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Show " TROVO EVENING HERALD, TUESDAY. AUGUST 2, 1927f PACE 4 PEAR BLIGHT IIOOVEK WORKS TO PREVENT THIS! " ' IS PROBLEM au4 iK. SfWiMis Bam nurtured to Mrv H. K Mr 14 gbVem fcyWiy aad Mr. ' t34r ' 9 and Mr. a arspendiii Glle ranch la south " - I'roro. canyon, I Ml " - , ' . ..!.... k f , J "', " - 'A typieul mm M1iipi4 vn.Vy r"-- fld vm yr; 1 liwiujr ualtT rnKhiii L".'J Tlial'i jlqeagjaaBjJll throng tia J. T ' ".i in Ixtuisiaua, Bernlee Kelly to Provo with '.'... Miss; Beeae and will' visit- here tor - - - Prune oit o"ad unilw ii inches V'-I'l below lession earef ully scraiie ''Hoover anu Secretary of War Davis gumunricd by out-- cankers on large llnibs, and ills a group of youngsters la one of the Bed Cross infect them with one part niecurie bichlor!iipTme part Tyanide of mertlood relief efiitffr cury and 5K) parts of water." This material-cabe. purchased at any drug store. Add a little Diamond hlye to give red color. This makes ' "" ""' " "' " easy to see- where the trees hare "M ." .. f""V - Itbeen treated. . I'rune during growing season. Sis'dal attention should be given blossoming -- - tinifc shortly-- - after Kit her disinfect the tool), or the 4 ; a s a ad - Mrs. Dorothy M. Carter of NewIs visiting port Beach, "California,Mrs. May R. her with, her sister, weeks. Farter, for two 1.. j j D. 1M. Smllavsf ..Oakland, CaU wisltor Monday. 4orhla .1. . MM - ;. , F8 IW Mr, A. F. AMaoder. Mrs. Amanda Banks "and MUw Mas Senhoure were Salt Lake, visitors today. gineer PoBiJKtny motor c vkiE JweekJIx. gttttthl Urson and family, thelf hare-- a Knd Mni. rVW. tun tf'v' J . being thf motor " ' i J . - luttiids Jo make Lady Ma Visits u ounHii. memljers if the :r: V iAV - : -- AAaajt3. VJ .st-t- Rrltish pur-- "' are not often visitors Mi liaiiH'irt V. 8. shores, and that 'la why the of vYohra Chichester,, of Londonderry, p b 9 t o gratllet". alord the arrival i much luterest' lh' ' w omen's . circles. club' TIE! ,1 f VT. ill for the- - return flight wlili h - t)urtney nd a few h se fim :rt at of (he others lire cuusiilerabjy- - off their naval iws. - . .?J?WJ.''. j u.- 311 lAves'tigiition is under way to teruilne whclhcr tUtiti wns Hny plot agfutisr-th- e lift, of Toiirfiov.iti.in ile- - Maurice K. rruiiip.ii !T uf (Oregon which caused bun Inline anii take bin own life in t,h waters of fj.iu Framihiw bay. Xn(i, b ff i the dead solou- iudjwitc.i four of . jii,',ir.,Jiw! 95: GWI-DIPPE- " D H TIRES to-g- Here you "get not only highest quality at lowest, prices, but complete tire service as well. Our service saves you a lot of work and insures proper application of your tires. We go the limit t make your tires' give you every last mile of service. ? We test every Inner tube before putting it in a tire. We inspect and clean rims, "check wheel alignment and inflate OLDFIELD tires Jo reepmmend air Tires and pressure. You are sure oi getting your money s Tubes ' worth here. Come in At Amazingly buy your tire LOW-PRICE- - IHiIsoiaiig, . . need for more thoroughness In .rim He ioniiare(l ing and dislufpc-tlng- . the dist'llise to human diwar.ci and hL declared that biv a Ikihlliack the growth on the tree, state qua rant ine law to ijfljt pro-tefor where the tree grows vigorously, the the blight also grows vigorously." A JDrrXEarWB457-r4Jl'- e -'ie Bartlert pear tree should on fertill'ssers'and soil fertility. 1" make an annual growth of from 6 to Prof. L. 8. Morris siske iuaherry" of 2 Jto JLfeet. '. dlnHes and Insects. Dr. ,Cios simke on th cherry sitIf. . SoreiiM ni , - .A gr: 1 iti ect r , He said that srsiktriVnfhe washliig f fruit nff uation In much of the dying wood Is winter tbcra-tdiou- federal-inspection- - . -- now--an- . feftttfrements-for- veers ago. Thorough Pruning Urged Is used.": Tally n will Death Quiz On . ... for'., the whys tu fi . Mr.' and Mr. KarllKelleritraw and family re spending B,onth at the sitnimer home of Harry Ileal In Bprlngdell, Provo canyon. They .Regl- en- nald 4. Tallyn, - ' FOR ROME SOON! . to' America ' s Him - -- t lia-ii- ".. r ' Sunday with the young the same ladle, returning- to Provo Hoover Herbert (second from right) In' Recwtary . evening. " .r the Mlisthlppl ftiiml fllntrlct, insjHH tiug a, refugee . ' . ij fcvrljn Hansen has returned camp with relief workers. " - Mi' to her home after spending a few t Lhke with Mr., and .day A ALL ABOARD . Mr,. Paul Wilson. - -- s Tb MUsat Veona and Vefans ML Pleasant have returned to " their home after spending tm week .here with Mr. and Mrs. " Auipst jOmanHOn. Mr. .and Mrs. ' - o. ' "neasatft. 8PAXISU I'OItK. Aug. bant unit t'f tl Xational guard left Utr Jurtiith X'arrows Monday uiorn-iiiiA train cuiistiug of three fiat curs, one baggage car and one (nm-- wlil 9 uuttle up at Spanish r org lor ine iranspurtaaon of tne wen and equipment to the. cauip. The 'fiMfs Bdgwa,- are looking forwaril to j ucoixic-itt- n withmrlch a evry ehfliHiam and anUi-lintptijiiyable and busy two weeks. 1 'tuns are under way by the ntem- liers of the Wal Kiwanls Rotary and American 1'glou rhtlis to ar-ranse for a Siwuiub Kork day at A large dcligation llu mtni. of l peoiJn will gu the canio to Idlers, see Uwni in action, partako ' : of refresbuii'iits and furulsh a suit- v." im ilile progtiin f'nui local talent for IMMT tlf'NU UMKC M&'. '" t! I'Utertiiliiuieut. John A sttlru In time sryew K. !ii,lti bus contributed the u stajlng In the walrrm'lil af'Tilirli of u radio set (i be iuslHlleil In the at . imcns hall for the t'titcrtuiniuciit of i tjio boys. - In San I. Diego. f imgQHOQ JIIIU lUUiuy UMWCTl proposed westvt'krd flight of the', a i r p a a t - Whale w i t ... . ...... r . . Ite Bokhara" has returned In Provo ..from Jxts bet - Jmm he Anelea" - California, ,. where pent three weeks with Mr. and ti; Moxart Brwhard and Mr. and She al& visited rt. Hal falUway. " MravJ-:B- t : "iK-w- j week.'- J'.,of s Mis Jsrk.8tnnsoa..Mrs. vf Martin, murued I. - 4 Dotty Rmm has returned from Martin after vpendtns two weeks there with Mr. and Mrs. - Ir. V. P. tloa, U. 8. extension burUeidiarist frtun Waiihingtwn, talked to.JW Vab cmiijUy fritlt growers, (Turing a fruit growers' tour on Provo Bench, Saturday. He on Uie control spuke purtk-olarlCUus said that pear Wight. tola was the worst; problem that pear growers have to contend with. It has been known to sweep through entire 'fruit auction and entiro !!..t'SiM.9l!!8 .....many thoia sanl-.-0.- . doJlars.; .Tb orgnuimu causing the disuse Is known defiu- itely to be a bacteria, and It is carried' f runt tree to tree by bee at blmwomlng juul .ojher insei-ttime. Oregon and Washington states r have blight" inslectora who are traiiunl t detect the disease instantly and have authority to en force ita clean- - up. If it were not for these rigid measures, iregon and Wa.sliington would have been out of the pear growing butiliicc mit diHciHiraglng iwig iro. part it fighting rjiear .blight" is there lire iilwujs careless nelgb-or- s whiise: trees are a constant menace f tbe etHwnunltyA ouuty-witluiovtmeut- is the oirly. sure the. blight, " way. f eradk-utiuPear Bliglit Schools ' In Michigan,-"peu.blight" schools arc established among the farnurs. There' they .are taught tw 'Identify bacterial caukei"drt9. wrefully cut out !UMl dibinfecJUthtn t to bffme " y f Mr. Arrld Kef baa returned hofe Jfrom Halt Lake where the was the gwt of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph weeks. Hellur fu TU . 1 Mr. and Kira. CIm Gardner hare rewa4 home wfter apeudiiic; a k at tt Grlua ranch in South fork,' Prove atyoa. .'. Speaker I MeDaiafet Siiomona" at tie week - Pofk, GUARD LEAVES Problem Calls For Wide Dis cussion; Dr. Qos la. k Arthur To Tune '!Wh2le 1 twut the day wipi Sr. and lira, Hiel metric. v.- in Mr. and. Mr. & E. Carter aad cchter Lxru lhy of &aa Francisco, California, are apcndinf tw wrt-here with Mr. Carter 'a parent. Ha. and lira.- - A., L. Cartyerv - - SPMFORK,. FLAPPER FANNY SAYS: pn strawberry control. ciflture nud insect year. h t ' - " ' e Si ; Mr. and Mm. Richard Harris and O. Garrett from tbe , Xbt Iiadctwlvwjwut, ; cw,-o- n Miss PriifessorA, Mary and Rait Lake, of family B..Y. V. Muininer faculty, emphasiz."Wit of Provo Craftsuieu are lusuing tlie worlt on llie inkier p;iu;e, O.u Viioryf n lue niKhl to Itonte, which JjIojU Hertauu ed thejQip!rtaniasof tm oait. and J. D. Hill will attempt The plain, pidnred above is being built n t hejiln n itof tlieA tknlk... At rrrs ft because even dead primings George, Stratlxinr... Prov Kem-h- r Mr. aad Mrs. farpGUHP Bristal-Jupite- r 4TO a Xeet h. 02 of andwill has a X. J. lt carry pi wing spread ara capable of giving off some sap Jiear iiilture .and blight coutml. were week end, visitors in Batt Compuny,"Hoslirou("k Heights, Phone 21)0 vcuvci m i ; wUkh ils..take by Insects and cart hnrle Klhcrta. spifi Uke.-- y ? motor. r ried about' AJsOj he emphasised the. fin, jx'ar culture mid blight control. . II.. Stevens, of, Preston, Idaho, freshmonl vcill tie served following visited , .Bishop and Mrs. Robert EUloM vler tounty Velnesd!iy andMonroe. m " be"" will A the was viHitinK here t '" friends at and given relatives Mummoth sport sf today. spent the week eid in ' nfiwnnii umii niinirnMiM - Mr? t'ox Is visiting for a week in In 4b. evening after which a dance mMjmij&mk&!kb&&miitoimmmrtmmmm my"aM""OMM'M""MM'?''''mr"'llllt with Mr. and Mrs.Ray Hawkins. " " .. "mimino 'Pi 11 C. E. Hansen of Richfield is here will be enjoyed. i.m i iwwi .liib.i. wiiwiijii.hi.iiiiihjw'Piij.i Mantl with her mother, Mrs. Mnl- Mi,i,11,j.pg p. j.um mi in nam fA .r t'mm on business for n few days.' 1 Miss Jtane Farmer of BUss, Idaho, vlna Pe Mill and her mother-in-law- , j ..i.,.. STEEL IXDl STRY UISCI SSSEI) baa returned- to her lfcme after Mrs. Lucy Cox. Mr. and Mrs. C Anderson "of . M'AXISIL I'OUK. Aug. UiU stiendlnic a fow days here with Miss " was are" here AJLT Manning of Richfield" Amonillo, ""Testis,' vLutlng BtntesJ ;ind A- Kogers of Gloria .Manguw.- - lliw Farmer and' ' here 'visiting Monday. toduy. ,11 Mitts ManRum were missionary comimmpitny, connected with the jC'oluinliia steel plant of Provo gae pantom huthe iwnheasterii sUtes J('ELM)IC HOLIDAY W. R. Green of Ogden is a Provo mission field of the L. V. 8T church. interesting talks ou the steel ansJ . gPAMHH JXJRK, An?. 1. Plans visitor today on business. pipe Industry jind ibeli possible ' Mr. an Mr. Merrill EWredge cf are rnpidly nearing completion for developments at the regular meetMr. and Mrs. E. E. Perry of Den the celebration of the Icelandic na- ing of the Kiwanis club held Tburs- were Provo,, visitors Springvltle tional holiday, August 2, at Geneva Inv nl'sht nf the home of Sirs. Betsy Monday evenina;; They were guests ver were Provo visitors today. beach. Coiwnittee are at work emu- - "Titynctts. President William A. Corn wedding at therHuliA-Boot- J Mr. and Mrs. Bert Martin of Cas plcting details of. a program that a by presided and the regular lunch-co- n - a- to assuresattendnil time "to good was served. tle Gabs were among the visitors -: ing. A' program in the morning of Provo today. ., 'Mr. 'Ethel Quinit ami daughter . readivm-a-l and Instrumental music, Dotty of Detroit, Michigan are the WILL FIGHTING IT Ql will Jf. B. Sedey of Ephralui was here ng,- talks and other features guests of JUr. and Mrs. Earl Hogan. Whether be w Ins from br loses to under the direction of pa business Monday. a Blanche Johnson. Sttorts of various Gene Tunney w hen .they meet again. HiU are ,.Mr.'bnd,.Mrs.-.:CteuGeorge W. Williams of Salt Lake kinds and competitive games will- Jack Pompsey says he will quit spending a. few day at Strawberry. be features, of the afternoon. Re- I the fight game then. Is visiting here for a few days. was ' Lake of .Salt. Ralph Whoit W Provo tjsltot- - Monday. v - TT !TT t ' 7BR1MHALL BROTHERS destroying-the-prunlugH f Wati-rliiiry- con-er- ''''''l''''''immmmMmmikm.Yfmle'iJf''' t m - recep-IIotl'- h n '''wiM'tiiiAtoa! ni wmmmmiw iewyiTitf wit 1" wm-- in ic -- - - W0!Pp.- . -- n Annual , " Mrs:. John Thureood and Mm. Don Thureood speut wwk at Brvee's canyon and Fish lake. A most enjoyable trip s ;,''..'-- ' Wn Mr ':".v;. - '.;. :.'- '.:-- .. ir iitit tt - reported. f MWjean Jepperson Is spending a few Says In Sprlngvil'e with Mlssr Often Immitated Teas Wiiids." ' i J. MImi AherAi Larson has return a m her home in Salt Lake after sprndlngthree weeks in Provo with Miss May senhQuse. ' - ' 0. 6.' Bergtund oi The Sale that grows in importance each year each year additional hundreds wait for our announcement, confident of the bargains they will find. Our policy, "Real value is our first consideration always," makes GuHntson.was ... here visiting today. it imperative that : Don" Claude Steele of Goshen and Ruby Smith of . Pleasant Grove were Jawedmarriage, license for. tfnMU - - , , nnd irrkrUoyHBlefvWniotoJe , , dnnrhtpr. to "Se- ' BUGS , where. - " , - Thk great selling event is to be greatest, mightiest, and most successful You will forget yo ever had a corn onaTninut after 'jrou apply Dr; Scboll'kZino-vathat's how quick they end all pain. When the corn is gona it never coma back- - if new vshoe irritate the tpot, a lco-p- 4 fixe jt pvemightt V V;'.,.",,. '.. .' d profit by this extraordinary sales event.. , pif& Dr.Schon'fZln-pi!aaratMa,Bi!lat- '"' ' llpr TK ' 1 'nea . DESTROYS i Mosquitoes Moths Ants .Bed Bugs Roaches .... :'V'.i."--'- v , V2 nfcW- wwi&w -- fate b foncf " Watch the V YY mm. tft i August 5 10 A M. Clean Swe?p in our history. Because owing to a disappointing backward season, it has left us with tables and shelves of the choicest of merchandise that should have been sold ere this. We have resolved to do one' thing that is to move merchandise out AT ANY COST. We must reduce stork, come expecting great values and -- one i WHY? $1:3 pun in cstiminuie Pat r"iV' A SALE WITH A REASON mankind- - Recommended by Health Officials. Buy Flit and Flit sprayer today. For sale every - bcalef : CONTINUES FOR 14 DAYS Flit is the result of exhaustive laboratory research. It has replaced old ineffective methods. Fatal to insects but harmless to Flit kills moths and their larvae heallnf. 8af, nn, antltci! if, nlek.feMin( nlt(uaranttd.9 a boa 35. at rur mggm' real values AND WE DO. . Flit spray clears the house In a few flies, minutes of disease-bearin- g mosquitoes bed bugs,, roaches, ' ants and fleas. It searches out the cracks where insects hide and breed, destroying their eggs. . ' "give IF which eat holes. It will save your 7, clothing, furs and rugs. Clean and . easy to use. Will not stain. persistent; sleep- Kill them at pests! ing once with Flic ; (. BED we" Sale Stir! i Friday with :aiash Little Betty - Moada'iBornlng. But Never Duplicated . IleraM-S- ee ,,;"':... .f ' " .' Oor B13 Orcalar 1 t |