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Show l Aran, r:, lmny, truh i. DAILY HERAtD J953 Mary Ann Bullock Succumbs ot 82 Salt Lake Stock Exchange m Ly Possibilily In lelii Dealli Ulc!l LcLcr Fcrco jfi ooO Higher Then . Ex-pro- First Planeload of Soldiers Released by Reds to Reacli United States This Week Woman vo Dies in Sandy CbrUtene Thueien Jeuaea Wilfor Mrs. Mary . son Kuhre, dird this morning at "l l- -t 1 Meredith Bullock. 82, well f'-- rf her borne. 112 W. 4 N., fcandy. fM broker. 47 N. Univ. Ave. known Provoan. will be conducted I VI JsiMllaf 11 She is a well known former Provo Wednesday at 1 P. m. in Berf! , examl-Vmofficial! Extensive medical De- bat TOKYO (UP) AntheArmy woman, Mortuary Drawing Room Cbaptll SALT LAKE CITY. (UP) New York Industrial Averages end of thia.hbomtory tests and tnteWsnce said today that by A. Johnson, bishop i iptte decreases in mine ana defense HeweU her. made by ha Noon. Up 113 arc' rtalayiut . ' ,ul week the first planeload of Ameri questioning taDUsnmenr employment, man a Seventh IDS Ward. In Sanborne Bid Aaked of the Gl'a from clearance Commu freed the aoldler can by In the month ended Mrs. Bullock died Saturday at labor force alnc 1326. nlsta In Korea will be at borne In Tokyo Army hospitals te which between Cardiff .23 .27 15 remained 8,000 higher .. bout I dy midway was March trutav 4th era 370 E. m. at her .mmH I home, p. . . . " v I V VI"'H f t ., i . they have been flown from Korea. 01 .03 She waa born the United States. e k..i-. than for March a year ago. the possibility ol foul 'and parallel to me uacte. wratn Central btd, aoaked chief Con 1.12 w ,he by Original plans called for them today In 1870 report mth!eath of John Sandoval, jbeneatb thevlctlra wereof twe Th,t Oct. I. accJ- Vascular to be flying home within about 48 2J p n,rdlnff. director of the .24 Lvear-ol-d depth orciayum Silver . IndUn. found with hislwith blood for i .10 hours of thotr arrival in Japan. .07 dent. Utah Department of Employment! fetid crushed in Saturday evenlnglthree Inches, and "be apparently lColumbui Kexall Most of the men to whom cor.20 .11 Friends may security. In fact, he said, unerrt-- I Darnel P. and bitween Denver and Klo Grande had been lying there lor aome combined MetaU 800 with the .07 .08 respondents have talked show no reported Deputy Peten.!Cmcent Eagle . llermlna A call at the mor- - Plymnt droppe4 by Railroad track Uhl. 1 on the back .70 .68 construction, manufacturing, trans-- ! enxteiy about delays in starting brosen T h died thla morning at I a. ra. "He bad two blo.v, ;ojDr,Ion tuary Tuesday port,Uoni utmty ami reuu trade .09 .08 bom. . aen. She reHoanltal with- - bis head, one ao big you rould putjEiIt standard . from 6 to 8 nduatries adding workers to coun-p- . .131 .12 ceived her ed- SALT LAKE CITY, (UP)-Th- ere "They know they are safe now l,,i r,B,ini consciousness. The!a flat in It. Ha also had other lac- - East tuh 1 decandidates for no still avowed are and m. and Wed- teract the 'wsea in mining .04 Eureka Bullion and are glad to have a chance to ucation In Pro- . 1 of the Ilos-chairman Repub- get aome good food and medical American Fork .05 .05 and!14 VO schools Eureka Lilly .. P'ntV nesday prior to fe" me time near treatment so they will took better listed the total .19 The .department .15 attended t h e llc,n V"1 t00' Great Weatern . . . wvlcea. Bual i Mrs. Kuhre work uuh for .07 .08 Brigham Young!hen Pr'ient Chairman A. Pratt hen they meet their families, th. nnt.wirta of Ing at a. m. Doctora at the hoa- Horn Silver will be In Provo the period at 258,000. with unem- 03 .03 pltal told Inveat! gating Deputies Leonora the direction. or neater wui Become u.s. umnci at a medical officer said. under Academy Amerlcan fork. Citv Cemetery. ilyed listed at 11.500. 800 fewer Karl G. Maeser. torney. .28 .28 Peters and Walter Durrant. that.Ma(iiMn Mlnea "They are remarkably relaied. mau was first sight the man Kealer win resign hi present po Mrs. Bullock (han in February, and 1,200 less .04 .03 . .The ...injured might have met nil deatn Miller HU1 , It.JA m bv She married Julius Jensen, July sition for Perhapa they've had a ehance to the a than waa ago. district, attorneyship Dec. born or from trorn .04 year .04 lornotiv. learn more patience In their re12. 1888 In the Manti temple. They p.f. May f. .09 .10 blunt Instrument." He had New Majestic a Mr. Bulloch 2i, 1870, In St. made their home in Provo. Mr. Among aome of the prospects be cent experience than most of ua called Sheriff 1 heron S. ii.n . . 1.35 1.22 New Park George, a daughter of Edward and have." Jensen waa the pioneer Jeweler ing n.mitv Fiiinh Pnters. Orem. wjs. Officer are Investigating ail North "pushed" by party members .36 Liza Williams .Meredith. While CIIZO L. JaCODSeil . it, Provo. They lived In the Provo are Salt Lake Lilly Army plan are to fly the CI's ordered to the spot. He found the Arthur City attorney . .04 .03 she wai a child, the family moved North Standard . poislhllltir." Mr. Peter aid. Fifth Ward where she was a prom- A. Allen, chairman Patrick first to Honolulu, and then to San dying man lying between the main Officer did not believe from the Park City Cona. . Jr.; to Pleasant Grove from St. George .26 .25 In inent church worker, and later commls Francisco about 24 hours later. Healy Jr. of the state .06 where they helped colonlie South-- , .06 Plumbic the Fourth Ward, where the was slon and Oral J. Officers confirmed that, despite Wilkinson, Murray . fallen from an automobile. Prince Cons. ... .08 .08 em VUn. TH1C Funeral aer-- the Relief Society president for who managed businessman Sen rdlo reports of arrivals in Hono c i! The nearest county highway is Riro Argentine . 1 80 Mrs. Bullock received her 185 for Mrl Elll, Umb Jacob, ten years. Mr. Jensep died Feb- Arthur V. Watklna" campaign In lulu, cone of the freed soldiers hat It is about 50 feet distant, .07 caUon In Pleasant Grove schools .08 Coalition con ruary 4, 1924. wiu 73 J7J N lgt the last election. left Tokyo yet. alble that the victim might have Sliver King CoaL and was married May 2. 1891, to ,,lirf-- H wtnedav at 1 n m. In She married W. W. WUson, Dec. 2.62 1.25 been bit by a train, or fallen out Tlntlc,.Lead .or .08 . Ralph Arthur Bullock In the Manti American Fork Third LDS Ward 9, 1926. They made their home in of a train, or he could have been Tintic Standard , , .83 LDS .98 Temple. They made their rhaoel by Homer Royal, bishop. Sandy, He was the former mayor hit by a weapon of aome sort," SALES home In Provo where Mr. Bullock Burial will be In Pleasant Grove of Sandy. He died Oct. 21, 1931.1 died April 13, 1937, Deputy Peters said. 'Cemetery under direction of An- - She then married William D. Clayton Sliver, 3000 at 24. Four trains bad passed the spot Commonwealth Lead, 1000 at Mrs. Bullock had resided here ,(ierson sod Sons Mortuary. Kuhre, November 3, 1937. Mr. ' where the body was found a few Croff, 2000 at since her husband's death. Mrs. Jscobsen, died Saturday at Kuhre was patriarch of the JorInhours prior to discovery of the She had been an active memberji0:l0 p.m. at her residence, after dan Stake. He waa atake president Dragon Cona., 500 at 69. In the LDS Church and Relief So- jured man, Deputy Peters said. East Standard, 2000 at I. of that atake. She had been an long Illness. SALT LAKE CITY. (UP- )- The Mr. Sandoual Is believed to be a Grand Deposit, 1000 at HOUSE .1 leiywas born Sept 15, 1879, a active and prominent member of She Lake Salt a of body native of New Mexico. Survivor include rune sons ana .daughter of William Umb and the LDS church all ber life. She 1000 at . Leonora, y City boy was recovered early V- Little May, 2000 at ' daughters: Balpn A., nenneto e. Marie Nelson Limb. She waa for was on the Relief Society stake from the Jordan river by hi i 1500 at 26; 3000 (Bob). George A. Madison Joe), Bert K.imerly secretary of th Pleasant board, and was a Relief Society Mines, CLEAIIII1G lather and police aearchen. of and Reed A. (Hap) Bullock, all Third Ward Relief Society. visiting teacher most of ber life Grove 27. at Tba victim, Mark Everlll. ion of of Jesua Christ of Latter- - until her death. (Veda) Provo; Mrs. w. Miners Gold, 4000 at 4. Mr. and Mr. Ry Everlll. tumbled llams, Mrs. L. C. (Opal) Davis, day Saints, and was active In the She la survived by her husband, Moscow Silver, 1000 at off a bridge into the swollen itream HELP Mrs. R. N. (Marva) wnnehead.i Primary presidency. Park Btncbaro, 2000 at 5. . one son and two daughter, Frankand Mr. J. V. (Fay) Batty, all of. She came to American Fork 12 lin J. D. Jensen, Mrs. Gerald yesterday afternoon. Mark, hi two SALT LAKE CITY. (UP- )- The Prince Cona., 1000 at 8. brother and aeverl neighborhood Utah State Liquor Control Commls- - Silver Shield, 9500 at 1. Salt Lake City; 17 grandchildren; years ago and has been a member Cazler, and MUs Freda Jensen of companion were (iibing to th riv- lon today reported liquor profits Turtle one sis of American Fork Eighth LDS Sandy; seven grandchildren nine 1000 at and Lead, h ' SEND fell for the second consecutive er at tba time of the mishap. ter, Mrs. George (Rial Silver, Sac Ward. six and three month in Mark March. children tald She was married to Joseph W. Three small ramento, Cal. R. Mrs. Mrs. F. Brown, sisters, fell Into the water, bobbed up and Net proceeds during the month Jacobsen In 1896. The marriage Sbsnna T. Jakeman of Provo; Mrs. US was solemnized In the Salt Lake Alice T. Blake, of Los Angeles. down a few time then disappeared were 1290,329 but the total for the LDS Temple In 1912. Mr. Jacobsen below the aurfac. The children ran year to April 1 remained 1211,255 conbe services Funeral will died Oct. 14, 1934. ock: for help while Cbarlet Everlll, 10. above the total for the comparable OGDEN. 1 p. m. at nd brother Brent, 6, ran up and 1952 period, or 83,071,449 total prof Survivors include two daughters ducted Thursday at YOUR Cattle 1,900; slaughter steers pre the Sandy 2nd Ward chapel. Ofit since last July 1. Zelma Mrs. Juno down the bank. vol moderate Ilooley, Orem, dominating supply; Hanbe Clarence will P. and Mrs. Maude Roberts, Ameri ficiating ume heifers and cow; stackers an Mr. Everlll, police and neighbor, Friends may call at 13 sen, bishop. feeders 0 per cejit of run; openGraveside services for Randall can Fork; 12 grandchildren, formed a human chain acrots the 112 W. 1st N., CURTAINS A Glance ed moderately active; most slaugh Troy Black, a sister, Mrs. the family home, son of cold river and waded up and down Markets in Sandy, Wednesday evening and ter classes strong to SO higher ex Verdell D. and Leon a Fay Johnston Lerena Nielsen, Pleasant Grove; the itream with no success as daya brother, George Limb, Pleasant Thursday prior to services. In BATH SETS DRAPES cept bulla about steady; atocker Black. 1132 E. 5th S., will be light ended. Search lights were StockBy UNITEDIn PRESS terment will be In the Provo City higher quiet trading. and feeder trade not fully estab rushed to th scene to aid the night Wednesday at 11 a, m. In Grove, Burial Fark. Bonds Irregular. lished;, undertone strong to week; Provo City Cemetery byyA. Frwl long search. CHAIR COVERS TWIST RUGS Th body wis found about 10 U. S. government bond lower In one load choice fed steers 21.25: Fleming, bishop of Tec'h LDS active bulk choice few dealings. heifers moderately 20.00; good Ward. sours later. American commercial irregularly Friends may call at Berg Mortu TABLE COVERS BEDSPREADS (Continued from Page One) cows few commercial higher. ary Wednesday prior to service. Midwest atockj mixed. util canners and cutter The Infant died In a Provo hosfunds for educational assistance to Silver unchanged In New York at ity to commercial bulla BLANKETS QUILTS pital Sunday at 3 p. m, 55V cent Some NEW ORLEANS (UP) all states. a fine ounce. few lute medium to good Survivor Include the parents, a ex Continues Talkathon Cotton future higher. newspaper publishers and teen brother and a siiter, Jesse Travis There' was no clear Indication 600 ecutive! gathered here today for Grains In Chicago: On the close, Calvsa 400; vealer to and Sandra Dell Black, Provo; ateady how long foes of the bill would the biggest meeting of the National wheat ruled 4 lower to 8 cent weak; atock calvaa 50 lower; few grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse continue a bushel higher; corn 14 to 2 the Tidelands debate, Editorial Association since pre-wlota good to cholea vealera 24.50- - Johnston, Woodland, Summit Coun now In Its 20th day. Sen. Wayne days to exchange Ideas about new to 2 higher; rye 27.00; aeveral lot medium and higher; oats A, Mrs. and and Mr. James ty, set a new Senate trends In newspaper operations. Morse unchanged to 2 higher; aoybeans good 0 lba. atock steer calves Black, Sprlngville; a great-gran-d 1 to 2 record Friday and Saturday with Delegates from throughout the higher; lard unchanged Launa Prlce Mrs. Mills, mother, and flO points a hundred pounds higher. speech nation at an opening session heard Hgs 250; butchers about steady; a welcome to Louisiana by Gov. the bill against Hogs: Weak to 25 cents lower, bulk 0 8 butchers choice Ho. Taft said he was "not optimistic" Robert F. Kennon - and then top 24.35; Sheep: about steady to few 285 lba. lbs. about an early end to the talka buckled down to the heavy Phone 164 375 West Center Provo, Utah strong, top 25.50; cattle: Fully bulk choice sow but added, "I think they business schedule of their 68th an thon, steady to 1.00 higher, top 25.00, 24.00; choice under 300 lb. (the opponents) are weakening. nual convention. vealer top 26.00. Sheep 200; market not establish OREM Funeral service! for ed; over weekend part deck utility and good freshly shorn slaughter Garn M. Walker, of ewe 7.00 flat Bernard and Edith Powell Walker, e will be conducted Wednesday at 1:30 m. in p. by Mortuary Afternoon Olpln Every oooo (IxeeoUne an m mcou!no k CABD OF THANKS Saturday) and Sunday Milton Smith, bishop of Windsor PMNWO COKHUCTOt Sunday Herald Published Sunday Our family Is sincerely grateful LDS Ward. aiornlna Published by Herald Cornoratlon, The Infant died In an American for the many acta of kindness dur80 South rirtt Wnt Street. Provo. Utah. Entered a aacond elaaa ing our recent bereavement, cauaed fork hosnltal Saturday of oremamattaf at the post office In Provo, by the passing of our beloved turlty. mm lUnh, under th act of March 3, mother. We desire especially to Friends may call at the family 1819. bv SubitrloUon tarms carrier in Utah county Si. 80 the extend our .thanks and apprecia home, 1300 North State Tuesday S9.00 for six months in month. tion to those who took part at the evening and at the mortuary Wed advance, SU 00 the year in ad19 NO. 1ST WIST services, offered expressions of nesday from 11:30 a. m. to time vance. Bv mall anvwhtra In the Phone 3071 United Stales or its posseulona sympathy, sent flowers, furnished of services. Burial will be In Orem tt.SO oer month, IS .00 for six cars, or In any other way assisted. Cemetery. PROVO, UTAH months. tlSM uti year In The infant was born Friday, The fardlly of 111, ,...1. .... Survivors Include the parents: Louise Mueller Anderson three brothers and one lister: Lynn, Kay, Terry, nnd Judy WalkSummer sir over an acre of er, all of Orem: three grandparwoodland possesses more moisture ents, Mr. snd Mrs. Murvel Walk. content than air over an acre of er, Orem, snd Mrs. Florence water, such at a lake, at the aame PowelL Lehl; one d temperature. Lehl. Mrs. Sarah Reese, mother, T I 'w m i " Vfcjsa Therc'i a world of difference MM t.... ' K quotations from the Lov direct wlit of C. Funeral service Closing Ey Ann K) lt f"" it to . rwt. l"." r. "I LTm.VKo Candidates :. Fcr GO? Chairmen .03' VTX'Xm" ! ! .... , r dTrT.H VnnrHor s . am , . RltPC WodneSfjOV "tuiiciuu; ........ tJLJ0iOL'JUb!hLJ55 tn MV-mri- i edu-ivl- pos-!Rvt- E-- Boy's Body Taken From Jordan River f , 2. 15. 3. 2. 2. tevtn-year-ol- d Liauor Profits In 2nd Decline FOR - - i u 1. 7. ' ' n; J Ogdcn Livestock (fij Funeral Rites Set (UP)-Uvest- For Provo Infant FillOVS 15-2- At eon-duct- itock Foes Ready 15.00-17.0- 0; 17.50-19.5- Publishers Open Conference 14.00-15.7- 15.00-17.0- 0; stock 15.25-17.2- 5. 5-- ar 4 1-- J 400-49- 4 17.50-18.7- 22-ho- TA.UNDRY ut . 190-24- (irjifli) 24.75-25.2- 5; 16.00-17.0- Rites Set For Walker Infant 0; 18.00-19.0- f J vmin you cuy Ywm nso cna 0:1 wzi n Irit LLiiJlW iLimiio l4 V'aWJ Cam great-gran- "Sboij as-- tto 'I assssBaMsaassBaassVaKaT TIAIIVYAYS lliar if l 1 W laV -- mi W iiivici fall ret I ' S vT I '"til There's M reason to shuffle through piles of travel folders and schedules when you can get a free copy of Continental Trailways' 1933 "Vacation Tours"--oncomplete folder of plans to help you chart your own exciting vacation. e action-packe- d Come by your Trciiwcys But Center, or mall (n the handy coupon for your free copy of the 1953 Vacation Tours folder. CONTINENTAL TRAILWAYS 100 No. University li tleollli Plan with snfart car buyers. Malf it your &o. too! ovt about this ntw Metropolitan policy that helps pay hospital and surgical oxpentes for th family! Every family man knowa how quickly hospital and turglcal bills can pile up when there Is Injury or Illness In the family.' It can mean a lot at such a time to have a plan that will help meet such expenses. Have us tell you about the attractive r V3 Accident Find viM WII.t irea I I aV & in auto loans. And naturally, you want a low-cos- t, flexible plan that lets you enjoy your car as you drive it. That's why you'll want to choose TIMEWAY . . . the thrifty, bank credit plan that leads all others. TIMEWAY is first choice rAMViNtimi f mm ktamlxl a hw T I I yesiiwsvt flaw. v,iiMi,iin I N- .- Srrxt Addmit Lc!Hrzrz Phone 3100 PROVO kt fj Trl 1 vsmviam vnsniivil tttviet ,ihii Q Tm Ep.nw-r- (") NAME Stacy D. Garn, Manager L. Croft Larsen, Asst. Manager Don V. Gamette, Asst. Manager Lawrence Lynn, Agent Don Carlson, Agent Emil Lund, Agent Brig Crane, Agent Gayle Carlson, Agent Leslie Cromar, Agent Alvln Monaon, Agent Eugene Hilton, Agent David Btckmore, Agent ' Earl D. Buckner, Agent Ferrln Goode, Agent Richard Wheelock, Agent LaVon K. Howard, Agent Blane Kimball, Agent Robert GammelL Agent s new plan now being offered by the Metrooplitan, through which protection can be had far husband, t wife, and children all in one policy. Telephone or write. Details will be given without obligation. ADDRESS Provo.Utah Provo, Utah Orem, Utah Sprlngville, Utah Provo, Utah -- 1 ways with Timsvay LOW BANK RATES , . . meant dollars taved your pocket. PHONE 3754 SAVES 2170 You complete all arrangements no red tope. stop Utah Eureka, Utah Pleasant Grove, Utah TIM! ... 0682-R- 2 Mt Pleasant. Utah Payson, 5 Yea fcsnsfit in one 454 89-- 3 341-32S-- J 52-- 3973 American Fork, Utah 323-51&-- J Lehl, Utah 2265-Provo, Utah Ephralm, Utah 0657-R- 2 Orem, Utah 769-- R Spanish Fork, Utah 529-Alpine, Utah 755- -J Price, Utah 0677-JOrem, Utah 4 EASY CONVENIENT TERMS You enoy budget tailored termt that assure worry-fre- e ownership. ESTABLISH VALUABLE . District PROVIDE THE M 23-- Repretentlng Metropolitan Life Insurance Company I Madison Avenue, New York 10, N. Y. I DOESN'T ADVANTAGES OF "TIMEWAY", SEE THIS BANK yourtelf of the friendliest consideration for future bank credit. You assure M 4 S' mmmnu Li.js J n IF YOUR DEALER BANK CREDIT Office, Room 201 Knight Block, Provo, Utah Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. is . a le . . A ' Xrart s Member Federal Reserve System -- |