Show BUDD IS rob FOR resistance would save the united states interfere senator whites view san Franc francisco laco apt abill 11 23 Cov einor james 11 II budd Derno democrat cral in referring to the nicaraguan difficulty yesterday said the united State america should never havo have allowed the british marines to set foot on the nicaraguan shore in the beginning we ave should have demanded that england submit tier her claims to lo and we should have forced her to do so if 1 diplomatic pr protests tests were lint heeded lucre bauld have been american mailles in corinto to prevent the lie invasion the monroe doctrine expresses the policy ot of the lie united states stales as it loca does the sentiment of 0 its people and tills this la is a violation of ohp spirit of that doctrine the landing landin ot troops Is the entering welse the next demand xiii will be tor for a territorial at indemnity for or the alleged outrage ou trape no european country can be permitted to get gei into a position to control the nicaraguan cara guan uan cinal canal and it would have love saved trouble in tile the future if 1 our government lind drawn the line there the nations should have been given warning that the united states will see thaties tha tIts weaker sl Bl balsters receive justlee and we should tand jealously on this ground axt a war with math the united states elates lie be the enn c sequence ot of as ag gresslin Kres gres slun on tills this continent and there will bo be no SAYS ITS ith ALL RIGHT senator white democrat the junior senator from california relation to the nicaraguan difficulty lit ill a long interview wired from los au all geles ecles to the examiner when en does anything to violate tile the ro re r of 0 the monroe doctrine mr cleveland will interfere lie he has practically so announced if the telegraphic reports are true when lio lie enforces that doctrine he will do more than any of his predecessors have attempted |