Show exploration IN EGYPT it Is carried on with tio tae aid of th the Wa natives As to the actual workmen that I 1 employ who number some or men these are all from the village of itself the men are paid at a an aa A average rate of 75 centimes cen times a day for each digger children rece receive ive 50 cen times and are utilized in carrying away earth in baskets ets which they poise on their heads to be sure this process Is is a superannuated one but the egyptian fellah abides by lt it and any improvements i prove ments on it are dismissed by him him with scorn there is a gain in through it assuredly for iio gothing thing is more curious than to watch these flies files of children haste hastening ningon on and on like ants ante to an anthill to empty their baskets at the place assigned while at the same time the carts tilted over by the chant lers remain quite useless but the most improved methods of such work seem only to bear testimony to the prodigious strength of primitive means those by which the P pyramids N themselves were erected and the greatest edifices of antiquity brought into existence the fellah workman withal is industrious he subsists fists on a little bread and water adding a few dates or cucumbers or vegetables though very rarely any meata meat a thing much too costly for his resources hence when my explorations have led to an important discovery I 1 follow the cu custom tom of regaling the laborers with a native buffalow buffa lol this means a fine fete for the village it was J i in n the midst of such simple people in his is house bouse that 31 marietta arietta bey lived many years it was with them that I 1 as well spent my winters dividing my time between my editorial necessities and the r superintending super intending of the field of operations and marietta bey was right in his liking for the fellah and his desert one experiences in the neighborhood of these vast tast cities of the dead burie 0 in the sands poetical emotions imps eible to define jacques de morgan I 1 in in Hax harpers pers magazine |