from von', nine years ago, Is still In use and giving entire satisfaction 1 1 wouM not sell It at any reasonable price li I could not get suotlier of the same kind. I would recommend all wishing to get la 1'irst Class i Range, to bny the Miller. WILLIAM NAYLOR, Yours truly, v jLOirteenui rvara, salt Lose city. Lea-Isla- Street. Salt Lara Cut, GKXTLixxif. The Miller Wrought Iron Range I purchased from you. gives the greatest satlsi action as regards its lJaklng and Cooking and also lta Water Heating Apparatus; I do not believe its qualities equal can be found, and as an economizer of fuel I can cheerfully ; : GOLt) ! r f' LOST- - O Tr-A- aa am J. TIE fblTT, May 15th, 18S4. i THE ROUND CHAJrrss XXV. FARE FOR $1.50. TRIP, . A "SPAN OF HORSES, ONE BLACK L OF LICENSES. and one bay. The bny is branded 0 Tickets for sale at C. R. Savage's. D. The Under will be rewarded by O. Calder's Daynes A Coalter's, J. H. Parry on the hip. An ACT A D authorising County Courts to grant at Baldwin's Mrs. the them at leaving A Co'. H. Pembroke's. Cheshire Licenses. dlw It. i. Depot. and Utah Central Railway Onice. Baxter's, Good to . SECTiottl. Be tt enacted by the Governor return on any Train until Sunday Evening, dVJBtd and Assembly of the Territory Jnlyeth. ; of Utah: That on and after the first day of A. WATER, no April, eigmeen nunarea ana eigoty lour, shall be permitted to carry on the Uni6n Block, Main St., Salt Lake City. person business of merchants, retailer, neddlers. auctioneers, brokers, pawnbrokers, money . sbowroan.thea. l have opened at the above place a changers.travelers.travellngand trical performances, circus, menageries. s ucense urst tnereror without oouuning courts In their respective from the county l.i .'establishment, as uereinaiter previuea. counties, With, a JCeuf tint cf the Finest Importations Sec. 8. The county court In their rcspec tive counties are hereby authorized to pro due. vide for the crranting of licenses, as contem dated in the first section of this act. They shall also provide a suitable book ot printed CADDIES AXD CAKE 9 OF ALL1 --AXa rorms witn sinus, saiu sinus anau contain a y&. Xj own our kinds make and ; fresh Jl every duplicate copy of all licenses issued, and , uay.-they shall be numbered consecutively; said of all courts shall tlx the. C03IK AND SKE. ITS AT county ICE CREAM PARLORS, shall licenses granted by them, whichprice price be uniform for all licenses of the same class No.; 8 E FIRST SOUTH STREET, and shall not exceed for any one license on PHILADELPHIA RESTAURANT, - AND GET TOCIl . any business named In this act the sum ot uoimrs tor any one year; ICE CREAM, CAKES, PIES, SODA one nunarea That the price fixed for a Quarter license Etc. Main WATER, No. 64, may be made the price for any yearly ' dIC9 ume less tnan inree montus; ana saia counTamlly Trade a Specialty. courts shall rehire payment for all ty licenses invariably in advance. CpOn the the required amount to the SOLOMON BROS. & GOLD. sr K applicant paying 4fK . 'EIiT'k clerk, said clerk shall Issue the CPJLAM BALM countylicense for any term not exceeding one ;,- v ' or year. l Iscs the l shall be transfer. E LVQ Sec S. No such licenseshall be sanctioned able, unless such transfer court or pronate ucige. the county I . J7ai!?rc'COviJl6ecienons. ltai- - tyskc. shall violate the If any person provisions of any of the preceding sections . protctUU.e or mis act, ne snait pv I "CJUJ guury oi a misaeI fKyOlA a !. riv;--,....., P mennor. rrrrZil'A hfM trom auauionai STATIONARY Phages rUYFEVERM 6. in r Nothioz act shall be con this Skc. . Bla ifiasyal-cold, complete- strued to apply to peddler of perishable theaore. ly ana vegetables, nor 10 any person car and restores rrnits ryinjtou business in an incorporatea city. sense BEST HEAL ".',." I , Z. C. M. I.tl Y ev fnias tlfssririttrir . .M s.ierasM m k aassa sn.au ata uvaJia aua uiuici iiiuuaut iivu Dimm No. 18, withelrated oven shelf, which I purchased irora you and consider It Just capital. I believe It consumes less fuel than the la roomy, and large enough for a family of ordinary No. 7 Stove; It well bakes and has the beat attachments for hot It persons; thirty water 1 ever saw, requiring no extra fuel to keep forty gallons at ' boiling beat. It takes up but little room, is plain, and consequently easily Kept clean, in fact It la homelike and comfortable. one of sir. when In Cincinnati In January last, I learned from Miller's salesmen, they had just taken In exchange for a larger one, In constant use the first Kange they ever made, which, after being 1 . for over slxteon years, was apparently as good aa new. it I only know of three defects with it, it has to bCoalsetorInWood place, for has to be cleaned occasionally .and you have to buy you can find something that obviates these inconveniences, do it; it so, If you cannot, then bur a Miller, and you will always find your well cooked. wllehaupy. and your food . E. II. PARSONS, j fours truly. : . 647 Second South street . II. S. Xldre>t JSt !t, : Okntlkmex. I take great pleasure In endorsing Mr. Hama. pton'. Testimonial, from grateful experience during the Yours respectfully. d GEoyr. Salt' odell, Lake Twelfth Ward, of Grant,, - pat year. . City. . Odcll-i- Co. - 1 t !! of vy and smell. ' taste Approved March APPLIFD with the HXGEK. FOR SALE! 13, ISU.' . : ORDER ?i. . Ihousands to License pursuant to chapter xxv. on the l'acilie Relating Lairs of Utah, lS84. . l"pe tesUfy to its Jl3 Ji tliiV-P"CV- P! a, .sr 11 -; .. pi icelets value. TO l'ROVISIONS OF "DURSUANT I the Act of -the Governor and Leris lative of tbe Territory1 of Aksembly " y, An Act authoriaing entitled Utah, uilar. Ince SO cents, by mail or at druz-ristCourt to grant licenses,' api ELY BKOTHEltS, Drugaruts, Omn, County March 13th, 1S4. It is ordered proved V, Y, ' eod Aw the County Court of Salt Lake County by mat every person, nrm, company or corporation wbo wishes to obtain a license to carry on in Salt Lake County the business of a vaivca. , MEAT PETERSON'S MARKET. merchant, retailer, peddler, auctioneer, Branson Knitters; knit a Sock in fire broker, pawnbroker, money changer, travelor to exhibit theatrical minutes. -showman, ing cr. circus or managerte , performances, Almost New Iron Wheelbarrows. ; must make an application thereof, Second band Wagons. ; in writing to the Clerk of , the ; Court, must state tbe i such application -- wheeled verified, " Two Spring SAUSAGE A SPECIALTY. name of the person or person who intent) n to carry on the business, or lf it be a com1 Second hand Piano. Family Trade Solicited. Orders by Telephone pany, firm or corporation, the name ot the members or firm name or the name of the 21 WEST, FIRST SOUTH STREET., Iron MIU lor Chopping; corporation, the place where the business is Grain, $S.0a Intended to be carried on, and with conveSecond hand SaaaA Pazktr llUUard nient certainly the average amount of capi...... , tal intended to be used. ia Die. to-d- ay if the license sought for be for a men Cedar Posts, car load lots r less. or amount license dealer.tbe chant retail of PLAI1T AXD SXCAVSTJC, ' Sand and Building Bock, shall be, if the capital does not exceed fivo For rublic pulldings and Dwellings ; Glazed hundred dollars, the sum of $6.25 per quarHorses, vi and Enamelled X)cs for Mautels, ter yearly, in advance. It tbe capital be Heai-ths- , Ex and for Wumscoting, etc., over five hundred dollars, it shall be $12.50 Fine, Coarse and Milling Bait. -tcrior Iecorations. .j quarter yearly. In advance. If the Rock Salt lor Stock. per I license sought for be for a peddler, the MILLER & COATES, NEW YORK. 1000 bushels Potatoes, In quantities of the license shall be $6.25 per ELI AS MORRIS, Importer's Agent, amount .. to suit. ' yearly, In advance. quarter . 21 S. Temple St., West, S. L. City. ' Fine Moore, London Breechloader license the If sought for be for an aucdlXJ eod ly v tioneer, the sum shall be $&23 per quarter onotgun. yearly, in advance. Fine Improved Ballard Bifle. If the license sought for be fori any other business mentioned in said act, the county Bone Ash. Liquid Blueing. court, on application, will make special Bone Fertilizer. rate therefor. This order to take effect from and after the first day of Jnne, VSU, Old Butter for Sheep Grease, etc. TN REGARD TO THE and each quarter year shall commence the Two-inc- h GOMPLAINT3 Plank. first day ot June, first of September, first or of ap any property, .LATEST TKAAS-ATIiASTI- C . A lot of Sannet Saleratus. or Ond IISV plications for abatement or. remission of of December, and first of March. ' ; PATCHES. Soda. Taxes tor the current year, must be made to UTAH, ' Lot of Merchandise of different kinds the Board ot Equalization, at the County TERBITOBTot OF Prcparlnff ta Drop Irish Dynamite) Salt Lake. ( M. County Wanted Pretty; Mueh all. kinds o; Court House In Salt Lake' City, between tU Clouds on English Cities. I.John C. Cutler, clerk of the County , .. pay.Tuesday, the 1st day ot July, and Thursday, Court In and for the County of Salt Lake, in 20. nt The Paris correspon-doLondon, the 10th day of July, 1?84, both days Inclu- the Territory of Utah, do hereby certify that of the Times . say 8 : Stephen's z ' head-cent- re sive, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. ; IDAHO STORE. Penlan has forwarded to m., or. be forever barred according to tbe au active member cf the brotherhood aDDeara ' ": -- ot record ia my office. ' '' ; t at Chicago a manuscript circular sum-monl- jg provisions of the law. In witness whereof, I hays LEGAL NOT1C3. -an early meetlnj at Chlcajro By order of the County Courtr - hereunto set tny hand and ns of the prominent wilJOHN C. CUTLER, SEAL ailixed the seal of said w ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE . ling to loin the new movement In favor court, this 3rd day of June, County Clerk. . of a military organization on the line 41.1'., 193. Salt Lake City, June 3rd, 1SS4. Probate Court within aad for Salt JOHN C. CUTLER, proposed by the late John O. Mahony. In ' the Lake County and Territory of Utah. j diet. County Clerk." btephens declares the services of sev- Before the Eliaa Uoaorable A. Judgei Smith, eral distinguished .European officers been at his dishave'already Blchard! of the Estate and he is placed that be can In the Matter posal, . Bnsh, Deceaaod. of , j secure others. .Nosanghine deilnlte plan of action caa be proposed until the convenTO AX ORDER OF Tlllf Of GALLAGHER, CILMORE & GARDNER'S Grcjtt Spectacular tion of Irish patriots, which Is expect- PURSUANT. Court within and for said , Extravaganza ed soon to be held in Paris. To this County, made and entered entitled tbe in this matter on convention the Chicago conference ts the 17th day of May A. D., 18at. I, the under-- ' Invited to elect delegates. After the signed. Administrator of said Estate, will tor cash at private sale th following convention an address will be issued to sell Estate, situate in Salt Lake the Irish at home aud abroad expound- described Ileal in Salt Lake Count v. and Tenl-- . City ing the alms of the new movement. lory Sarvev, of Utah, to wit: Among the plana of operations mooted A part of Lot number Four (4), In Block' is a scheme to dispatch Dalloons man-- n number (86), In Plat A of said id with dynamiters over England to Survey, Eighty-Si' for aald part at a point beginning ' ... UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF CHAS. H.'TALE. , twelve a half and drop explosives upon townsites below. rods North from the (IS corner of said lot, thence run-nin- g McCaferty is commissioned to Soathwest Captain -- :0 ' '.;' - , v , ' North five (5) rods, thence East five (6) examine plans of the apparatus. Sev' . : ... thence South five (6) rods, thence1 j eral Fenians of Paris have volunteered rod., ' t West five (5) rods to the place of beginning, MBxtiaicn- Scenery Corgeeus Costomlnc t for these aerial expeditions. Catchy Haate . containing twenty - five (iS) square rods of SpeeisilUee t Bewltcnlna; BaUeta 1 Sarprisinff all with the land, rights, privileges and ap- Iatataota-oeoa- s . Wonaefal MeeliKaical A Deadly Dilemma. Trsniiormstloni I Effects i purtenances thereunto belonging or in any , .; wise appertaining. . f Cairo, 20. El Mahdl has aain written to the Mudir of Dongola summonEvenr person wishing to buy said land, ia ing him to espouse his cause. If he respectfully requested to propose in writing The entire Entertainment produced at an actual cost of $20,000 the undersigned at his office in Salt Lak A phenomenal cost, including a company of Seventy-fiv- e acquiesces he will be made governor to People. City, being on Second South Street. No. 71 a. of the province and allowed to keep all Mo wiU onr baton seceH CRAND THE loth, ENGLISH BALLET, imported for this production by Messrs, July II he tbe a refuses 18H4. taxes; lieutenant of fc.1 Mahdi's will kill the , vuwiv.i. v. uaiiuici,iiviu me Aiiiamorsi aoeatre, xxnuon, Mudir and all No sale will be complete until the same Is , to the Court and by it approved ' belonging to him. reported I35TTK6a3Tj-CIJCh-- M .! and confirmed. " The terms of tale are cash to be paid be940,000 Attached. fore the deed ia executed. 20. An attachement was Syracuse, Z. SNOW. this afternoon filed In hehalf of Ward . Star Premiere Dan sense Assoluta, from the ramoua La Scale Theatre. AUlan, Administrator of said Estate. Italy. June 19th, and Mncfcay of Newbury upon theWest . , dl77 lot , NOT A LIQUID or SNUFF A few relieve. A treatment till euro. , Ajrreaable totliorauph uso. Send for cir -Four Ton Chicago Scales-.Pine Charcoal for Eefrlgerators. ' Six Horse Power Baiter poller and ' engine. Four ITorse Power Boiler. Curtis Force rumps; no leather . . s, w. w e s T ' . . mNTON'S TH.ES. v . ' ; BUTCHEH. ni" - KOTIOB FPU E1QX. . T A Full Lino of Misses', Children's and Infants It: SfH o Of Williams & ' ; j Hoyfs make. In Goat, American and French Kid, , Sandals, Ties, etc., also an endless variety, of &adis Grain, Goat, American and French Kid, High and Low Cut ' Sboes, Kid stnd Satin Slippers, at Sacrttlcins Price, as I am Closing: oat this entire line of Ladles', Blisses and Children's Shoes. " NUW STOOS'OF fi-oi- J. W. SNELL, O Xj O T 33IIIsr . ;V. . "! . FIRST APPEARANCE xxos AX Irish-America- LAKE I2T SALT WHICH BEYIL'S AUCTION! THOS- - V- Til MUe. The Caytrrating French Premiere; i HELOISE, trom the Grand Opera A which, ; ! : f narrated CaaUo of ArUtole," TU Grotesque Jly.ierton Cbsmber," Snbterranoan Carens of tbe 9IamnaotIi Zteptllea," oTIm rests f tbe Lanterns, Tbe Golden rUe) of (be Fstebtv "Tsiej i IST Box Oface Open fTf 5" j "AimHOClIE VALLEY AT STZyjsiSEI" nm SO-in- ch s most HAUNTED DELL of GIGMTIOMUSlxllOOMS A TriumPn of sue MechanUm, Introducing the InstanUneou Change to the 1 Solenda Eastman Tarktt; wife of J. S. Huntsman, departed this lift June 10th, ISM. at Gunlock, Washington County, She-waborn August S3, 1836, at Lymon, Graston County, Kew Hampshire; moved with her parents, Zadok and Miriam Far. kcr, to Xauvoo, when quits young, and was bsfUjed into the church when eight years Car Load of Gorgeous Scenery! the are the piomlnent of Among Trans-Contlncn- tal HcirrsxaH ' , JENISTING-S- V IUi imimn nn'H 'nn iTflN rl tnnTii Alnnlll h .iUl lUiUMUlU j JL JLJJL11U1 UUU UUU KSIUUIU I at 10 a.m. ET Ko Adrance N.C. C H R: I STErMEfl ' MAyUFACTUREltS OF AND Xa 1 TO DO IN ALL City Wafer Ilooflng:, Guttering, Etc., fl3 BRANCHES Pi;:s t:3 Fat-r- es OH SHORT NOTICE, in fat ca fisascaabts Terras- - Call ana Exahtine our Stock of Plumbing Supplies. Go EixCures, Tl ater Filters, Etc. iTo 67 MAIN" S0?E;BE1T. At TXLITHOSaT. OOJQlCJfXOATIOJr OTT1C3 AJTD KCSIDEycS. Prices, BRO. DALESS IN AT?T1 jPTZtTTTPAlmiD . PlumbWsGsasFittincranaStm Heating, Tiiinlnff, HouisTaria, rranc. New York. 20. Failures for the last the South. Decrease of 23, failures compared with last week. This Is doe to a falling off in other sections. W. GSADJCS AT E03A ""VIAIXA, XIlloJ seven davs in the United States 182; Canada 23. Casualties continue to be numerous on the Pacinc Coast and ia A Tour On a Bicycle. Mr. Thomas Stevens, the English bicycler who left San Francisco on the 3rd ult., bound for New York, arrived In Omaha all right yesmachine, terday, lie rode a wore heavy top boots and carried with him as baggage a notebook, a change of clothes and a revolver. . Should he reach his destination according to programme, the honor of first crossing the American continent on a bicycle will be carried off by a son of peride Albion. X 1 The Celebrated Austrian rremlere; late of the Royal Alhatnbra Theatre, Loudon, Eng. dollars for contract work in the construction, of .the road. The schedule attached foots up to $40,000. "; HllS, . bhore property or an Ondago County claim for two hundred ond nlty thous-au- u Failure. IN DAVID JAMES & CO " " 01 ALL . ; Mile. IIABU) BBAIIBIIaIJU WILL ASTONISH THE NATIVES. MEN'S AND BOYS' BOOTS AND SHOES "1 , , I CTnnr nr tirifj ur riiniiioiimr iilii oiuurv runmoniiiu nnnnt uuuuo, OR, THE GOLDEN BRANCH. x O-- PHICES HAiCBST STYLES . , 1 9 11 ... j . uuirrjrixcs, Stocks. New York, 20. Bar SUver, lOKfSX; 100X.4XS, 11J; 4's, 20X; Pacific o's, 23; Central Pacific 39 jBurlington, H; Northern Pacific 19X ; Pfd. 44 W; Northwestern 90; N. 1. Central, 90V; Oregon Trans. 11; Oregon Navigation 66; Pacinc Mali, 87X ; Panama ; bt. Louis and San Francisco 17; Texas Pacific 8X ; Union Pacific 8flK; Wells Fargo .: Express 100: Western S- bate ixrart ot tavis wouniy, iomwiT Ctah, made on the 2nd day of Jane. lSdi, in the matter of the Estate of George Cole Admere, deceased, the undersigned, the Pal-tati ministratrix ot said estate will sell at to the highest bidder for cash, Sale, and subject to confirmation by said Probata Court, on tveaaeiaiyms vva uay oi my, 1884, at 13 o'clock noon ot said day at the office of Charles E. Pearson, Attorney at Law, Lake city, all tbe lis Main Street, Salt interest and estate of the said right, title, of his death, George Colemere at the time and all the right, title and Interest that the said estate has, by the operation of Law .or otherwise, acquired other than, or in ad dition to, tnat ot tne sata ueorge voisniers, at the time ot hia. death, ta. and to all that certain piece, or parcel of land situate can and ueing in tne t tty ana vouuiyoi Lake and particularly described aa follows, to wit: of Lot Fonr (4) in The South nirwk Reventvportion three f73) llat ' C." Salt Lake City Survey, containing one honored and twenty(130)sqnarerods of land or there aoouu, witn a smaii aaoDe nouse ana or i chard thereon. Terms and Conditions of Sale: Cash on of day of sale and subject to confirmation sale by tne aia irooate court, ueea at expense of purchaser. The premises will bo sold in one lot, or will bo divided into three i lota to snit tmrcnasers. Bids in writinar will be received- by the said Administratrix no to the day of sale. at the office of Chas. K. Pearson. Attorney at Law, 115 Main Street, Salt Lake City, to whom application may be made tor farther ; information. j ' 1&- June BACHEL COLEMERE. Administratrix of the Estate of George w . die? oaw Cole mere, deceased. - j g- - ' anti-"Morm- 3 X .'... per cent. "Mormons," Seventeen per cent. BOB'"Monnoas." CTlWlJf . .' Eighty-thre- Xon- .. second degree " : Forgery GraKd J. BOllISTIB . -- M ureter AT I O g, . 0"W if Tvr-p-t-- .T antl-"Mornio- n" .- . 13 1st, W. H. Halliday, grand larcenv, 6 years. . 1 year. Bobert Frank, burglary, . Hobert Price, robbery, s years. Samuel Clements, grand larceny, 6 years. G. W. Davis, grand larceny, 4 years. . Fred Lanrley, grand larceny, i years. . Thomas Maney, robbery, 4 years. All Palmer, placing obstructions on rail4 years. road W. il. Muiui, grand larceny, 3 vears. J. C. Taylor, grand larceny, 4 years. AV. F. W alters, grand larceny, e years. John Martreo, placing obstruction on railroad track, 4 years. Henry Jnde, grand larceny, 1 year. C'has. McDonald, grand larceny, 3 years. Chas. Norton, forgerv. 7 years. Frank Smith, manslaughter, 4 years. .Henrv Valentine, burglary 4 years. Jackson Wellington, grand larceny, IS months. Samuel Jackson, housebreaking, IS months. "Joseph Thompson, grand iarctny, 1 ysar. John Taylor, grand larceny, S years. Joseph Davis, ass't to rob, 1 year. Wm. Gibson, ass't weapon. 1 year. to kill, 18 months. John Forbes, ass't deadly T. Hanks, robbery, 3 years. K. C Joyce, vol. manslaughter, 4 years. ' Swan Olsen, ass't. to kill, s years. , James Richardson, grand larceny, 4 year. D. P. Rich, robberv, 18 months. Win. Boss, housebreaking, 18 months. Chas. Boss, housebreakings 18 months. 1 J. C. Williams, L. C. Epperson, grand larcety, 1year. year. . Wm. Jones, rape, la vears. Jesse BUlingsly, grand larceny, 3 years. John Kelly, grand larceny, 1 year. Charles Clayton, Forgery, 18 months. David Fennel, murder In second degree, 13 years. John Lelaud, rape, 1 year. Joseph Matthews, larceny, 1 1year. A L. Molan. crand larcenv. rear. John Boss, grand larcenv, 1 year. Wm. Several, ass't deadly weapon, Lvaar. James Stewart, V. S. mall fraadaleuty, t months. v itudnlph Smitb.Tobbery, S years. Patrick Callahan, murder, 14 years. - -- T II E in a month and year.j wnu casto, Kig cottonwooa, began jreo. 1S6S, closed Feb. 18Gs. Opened and closed A U WWAvMTW same month and year. VA VI JUUtVMA L.J.- Nuttali, Provo, began April I860, clos f ereace.. JThe facts are of record and ' ed July lane. 3 months. of the spirltand genius the "Mormon" Me f. wan ft smith, frovo, began May 1S86, . faith arc la utter hostility to the vile Closed Jaly 1866. 3 months. Jas. Neill, Stockton, began. May 1886, practices Which tend to demoralize and closed Jaly 1S66. 2 months. Samuel Cudd. Biar Cottonwood, be can community. corrupt July 1960, closed Juiy 186d. Opened and tA 1 UW vnaace Charlotte Thompson Matinea at ,2. were 'Mormons" as the per lawless as the 17 per cent. SATl'KDAV NIUHT, JTU3SE S1U - , they would have 161 prisoners The Sparkling Comedy, ACCOM BT riKUS in the Penitentiary instead of the coml3"3XraEJ. paratively small number of 13.J What a painful impeachment of the SIXTH WARD SILVER BAUD. PBICESl.00, 73C 50?., 25. ever boastful this exhibit alone makes. Nearly everyone of Box Office open' at 10 a. m., Wednesday, 3NT the very gravest crimes are charged O OHCKDKStOBJ 33 atrl. -nt reserved seats. fnr TUB AUBNCBS Or THE up to their class. Is it doubtful that tnese 33 convicts ?belong to. the " MT OQDB1T FIBS JtXtQABB, outfit up Puf Hollister ollice the best some local At Jfew for The ater Park, 7-- 8 JERSEY BULIi CALF against "Mormon" in Utah.give these S3 near located the Center of FOB SALE. franchise and who does not Conveniently two Blocks Katt of Ogden City, vote would solid for know thit they Z. C. M. 1., Main Street. CJIKED TIT A SOX OF THE DTTKEOF this unscrupulous O Darlington, a fun uiooaea uuu. uam Wiit the canting hypocrites attempt Large Pavlllossa I . deed Grounds t an arraignment of these figures and Msuie, Baaelac, sTIaea, Kte Ete. was out of" a half Alderney and a registered . nt c. yocjtg, r. o. Boxes. conclusions? I Hisronicus. . BIG RACES at the DRIVING PARK! la TttA.T 13 HEEEBT OITEN, vronCK in pursuance of an Order of the Fro. JX AUD A' COMPLETE - i Eat Second South Street, Thrte Doort from Main Street, di4l Actress, -- s", ng KBTATX WHOLESALE AND by the talented Actor Support tnd PORTER, ALE UOER BEER Tlioupii Gliarlotte : " law-abidi- ; 4 Thursday', June 19, 84. Th - CALPnluBRElTERY Three Nights and Saturday Matinee, non-"Mrrao- ? ;. SALT FOR s." bynon-"Monuons,- WAGNER, HENRY LAKE CITY, THEATRE. xl. W. SUMMERHAYS & Co., - jjto tKaLns MifrBMofclSSf.: 1- UC.EZ?, -3, O Ear SHEE? PETS, fTRS, 5 i. Ci : , No. 28 SECONl) COUTH GTIffiBT,, OCcs i - Tr- - 7 - V?arhnsv 45 and 47 S. Third West Street, half Block Utah Cwtral Dexwt. r UArvTACTOMT' ttiscr nvir rates taskkrt, im wasv. Ol ; P. O. EOS U3 Cad cz . fj at.t j vn f JT 1 r |