Show NOTICE FOR publication department part ment ot of the interior U S land office of tice at salt lake city utah I 1 july 5 1929 notice Is hereby liven given that john C mock k of drayon utah who ho on april it 11 1925 ma made d desert I 1 lard ertry no tor for SZ sec 17 sec I 1 0 0 twp 14 south range H age 24 east fast S I 1 L L iu and on may 6 ar 1924 4 made homestead entry no for section 21 twp 14 south range 34 24 east S L im M has haa lied notice of intention to make final proof to establish claim to the land above described before H M phillipi jr notary public at dragon utah on the day of august 1929 claimant names as 23 witnesses james luster and ruben S sir of dragon utah mabel C biefer and na F fleter of F ulta colo E WOOLLEY act 1 ree ater illas ill As |