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Show Semi-Formal This Evening Everythins Is in readiness for the annual semi-formal invitational invita-tional dancing party, given by the B.Y.U. Women for their partners and guests, this evening at 9 o'clock la the Joseph Smith ballroom. ball-room. Each member has extended invitations in-vitations to two guest couples. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Millet are co-chairmen, and the events gives promise of being a highlight on the holiday social calendar. Christmas Day Dinner Guosts Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Bee had members of their family home for dinner Christmas day. Covers were laid for Capt and Mrs. Delmar C. Kenner and daughter Linda of Salt Lake City, Capt. Kenner's father, William Kenner of Denver Colo., and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sowar ds and son David. Springville Mr. and Mn. A. O. Packard spent Christmas in Salt Lake City as guests of their son Paul Packard Pack-ard and family. Donna Norton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Norton left recently recent-ly to enroll in cadet nurses training train-ing at the. University el Utah and the L D 8 hospital. In honor of their brother Bryce who is home on furlough from the Aleutians, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thorn entertained at a dinner at their home. Guests included, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Thorn, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thorn and family, Mrs. Sarah Dal ton, the guest of honor, the host and hostess and their family. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Weight entertained at a house warming party at their new home in Brookside Park. The evening was spent visiting and lunch was served toipproxlmttely 20 guests. Lloyd Migliaccio of Fresno, Calif., visited in Springville one rlay the past week. He was also a guest of his uncle and aunt,. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Migliaccio at Benjamin. Mrs. Josephine R. Dougall and , two daughters of Memphis, Tenn.,' arc visiting indefinitely in Springville with her mother, Mrs. II. T. Reynolds and other relatives rela-tives and friends. Members of the Jeune Mere club arc planning a holiday party for their husbands for Thursday. December 28. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Palfreyman. ' The Alpha Beta club held their Christmas party on Friday evening, even-ing, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. r. V. Crandall. Mrs. Wm. L. S hnener. Mrs. W. W. Clyde and Mrs. Reed Holdaway were, assisting assist-ing hostesses. Husbands attended as special guests and the evening uas spent with games and gifts were distributed among all pre-.?r:t. pre-.?r:t. Games prizes were won nv Mrs. Charles Boycr and E. V Crandall. Mrs. Agnes Eismann and Mrs. Lucmda Halbmann left Friday evening to spend the Christmas holidays with relatives and friends at Idaho Falls. Ida. Members of the S. T. club will yr entertained at the home of Mrs Gwen Baxter Thursday evening, beginning at 8 o'clock. A family Christmas party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bird Friday evening. Visiting and games together with a nicely arranged dinner and the exchange of gifts featured the evening's entertainment. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Bird of Midvale. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Harmer of Payson. Mr. and Mrs. Arvil Bird, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bird, Mr. and Mrs. Russen Bird. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bird, Mrs Gene Averett, Mrs. May Bird and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown. Elaine Teasdale has returned to Springville after spending several months with her husband Mclvin stationed at Tampa, Fla. Little Women Styles AS rjf c?r - w v .. 1 " 'Is - 1 i t s I . " r : . - : . W (I 1 3 '.5 u i , it t ,H3 By EFSUE KEfASO NEA Staff Writer NEW YORK The answer to the long-despairing wan of the littla woman who wants her clothes to look more dignified than cute are fashions designed for the pint-sized figure five feet plus two to three inches tall and scaled to its petite proportions. If you're the petite type and want a suit or a dress with flair, symmetry and chic, you no longer have to go home disconsolately lugging a Junior Miss frock or a Sloppy Joe tweed. Nor will you have to take a more adult-styled suit or dress, that literally swallows swal-lows you. to the fitter to have it whittled down to size. Available in your own petite size and not "out" or "half sizes" either are styles launched by New York designers, who have studied stu-died your needs and have scaled clothes to your proportions. To fit you to a "T" they've added an inch to bosom and hip fullness, subtracted an inch in length of waist, widened shoulders, narrowed re vers, belted waists more narrowly and given you skirts that are draped, gathered or pleated without foreshortening the figure. Results are suits and dresses like the two models above. The suit of burnt orange wool (left) with a U-shaped neckline simply accessorized with a bright Paisley scarf, is snuggly fitted for that exquisitely neat look which every small woman knows is her biggest "asset. The dress at the right of royal blue crepe has shoulders widened rather than squared, sophisticated lines in treatment treat-ment of neck and pegtop type skirt and a narrow belt to show off a small waistline without dividing the figure. J. C. Clarks Have Family At Home Mr. and Mr?. Joseph C. Clark were hr.-ts at a family Christmas dinne r at their home. Places were arranged for: Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Harmon and son Robert of Salt Lake City: Attorney At-torney and Mrs. Orval Hafen (Ruth Clark and three children, of St. George: Capt. and Mrs. L. C". Harmon Helen Clark and babv Iarrv . of Los Angeles. Cal : Mrs. J. C Allen (Elhel Clark i ar.d on. Clark Allen, of Laguna Beach. Calif: .Vw F.elyn Clark, and the host nA hntcs. Son Honor Guest At Turkey Feast A Christmas turkev dinner was Uien hv Mr. and Mrs E. W. Sin"r.yi at their home in Qrcm. in honor ef their son. Lt. E. J. "Ted'' Simmnj-.y. U. S. navy, who is home on leave after serving on a destroyer in the youth Pacific for a year. His wife, the former Margaret Mitchell, was honored also, as was a son-in-law of the host and hostes, Lester F. Tabor, fireman fire-man first class, home from Camp Perry. Va . to visit his wife, the former Carina Jean Simmons, and their new baby girl. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Dixon La r sen. Master Sgt. Floyd Rollins, home from Colorado Colo-rado Springs, Colo., Mrs. Mary Hudson. Miles Davis and James Simmons. The table was centered with a bowl of red roses. M. I. A. SEXTI! WAItD A special Christmas play and program will be held in the Sixth !ward amusement hall this evening at 7:30 o clock. All are initcd Breakfast Hold Christmas Morn A breakfast was given by Mrs. Hazel Hundley at her home Christmas morning. Guests included: Mrs. Maggie Hundley, Miss Lucile Hundley, Mrs. Flitner and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Snow. Long-distance telephone calls were received from Glen Field of Portland, Ore., and Mrs. lone Graham of Los Angeles, Cam. Miss Mickey Steineckert, who ts home from Los Angeles, Calif., where she is attending Woodbury's Wood-bury's college, was the guest of Mrs. Hundley, Sunday. Holiday Danco Wednesday Night A holiday dance is being held for Vineyard ward members, in the Lake View ward ball, Wednesday Wed-nesday evening. A cordial invitation is extended to all members of the ward and their friends. Son On Leave; Honored At Dinner A Christmas eve turkey dinner din-ner was given by Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Fillmore at their home, in honor of their son, Woodrow Fillmore, Fill-more, U. S. navy, who has finished fin-ished his basic training and is to report the first of the year in San Diego, Calif. His wife and little son. David, of Springville, were also honored and other guesta were: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Madsen and children, Mrs. E. J. Roundy, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Mer-rill Roundy, Mr. and Mrs. Lorea Roundy, Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Jones (Elsie Roundy) of Missoula. Mont., and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Parker. A large bowl of American beauty rosea formed the centerpiece center-piece for the dining table, e Yulo Dinner At J. F. Wells Home A Christmas dinner was given by Mr. and Mrs. George F. Wells at their home in Vineyard. Places were arranged for Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Henrichsen and son Keith, and Mrs. Lewis Wells and daughter Lorna Faye, of Pleasant Grove, Mrs. Nellie C. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bailey, Connie and Grant Bailey of Provo, and the host and hostess host-ess and family. Dancing Friends At Gala Social Among the delightful dancing parties of the Christmas week end, was the opening night eve ning of the Dancing Friends, re cently organized social club. Held Christmas night in the Joseph Smith ballroom, the semi-; formal was a largely attended af- i fair. The next party is scheduled for New Year's night. Scintillating Sailors DAILY HERALD SSvSS,. PAGE 5 ft -i jit By EPSIE K1NARD NEA Staff Writer NEW YORK Gay veil-swathed sailors that could pass in a pinch for Valentines make mid-winter headliners and predict the shape of things to come for spring. But don't expect to see the austere lines which the word "sailor" conjures up. Softening begins with basic manipulation ef fabric twisted, swirled, puffed, shirred and draped and winds up with a flurry of trimmings and a whoosh of veiling. Materials used are attention-getters, and popular among these are Gibson Girl stripes, a sample of which you'll sec in the Peg Fisher-designed hat at the left in boldly patterned pink and black taffeta. The puffed fabric circles like a ruffle around a black calot crown, and for further softening up there is a free-swathing veil of pink dotted tulle. For other softening tricks, take a look at the heart-shaped hat at the right of cone-stitched pink satin, which is created with sequin-embroidered plumes and topped off with a cloud of black veiling. Wedded Pair Complimented Honoring Mr. and Mrs. J. L. "Steve" Johnson (Lydia Allred) who were married Wednesday in the Salt Lake temple, Mrs. Dora Thatcher entertained informally at her home Saturday evening. The couple will leave by plane Wednesday for San Diego, Calif. to make their home. Close friends enjoyed the. evening eve-ning of music and games, and a tasty lunch was served by the hostess. y CclebraUHcrt V- v V ' Reserved Seats I .1 1 " Vv Now on Sale! I tltsV V"y1 On Screen ' $aramo'jnt Club Calendar 'Modern Menu Winter Tonic Twosome i :od showmanship stunt this time of year is to wear an eye-flagging eye-flagging bag, beanie and glove set in bold design to give winter-weary winter-weary outfits a lift. Best Dart of the- trick is that you can make such accessories yourself by using a simplified pattern one with complete cutting cutt-ing and finishing instructions only a little skill and the following follow-ing material: one yard of 36-inch wide wool coating or any prefer red fabric, Vi yard each of lining and buckram, four rings for making mak-ing bag strap adjustable, and l-8th yard of wool jersey in a color wr' 'i harmonizes with or matches the color of the bag and hat, as do the green gloves, shown on the model right), which picks up the predominant green tone in the black, white and green-plaid wool. To obtain pattern for big bag (15x10 inches), pillbox and gloves, order by number (Pattern (Pat-tern No. 5805), and send 15 cents in coin plus 1 cent postage, YOUR NAME, ADDRESS and the PATTERN PAT-TERN NUMBER to Anne Cabot The Provo Herald. 1150 Sixth Avenue, Av-enue, New York, 19, N. Y. Is? If r:1 : -A j. v. r. Mrs. Ed in Alien is making plans to entertain members of the J. Y. F. club Wcdiicsday evening at a holiday party at her home. Gifts will be exchanged. SOCIAL ART Mrs. C. S. Vincent will entcr-, entcr-, tain members of the Social Art club at her home "Wednesday evening. GRAND VIEW CAMP i A holiday party is being held by the Grand View D. U .P. camp at the home oi Mrs Annie Buck- !ner, Thursday at 2 o clock. An 'exchange of gifts 25 cents i is to ' be featured. WAC Assigned To Hospital Work Sgt Beth E. Spalding of the WAC's, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Spalding. 57 South Fifth East, is a member of Squadron Squad-ron W, first troop carrier com- imand, George field. Lawrence-ville, Lawrence-ville, 111., and is working as a hospital laboratory technician. She was employed as an aircraft air-craft mechanic at Hill field, Og- den, before entering the service. Spanish Fork The Aglaian Literary club members held their annual Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Laura Creer. The home was decorated t o symbolize the Christmas season. Members entered en-tered into this spirit by the singing sing-ing of carols under the direction of Blanche Jensen, accompanied by Mrs. Mary Bird. The members served themselves from a beautifully beau-tifully decorated table, they were seated at small tables and Santa Claus favors were presented to each. Ruth Williams was chairman chair-man of the committee in charge of the party, and she was assisted by Lucile Robertson, Louise Hansen, Han-sen, and Laura Creer. There were 20 members present and one special guest, Mrs. Mary Bird of Springville. LUNCH ROM-IPS ( Serves 4 ) Eight slices baked ham or table-ready meat loaf, ' pound liver sausage. 1 tablespoon horseradish horse-radish mustard. 2 tablespoons salad dressing. '4 teaspoon salt ' teaspoon nutmeg, 3 finely chopped sweet pickles. Combine liver sausage, mustard, mus-tard, salad dressing, salt, nutmeg and pickles. Mix to smooth paste. Spread on slices of ham or meat loaf and roll up jelly-roll fashion.! Secure with toothpicks. Place on a rack in an open pan and bake in 400 degrees F. oven for 20 minutes or until lightly browned. Serve hot on toast. C. E. Rowans Are Hosts At Dinnor Pres. and Mrs. Charles Z,. Rowan Row-an were surprised Christmas eve with the arrival cf a son, Gaylon B. Rowan, hospital apprentice second class, U. S. Navy, who is on five-day leave from San Diego, Calif. On his return to his base, he will commence 10 weeks of corpsman schooling, to be followed fol-lowed by three weeks of hospital training. In his honor, a family dinner was held Christmas day, covers also being laid for Mrs. Gordon C. Mitchell and daughter Mal-anee, Mal-anee, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rowan Row-an and baby daughter, Mrs. Luel-la Luel-la R. Christensen, Mrs. D. K. Rowan and Mrs. Eva Riddle of Provo. Santa Claus Theme At Family Dinner Guests of the A. L. Booths at dinner Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Phillips and Oliver Kolin, of Denver, Colo., and Miss Bertha Brady of MeKinnon, Wyoming. Wy-oming. Members of the immediate family were also present, and a Santa Claus idea was carried out in the table appointments. Family Dinner At I. E. Brockbanks A family dinner was given by Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Brockbank at their home Christmas day. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Wcech and children. Mrs. Robert Weech and Mrs. Dale Peterson and baby son. all of Salt Lake City; Mrs. Creed Brim-hall Brim-hall and the host and hostess and family. Midwinter dress-up for tired-looking tired-looking clothes is easy with novelty nov-elty buttons used in unusual ways. Local sewing centers feature a smart and thrifty variety and recommend that consideration be given to size, style and color o butons with relation to the gar ment they will adorn. Use Two Colors For Perfect Lips LAST TWO DAYS! 0 IILUAI.1 BOYD a ll f-N THUKS? mnmiliillliiiillii i i MMhwp 4 BING CROSBY ..(RISE STEVENS BARRY FITZGERALD 2nd "GAMBLER S CHOICE with Cheater Morris-Nancy Kelly FEGGY BADEY: Top-notchcr. By ALICIA HART NEA Staff Writer A charm despoiler often overlooked over-looked is a pale border around a mouth which separates lip tissue and face flesh, and which some women never seem to be able to keep covered. A slick trick of bloting out thiy pallid rim is the using of a dark lipstick shade for outline and a bright color shocker inside, discovered by Peggy Badey, glamorous gla-morous model top-notcher, who ; passes it on. i Says Peggy: "Use a brush to draw dark rouge for lip outline and nlso to transfer the brighter filler-in to your mouth. If you don't want to invest in a lot of lipstick pairs, sec that the two shades harmonize and ro with everything in your wardrobe." ! Her choice, she says, is a dark I Parisienne-inspired shade for the i initial rimming; a shade as bright ' as a red pencil for the make-up j effect. I . NOW! Ends Wed. Doors Open p. Plus: WORLD NEWS - TECHNICOLOR CARTOON Jh 20,000,000. READER NOVEL I Brought Screamingly To The Screen. PARAMOUNT III II JTs3aV rsri 2 -v. ah. kin .-(IB n CMIUE t0fiSlB lOtOTfT JXT BIG HIT! STARTS THURSDAY! sr MSI " VC" X NOW PLAYING It s smiles ahead of- EVERY MUSICAL YOU'VE EVE! SEEN I UQHtt 0- yrj&.W' aanv (MM WXDL Complete Shows at 7:30 and 9:.15 Women Wanted Flat Work Ironer Department Any Age Over 18 Jobs Easy to Learn! Good Hours 8:00 to 4:30 Experience Unnecessary Come Ready To Work TROY LAUNDRY CO. 3"5 WEST CENTER ST. Essential war workers must have Referral Card from U. S. E. S. PRE-INVENTORY SALE at G LORIA'S -COATS!- SPECIAL GROUP $15.00 VALUES UP TO $35.00 Special Group DRESSES 5.00 Values Up to 14.95 BAGS Special Group Vi Off ON ALL 20 ; OFF . JUMPERS SLACKS Slack Trousers SHIRTS GLORIA'S FROCK SHOP 66 North University Avenue Phone 393 Starts Tomorrow1. Km tsivv mm b : 1 r .f. (mm ( , V 1 7 I , 3 v m w m visa V ETHEL BARRYM0RE CafyFnZGERA10.ii 1 1 Ends Tonight! "BRAZIL and "SONG OF TEXAS" |