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Show 1 but it reflective of the prol-uhl- I S . I ihildi.-- h in U IM A calibre of KfJfEHTQ dramatic jaw QJIjb thrust-forwardictators of of one the carriage, 0 09 Cm ()$ Ufwt9 bv T J'uriie recently unlunbend the editorial hla-- t CARBON COUNTY PUBLISHING COMPANY furnace of his personal news mouthpiece in the !? filKl, vl, UMUI IMI Air r9 MAftCM direction of the United States. which prompted tlie edThe particular pet-vVAL H. COWLES, 1IAL 0. Mac KNIGHT, Polisher. itorial crackdown was the democratic manner in VAL H. COWLES, Editor and AdvertLing Manlier. which this nation is operated and the fact that it MISS JESSIE RASMUSSEN. Society Editor. frowned upon the military mawkishness which bulldozer uses as a bluff to scare the Kurojx-auKmiM 92 OO Pii Yiii In Aovamc. Pumi No. 9 the hypocritical stuffed-shir- t diplomats of that Ovii.m Uun 92 CO Pit Yut In Atviact continent. We are one lif the have nations which frown ujxm the have not," was the plaint .0 U(M CUN UAIi. ttATTta At TMi rTOtriC( At of and uniformed Strutter this c. iiiam. tikiHt tm( . ot wa.M a. tata whose early "battle" victories were acquired im-AiUuir- h l ( k 1 r L . HU A )! J j i(f d m e Fallowing 'torn with nur, n K l ami community was culturally the of tin pjxinsoring' organization are to U congratulated on the recent art dixplay o pucre.-sfull- y htayvtl hy tin 1rice Soroix Club, n atop which reflect a much credit to all actively concerned and one which will have materially beneficial influence in the future. Such cultural developing programs are of great value to a community and it is extremely pleaing that the rojmn.se on the part of the public was ho outstandingly demonstrative of general appreciation of this program of excellence. Um-fitt-i- nu-mU-- A STHUTTEH WITH whooping and tf f ju.i.!-inst-!- many Kars Mr R.Lbm bad employed by Ibe stale road eorn- A batbrh.r. be is survived fct.d Waiter N WvWrl. H.1 mission. Inj, me and tbi? sisters, brothers mai-hthrre gram! ty Ha,r 3i For U.Cj Ixmis and Ralph Robbins of I'oca- commandeiy ceremonies Priest telle, Idaho; Frank Itubbins, I igniins- t hi installing u,n; Mu, Music Fh)d and Mrs Maty , d as grand , , al s install-- p-- . r It itjipars additionally out of place that this mrs ul dictator ot plumed and preening military-ma- d p(,dj Anh Mum-hshould la unloosing his unwarranted bantings U HO VM4!? tin Inf jtl tJ.c JHfTlini 11 against this nation in view of the fact that the g. f. Halt. MohrLmd, excellent high country which he dominates is indebted to the priest, Al!--it w. it..Unvm. Kenilworth, Sinw. bams, wnbe. J United States in the amount of better than two king; ihne treasurer; loan- - W, billion dollars of World War and post-wa- r i J rue, , Dr, A1J rl Gilmnur. ings, money which was used for the maintenance &irtnM(n Mllht!.im,. of . and upbuilding of his home territory shortly le- pnin-ipn .s:id,n. fore and during his ruling regime. The Unittsl ,jurm-r- ; Ciu.s n.cia, ljiuia. States has no reason to appear in apologetic at- - jryal arch c:.iuin; S?.n Fade!, Jt.a- titude any of the foreign nations, particu- - watha, m.tcr of t!.c third veil; David Quelutfs mHmHHm ' ()ls IVe Extend our Heartiest Felicitations of the m-- Ix-for- Season to our Many Friends and J MERRY XMAS SHOUTS Patrons AND cio, rrice, icntlnd. II. W. Robinson. Kenilworth, was installed as commander of the Knights how ling entirely out of line with slight understanding as to what it is with reppoct to the circumstances prevailing about. Happy NEW YEAR TO ALL Templar. teacher worka with the pupil, bn- -' dcr the old regime the pupils natuial drives and impulses were obstruct! d TOLD BY WRITERS and repressed; under the new regime the teacher directs the pupil's drives channels Ap I APA I CPU A AT C tnl impulses intoInsignificant the old order the UvllUULu'of expression. vL pupil was on the defensive, if not in rebellion; In the new order he is reOur New Concept Of Teaching In the and sponsive In the course of a few decades our times a was major gone by discipline approach to pupil control has under- problem; in fact, a few decades ago gone a Copernican revolution. Under the sine qua non of the teachers the old regime the teacher was the was skill in discipline and center of things; under the new equipment classroom management; and he not regime the pupil is the center. Un- qualified In these respects was doomder the old regime the teacher im- ed to disappointment and failure. Toposed himself and his scheme of day, discipline is a minor problem, things upon the pupil; under the new arising in the main only in connection regime the teacher challenges, stimu- with pronounced problem cases. late!, and guides in order that lie may bring out the best in the pupil. In Harry Clark, Helper, son of Mr. the old order the pupil worked un- and Mrs. Harry Clark, is home for der the teacher; in the new order the Christmas from B. Y. U. EDUCATION STORY Ghitstiuas ir j I , FratcmltlJ CASTLE GATENEWS Team To Play Two Games At Helper The Relief society had a quilting ' LUbaL C-S-- C -i SEASONS s GREETINGS I To R EVERYONE UTAH CAFE Sam Kogima o7tf H j last week. Luncheon was served to the quilters under suiwrvinon of Mrs. Led by Claude Cowley, a Carbon John Alexander. Mrs Kenneth county youth, the Iteta Kappa fra- Houghton. Mrs. Charles Huff and ternity basketball team from Utah Mrs. Annabel Long. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Houghton State college will invade this region were visitors in Salt Lake City last Tuesday and Wednesday nights of week. next week to play two aggregations Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Gaines were from the county commercial league, Salt Lake City visitors during the week. d In addition to the Mrs. Reed Johnson entertained the league games in the Helper 500 card club Wednesday evening. auditorium Tuesday evening the fraMr. and Mrs. A. H. Thomas were ternity team will play Beckers Beer in Salt Lake last week. in what should prove to be an interMr. and Mrs. Archie Morrison were last Lake visitors Saturday. Marcel outfit affair. The Salt Logan esting them to year won the state college intramural Delaby returned here with the holidays with his mother, on to spend be and appears championship Hanneau. its way towards a second consecutive Mrs. Bessie The Y. W. M. I. A. gave a Christto The games title, according reports. mas party Friday evening for mothstart at 6:30 p. m. ers and daughters at the church. Mrs. Wednesday evening Fishers Beer of Charles Houghton. Jr. was in charge Price will tackle the Beta Kappas. of entertainment, which consisted of Arrangements for another game for a song, Beulah Snow; readings, Mrs. the evening have not been completed Blaine Olson; song, Jean Thome. was served. as yet. The first game will begin at Luncheon The Castle Gate junior high gave a 8:30 p. m. dancing party Friday after the basketball game between the Scouts and Vic Arden played a church organ the school, when the Scouts won, at the age of eight. Later he became Mr. and Mrs. Reese M. Reese of lf the famous as Salt" Lake were guests of Mr. and team of Ohman & Arden. Now he Mrs. Earl Warren recently. has his own orchestra, heard Miss Karma Johnson is home for regularly on Musical Moments Revue. A bang-u- p program with popular Christmas from the University of guest stars, the Songsmiths and Gra- Utah. ham McNamee. Heaer it every Tuesday and Thursday over KEUB at 7:30 25 South 1st, West rJZllMM.Wnr. 60 So 1st East'1 Pric QltwMWm HAPPIEST SEASONS GREETINGS regularly-schedule- two-pia- one-ha- no n' n , j J Tti "u K.nghta Trm,iar W It Wag; U mtad I- .siaiilariKtllr.l pelf-admiri- T l,u.t Erne t hoi ur NJ 6 that Udy held ibaige b.t, Al mo Robbins who had JivrJ all It anting tan tm.rory uni tut l.f f.I:t few lliufitiia Ot hS 5? )rofi III HuJiUl.gtuH ihrd at 1JUV bus Mias IWKn IbaiThTiT'i !fina I) jp.tal tally .Sunday morning. to wa due Cbriatmai from II y, u. lbs jKiiauinr.g ,irth Arilij whut. an in after U , an i:xn;t,u:NT community ntojErr t m?b.id if iic!ltt Alonzo Robbins, 57, ii bu.a.U, hall Dies At Hospital In tunrial At,(r aflei noun m Price Early Sunday lUnu.n n w,!h p. 'l"li , r!ry TEMPLAR J:is general makeup, ini holing his atc tu TO EVERYONE CONOCO STATION 151 W. Main Price L. 'F. (Les) Thorne Lessee yWyAy,y,y,yAyAVAyAyAWWVAMi BRIGITTE IL AS; ce Adv. p. m. HS;WRISKEYJ i As Christmas draws near it is only natural that our thoughts turn to those many of you who have contributed to our success. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Buntiful New Year. Notice To Contractors GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDS (Well, some times!) and blondes prefer gentlemen who give them clothes such as are featured in our shops for Xmas (always) Brunettes and Redheads, too, are partial to apparel from our shops. You cant go wrong if you give her lingerie, hosiery, sportswear or evening things which we have selectned with care from the fashion marts of the nation. SEALED BIDS will be received by the undersigned at its offices in Price, Utah, until 2 P. M. January 3. 1938, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud for constructing a MUNICIPAL BUILDING at Price, Utah, in accordanace with plans and specifications prepared therefor by Cannon & Fetzer, i Architects. Bids received after said V time will be returned to the bidder unopened. Plans, specifications and other bidding data for said building will be available to bidders on and after De1937, at the office of said PRICE f) cember 18, 506 architects, Templeton Building, Sait Lake City, Utah, and also at the office of the undersigned. A cash deposit of $20.00 will be required for each set given out, this to be returned after the bids are opened, on return of the set in good order, providing the one securing it has submitted a bid in proper form. Bidders are notified that in the execution of the work on this project, they will be required to pay wages at rates not less than those set forth in Resolution No. adopted by the City Council of Price Municipal Corporation, and now in force. Schedule attached to specifications. Actual construction work on said building must be started on or before January 14, 1938, and completed on or before February 8, 1939. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check, cashiers check or bid bond, payable to the undersigned, for not less than five per cent of the amount thereof; this amount to be forfeited if the bid accompanying it is accepted and the bidder then fails to enter into the Contract or to furnish a bond as required by law. Contract, bond and other forms may be seen at the office of the Architects. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of thirty (30) days after the date set for the opennig thereof. The undersigned reserves right to accept any or to reject any or all bids and alternates, or waive any informality in a bid. PRICE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION ,, ATWOODS BARBER AND BEAUTY SHOP Charlie and Nean 7 WEST MAIN ST. Hospital patients sometimes fail to realize that an Interne is actually a Doctor, who has passed his Medical School tests and been through from 6 to 8 years of preparation. From 2 to 4 years is the average Internship. two 1b fOUR YEARS t"V ' 'v lTt A'X During internship the Doctor visits patients between calls of attend- ing Physician, acts in emergencies, keeps patients comfortable an assists in operations or w herever a second Physician is needed, but does nothing on his own initiative. This very valuable training under older and more experienced Doctors is highly concentrated practice Each two yejrs of Internship is about equivalent in experience to fiv of years private practice. UTAH Sf m 4 or a srnics "rruruo rrn ena,,r ABOUT THE DOCTOR" Y DRESSES $4.85 AND A $19.75 PARTY DRESSES for the 10 HOLIDAYS $29.75 Complete Line of NOVELTY JEWELRY SOMETHING FOR THE CHILDREN Cotton- Dresses Silk Taffeta Sizes 1 to 16 Dresses $1.00 to $1.95 $1.95 to $3.50 Children Snow Suits Sizes 2 to 5 Sweaters $1.00 $3.95 and $4.95 - Mayor. And FLACILLE DRESS SHOP William' Grogan, Recorder. December Subsequent Publications: December 23, 1937 and December 30, 1937. Notice published in Price, Utah. te, SPECIAL HOLIDAY SALE of Lounging Pajamas and Wool Robes also CLOSEOUT PRICES ON Childrens White Muffs Reg$L95 and $2.95 Now $1.00 and$Lffij Bracken Lee, 16. 1937. 1 0, Date of first publication: jws is $2.95 te By . KELLEY DRESSES AFTERNOONS j 37-3- INTERNSHIP STREETS : i (Price) ELITE JEWELRY & LADIES STORE ( Helper ) tjT |