Show AND OTHER MATTERS beom imm TUE tur EMArS dally llly JULY 10 31 an insane man A man bythe by the fhe name of jones was brought over from georgetown by constable albert A robinson robi Bobi naon and wilford mark clark and turned over to sheriff hoge for sate safe keeping on sunday july inthe had not shown any signs of insanity until batur satur saturday sy evening when he acted viciously and it tock took five men to guard him when brought to paris he yaa tab raa was securely bound with ropes and when whon the were being placed upon him he struck at the several times re ho also I 1 attacked joseph an in the same evening from papers found on hla hia person it was discovered ed that he was a x esl ebl dent of bait balt lake cit olt olty his hia father Is bow pow now living in fri the botn ward his hi been telegraphed to aud nud eps will be taken immediately to naye nave Y him removed to his home bear lake democrat inquiring about irrigation A crapio cupita of gentlemen named dow daw brothe TB nom austras australia wane have been in the city the last few days they are acting in the capacity of agents for the parliament who bate bane haxe bave zent sent them to thib thid country to I 1 inquire aire f a to t the a methods of their the it system that prevails here it a appears peara pears that in australia there is an immense traer tract of unimproved country connary through which flows a cop lous lons river the land is comparatively useless without irrigation but water kater iera lers it almost magically productive daring the brief sojourn of the dow here they were vere enabled to glean considerable bid sid erable information that will t be valuable to then thon in their investigations they received considerable aid from mr A M musser and mr john B R winder the gentlemen left today to day intending to go through southern california arizona and new rew mexico and after completing the he object object of their visit going to new york ouk auk and taking atea steamer mer men for home tile tiie fourth at salem the fol lowing has been bent from balem batem utah county the fourth was wab appropriately and creditably celebrated nere acre in a 8 spacious bowery erected for the occasion tho the forenoon exercises were euch bach asi ara are usual ou on like occa MR eions agreeably interspersed avith suitable selections from the humorous and sentimental 1 the afternoon was spent in outdoor out door pox miso also a dance for the j juveniles uve niles suitable tl able prizes were awarded the winners in all games of competition a considerable amount having been expended for that purpose the scope of amusements was very extensive and often prolific of considerable minth mirth especially was this the case when was selected from the audience the ualle ugliest t r man and the prettiest youn young diady glady lady A lively interest was waa taken in the whole proceeding dinges and all passed ag SQ quietly no accidents disturb 1 anees or drunkenness except one oot the latter class which however uil haan usan on everyday every day aclair with that per son on special praise is due the com a 0 m wattle ot of arrangements who so ably their autlee at about ra 6 p m we were visited by a copious pluvial shower peculiar 9 sueh such gatherings gathering the celebration concluded with a R bodai bodal party in the i chool house A dangerous dang Bang erous Desperado A des trado named ole oje Hran haneen Een a con armed med cattle thiel thief has for a long ceries of semb given the people ol at egar egan r lako generally and the officers ceris I 1 the law in especially p eci a good deal doal of 4 cuble cubie he 13 e has bas been in ganv dis graceful scrapes but has always been dealt with in a spirit of leniency bordering on license the democrat of july ath baya bays ole oia hansen was on his nie periodical spree in st charles charlea last weeks and came very near shooting peter ON oa it seams beems that Os ewaa was wab working at his trade being a carpenter when hansen came into the shop where Os was at work and wanted him to drink with him esterline Os Oat jerline refused to drink and turn ed his back to resume work when ranzen hangen commenced shooting at him heaired he fired twice both bullets came very near hitting Oat eiline he then made his hla escape it Is ia surely burely time that this and desperado should be in the penitentiary the supplement to this etory story in view of the former frequent escapes of hansen from custody is almost in the sublime slackness of the officers A complaint was sworn out before LB L B hunt justice of the peace st charles precinct on june by peter esterline Os and a warrant was duy duly issued for the arrest of ole hansen and placed in the hands of constable V M rUg pug mire Mize who in company with S cleveland started at june 29 in for hans Hane hansens ens mill where ole was suppo supposed eed bed to be rusticating they arrived at the mill about 7 and found ole oie at ac home and in bed and on being confronted with the officer smiled one of his blankest blandest blan dest smiles and suo without any farther further ado oies oles father appeared on the scene and in a very demonstrative man ner informed the constable that he wished him to take tod not only ole but also aiso owa olea oie olg a wife and children this was more than vince had bar A I 1 u d f T and more than he had ir warrants s arants for but being a good ma lla bared ferlow fellow andi order norder to keep peace in the family he concluded to take the thew whole hole hoie bundling the children in ia the bottom of the wagon box boxi ole and his wife on the back sea fea seat feat and the two onn off officers leers on the front seat which seat would have been a very uncomfortable one had the officers been aware that ole had a 41 calibre revolver in his shirt bosom which he might have umed used on the officers had he felt so disposed dispose e d but buthe bathe he preferred a more leacea blo escape so making an excuse visbek nihed to go into the willows he got permission of the officers to do so and forgot to come back A posse was bent sent for to harJes who arrived in due time and diligently searched the willows but without avail as ole had bad about an hours start through the thick underbrush der bruh brugh before the posse arrived fron FROM DAILY july 11 II peter wounded peter huntsman ex sheriff of miliard millard AIll lard county has arrived in provo from FUl eul morein a very precarious condition it appears that he anda young man named an altercation ou on the when the latter drew draw a knife ana anu stabbed blabbed him in the neck inflicting a severe wound he launder the treatment of dr at provo the enquirer FAquir er gives the particulars new now horse disease brother le la cheminant was in from the west point of the mountain today to day and informs us that horses in that vicinity are dying troma fromn a strange disease they are attacked with bleeding at the nose and d die dle ae wl within thin two or three days several horses have already died in that neighborhood one of the dead animals was opened and the veins about the heart were found much distended and clogged with black blood it is thought to be a species of poisoning san pete educational institute we are indebted for the following to miss helen armstrong of ephraim the educational institute hold its annual meeting at manti on june juno beginning at 10 am president john B malben maiben presided dod president Preal dent mii diget ben stated that there is a marked improvement in educational matters throughout the county thought the establishment of tho the institute had been productive of much good also niso that the tho quarterly sessions cessions sess bess lons ions held at ephraim mount pleasant moroni and mantl manti respective il had been well weli attended by the mem bere exercises as follows lecture on theory and practice of teaching wm K reid roid primary geography class exercise miss hilss martene bam ram lose iose music and ind song gathering shale bhella from the bea sea shore miss tina morrison primary reading class exer olse min mibs miriam miniam tennet gram mar class exercise exercises john P F allred A ler lund made a few remarks on the importance of introducing the study of grammar into our schools mental arithmetic claes olaes exercise S hallen halien H alien allen benediction by brother cliff ad adjourned burned till 2 afternoon af pf pm prayer by mr larson narbon sketch ou on history hig hii tory geo boott scott primary arithmetic olasa class exercise 0 P madson spelling class exercise jno E christensen misa miss morrison Morr lson ison favored the members with the sweet strains of gertrudes s dream and a song bong geography and history of in a credit uble manner to both pupils and teachers geo scott advanced reading class exercise wm wm K M neld reid remarks on the duties of trustees jno H hougaard select reading S SH ff alien ailen prest malben stated that the term of officers had exp eap expired wred ired jno B malben president A H lund and win wm K reid vice vlee presidents were unanimously elected jno E secretary jno F allen alien assistant geo acott corresponding secretary and librarian adjourned to meet moet at gunnison Gunni aon sept ept 29 isea benediction arrom THURS THURSDAYS daks DArS DAILY JULY igl 12 two grand entertainments A regular announcement of the two grand concerts to be given in the tabernacle on july ruly appears in our columns today they will undoubtedly bo be the urical affairs of the kind over given to the public of thia this city arrangements have bean been made with the railroads for special rates to enable people from the surrounding country to como come to town and attend at reduced ex expense pense ponEe celebrations we vve have received from thomas robertson roberton of order vine ville kane co and J M dunning of garfield co accounts of the celebration of the fourth at those r respective places the pro pre ce edings at each town were lively and interesting but besides the fact of the striking similarity of details of all such buch affairs it la Is now too late to publish them especially as our oun space arace Is limited we trust this thib explanation will be sufficient clent and agreeable to the parties interested murder Case Today redman nedman E X joyce J OY es has been under examina exam lna ina tion on a harge charge c of the wilful murder of fitzgibbons eltz eitz gibbons at mrs erana boarding boardinghouse house on the tho ath of any the buba auba fAnoe of the testimony was waa that joyce and fitzgibbons quan relied mrs mra evans ordered them off th the a premises joyce went up stain to get his clothing and stated a that oa as fitzgibbons had to leave too hg he would throw his clothing down stairs he dared joyce to do this and went to the foot of the stair way at the same samme time joyce came down fired and shot fitzgibbons inflicting inflict I 1 ng the wound from the e effects of which he died the following morning the proceedings were in progress when we went to press accidentally adol Adel dentally ogden valley vailey three and a half miles north of eden ejen there occurred on monday another serious accident from handling firearms that were wert supposed not robn toba to loaded james bart a bobof boy of about 13 years of agenas age wab was the suo but ferer on baat monday afternoon while the men folks of mr burts family wera attending a waler meeting and tho the women were visiting in the neighborhood a number of neighboring children had assembled at the house and james being the oldest was left in charge seeing a gun behind the door and supposing it unloaded he began hand ling it for his own amusement and that of the others he did not think of its being loaded and not being used to handling guns of any kind bind it was discharged sending the greater part of the contents through his right hand some bome of the load entered his body below his breast and passed into his intestines og den pilot death beath of a remarkable old lady la dy A notice in another part of tha thia paper records the death at the resi residence of her bons sons ason baon in the ward this city of quite a remarkable old lad iad lady y in the person of bister sister dorothy ba bowman w mancho who notwithstanding the fact that biho bhe has been bedridden bed ridden for 13 yearb years had bad attained the tho ripe age of 90 years the deceased was born in ox close parish of washington county of durham darham england may lith 1793 thus making herto hento her hen to be exact 90 years and 2 months old on the day of her death which took place yesterday afternoon her husband william bowman manby by whom she had five sons and one daughter died in 1846 and fifteen years afterwards 1861 in newcastle upon tyne she embraced the bovel in in 1863 the year of h her r aleshe emi grated to utah in the company of her youngest bon eon sons bons robert by whom she has been cared for until the day of her death in april 1870 1570 mrs bowman was stricken with what appeared to be paralysis which entirely deprived her hen of the use of her limbs limbo and from that thoas until the day of her death she has been bedridden bed ridden utterly unable to help herbe herse herself if in any shape or form in this thi 9 condition condit ion fon for thirteen thir thit teen long years bhe she has been tenderly cared for by brother bowman and family bhe was denied nothing that would add to her comfort indeed the patience exhibited by those who have attended her for so many ganv years can scarcely be excelled on the lith of be excelled on the lith of may last birthday was cerebrated in a manner that gave her great joy about a week after war warda waida do she sho took cold from wh which ach sh sho bho 0 never recovered death dath was a release while the old folks folka were enjoying then theme themselves neives elves at provo sister bowman passed on to the other world four a ns ins and one daughter survIve survise her her daughter is 67 years of age her youngest son aon 61 51 tn Bear near Lake valley today to day live children of the fourth generation from the deceased her funeral took place this thib afternoon |