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Show In Intouf Review Re-view ol the Treaty IVoplo who huva tin- montul enna-cltv enna-cltv to put two mid two togcthel and I produce four oiinnol hul be liiiproBS-1 'd by evral InchUnla that seme ' almost aa conducive In resulta as1 thu maCie.matleal procesa just cited. ! Hero r.o sumo uf thu Incidents: 1':-. Idea: Wilson rottirned fiom tho Peace conference with u peacu r.vwty In v.blcJt 11 Ivngiio covonaiu! had been Interpolated and luutaluil ti&t' tfWi tioaty tuUBt bo ratlftei; vlihout cliuncV. ralliiro would break .iDir heart of tho world. - . . - The Sonate inrlsted upon ruuorva-tious ruuorva-tious which would pruaurvu Aiuoiiaiui trauitlonn, gunnl against ombiontnt;! thl j nation In torojKn vara, Kuar.ui-tco Kuar.ui-tco mlhcrcneo to tho Monrou Ooct-'rlno, Ooct-'rlno, and ro.,erve to America tho sol- jutlon of ilutncstic probloma. I . Tho I'rcHldenl wont upon a apouk-Inp apouk-Inp tour lu the summer of iOl'J, ad-dressing, ad-dressing, u country which ho had already al-ready declared ovcrwholmlngly In favor of tho league In an effort Ur .convince that rnuutiy that It ought t) be for tho league. Tor sonic reason not clearly made known nt tho time, thu British government gov-ernment sent Lord Qrey na a Ambassador Am-bassador to Washington. Grey wan a 'sick man, uud only n mission of extraordinary Importance could have, Drought him heio. ! I Lord Urey arrived lu Now York on September 2C, 1013, tho day on which "I'renldont Wllaon wua to deliver deliv-er an address it Pueblo. President ' Wilson suffered a break-down that day and returned to Washington, Although. Groy remained In Wash-.nliTTaeveraJ Wash-.nliTTaeveraJ months, during which timo tho President wroto mossaco? to the Labor Couferonco and ro-coItoU ro-coItoU Soaatora, tho HrlUsh Ambaa-kador Ambaa-kador dlduot huve an audience with tho President. After settlnc a through grasp dr tho sltuutlou In America. Orey rw' turnod rtj .oht'o'rj enl ou Jimivrr., lit made tiuJiltc'a toller In which h' wld that fiieat llrltijii hjH nu ol-JecUoiut ol-JecUoiut to Hie proposed ijjicrvattonii jtoVtbji-loiiu'e, itB&i,i'ihpi1o' rciwva-;iJiU-i??nv..accot;ahuiV f r 1 .? VanlraaiiidnsV and nUd that the Xuu-ate Xuu-ate woo cierclilng its cuualltutlonAl liKhi auU duty lu partiuliutliiR lu ! tho mating of the ucal I Troiu Ih'-iMJ c9rncldenoealt teemii tfttreniely plttUfilhle, lft not coujplo 'cly convincing, thatv upon tho arrival of Orej" thu Proaideiat rccolvod au . . 'tiinhlTuiroif the purpose of hlrf vl-tu ianil the ahoch caused (tha uurvous break doirn. Tbu 'certainty of the ilolcat lu nia effort to rompel Amerl-!ji Amerl-!ji to maUo the aUpreiae uacrlflcn nun mora than hi already worn constitution constitu-tion could ttund. I lletu ruing" to Waahlntou. the President Pre-sident isuve. Orey uo opportunity to eoramunlcato lo him thu meaauro ho brought. Groy had evidently como villi tho Intention of communicating his uiuHHago tothc 'residorTLtiorson-itlly. 'residorTLtiorson-itlly. unit thus give the Prosldcut 11 chauco to "save his face" by makliiK concessions to tho Senato, Evon whon thiH courtesy was extonded, tho President refused It. Tho only course, left upon was adopted by the British Ambassador, Ho returned to England and 'communicated to his own people the message which ho had a perfect right to glvo thorn, hut which, with due observance of diplomatic diplo-matic courtesy, ho could not communicate com-municate to the American people. In vlow of tro demonstration of tho failure of President Wilson to protect pro-tect American rights, tho American poop' lll do well to scan tho rtcdty more closely and boo If thoro orb sot stflt more" bidden "Jokers" Inimical t our wtfter-. " , -,J , V |