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Show THE January 29, 1910 JOURNAL, LOGAN, UTAlI. TRI-WEEKL- Y PAGE SEVEN edpwce OUR ANNUAL FEBRUARY WHITE GOODS SALE STARTS NEXT MONDAY w We have made Big Reductions on Every Piece of White Goods in Our Store, hen you conie here and see how, the prices have been reduced, and how desirable the metchandise is, the incentive will be to over-bu- y. We want our customers to get as many of Doors open at 8:30. Dont Fail to attend these bargains as they really need. 3 3- 3 3 - You Get the Best Bargains in White Goods Here d an d Tuesday Specials :: for Monday Now we start anew with Ever-Offere- a Fresh Lot of New Embroideries . Fresh patterns and all the late comers in Swiss and Nainsook; 15 inches wide, at 2Sc a yard. Half Price Sale of Val Lace - German French Val Laces in Match Sets, Various patterns from half an inch up to two inches wide at half price. Come Early a Curtain Swisses r;j value, sale price ..... i5d Nainsooks i0d 12i4c value, sale price...'. 15c value, sale price. . . . . 20c value, sale price.,. . . 174 30c value, sale price. . . , . . . 20c 25c value, sale price 30c value, sale price , 25F One Long Cloth V2 Tjf Special Lot Plain Linen Center Pieces and 12Vc value, sale price . . . 10 15c value, sale price . . 12 v2 25c value, sale price r.... 22 BATH TOWELS Scarfs, value 75c, sale price . .... 50 One Lot Tray Cloths, value 50c, , sale, price . . 25 One Lot Linen Damask Towels, value 50c and 75c, Sale price i . . ... 25 Lot 42 Jnch Pepperill Sheeting, value 20c. sale price 15 One , ....... 17 All Persian Lawns, India Linens, . Batistes, Flaxons, Linen Doilies IScarfs and Center Pieces at .. 15 DISCOUNT Dimities One" Lot Cotton 10c, sale price 25C Lot Checked Dimities, value 25c,. sale prieb 124c value, sale price.. .. 10 15c value, sale price. . ... i2y2 25c value, sale price. i ... 20 . . at 10$ each ...... ..;... 8 13 . . J.F. BLAIR IS DEAD - JUrs. - Sarah J, - - Foster I Blair, mother of Mr. J. M. Blair, and one of the pioneer women of this valley, passed away on Wednesday evening, at the home of her ' daughter, Mrs: Edward Ilansen. The end came rather suddenly, and was therefore a severe blow .to her children here. For quite a number of years the deceased had lived in Salt Lake City with her daughter, Mts. J. T. Hammond, hut she always regarded Logan as her home, and seemingly- had a premonition of the approaching end for she expressed Xdesire to go home, before they, took her there in a casket, and pine' days ago came here. Her children here gave her every care, and h seemed quite cheerful until a few hours before v the 'end came. ' V. Funeral services will he held in the Fourth , wrard meeting' house toinorrow at 11 oclock. The remains may be viewed at the home of Edward Ilansen, .Corner 1st E. end 2nd N. from 9 till 10 a. m: , K - . 1 - . a. cTnotes ft BEPEK2GH HOSIERY - ment Station. lilE OF EARLY DAYS Colorado Spriugs;Jan.28. The a box of old English finding of coins by three children in Mani-toColorrecalls a chapter in the history of the Pikes Peak region u, desire to announce to the public that beginning Feb. 1. 1910 there will be a general increase of one third in. the scale of prices for professional service. During the last decade the prices for actual living necessities have increased from 50 to 100, Ten years ago butter brought 20 cts per pound, eggs 15 cts per dozen and wheat 50 cts per bushel ; butter at the worth 45 cts per presnt time-i35 cts per dozen and pound, egg3 wheat $1.00 per bushel. Hay formerly cost $3.50 per ton and now brings from $12.00 to $14.00. s -- Scotch collie dog. physicians receive more for their LOST-r-O- ne services than formerly. Large, yellow,long pointed nose Secy, of the Cache Valley "Med. light spot on hips and breast. FinAsso. der return to Thos. Smart and get reward. DANCE! DANCE!! DANCE!!! FOR SALE OR TRADE One 3 The Hyrum Silver Band will year old colt, driving7 stock will take older horse in exchange. give their annual Grand Ball in the Hyrum Dance Pavilion Apply Gottfried Beutler Monday evening. Jan, 31st. 1910. Come all and spend a pleasant evening dancing with us. Good FOR SALE A first class dairy music, and excellent floor. farm 714 acres good house of six rooms and cement cellar, havThe prudent, is ing good sewerage to the whole watching the ads., nowadays premises. Electric lights. Teleand making some purchases phone, city water and a fine flowing well close to R. R. Station and creamery, River and canal flow through the land which is all WANT COLUMN fenced. Suitably for cow pastures and hay land. Liberal terms to FURNISHED ROOM For rent. right parties. Right or call on. 262 S. 3 W. Bell phone 311 red,, I Wm.'Kirkup, Franklin,. Idaho. gift-buy- er stirring incidents. While building a playhouse at the foot of a pine tree in the Because of htis general increase rear of their home a few days ago it has become imperative that the the children of Thomas Lockhart unearthed a box containing 50 English coins bearing dates from WALK 1853 to 1870. Learning of the find, pioneers recalled stories of OVER the bands of hostile Indians which in the early days made Shoes raids on 'the settlers, mad prospectors. The story is told of $3.50 to a band of English prospectors $5.00 who tarried in the Pikes Peak reWe are gion for, several days Jon ' their Nettleton A chapel Tuesday the. mayors of the State occupied the rostrum. Mayors Clark of Farmington and Bransford of SaltLake gave timely 'advice to the students and the Mrs. Blair was born in Cineln- -' mayor of, Mount Pleasant declarnatiy Ohio; July 31; 1836 and was ed his loyalty to, the A. C. and overland trip to Leadville, and therefore in her 74th year. She Dixie. were attacked by a band of Indicame to Utah in 1852 with her who are women The attending ans, the latter carrying off as father George Foster," her mother the Housekeepers conference are plunder a large box of coins and having died in crossing the plains over-theiwork and hiding it under a tree with the in On Jan. 14, 1853 she was married enthusiastic tention'of returning later to sef to Seth M. Blair, and six children, they say that Logan housekeepers cure their treasure. The discovery 4 girls and 2 boys, were born to are missing a great opportunity worth while. The has also brought forth a claim them. Three of them are living, to learn things to from Mrs. Mary Myers of Victor J. M. .Blair and Mts. Edward laboratories are large enough times' the num- who asserts that her husband, an Ilansen of this city, and Mrs. accomodate three in attendance. early settler in Colorado' ' City", James T. Hammond of Salt Lake. ber of women now lecture" on flies lost a similar collection of ' coins There are 16 grand children and Prof. Titus gavea before the Conference last Mon- during troubles with .the, Chey4 'great grandchildren. Mr. Blair of enne and Arapahoe Indians. : day that was worth, the price died 35 years ago; We are showing over 75 styles of Shoes all. Clean New Stock fre-que- nt r . - - EEST MADE AWED filled wdth many The registration at the Agricultural College has now reached 1020. Friends' of the College have ben working for years to push the registration to the thousand mark It takes the school . out .ofi the ranks of the small colleges- and gives it a place among the older-an.more influential 'institutions. 65 75 the whole course to any one. In Chapel Thursday morning MEDICAL FEES the students enjoyed two good practical talks. ' One by Prof. L. A. Merrill, director of the College Extension work and the other by The physicians of Cache. Valley Dean Curtis of the Iowa Experi- FIND S Feather Pillows Size 18x27, 75c- value: , iv: Sale, price . . 90c value, sale price ...... WE SELL Mrs: Blair moved to Cache in I860: stayed1 here several years, then went south to Salt Lake and St. George for a time, finally returning to Logan in 1873. She was a quiet, kindly soul, one who did right because she loved the right, and who was willing to labor always to help others: For several years she was a temple worker here, and at one time presided over the Y. L. M. I. A.;of the Fourth ward, and she always performed her part well and without seeking praise for it. Her life was a useful one and her reward is sure. ( . y4 .... Flannel, value , Shoes $5.50 $6.00 allowing 50c per pair for your old shoes, no matter how old or how worn. Call and let us explain $6.50 LOGAN, UTAH T FLOS" II Shoes $5.00 Thatch ers Special Shoes $5.00 |