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Show o V , i . W " Tele j No. 1. BY v i r am j St. George, Utah, Tuesday Evening, April 8, 1879. TELEGRAPH. Special to Thx Telegram. Washington 7. Gen. Nelson A. Miles in re spoi.ce to questions' concerning chances of an In dian war this coming1 summer, says, in case hos-- ( tile element needing Sitting Dull's tribe are able, .to draft out from the Agencies a sufficient number of young warriors to participate in their Sun Dance, which takes place each June, there will be great trouble and much' damage done to settlements ; but they arc unable to incite a hostile feeling among, the Agency. Indians. Everything will go along smoothly;1 Gen. Sherman says he does not anticipate any trouble this summer, but if it comes, the army will be able to take care of Sitting Bull and his tribe.' ' Deadwood 7. Indians who are believed to be straggling Sioux and Grosventers from the j north, Yellowstone Valley. They run are reaching all whites vicinity t of Fcrrys Landing ou the Yellowstone into the Military posts and captured all the horses .and cattle. Johnson and Stearns' housf In tfi&ftalley was attacked by a band of seven Indians and Johnson was killed and Stearns badly wounded Troops bave been sent out from Fort Custar and two companies go from Fort Keogh in pursuing New York 7. The political cauldron is begin-in- g to boil decidedly. It is impossible to describe the situation without giVipg the views of the different sides, bfit it is evident that a quarrel beis approachtween Tammany and ing a crisis. .The Republican Journals declare that Tilden and Gov. Robinson were thrown overboard because the Democrats are afraid they will lopSe the State unless sqmef man is selectedfor Governor. this fall who is not identified with' eith-- r ridge. Gov. Seymour was invited to stand but . in-th- e Anti-Tamma- ny vr. , ; - v T ,7 a , Vol. 1. the 2Sepublicans Jovrnals say he was invited be cause Tammany well knew that he would decline. The Sun's Montreal special say a great change has come over the face of afiairshere since the arrival of the Marquis of Lome. You may depend upon it there is trouble ahead if the Marquis per; sists in his course. He has already proven himself utterly a misplaced official. He has shown his incapacity to fill any post of trust or responci-bilit- y, - ' Salt Lake 7. The 49th Annual Conference of Saints the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y (opened yesterday, April 6. Conference yesterday morning was called to order at 10 a. m. by Prest-Taylo- r. After prayer Prest. John Taylor said: We have met together this Conference to transact such business as may be brought before us. He hoped the utmost quiet would prevail during .the exercises, and trusted both speakers and hearers would be filled with' the Holy Ghost that all might be edified and blessed. Elder Erastus Snow .delivered ah interesting discourse on the rise and progress of the work of God in these last days: reviewed various religions and authors and explained duties of Saints. After some instructive remarks pertaining to life and exaltation of Saints by C. C. Rich, Conference adjourned till a p. m. In the afternoon the congregation was addressed by elder George Qj Cannon, nils morning, elder George Q. Cannon read a partial statistical report of the members of the f. Church, after whicti Franklin D. Richards spoke a short time. Elder Cannon then read the following names, missionaries to Great Britain Orson Pratt Sen., Brigham S. Young,. oslphjl. Mathews, George 11. Taylor, John F. Miller, Hugh Watson, . ! . |