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Show THE MOUSING EXAMINER: UTAH, TTESDAY OGDEX, MOUSING, OCTOBER era ot the Garduer-Oddilease had taken out HSU.UiH) worth of ore. The lessees didn't have time to go to any depth, and the present strike has been mode within three feet of their workings by the company itself. When first disclosed the vein showed to be two feet wide. A few feet more of development work revealed It to be tour feet wide. Ore is now being brought to the surface from this Tela and fa being sacked preparatory to shipment. In addition to this strike the company has been working in another abaft, a few hundred feet away, and here, at the level, they are ahippiug ore from a vein that ht five feet wide. A shipment of fifty tons of this ore was made to the Columbia sampler Thursday. It was net f loti per ten. The Kendall adjoins the Sandstorm, and is said by experts to now have as good a showing as the Sandstorm itself. Its ledges are apparently a continuation of those of the Sandstorm property, and the two properties are practically of the same character. Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 16. The In men are at work oa and Russian force tn Manchuria shall Three shifts of Savings A Loan company, a and the Kendall demnlty effort is every being evacuaof the agree upon the dt'iji'. house iu Superior street, banking mad. to work with push development above with the tion in conformity failed td opeu Its doors for business tothe utmost speed. commou principles and shall lake by day. The following notice was posted accord th measure necessary to car tbe entrance of the bank: at ENTICED YOUNG GIRL. e soon a ry out the evacuation as This company has made an assignand in any rose not later than ment for the benefit of its creditors Sheriff Pocatello at Stops Elopmsnt the period of 18 month. to H. R. Sanborn, who will make a and Man Confesses to Forgsry, Bub Article t Article Nine. financial statement to soon a un inAa soon a joreible after the presventory can be made. . I'ocsL-llo10. Oct. F. I. Howent treaty come Into force a comIds., The Indemnity Savings ft Loan commission of delimitation, composed at ard. the artist who used hit profession is the concern with Atpany an equal number of members to be to win the heart of s young girl of torney General Ellis again quo warbegan appointed respectively by the two high 17, is detained St this place. He called ranto proceedings in the circuit court contracting parties shall on tha at the family residence to give the oa Saturday last, with a view of prespot mark the exact boundary be- child lesson In painting. It Is sold, venting the company from continuing tween the Japanese and Russian pos- when he made on appointment with busineM In this state. The attorney session la the lsluuil of Sakhalin. Tba her and planned the elopement They charged that the company had commission shall be bound, ao far as left the girls liome in Bingham, Ida., general the state banking laws. H. violated topographical considerations permit, last evening, saying they were going R. Sanborn Is president of the comto follow the fiftieth parallel of north to Garland. Howard forged a check for quite a pany. latitude ae the boundary line and in Officers of the institution declare that case any deflection from that line at sum, bought two tickets to Portland It 1 absolutely solvent and the deany points are found to be necessary and gave the girl ISO. They boarded positor can readily be paid In full. compensation will be made by co- northbound train No. 9, and at the re- They also stale that the attorney genre 1st iv. deflection at other points. It quest iff the 8herilf of Bingham How- eral's action was without due cause. shall also be the duty of the said com- ard wae arrested here by Bheriff Sell The banks last statement leaned in mission to prepare a list and n de- and awaits the disposal of the Bingham June, shows assets and liabilities of scription o, tha adjacent Islands in- off! cere. $1,892, C81. The deposits were then The girl. Miss Maggie Young, will fCSS.l'Cl. cluded In the cession and finally the commission shall prepare and sign return to her home tomorrow. While The bank will resist the attempt to maps showing the boundaries of the st the county Jail Howard contested take away It charter and today filed ceded territory. The work of the to forgery. Mis Young makes the a motion in the circuit court to commission shall be nubject to tha ap- statement that she is schamed of her- th summons of Attorney Generalquash Elproval of tha high contracting parties. self and la glad they did not gel too lis. "The foregoing additional article far away when he woe arrested. are to lie considered ratified with the ADVICE TO SOLDIERS. ratification of the treaty of peace to WESTERN MARYLAND SYNDICATE ENDED. which they are annexed. Japanese Minister of War Teaches New York, Oct. 16. The Vest Vir"Portsmouth, tbe fifth day of the Abject Submission. ninth month of the thirty eighth year ginia Central and Western Maryland of Metjei, corresponding to the twenty-thir- d syndicate wae terminated today. The Toklo, Oct. 16. 3 p. m. M. of August, 19u5. (September syndicate managers were Winslow B. minister ot war, has Issued Sth. 1905.) Pierce, Myron T. Herrick, Edward L. an order Instructing the Japanese "In witness whereof the respective Fuller, Alvin W. Krech, Howard Gould army in the field to abstain from critiafhave and The Jr. and terms plenipotentiaries of peace, on tbe signed Joseph Ramsey. syndicate cising the fixed seals to the present treaty of was formed to purchase road which ground that the declaration of peace will ultimately provide an Atlantic and of war are entirely the outcome peace. Hone at Portumouth, New Hamp- seaboard connection for the Wabash of sovereign power. Hie order forbids shire, this fifth dsy of the ninth month railroad'. The road ire the West Vir- tbe criticism of rlihei subject especialof the thirty-eightyear of Ihe Mei-Je- l, ginia Central and the Western Maryly by those engaged in military sercorresponding to the 23rd dsy of land. For the purpose of financing the vice. He advises the soldiers to utilAugust, one thousand nine hundred acquisition' the syndicate was to raise ise the opportunities of peace after and five. 1211,000,01)0. the disbandment of their regiments by engaging in their respective occupations. always holding themanives in readiness to Join the colors at the eme TEXT OF TREATY OF B BROWN B BREAD B FLOUR Aik your Grocer for It ALLEN'S B. B. B. FLOUR CO. Pacific Coast Factory. San Jose, Cal and properties therein. The 50th degree of norm latitude la adopted as the northern boundary of the ceded territory. The exact alignment of such territory shall be determined In accordance with the provisions la additional article eleven annexed to this treaty. "Japan nud Russia mutually agree not to construct In their respective possession on the island of Sakhalin or the adjacent Islands any fortitlca-tion- a or other similar military works. They also respectively engage not to which take any military measures may Impede the free navigation of the trait of La Peru and the strait of Tartary. Artlda 10, It la reserved to Russian subjects, inhabitants of the territory ceded to Japan, to sell their real property and retire to their twuntry, but if they prefer to remain la the ceded territory they wi'.l be maintained and protected In the full exercise of their industries and .rights of property on condition of submitting to the Japanese law and Jurisdiction. Japan shall have full liberty to withdraw the right of residence In or to deport from Bitch territory of any Inhabitant wlu labor under political or administrative disability. She engages, however, ihut the proprietary rights of such inhabitants shall be fully respected. El Petersburg, Ocl. 1C. The lest of the treaty of pence concluded by Ku aia and Japan at Fortsumuih. N. H.. September 6. a uil signed by Emperor Nicholas and ilto Emperkir iff Japan uu Oct. It, is as follow.: "The Emperor of Japan, on irtirt part, and tbe Emperor of All the Russia, on the other pari, animated by of u desire to restore the ble.smg peace to their count I re, bare resolved to conclude a treaty of peace and have for this purpose named their plenipotentiaries. that la to say, for HI Majesty, the Emperor of Jspau, Harun Korn urs Jutaro. Jusaiul. Uraud Cordon of Ilia Imperial Urder of tha Rislug Bun, hia minister for foreign affair, and hla racellenry Takahira Konuiro. Imperial Order of the Bacred Treasure, hi. minister to the United States, and Ilia Majesty, tba Emperor of All th Russia, hia eieeileucy Sergiu Witte, bia secretary of itr and president of the committee of ministers of the Empire of Russia, and hla excellency. Uaron Roman Rosen, master of the Imperial court' of Russia, 111 Majesty's- - ambassador to the United B isles, who, after having axebanged their full powers, which were found to bo In good and du form, have. concluded the following article: Article I. There a hall henceforth ba peace and amity between their 'Majesties, the Ginperor of Japan and tba Emperor or All the Russia and between their respective atatee and subjects. Article 2. "The Imperial Russian government, acknowledging that Japan proposes In Korea paramount political military and economical Interests, engages neither to obstruct nor Interfere with the measure for guidance, protection and control which the Imperial government of Japan may find necessary to take In Korea. It la understood that Russia u subjects tn Korea shall be treated In exactly tbe name manner ad the eulijecta end cltlirna of other foreign powers, that U to say. they shall ba placed on the same footing as the subjects and cKtxrus of the most favored Ballons. It la also agreed that la order to avoid cansri of misunderstanding, the two high contracting a parties will abstain on the Kusslan-Roraafrontier from taking any military measure which may menace the security of Russian or Korean terri- You don't know that Ogden Brothers have changed hands. This is the Goodale Grocery Co. We believe in a welcome, and we not only indicate it personally, but our goods form a tempting item in hospitality. The welcome first the fare follows. Our prices and tory. goods ought to offer a relish to your appe- Japan Article I. and Russia mutually Article 11. y "Russia engages to arrangs with Japan for granting to Japanese subjects rights of fishery along the coasts of tbe Husslan portions In the Japanese, Ohkotsk and Behring seas. "It la agreed that the foregoing engagement shall not affect rights already belonging to Russian or foreign aubjocta in those regions. Article 12. "The treaty of commerce and navigation between Japan and Russia, having been annulled by the war, tha Imperial governments of Japan and Rusto edupt ns a basis for sia their commercial relations, pending e th conclusion of a treaty of and navigation, the basis of the treaty which was in force previous to the present war, the system of reciprocal treatment on the footing iff the most favored nation in which are included Import aud export duties, customs formalities, and transportation and tonnage duties, the admission and treatment of agents, subjects and vessels of one country In tbe territories of tha other. Articla IK As soon as th. principle of the present treaty come in force, all prisoners of war shall be reciprocally restored. The Imperial governments of Japan and Russia shall each appoint a special commissioner to take charge of the prisoner. All prisoners in the bauds of on government shall be delivered to and be received by the comcoin-mer- en- gage: Flret To evacuate completely and simultaneously Manchuria, except the territory affected by the lease of the Peninsula, in conformity of the additional with the provision article one annexed to this treaty, and, Second To restore entirely and completely to the exclusive administration of China all the portion or Manchuria mow In operation or under missioner of the other government or Rut-sig- tite. Llao-Tun- WE ARE MEETING YOU HALE WAY. the control of the Japanese or troops with the exception of th territory above mentioned. The Imperial government of Russia .declare that they have not In Manchuria any territorial advantages or preferential or exclusive concessions In the Impairment of Chinese sovereignty or inconsistent with the principle of equal opportunity. DONT WAIT ' till next winter to buy your Coni. it will surely b much cheaper It you buy It now. Amt should another Coal itrike occur this fall you will fcl proud and happy to know that your COMFORT IS ASSURED. All our Coal is low priced, perfectly clean and sure to give most aatisfac-torj- r results. ltuy from SHURTLIFF A CO., Rosa Bk. and Bta. Co. In Boll Phono, 18K.. Ind., 450. Beat Anthracite. such convenient numbers and at such convenient porta of the delivering state as such delivering state uiiull notify In advance to the of the receiving state. The governments of Jupan and Russia shall present each other, as soon ss possible after the delivery of tho prisoner is completed, with a statement of the direct expenditure Article 4. respectively Incurred by them for the Japan nud Russia reciprocally en- rare and maintenance of the prisonmeasnut. obstruct to any general gage ures common to all countries which ers from the date of capture or surChina may take for the commerce or render and up ta the time of death or delivery. Rusiii engages to repay to Industry of Manchuria. Japan as soon as possible after the 5. Article exchange of statement as above pro"Th Imperial Russian government vided the difference between tbe transfer and assign to tbe Imperial actual amount ao expended by Japan government of Japan, with the consent and the actual amount similarly disof tho government of China, the lease bursed by Russia. of Port Arthur, Tallcn and the adjaArticla 14. cent territory end territorial waters The present treaty shall he ratified and all rights, prlvllrges and couees-slnn- s connected with or forming pan by their majesties, the Emperor of of such lease snd they also transfer Jspsn and the Emperor of All the Russia. Hucb r i iflrat ion shall bo with and assign to the Imperial government of Japan nil public works and aa little delay :is possible and tn any not laicr than fifty days from the properties In the territory affected by raso date of the algnnture of the treaty, to the above mentioned IcuHe. "The two contracting parlies mutu- be announced ,o the imperial governally engage to obtain the consent or ment of Japan and Russia respectivethe Chinese government mentioned In ly through tho French minister at Tokln and the Ambassador of tho the foregoing stipulation. "Tho imperial government of Japan, I'nited State ;,t si. Petersburg and from of the date the latter of such ou their pari, undertake that the protin treaty ahull In all prietary rights of Russian subjects in announcement its part romo Into full force. The thu territory above referred to shall formal exchange of ratification shall bo perfectly respected. take place at Washington a soon us Article C. The Imperial Russian government possible. Article 15. engages to transfer and sign to the "Tbe present treaty shall be signed Imperial government of .liipun without in duplicate in both ihe English and compensation uml with l hr consent French languages. The text are in of th Chinese government, the rail- and absolute conformity, but in caac of a way between Tsu and Port Arthur and discrepancy In the Interpretation, the all the branches, together with all the French text shall prevail. conformity with the provision rights, privileges and purposes apper- of Tn article tiire-- , and nine, of Ihe taining thereto In ihnt region, as well treaty of peace, between Japan and as all the coal mines in said region Russia of thi date, the undersigned belonging (o or worked for Ihe benefit The two high ron--t plenipotentiaries have concluded the of tbe railway. meting parties mutually engage to ob- following additional articles: Sub Article to Article Three. tain llie consent of the government of China mentioned In the foregoing stip-Ul"The imperial governments of Mon. and Russia mutually engage to Article 7. commence the withdrawal of their Japan and llula engagp to ex- military forces from the territory of Manchuria simultaneously and Immeploit their respective railways In f xclus'vely for commercial and diately after tie treaty of peace industrial purpose ard in no wise for comes Into operation and withm :t 1: is understood period of 18 months after that date rira'c-gipurpoi-sthat this restriction due not apply to the armies of tiij two countries shall the railway n terrlorv affected be completely' withdrawn from Manchuria except from the lenaed Territory !i penini!m lea.- of the of the Liao Tong prnin ila. The sula. force of the tw Ariiele 8. occupying jof Ja- - tbe- front pn:,-"The imper'.nt u Oh.ing-Chun-F- : u HD n Brgac ! . C .ir-'- f . " i .an. in, pro r ' r u u .ae am- .i - oo-tl- Allen : - - irjii.. cr ii.r-- . Article IL.nt or heavy, refro.ii in prilal .o another. Our Ifsslan government, "The Imperial businec-- nddrers reded tn tbe imperial government of phones e. J, i below. Japan In perpetuity and full sovereignty the south. m portion of the island of Sakhalin and all the Islands adjacent thereto and the public works i).. Injured. Ditch. Pueblo, - t t. Oct. Colo., 18. Seventeen Bakersfield, Calif., Oct, 16. At 1:30 o'clock this morning th wextbound Owl train No. 25, on the Southern Pacific road. Conductor Fillmore and Ea glneer Cole, in charge, ran Into an open twitch at the entrance to the Freno yard. The engine was turned completely over, instantly killing Engineer Walter Cole and also Fireman Butt. An unknown tramp was badly scalded and is now In tbe Fresno hosdie. pital. where he will probably Strange to say, tha passengers were but little disturbed by the accident, most of them knowing nothing of the catastrophe until this morning. The train was delayed hut one hour and a half. An examination at daylight this morning, at the scene of the wreck, allows that there was evidently an to derail the train. The lock lixd been broken from the switch by tnesns of a rock or hammer and was found lying alongside the track. Tho switch was thrown a third over so that the flange on the wheels of the engine ran up on th center of the track, and, as the train was running si: the rate of about 20 miles an hour, the engine turned over when the D.ock came Conductor Fillmore hastened to the engine a soon is the train stopped and found that both the engineer and fireman were dead st their post. Both bodies were lying In front of the firebox beneath the tank nud the mail car was on top of the K. Bril nor. Angeles, Californio, hips crushed. Internal Injuries. M. D. Alien. Farmington. Colorado, deep scalp gashes. Miss Ruth Conner, Roadsport, Missouri, fan- - bsdlv cut. Miss Mary Connsr, slater of above, nose and- - fore lacerated, body bruise. J. C. Illckerman, Kansas City, urm broken, body bruised. J. C. Alilerson, bruised about lmdy. Mrs. J. M. Walton, San Francisco, chest and bock hurt, A. Parnell, Indianapolis, injurhs about head. Mrs. A. Pars.ull, Indianapolis, hurt about head air: scalp. Mrs. H. E. lllaxcr, Ontario, Caliand sculp. fornia, severe r its on Mrs. Maiul Wilson, cuts on head. Mrs. W. E. lb !gh, Los Angelo. California, ruts ou head and shoulder In- jured. Mrs. William Oriffln. Helper. Utah, deep cut on rir1 1 temple. 11. T. Athy, Denver, injuries to hip and knee cut. Mr. II. T. A'hy, Denver, rut on nose and face. Edward Pueblo, hand rut. All the pi,'i,::ger were brought to thl-- t city sp-tse whose Injuries are severe were : i .cn to hospitals here for trealnieii! ' gt'nd'urmr. The Raroii rtr.n.- l0 i palucc lu an imperial cuir-.y.- , .6 p. m- The Einp. mi ,,x. cepiionnl honor to llurou K.,iu,;j i,4 dispatching to Yokohama 1,,.' of the peace negotiation-- , euiphaa'z Colonel Inouye. his mujex: . al.j6 d camp, who went alongside tu iu a dispatch boat aud bnniflu KijU-rashore. Baron Konmra landed the imperial enclosure. While Baron was on hie way to Tnkio hv train, Colonel Tnouye cona'amiv kaj: at Komura'a side and on arrival h r they drove together to the palgit ia an Imperial carriage acti' ni,r., .j,e household stables. , ..r a The Emperor cordially P.. on Komura and. during ill. midlew which lasted over an hour, it ty. lieved the Baron made a Tull ertul report to the Emperor of the course lauded from the Empress of Judiu. effort ni lng President Roosevelt' behalf of peace. At the close of the amitem r the Emperor honored the Baron with htahly priir j personal mesi-nge-, The by Japanese iatuit-n- . satisfaction at the fan tip' peace was concluded and cenmieniki Komuraa able service us shown du-lntho negotiation. wrl;-te- mp.agi-expresce- g EVEN ROOSEVELT MADE TAKE. New York. Oct. says a 16. s Transfer Co. n: r cee.. r Tlie rrenu, '' maxtn.i.r. the .la pun, i mi, :n, : t m e .nu- - ; v ilcr-- t hni i of e :n.l ar::i,n .hall by c .i'.trv n accord !v the number of uch to be employed as small a :::e whi'p hiving jn view the poj act'iiii renuiremer.'. "The I'.unman-itof i Japanese Ttii'-slg- rd v Herald from Buenos Ayres, commenting on the speech of tho secretary of th treasury at the congress of hauler., said: U may be tnltrd State to convenient for the Gc e High-Grad- Nw I ness, Rheumatism, Stomach, Klcns end Liver trouble. MEN'S DISEASES Blood Poison, Piles, Rupture,1Varicocele, Nerve Debility, Drug Habits Taken on a positive guarantee to cure Consultation free, personally or by letter. Open Day end Even'ne Office 2361 Washington Ave. Address Dr. U. H. Norris, Ogden, Utah When Writing, LIGHT UP! boon to travelers. Dr. Fowlers Extract of Wild Strawberry. Cures NOBODY LIKES THE DARK. INHAVE PLENTY OF LIGHT YOU SIDE AND OUTBIDS PROVl WILL STORE IT DEFEATED. They Will Again Go After ths Automobile Cup. i New York. Oct. 16. n American YOUR MENT. r auto-niobii- c'i" ence w' turers. '. reve-s- l r E. wen aa It. n g i "'C f? fysr.'ic Vl. l!m automobile manufac- WE SUPPLY TBE number of enthu- Thom'S o? Buffalo, de-- r 4 CUp to the w!nor "f nton rcce which -- o" n-- v e- ADVERTISEBEST ATRADIANCE TRACTS LIKE THE CANDL DOES THE MOTH. are already looking forward to bringing back the Vender-hil- t mp., which wat won on Saturday of Frsree. In s conferby lieii-ery- y f NOT AMERICANS The souks-. Oct. 1C. (ioldfleld. v tin ef is the K'rikc mud in the ndsll mine on C'duni-vlthia mi'e of the ninumsin, town of tioiiit, ,1. A vein of ore four feet wide th.-.- iiveragr 11.1 i)n per im 'iss been dlrrlo-- i il m 110 Twrn-fnp vel. On the surface. where th was made, the own- - 0 m 'wmj diarrhoea, seasickness, dysentery, nausea. Ilcoeant to take. Acts promptly. Ore In a Number of Locations. 25 Years To the study sad treatment of Chronic diseases of men, women and children, 1 have devoted special effort during my entire profesiionu life, and have been rewarded by the discovery of methods that complete mastery of Nervoui tad Blood Diseases, Catarrh, Dev A GOLDFIELD CAMP. E'TCTRICITY - TV - - i - Mil A cable dispatch to the SPECIALIST 25 Years. Ri-c- j n iv- ' . Doctor Norris tank. Otherwise the train was uninjured. cars formed s eolld The tmln that felt the jar but little. f.-- 1 eminent digniiurtv. Th.- - alrorgly guarded by troop, j'.' . - 'IV trt P7v Into the Js-pa- s BY Utah, is Among the persons were Injured, one perhaps fatally, by the wrecking of west bound Missouri Pacific passenger train No. 7, at Kltburn. (19 miles east of Pueblo, at 6:30 o'clock this morning. Tha accident was caused by spreading nils. The last three cars of the train, a Pullman sleeper, a tourist sleeper and a day coach, were overturned. The Injured are: W. B. Windlv, Salem, Kansas, bock injured, fracture feared: may die. Mso-Tun- covei-ntpert- :, - aubsldlxe a shipping line to South America with the object but it of developing commerce, would not be policy for Routb A hint can republics to do so. especially e perors command. such an undertaking would appear a. an art of hoatillty against Europe. ITALIANS IN FATAL QUARREL Tbe Argentine will always pur chase and sell at mot convenient ma16. After he had been rkets without sentiment of preference Chicago, Oct stabbed by Joseph Toscano, while en- Moreover, the United States' fiscal legaged in s fight last night Vito gislation hinders commercial Fogilo, 60 years of age, drew a rebetween the north snd the volver and fired at Toscano. Ae he aouth, besides, Amnrtra know millfell in the street Fogilo' two sons, ing about Latin America. Even Mr. Petero, 20 years of age, and Anthony, Roosevelt, whose sagacity all ackooal-rdg14 year old, who witnemied the fight, committed the error of making both drew revolver and fired several the Monroe Doctrine s kind of cohots at tba body. Toscano was dead ntinental police ordinance. when the police arrived. Whether Fogilo or hia sons killed Toscano la BOY FACES GRAVE CHARGE. putxllng the police. Vito Fogilo was arrested aud taken Somerville. N. J.. Oct. 16. Haro to a hospital, where It was found he twelve years old. wo had auffered two large scalp wounds and two wounds In the face. The sons placed on trial here today charged with manslaughter. It Is alleged Urn! Cacsped. at The cause of the quarrel bet warn young Illlngaworth threw a atone that the elder Fogilo and Toscano Is a another boy during a quarrel sndabler, boyi mystery. Toscano lived In L porte, the atone hit the other aged, eight, causing her death. Ind. W oman From Helper, California Train is Sent . fe Toklo. Oct. 16, 4 : ,. Iu Komure. the foreign ed as chief plcaipotcmm: "'j,. arrived here- tod from C.. Oct. 3rd. HU rwrp-1..:railroad station was tu.i nun.,-',- , thoae present being pr:i.r:iia;iv e Man-rhnr:- - Institution Baron Komur.i Lan:ls Had B:cn Discredited But There Is No by Attorney General. Enthusiasm. Chicago h In Knan-Chan- IdU-fo- sac-kin- g pos-ibl- ly his duly authorized representative n That's Our Way Your H Japan Is Obligated Not to Fortify the Strait in Manchuria to of tartary-Railro- ads Be Placed on Friendly Basis. for PLUM MUFFINS. PANCAKES, and BOSTON PUDDING BROWN BREAD. Dfl PickiQf for 7 Loaves 75 Sack FAILS RECEPTIQi BANK PEACE MADE PUBLIC BOSTON ' 1903. 17, r I'-- ' . f v - f-- ", x ln'-xii- s" ' i f c i to the rr'.-rr- .k VIc!cr. r ivorced wife of tho f Hesse. Orm ' p!'-The nkase stso dTri.-- : the grand duke of hla fiereritir-- i and other honors. prth- to i r tv n tki "f - ..l.rlt... j j , 1. (' o pet .a 'b-- -- : : H'sss interrs el ant g before the data of t.jrn her jutou-.- th"-; t'i. g-- !"--- trials. The schedula of the elimination trills for will be made up at the next mering of the automobile club preii-rlrsr- v Anv'rifii. zi iiiSif Llk! R. 8. CAMPBELL, Geol. Manager 1! j'sKn irrrrr m 1 paeanse b C. W. WADE, Ajhi- - i |