Show loui AND OTHER MATTERS 13 barclary sar Bar glary some time duning during last night the secondhand second band hand store of mr brooksbank below the tha wasatch block was entered by a burglar who gained ingress by breaking a back window it was waa not discovered this morning whether whets or anything had been stolen from the promises premises stole his garden hose at a 8 late hour last night a thief entered the lot of mr paul A Bc hettler lers lerg uncoupled his garden hose and carried it away the theft must mast have been committed after eleven an aa the hose was all right at that hour the length of the hose taken including the couplings Is ia nearly ninety feet several thefts of a similar character have occurred lately to ie be taken Take baek back this morning sheriff C P linton of araps hoe county colorado arrived in the city to take charge of and convey back to denver the chinaman who committed the jewelry robbery the officer comes cornea armed aimed with the requisition and arld other papers and is collecting together buch sach arti artl articles cea of the stolen property as have been recovered from the thief he wili wiil probably remain in the city two or three tree days just fonty yorty years A go we learn by letter from elder eider 0 P F martineau Mar that he is laboring in the west tennessee conference where wheres notwithstanding that there is ia bome some persecution some success is met with the elders are spreading out into new fields in one of these he and elder eider joel iuca bicks found bird williams and wife who were baptized forty years ago a tili till holding to the faith although no elders had been there ilace the time of their baptism until now arrived this morning brother robert B R anderson andersen arrived from england where he has been on a mission about two years juring jaring the whole of that time he has labor ed cd in the business department of the uhe laverpool office attending to emigration and other matters before leaving for home he attended to the shIp shipping ping plug details of the company that arrived here last sunday we navo havu o A ders der tand stand 14 he a is in very ag fair I 1 health exl eal tb death of ensign I 1 stocking elder ensign 1 I stocking one of old and respected citizens CItIzen sj died at Herriman lat tat 9 a m on the loth the funeral took place yesterday the services being conducted at the south cottonwood ward meeting house to which building they were escorted by nearly the entire population of herrema Herrl man by whom the deceased deemed was wila justly held in high esteem addresses were delivered on the occasion by president W woodruff patriarch john smith and bishops james fames crane and W A bills grand reception seo reo eption A gg writing from the chief city ot at juab county under date of july lith sends bends us ua the I 1 brief account of a pleasant affair in sanpete San ban pete As I 1 was traveling through the city of moroni I 1 counted about 60 50 team sand some tome men man on horseback headed with their brass band jacob Ja cobeen jacobsen was their marshal they drove to dry bottom four miles north of moroni the teams formed a circle just at this time three teams drove up from fountain green bearint benr bear haft Laft three return in lars larb Soran boron gen ben NM christensen ohrla and jamea james jorgen sorgen ben een returned from a mission to den mark the brass band played choir sang john taylor i 1 our leader eader Ii each of the eiders elders made a short speech thanking the saints for the welcome and the good feeling mani feared toward them the marbal then formed a procession and marh marc mart fled in order to moroni and a grand feast had been prepared at each oi of the returning houses there was wax wa plenty for all thesis this is way the saints in moroni welcome the missionary home sll MOM FROM saturdays batur SATUR deks dews DAILY dally JULY it il bernard bennard mr 11 M bernard I 1 of sacramento california desir desires e 8 to learn leam the whereabouts of his bro brother th er robert bernard who when he last heard of him wab was staying in this city the W ol 01 trade on thursday night mr W y returned from a trip along the western end of the U P it E R in the wool business interest of mr H B clawson he was absent eight days daye and succeeded in making a consid erabia erable purchases purchase amounting to about pounds of wool about pounds of this quantity was bought bough tat at hilliard Hillia jd from the well veli known adeep sheep raisers mackay reading beading richardson grant mr daniel simpers and mr goodman As a rule this season the wool is in good coniff mon lon notwithstanding the late loss loaa of mr clawson by fire he Is ia struggling successfully to hold hoid his business together and nud is doing quite a large trade in wool weare we are pleased to note the fact trout bait the following from george wills in forest and bream stream will be spec specially lally interesting to disciples of isaac walton gol goi 1 I speak from the tho experience of t thirty hirty year years 9 and I 1 never saw baw anything equal this take the neck nerin and head of a red fowl cut the neck off down to the tho breast and the skin with the featherton feathera fea thure there on do da not remove them till you want to bait your hook then cut a strip ilko like a worm and remove the feathers but do no remove the little bright glistening hairs when on the hook it is a most moat enticing bait and being tough it hangs bangs on well and looks bright I 1 have caught a basket of with one bait sometimes you may want a balt bait like a bug or grasshopper or a large miller this you can closely imitate by leaving on one or ortho I 1 two feathers sometimes Bomati mesby by cutting from jle jie he watt wattles ies les near the bill with a feather or two or a piece of the little feathers attached will lure a trout when nothing else will much euch ado about nothing not Hot liing 79 7 this phrase received a vivid illustration in the town of Oxford Idaho in the northern part of cache valley last monday and tuesday an old man named darby waa was missed from his home at five mile about six miles from oxford a diligent search was instituted but to no avail rebert egbert wo taylor who was related to darby by marriage was at once condemn ed by public sentiment as darby dalbys a murderer he was waa accor accordingly dingI Y ar atad th T h sni swI dence showed that tha the wife ot of the accused had run away SWAY with another man and in consequence he had carried about a miniature ar abnal consisting of a 99 tomahawk two platos pistols and a couple of knives ivess these facts appeared to the angry populace conclusive and public feeling ran high against against Ts taylor alor ahe she sensational bubble was however suddenly by the reception recep tiou of the following dispatch which was read in court logan nogan july 11 1883 willard crawford county attorney oxford idaho do you want E darby in court answer quick E W the enterprise teila tells a lengthy story of the affair jail delivery at deer lodge at deer lodge montana on tuesday ther thele ewas eras was gas a jail delivery one of the convicts made a key out ot of an old file and portions of a tin cup with thia thib thedoor ibe ibo door doon of the outside corridor was unlocked the guard was occupied on the ethen ether other side bide of the building at the time I 1 and the desperadoes overpowered a watchman and fled to the mountains the butte wener dener publishes the following description of the fugitives who are A rough bind bend motley ot louis louls hermansen Her mansen maneen 1 norwegian weight height heights 5 feet 71 7 age 69 59 gray hair gray eyed complexion dark hair allover all sli over body jas jaso stephens englishman weight height 5 feet 10 is f age 23 hair dark eyes blue biao complexion fair heart and cross on left arm anchor on right thigh bichard richard pettis frenchman weight black hair bair eyes blue complexion dark gunshot gun shot wound on right arm above the elbow james duncan canadian canadians weight height six feet two age 22 light hair blue eyes complexion very fair sword cut on right knee pistol ball wound on calf of left leg log william morgan quarter breed weight height tive live feet four and a half age 17 black hair and eyes eves dark complexion gun shot wound on upper calf of left leg luf two from burns on breast frank sailor 0 B D aubrey 1 weight height five fcc teet t eight age 23 black hair and eye complexion dark i baom MONDAYS dally DAILY JULY 18 take hatice will our oar correa pon dents bo be hind kind enough to take notice of the request we have made several times to address all communications for publication in the DEs les eret NEWS to the editor or mark on the envelope envelopes 19 editorial 1 burglar burglarious us theft the on saturday revada night the nevada saloon on beo bec second south street kept by bennie was entered by burglars who gained admittance at the rear of the premises the thieves carried away a silver watch and a quantity of cigars at his post mr B H eschet tier assistant cashier of zion ziona a sav dav ings inga bank and trust company was so far recovered as to be able to re sume sumo his post this morning he ELM buffers suffers irom from pains in hla his hewl heal though not so GO much in the immediate locality loci kilty edthe of the wound vj made by the blow riven given by the robber mound bound for arizona president C nay lay ton of df jos joc joseph joceph eph stake will wil leave tomorrow to morrow for hili hill home in st david davids cochise county arl Ar arizona izona laona onn ons any parties parthe wishing to comment com muni munt cate with him on the subject of settling in any part of the country Clu country surrounding F round hig tile the place where he be is located should address him a ag above he is accompanied to st david by the wife and children of his son bon william drowned A few days ago an aged man named charles W dalton of beaver fell into an irrigation canal near his residence be ing enfeebled at theotime of the no nee from having been effected with chi lishe liehe was wag unable to get got out of the water when found life was so BO nearly extinct that all efforts at failed and he expired shortly afterwards the particulars are given in the beaver county record A curious curio as relic brother edward stevenson has brought to this thia city and placed in the deseret museum a curious indian relic neilo it waa was found in grass valley seyler beyler county by joseph kirkman Kir keman feman it consists of a stone red and white slate 22 inches long and 8 inches i in diameter oval in its ita ence once and tapering almost to a point points at each end it has probably been used by the indians in dressing skins shins and had evidently been transferred to Sevier sevien county by them as asi the peculiar quality of stone is not indigenous to that region alleged horse thief wounded we eib eab learn aim from the cafe chiq chieftain etain that igaac J accused of stealing horses from J W stoner of coke villo villa wag wal taken to Evi evl evanston inston arton on friday badly wounded he was arrested near F engle ezale rock kock idabo idaho by deputy sheriff winn of eagle rock bock and constable cameron of cok Coh eville who stole a march upon him while chile he was asleep in camp about 3 in the morning mcvay says bays he did not know they were omm off meers leers and being only partially tlajy awake and two guns gads leveled on him s he was frightened and started d to run when winn fired sending a charge of buck buci buckshot shot shod into his baek bacic and captured him he Is ia badly wounded some of the shot having lodged in his hla lungs longs though he may possibly recover en burglary we lary iary I 1 we learn from brother henvy henry nry cox in charge of the church blacksmith and machine chope ohope who Ps n nt t t he the mout mouth h of C olty city it V C creek r ee k that the premises were broken into between saturday night and this morning the burglar had cut awaya piece of the shutter of a window displaced the catch and thus gain ed an entrance all the drawers were turned out ont and evory every place where money might have havo teen been sup bup gu posed 0 sed to bedad been seen sea searched but ut luckily no cash had been left I 1 in n the place nothing was mis missed red ged b but ut a few fliess flies I 1 judging from the height at which the cut was made in the shutter the burglary was evident ewid evid ert ly made by a grown person but those in charge of the premises have bavo been greatly annoyed e d by baya boya visiting tho the vicinity on sundays climbing on the apt water e r wheel wheels catti cutti cattini ner nir machinery belts and indulging in other othor mischievous acts stepa will be taken to prevent this in future sw so that the boys had bad better deblat |