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Show n tr"' I HAWMM0.,""Bsm W"'r,ln"k. f 'W Jniverilty of Utah The C Times, DEVOTED TO THE I3STTBBISTS OF STJMMIT PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. COALVILLE, S' COTT3STTY FREE COINAGE OF SHYER, 16 SUMMIT COUNTY UTAH, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1896. '' 4 r, i 'Ml ' TO 1 NO. 37 MV for thej . Ali members are requested. W bear" " ' samepurpose. aeauty weapon, with intent to do bodily M?Bt for the cause present. tsVm. Mr. shields says Farish cams Th AnrhurShut llowi-fa- itr AcBarts Francis Halda Miss has been added to of silver and those gentlemen will lose to his office ar.l commenced to abuse , htllU-B- oy Mrs. and Miss Johnson of Ueber City i.laulally lujured k her'. It but wlllgain are hero on a visit to their son and D 1,Bt of ho8 ho r nothing by their him, 1ark City, Ut 1. 19. Tribune bpecial. wtiereupon Shields ordered him j is to be hoped all Wid tlie everlasting friendship and love of seedi!) recover 1eter Hertz, a out of the office. Fansti drew a reNeils J, Johnson. shot brother, on himself GATHERED BY OUR ALERT CORminer, on- Threshing ts ju-- t ib m over tor this the W oodside mine the poop e of the BtaleU political volver, but rdiielis prevented him from The sccend elders quorum held their property late this RESPONDENTS. here. We used n, be threshing at tern ers w ill be theirs thu L and fast. Mark season blow eon, where las body was dtcov- - using it further than to receive meeting here on the 18th. President "in December yem- - ago, uiv woid for it. over the head. Bystanders interfered h two eied with met r by sonie nleu who were Coming fluff and Edmond Kid edge e machines the boy get hns-lon them- - dow n to town from The arrest of James Weish for catting them. the mine. About 5 and took the gqn away from Farish, selves. S rom o'clock surHerts fh Eienls of the a had stopped to talk with Sourly timber illegally, as alleged, was TAT The Uepublnans held a rally here on kiwi Krrry Town in Summit ( uunty.-- hut prise to yourrorrespo dent, w hileottiers Bp, John Basket! to A atrip to lWd some topmen at the Wood side, and ex II. Welsh, The farmer Henry Lett! and 8pamE-For- k around Wednesday evening. 'The Tlmri'r" KppreiienUllvm Umv claim that they have been ei peeking it the week, accompanied by hrs jd.uiWd that he had been looking after are all busy digging beets. b. Townsead and William Archibald during some Tound to WriteAhuut. case Launa facta and the some for Ins eon tuitis, sheep upon the mountain. When in time. The were the gieakers. They are all candi- daughter The T rovo Etonian now comes out as found his gun waslying with themuzzle to have not come to light, np this way, dates on their ticket. There was a lair who are going attend the Academy. a The Etonian is a bright and we are in the dark as to the cause sued crowd 111 attendance. Thu ! step in the right direction, as pointed tow aid ins head with the stock and IEOA N sheet. newsy lietwen hie a feet. of ai test, and that too, when it was gen- Ii waiya megazine gun gift parent can give Ins was C"eu on the grandest Miss Lillie benefit dance that The who was 1toA, Utah, Oft 21,1890, so Ott, and loaded with number 1U shot. N 'arl y severely eraliv believed that the gentleman had children i a goo I ului atum hot two week ago at Ogden, it now for Mrs, Rasmussen Ediiub Thus his of wa a jiernnt to cut timber. Mr. W elehs Tuesday evening head shot off. I U m me are treat By considered oui of We uj a starch facwas a success in every respect. The danger, p dson, the Coroner, the Stephen W'a.ker was chairman inauy friends here regret the fact that house was crowded ami the lunch was tery in Summit eouutv to use up ttie or.ier uf Dr. Fraudulent was Chinese certficates have- down body tfve to underof five Independent Republican mooting the gentleman is in trouble. brought rnd sime the cresuuerv, w el patronized. The receipts of thelsurpte spuds, roon , aud an tuquest will be been traced to Ogden and United States on Tuesday eveuuig. lasing of I am of the opinion that it would end this the as A o far 'county is con " officers are after the perpetrators, Mpper footed up 30. s U. organize , has ah nit callupeed, whv not held tomoirow. A. K. Mari bant has rented the house a good idea for the q cre(iu and 1rHi.e should be cerned, Rnjatdwll the No two weeks one During knows the whether past people thy shooting and farm of John Nrvuusm and lias them selves into a muluitl benefit ' to Mrg, M. A- - Williams and Mrs not agitate the starch lac toty question was accidental or ui"LUi(-ba- t o! Cornice nave actually felt twenty y the moved his family iine- town where he protective society in this county, reg-- j j gutn A. A. Anderson, who had the affair n tor eeouui g plant, or ,ooi thing, that it was an accident. eeparate'aud distinct earthquake shocks, piesiun prevails will be more comfortable and the child ulate the pri as of ali farm pnalucts and for their labor in such a worthy j f 0tt pVa-- e charge, A young of h'ulilthe last was employed Iiertg tge to July lady named Westburg died not leave it to the middle men reap hen nearer the school house. oats wa shipped from as a miner m the Untano. Ilo was Cause. Aeadcndof at Hyrum laid Saturday from lockjaw, We of labor. The potato t rop tn this section is very the profits their wan, The funeral services over the remains! j,1re during the uijA, m rather from off ami has not been able to seeuio brought on by running a rusty nail in fine indeed They aie about the Iw- -t and should keep the ttade in the county , t l,U people of Henefer. The work si nee.. He whs a member of her fiot. M8 Rtll ' TT ever grow n here ana the yield is above and only by this means can it be ac-- , 1 o dotk. of are m a b.ut lcxatmu Untano lodge No. I. A. O, U. W., and Heavier at October An opinion given out by Attorney--Gener- al 18th, jople U8 fcr0 Sunday, tbeaverage, and yet twenty cents a tmnplishea. Counties outsi Tht Uor a shipping point fhev are within also of the Miners Union. He has been the made ClutI W.W addie, Ires. Bishop i that when all the' re.u lung out and try lug to get our Park bushel ,s ail that tsoflerded for them. account of the j ,gJa mitof the rmlioad air vet have a resident of Park brief were oil are from the earn puffy, it does fot services a f judge number I if uty trade for farm piodutts, and Attorney II 8 Townsend and County buy of the mother and one of the sisters, j t0 travel elgnt miles every time they ship years aud leaves a widow aud seven not remler an election illegal if the grief of of mind the people Commissioner Welsh made your corres- understand the The deceased was a daughter of Allen anything from a hog to a oirofoats cr small dnldiet- u- , were made appointments call on W eduesday that thriving city, they would perfer to aticl Matilda Davis of Vernal, from I V pondent a plea-aThe Before u Lvti a the r, Coroners potatoes. pmmised bv as they jury mormng. The latch string - always patronize our own farmers, which place iier paruits, brother and Mle track sonic nine igo, hut for fome jesteiday Mrr iiert'z, 8anf.ird Hyde aud Utah Connty I not marked down on right should Now, who will make a out, gentlemen the armed in time to attend reason failed to keep its piomtse then other w ituee-e- s aud related the the maps as a producer of honey, but tow ard an organization that will sister move When has mauc a jump fiom forty-fiv- e funeral. The deceased had been here pjmpany surveyed a uetails ol finding the body. The jurv nevertheless, the carloads of this article look to the interest of all, tlie producer, to sixtv cents a bushel during the but a few months, but in tins short time route and tle people ere were in hope s j then returned a verdict reciting the which have gone east this season consumer? and purchaser won the respect and admiration of all of getting better atvoinmo latmns ; hjets and declaring that cause of death from this sectmc ought to receive atpast few weiks. Confidence hi the The first gun of the campaign was fired election of Fry an is probably the cause who made her acquaint me. lh pos- but we aeern o lie doomed to disap- - wa- - gunshot wound accidentally inflicted tention next time the atlases are revised. here on Tuesday evening at which tune sessed a and farmers are rejou mg over the pi Imlustralian, quiet and lovable disposition, pomtment. It seems that a towirkof by thy hand of the deceased. The juror t of bt tter umts w hieh are becoming llenrv Welsh, William Archibald and and was a geneial favorite with all who nearly sixty families, located within a weie John O. Driscoll, B.M, The police were netified yesterday of and Sperry of addressed n H Park City T6w send manifest. knew her. Thesynipatny of all is ex- kteoe't throw of a railroad should have' W. M. Miller, The funeral of the un- the diappearance of Conrad Butter of VVidmiu relatives in letter treatment, hut I suppose we fortunate victim of the accident were Willard. Flitter Is a man 78 years of Archibald warmly greeted an appreciative audience on the money tended to her and tanll questions. Mr Townsend exY. held yesterday at 3 30 p, m. from the age, and Very feeble. Thursday last he their sad loss. V. B. yonr corn spondent on Tuesday evening. must grin and bear it. AusWtlliaiu is an eemest, positive worker plained the manner of voting the halt of Ontario Lodge, So. 1, A. O. U. disappeared from his home, and the last Hoirsvaie. WAHSATtH and is making fnend with all voters tralian ballot. The gentleman urged W. seeu of him was ou the road near Five and Hovtsuilk, Utah, Oct. 22, 1890. BOV BIX OVER. Wahsatch, Utah, Oct. 20,1890, too if I am not deceived by the expres- the Republicans to vote for Bryan Points. Since then he has not been seen, sions made by many of both political bewail aud the Independent Republican Editor Times . The Editor Time : of Widow although search has been made for him boy ticket; and, by the way, they claimed W ilson Miss Annie Ryan took charge of the ' as run over by a runaway team everywhere, Tribune, parties hereabouts. pub Ben n ion made a shipment of could afford to do so owing to that school here they to Mr. Snydeof buyer Grove, Another fatal accident has happened primary department of the J. 11. Newman, A. W. Newman and the fact that the Independent Republi- this week. and is likely to die from hit injuries at a Fairview sawmill, making three of Miss Milfie Newman came down from lr Rennimi of Tavloreyilla is here cans were going. to vote for a Democra-t- n e eitizifns forty-fivbefore morning. Thu little fellow bad a aim liar kind within the past few years. ami hundred assi-iast to t their One week Idaho parents looking after his horse interests. The president and in remov ing to their new home. The leg broken, the side' of his face was Last Saturday, while William Morten registered at this precinl, Only four lsen"-y- l areaudnlates on the Inde- w ho were at home neglected to register. buyers looking for bargains in terribly mangled, and he suffered inter- - wai wot king at his sawmill east of Fair- onng people spent several pleasant gentlemen stock 4 i were around here the past Mr. Welsh ticket, Republican pendent relamunerons tins with their think nl days visitirg Injnvie from which It is thought j lw, operating theedger, a pieeol plank ' Borneo! our coal hauler week. , lietfaunortccoverU The accident i pecu- Alas thrown by tlie saw and I truck him tives before they left us for good and being nominated for the lower house, Grass Creek Coal Company fchouU deMr. Archibald for Sheriff and Mr. TownGeorgs Tribe of Ogden shippml ten liarly distressing, as the child was the in t lie abdomen, causing roptfire, ruuk all. liver their coal at the mouth 6t Grkss for County Attorney. The gentlesend of Bratton to eastern markets on only boy of the cars of wife take Mrs. Catherine or Marchant, family. The bereaved the effects of which he dje Sunday-nigh- t. creeK, as per notices posted, used and men are Eundav. speakers pleasing very has five othei children to supmother Ie wa married last Decernlief, fool A. R. Marchant, has been suffering with hauler, the as thev them down, era-toblood and thunder D. L. k L. F. cowjxnv mails a port. The leav and widow. ML a very seveie attack of rheumatism dur- none of that lleasant in unsuccessful was Dr. Mrs. fehipp that is, or has been used by many AM UOH SUIT DOWN. Iyramid. shipment of niutuns and lambs on large The ing thp pat few davs and has been un- of week. here this clasa a the workers in both political parties. maintaining That the A nchor Mining company fi The Asylum board met In regular i able to be up It it pleasing to note last one Monday, Maiked attention was given to the ad- lady held but two meetings, the has the thiH session of at suspended better somewhat production ore, Friday, Tlie medical superin-tendeThanheladv is William Ball, who has Wn quite stek Cl WT dress of each of the gentlemen and being poorly attended. in sue h amount as may be save made hiarepwrt fot September recovered ns writing Beef, mutton, eal, eti ., bought for the past week, has so fu hi artv applause greeted their most tellmeet tne requirements of its showing everything to be 4n good conUtah. A. around le to Invitations 'are out to it tend the wed- Bates, ansliip lash by again, was yesterday confirmed by dition. The, nuibe of patients now pay-rolI ing remarks. At the etoe of the meetMr. and Mrs. T Dunconb of Evans dingof Mrv Da Ialmer, son of K. I. n was of thanks the a gen-tleHO Et vole arrivals fromTaik given ing City Every man, confined In the asyl im 1231 ; the pay roll MeH f innah and Ialmei, Sr. I'eoa ton were here for a short wit to Mis. J. with the en tor their coming and services Ev no, Utah, O- -t 22, 189b t! two watchmen. amounts to f 1,209.05; current expenses, axtmion of Mr the charming daughter Bates, ballon Suiulav. an the meeting was then a journed. hits off. been . laid Tiwfh Eonoa , $846 41 and sundry accounts for repairs, and Mrs thrum Bites of P.ujt Titv, 1 v anon B. R. E Va r. is said to contsff many taes The common u for thejmove-nicutofyCH ,87. Tlie treasurers report was this expIanuLou Echo The at in the etc., ruornuig ahull win take plate p.ivcir ut diphtheria, and in Alis f easlcs and tne part of the Audi r Is that bowed a balance on hand, Bept. 30 th, and the hojs all look happy. "ii Fiieedav. O of the brides parent OAKLtl, Murid fever are abroad. J dollars was it i unwilling market its me of 12,623,12 N'methou-an- d toh i , 2Ttn John Ilopkin has been having the 1890 Oct. lie 21, Ovkiev.Ukah, Edwin is and feiate Bentnottrof with halt the metals from the reemvea b at nil treasury of ruling county pm eg, r hit present coat new ha uhv vu ben T!" of lus store treated to a Dole. irovo hull IK flMK tiiii rmnidmg up his gitjierds, pre-- 1 ami that like many others the company paid on outstanding uUl w Hit it to lie 1 Ins fannei oatory to niuung to wle quarters. has believed it best to suspend ship Enquiror, laio nvrrand e!h passwl through Ouklcy paint. WOlk , t! ifc.tii.J H VV m. and George BiotJucy have a herd w f h t Miw Lime Ball, whoatuttt tiding turn to mild the metals have advanced. u ule iv f , m inter lt i ii arc mg r nr ion question ha arisen as to of sheep, thev ptmliael it when m Amuher cause aligned i that ti,c tin-pan- y whether an alien who, in 1BS4, had bien m :.'! ut Evan-.!.n- , J isepli Phillip- - ami family returned southern Utah. Wyw Dfa season, aml.at i or uunz fieri i even has thougut it advisable to await In the country onlv a year or levs, who here cn a visit to hor'i on Bun-'- n ota torm winch, should it from bait i.ake hondav, e A brakeniiiirfell from a car this fate of tlie piojeUed ,1ev.k w as Overst tears of sgu when be are Imv fees 1 " - w ini vwmidctton wouldterete . B 18; p ri tunic I front Fait Take making up a tram and knocked which it has con with sampling plant, D wilt not el dug their poiatoe scan a t rived, and resided in I tab could, under Momtav , w here h in been in search hi fly belio.l,et it is ip out of paoe. for presi lac that there are tome idiwho find traded to driver its low grade oics, and an v ciicnmstances, leg dly Jotin Newman and f.tuuiv lef 1eoa "f iruit has loaded lleneter of Fowltr will James be tor 19th. not which handled that he answer them tober is tic save by Mm The accepted on day morning, The speaking ,Iat evening dul not a car of oats here. . lie is shipping them iKiusion to kick at Hus usually fine in th form of concentrates. The com- denL la m fallows: and Beotm. Idaho, wiiuh will he 'heir home ni the explanation dom I, plain. wajher. Ttistori.dry,"tJ' muuuiit'to much, as the sjjeakers failed to Dark Guy. x pany has, It is said, recently encountered During the war, soldier in am vice beream r. Mr Newman is a good cDi-ze- to show A v ihitor here from Alu up. a whom with yery good quahtv of ore from which R weroallowed Pa vote when away from excellent an family has ports the finest parade tlTOV. has made light shipments, but the A. U. Anderson aud James Evans weave loath to part and we shall feel home on duty. Aliens who enlisted nighg ago that ever took has been to break down only such the loss while Idaho gains by Hie change have their sawmijl amost in rnnning Upton, Utah, Oct. 21, 1896. The Democratic elnli paedf ih nni policy became citizens The man referred to a was necessary to get the ore out of of lesidence. Mav joy and peace so order. Tbev will be ready to furnish Editor Times : the California Volunteers here, armed with torchd hand the way in blocking it outinlhi hope joined election any kind of lumber, shingles, and lath with them. day in 386iHie troops and 00 Ilorp, October 17, to the wife of Wm. rocket and accompanied trands from that somethu g would occur to advance were time. a enlistment made His Echo. Mr, John Thompson of Ashley, Uintah in short Saxton, a non. Mother and baby doing Evanston and Almy. Th?ept rip a at the prne of the metals. of Peoa A little spat up the river caused some well. hne display of fireworks Feveral him citizen, and joining the county, and Miss Maud Roundy From resident officials of the comleft for bait Lake on Wednesday morn- little excitement between both males Volunteers gave him the right to Elders Alma Smith ana Johq Cal. hours and closed sith rat cl stleeches in the Salt Lake and female for a short time. As the no married information pany was be to bad be and to for free stake with for silver and cheer afffheer vote them, and b did. Herald derwood visited Upton Sunday, as ing will he parties ask that the names be not pub-- , Temple. The wedding reception missionaries. Bryan. It is said that the w4 went Manager Keith was . absent. It may N Cilmat of Alaska, be relied on, however, that the producheld at the residence of the brides lished, we withhold them for a time. Clarks dipping corral has closed down nearly wild with enthusiast) J, B idea of Alaska Is that It October tion "The on of ore Times Tuesday. has for Peoa popular m is last been week! and Where Ihk suspended, mother, for the season. Over 100,000 sheep have nine months in the Mrs. of icebound is the that is like Th daring Ideal Marrtas the Silver King, the company daughter 27 tb. The bride It is too late for the editor to go fishing, been dipped at this corral this season. the miner and the Jared has and only late that the IV reached he Bisbop we and re and uses the he case year, conclusion unless L. J. Reundy of giant powder, that it justimarriage may be is? finish will machine Clarks attracted W ansbip. to it. One of fied threshing are of in waiting for a better 'price for Ut fisherman two persons of cultivated fact, Iden know he is too much of a man for that, C, Roundy, formerly on Thnrsday, hav- tieal In who-- . work Coalville in its California prospectors returned bee the acts. prod be has either Tribune, go we must guest that opinions and purport1 ween Mrs. M. L Miles bad a quilting of bushels over threshed 10,000 grain Cook Inlet ing had poor luck describe tb wbom exists that best kind ACCIDENTAL!. Y SHOT, gone duck bunting or that McKinley in vhat (fealty, Tuesday and your correspondent, locality, Upton is yet to be similarity of as a grass region as good for catthe of 8. in to been Coalville, country has invited with and was powers A partake serious accident occurred near the cap innately, threshed. and occasion. tle for the sbeep as Montana. Hs says, ia reciprocal superiority in the a that Daly West For the first time in Its history Tax good things provided Saturday afternoon. Willie of scree wa brought each can who Thorar e. Fewkes, bearing-frnitis week Harpers, that be saw thousand enjoy the pleasure fMng Mottand Bobbie Harley were Times was one day late last week and My bid of iast red-to- p few a corral with down hunting from covered Clarks ts grass meadow of dipping invitation! that through no fault of the editor, up to the other, and can hate sl!df withr Wbq will send the next rifle. Bob meadIs very the river target and these with debis day bead, are as suffering ago cramps,' In earned the pleasure of leading and either. We wers all ready for press at There is a saying that "changes gun and was in the rear highare sd level that a mowing m whine J. C. the path of low at this writing. nod it the ows when he stumbled and development, I wilT regular time, bnt our shipment of lightsome and fools like, them, tall, the gun be run all over them. The climate could the in to case change temp describe until the arrive to those did not wh(nii't Saturday ia sometimes discharged. The ball struck young paper BistriiL It no severer than that ef Idaho enfound he would Mettln thebip, passing appear the dream d tram came In. Blow ever, the paper was , of grub," dont you know! . - ligxxxxft. Utah, tick 22,1896.. through .the or Montana, where cattle run on the ex thusiast, is and But I the of Provo Y. He was taken to maintain witlGrrt afternoon, the home of 11 winter. Judges. B. Thurmanat a Democratic mailed Saturdayshould have reached its Editor Times : 1 . At Kudink Island he foundest conviction that this,brt forth' package Oakley bold parents, Mr. and Mrs, Dow Mott. range hjs te which had fatvisitpetted cattle and been Mrs. horse Richinsbas found is the ideal marriage, and'1 Georgina only, ie attending physician does to be held bera (on destination tong before this not think meeting which is tened on the rich grasses. What he saw ing in Salt Lake CRy. opinions, customs and insff0 October 22nd,at 10 danrou'The Thursday morning ..WAMHIP. injured which led Mr. Bowers. to predict that a few favor any other notion i w lad is 13 years of 'FM Warwick Foster was down from the ' v VVav-nr- s, age. oclock a. m. JudgeW.il. King 1896. one of Oct, 21, Utah, tern week. the brief visit during the Bark on a the fad year would see southern Alaska conception or DtvrEKBxt x or to have letu I ere hot owing to in this districts orixKA, nwted with the the it led mm are great did in TobtiCi! aie quiet ami the Editor Timli. any other We ... by that hits fCpujre-weiejc" thus aiding to make Due that' MiiMay Borne are by w hati i ir pr't"si.i thv Hint - busy attending to fail work. nee Bhlcl . ramiidute iituatj that eyimtiy, U,jaiMr-- . J. K waeteriiTrtatcf, Re lett JloitKr'of iuy Mr2id of the manifatA deliov or d, arc relief of county g'ow mg picture primitive nail puUiug in fall grain. Tuvrdai jmn mgto speakin d I thg hull here ott the 2l;h attorney, had tetri tory wIiaIi'T norUMn John of the .FUihh Mill. a er-was iamirleliv ' hnmd out An Irew IVtron of Witrt-h- ip s.tver. and auhoegh he on raUv Id 1 :nt.v here a h m,l mi r ye irg ajn. gauumd-oEw - , , leaving ofahv'T'-- : a di our Lu Sund.y, t Itiefiv to Jor t givt he it k tout the 2 v a Mi v i -- fay iuU ri hd, O, ton, r 22ui, at Ut,m l Tul 8 i fh t work an rest, i Mfs,; than sclf-li tins H irii i'riasis, over w hum he prv tidts. Head v. l.o, li,,nr- - Bh.e luff caused 0 lrdiai-- t jh.(jhi was U Id he oUoek. ut j u in t af-rtomacli bis should he fase the election, adw.d f A taken troubles. T. I G. this , , has Judd np Witts of them. Be re i Iv tor tha ,ant fa-again ford to of any Bewail ire -- The Taenf Quorntn Earlv well providing Bryan, and residence at Irovo for ,the purpose of Pill forit.era me the most e Bu pl.eus, green apple aeabon by having Do Wilt's gau.i L7l 7 hansh, Cohc hold their quarterly conference hts assistance. overcoming such ..b(VTel with that 4 Cholera Cure in the house, and elected him studies his Academy, the at John continuing with on A den 12 oclock Boy Pori Re- hereon Sunday, the 25th, at arsult with a John Boyden & Bon. The Democrats and Independent r POl 1NTY NPWv,rtliaitts shakers TJ-I-C 1 sending , many ot Jher m. e, 1 but-wit- , , ip" two-tlur- i ih Bi-ho- 1 im-an- J I , J nt 1 i- 1 ) os-p- tah t- grief-strick- seven-year-ol- d t. - u& nt 4 l, 1 1 in-ih- " v lre-iwii.- 1 vv -- utom-inwhd- 1 - he-b- v Ual-forn- ia j re bri . -- - e' fr t7j (tfj . u uf l fr -- at ef m-r- 1 1 ) 1' 4 Beven-tieswi- B V |