Show EDITORIAL PITH According to tho Los Angeles Herald May Irwin Is going to play Hamlet Thtf atmosphere or gloom that has hung over I that Shakespearean production will rc colvo some hard jolts when the jolly May gets In her work and another Idol will bo chattered a a I Tho Louisville courierJournal says I would bo mistake to assume that there I is no ray of comfort In the gloom that enshrouds Edward Atkinson and his Ht 1 tlo band of aunties I seems from late Manila aunLC that some ot tho American In the Philippines not I only heeded Edwards entreaties to desert de-sert but that they have been shooting American soldiers who did not heed those cntroatlr f > s u a a sO Mr Pearson the English publisher Is credited with saying among other things that tho American goes into sport for tho I sheer lovo of whining while the Englishman English-man goes Into It for tho sheer loveoC sporting Doubtless thcro is a difference between Doubless but it Is not wldo enough to he easily apparent Certainly Mr Pearson would not for an Instant think of saying thatEn lishmen go into thlnoC sport with the hope of losing and since wih both embark in the gumo hoping to win what Is tho actual difference after all When was IL that any worthy son of Briton refused a Derby stake merely because be-cause his horse did not lose Il Both oC them have given the money to charitable or philanthropic objects i but ve incline to think that both of them go Into sports to win everything In sight observes tho Philadelphia Enquirer The Minneapolis Tribune thinks It is up to Senator Fairbanks to say to tho Republicans Re-publicans of Indiana which he prefers a suie reelection to the Senate In 1903 or I chanco to ba nominated for President a year later There are too many ITooaler statesmen to permit him to figure on both contingencies 0 S U Vho vastness of New York may be 1 judged by tho following from the Trlbuno of that city I says The society for tho Prevention of Cruelty to Animals asa as-a part of Its excellent work has put Jo death mercifully and painlessly no Cower than C5COO cats In a single year I la a cruel practice that of many families to close their city homes In the summer and thrust their fireside pots out Into the streets to faro as best they may Even cats have their rights |