Show TO LOt IISE ITAK I 1 1 march 2 22 2 IS ith j J atte TUB THE undersigner undersigned UNDER SIGNED blacksmiths and dagou makers of the la cuy city of corinn curin Cu rinn rip bould atoot the be mayor buil and city colin council cil or tills this city to un sit ordia ince pro it lot ang the tb opening of work ou on tho day for tho of doid ju the same vuori robert butler lule riold ot is at hiiop lop oborn it D W V C T ascott TS scott cott 3 0 0 orem ar ssmuel heit CAM urt imece boor U W T warritt 11 C vauclin Vau alin A on cloo A bruce L V P blui NY HAS abor gen weldon Wo lilon thoo bowman howman A iwao v T laas lu ij abil NN W 0 civia n nor SHOP i abt 0 boxill all S ba S vilon I 1 A C k A 0 janson lienay llola it 11 bonner i Lett sillier J ii |