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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, 12 MUTT AND WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 18, 1920, Up Vith ihe Style Is Too Tough a Job for Jeff JEFF-Kee- ping By BUD FISHER (Copyright, 1B20, by H. C, ttuher. , Trada Mari Reg. u. S. Pat. Off.), tmwR A Afi AT Tf4C IfiTA TO'SHT. irJ Homo OP THC- CUCOT HOa3K"N ThV - sec iwviTeo. ir uotc ne ftoriG Title to er "4r rm& . sutar Sot yM fuJAtty" jj raxjv UNITED STATES AND ENGLAND TO CONTEST FOR SAILING MASTERY Sir Thomas Liptons Challenge Formally Accept ed; Shamrock IV Will Attempt to Lift America's Cup; Resolute or Vanitie Will Defend Trophy; First Race Scheduled for July 15; Sandy Hook Course Agreed Upon. v Edwin A. Stevens, Hamilton WUkea, J. Beekman Finley and George L. Schuyler, presented the cup to the New York Yacht club to be held aa a perpetual, interna' tional yachting trophy. In October, 1868, James Ashbury of the Royal Thames Yacht club, London, England, challenged for the cup, but, owing to some disagreement aa to the terms, he did not race fof the cup until 1870, when he came across the Atlantic In hit schooner vacht Cambria In an ocean race against James Gordon Bennett s Daunt-to less from the Old Head of Kinsale Cambria beat Bandy Hook lightship. Dauatlesa in the ocean race by over an hour. The conditions for the first contest for the Americas cup In these waters were the same which governed the race against a fleet of yachts which America won around the Isle of Wight. It was sailed over the old New York Yacht club course, from off Btapleton, Staten Island, to and around the Bandy return. Hook lightship and Fifteen schooners competed, the start being a. m.. August 8. 1870. made at 11.20 Magic won, beating Idler, the second yacht, by II minutes. America finished fourth In this event and Cambria, the challenger, finished In tenth place, over 39 minutes behind the winner. An Contest. Exciting quiesce to a later date than tne one flrat In 1871 Mr. Ashbury returned with a mentioned tn the correspondence, which was June 29. new schooner, Uvonla, while the New York Yacht club selected four schooners. Thirteenth Attempt. Columbia, Sappho, Palmer and Dauntless, in a aeries of four out of The acceptance of the challenge by tha as defenders race. 'Columbia, a light weather New York Yacht club mean that for seven won the race, on October 18, boat, the thirteenth time since the America's by 27 minutes 4first seconds, corrected time. cup was won and brought here from En- Two Columbia again was ths gland in the early fifties a foreign yacht victor.daysOnlater, ths following day Columbia will attempt to recapture the trophy. Bir lost her' flying jibatay and broka her Thomas Upton, of the Royal Ulster Yacht home, Uvonla gear on the run club, Belfast, Ireland, will make hla fourth steering by 15 minutes 10 seconds, hap p ho attempt to "lift the cup. This year he winning In the defender aa the will piece his trust In the Shamrock IV. was selected on October 21, and beat race, which he brought here In 1914 for the fourth Uvonla bv 20 minutes 21 seconds On ' purpose of competing for the international October 25, Sappho again defeated the ya tiling prize hy 25 minutes 27 seconds, end.. Owing to the." war. which began early In challenger tlie series. August of that year, the scheduled regatta ingThe Royal Canadian Yacht club was the had to be postponed Indefinitely. Sir schooner with the ' challenger, Thomas had Started hla challenger across next The . schooner of Dufferln. the ocean before the declaration of war Countess was chosen to meet her, and on Madeline between England and Germany and the 11, 1878, beat the Canadian yacht yacht waa ordered to put Into Bermuda August by nearly 11 mlnutea The aeries, two for aafetv. ter in the summer the out Is of three, was finished the following Shamrock IV arrived here and was boardMadeline winning by 27 minutes 14 ed up In dr dock in a New York ship- day, seconds. yard. Recently Sir Thomaa Inspected the Canada also furnished the next challchallenger at her Brooklyn quarters and enger.- In 1881. This was the Changes in Challenger. was declared he that satisfied perfectly In winIs now The challenging yacht sloop Atalanta, the first single-stickher condition. to try for the cup. After several ter quarters undergoing alterations rec- with 1914 1915 In races and took trial place ommended by Charles D Nicholson, who between races. Mischief, an Iron sloop, was American yachts Resolute, trial the cutla to defend tlie The This she vessel. chosen the yacht designed and Defmnce to determine which successfully accomplishedtrophy. In two race a ter rigged with an approximate water fine Vanltle of them should have honor the of combeing e November 9 and 10, 1881, winning the of keventy-flvfeet. The yacht la rhoacn as the Americas cup defender. first by 28t4 minutes and the second by pletely housed tn a building which Is Resolute won twenty-fou- r of these con- over 24 minutes. lighted with electricity and well heated tests, In finished anltte first the other The British cutter Genesta. a ninety so that the workmen are not hampered six. Defiance only raced In the 1914 footer, owned by Sir Richard Sutton In sny way. of The proprietor of the City Island yard trials,thefinishing second three times Dur- the Royal Yacht squadron, was the next was Defiance ing following year and a 18 In dally communication Boston the Puritan, by cable with into a housebiAt and her chance challenger, cither Sir Thomas or Mr. Nicholson so turned beat her In two successive races, take any further part In the prepara boat, 14 and 18. 1885, tiiat both the owner and designer are to September tlons for the race vanished with her reLieutenant William Henn of the Royal kept in close toucn with the operations. construction. cutIt Is understood that chief among the navy brought over the ninety-fois It believed Resothe that ter Galatea In 1888, but she was beaten changes which are being made on the lute willgenerally be In the boat this defending Boston a IV the la the her of Shramrock sloop. This Mayflower, shortening She waa designed by the by was a (tomest between center-boar- d to thirty feet. The year' contest and keel from thirty-fiv- e .for a syndicate of prominent keel. Mayflower won the first race Sepimmediate effect of this reduced keel New who. It Is reported, tember 7, 1888. by 12 minutes, and four base will be to quicken the action of the have York yachtsmen, placed a new order for two differ- days later beat Galatea more decisively stoop In going In stays. Racing with a ent sets of satis for the yacht This is by over 18 mlnutee. shorter keel, it is said, the visiting yacht will be more susceptible to heeling to taken aa an almost sure indication that Thistle, a Scotch cutter, owned by Vice Resolute will be the defender. Commodore Bell of the Royal Clyde leeward In a stiff breeze than If the keel Yacht club, came over the following year, had been allowed to remain the original 1887. An improved Mnvflower, the VoBegan in 1851. length. was specially designed and built Yachtsmen look upon peslgner NicholThe history of the ocean lace classic lunteer. defend to the. cup this .year, as Thistle son s decision on these radical changes dates beck to 1851. when the schooner s a bold stroke. He la making a bid for yacht America, owned by several Ameri- had done wonders in British waters. Volsteel unteer, a sloop, won two straight, greater efficiency tn windward work, al- can yachtsmen, was sent to London, En- however, the first on September 27, 1887, though the yacht will have the advantage gland, as an exhibit of vesof a center board when the occasion re- sels built in this country. Her owners hv 14 minutes 2884 eeronds and three days quires challenged all comers and finally entered In announcing Its formtl and definite the Y'ankee craft In a regatta for a cup the New which had been offered for yachts from acceptance of the challenge York Yacht club made public corresponall nations. Sixteen yacht started n this dence with the Royal Ulster Yacht club, contest on August 22. 1851 The start which showed that the dates and course waa from Cowes, Isle of Wight, and the were the result of a compromise of the course ealled wag atound that island. The wishes of the two yachting organizations. starting gun was fired at 19 a. rri. and The American club, in agreeing to race at 8 33 p. in the America came to anchor off Bandy Hook beginning Thutsday, July .off Cowes, winning the race and prize, 15, and every alternate dav, not countwhich ever since has been known as the ing Sundays, until one of the competing America s cup. The Aurora, the smallest won three out of five races, boa. In the race, finished second, beaten yachts baa ahendona its original desire that the re- by IS minutes actual time. Fix years luter, on July 8, 1857, the gatta be held off Newport about the first of August. Tlie challengers in turn ac owners of the America, f. C. Stevens, EW YORK, Feb. J 7. England and the United States, allies In the world war, w 111 be friendly rivals In a battle for the yachting of the eeae beginning Jufy 15, when the first race for tne Americas rup ts srneduled over the Sandy Hook course. This was formally announced by the New York Yacht club here late this afternoon tn accepting the challenge of Sir Thomas Upton through the Royal Ulstor Yacht club of Belfast, Ireland. fclr Thomas will attempt to win the hts yachting trophy with i hallenger. Shramrock IV, ahlle tne New won defend the will cup York Yacht club in 187.1 with either the Resolute or Vanl-tllaunched for that purpose in 1913. In the main, tho conditions will be the same as would have obtained had the races been held In 1914. 84 1th the hssuiance that hie challenge Would be accepted by the New York Yacht club, Sir Thomas had Shamrock IV put overboard several weeks ago at the South Brooklyn basin, where she has been boused since her arrival here In 1914. world-famo- o, , slxty-flve-fo- ot er . ot Hen-eshoff- fore-and-- j later took lh second by 11 minutes 7 seconds. There was a lapse of six years before another challenge came; this tlms Lord Dunraven's Valkyrie II was ths visiting craft. Four yachts Were built for the honor of defending the cup, but Vigilant was chosen. Three out of five races ware to be won, and Vigilant took three successively. The first on October 7, 1892, by 8 48 corrected time; the second by 10 35, but she had only a margin of 40 seconds, corrected time, in the third race, on October i HICKEY-FKEEMA- I. . " 13, Dunravens Attempt. Lord Dunraven tried again in 1835 with Valkyrie III, but with no better result Th American- boat Defender won the first race by- 3.49 corrected time. Valkyrie III won the second apparently by 47 seconds, but was disqualified for muling Defender et the start. In the third race Valkyrie 111 crossed the starting line, but Immediately abandoned the race. Lord Dunraven stated that the reason he quit the race was the failure ef the New York Yacht club to comply wtth his request for a guaranteed clear course so that a foul such as occurred in the second race could be avoided. Defender tailed over the course alone and so wtn all three contests. Lord Dunraven accused ths New York club and the manager of the Defender of trickery. Thla charge was Investigated and disproved, and Valkyrie's owner ceased to be a guest of American yachtsmen. Sir Thomas Llpton made his Initial effort to "lift the Americas cup In the fall of 1899 with Shamrock. A new American boat, Columbia IL was selected to keep the trophy on this side of the Atlantic ocean, and she defeated the visiting sloop three straight. The first race took place October 18. 1899, and Shamrock was beaten by 18.01 corrected time. The next day Columbia 11 tvon again, finishing alons as Shamrock withdrew after carrying away her topsail. Ths third and deciding race took place October 20, and the Yankee vacht outsailed her rival by 8 34 corrected time. Sir Thomas built another challenger. Shamrock II, for the 1901 scries, tn which the Americans again pinned their faith to Columbia. Three races were sailed, and onca more the visiting Irish baronst's was a triple loser. On Seprepresentative tember 2 the Irish yacht lost by 1 min uta and 30 seconds Tha other two races were sailed on October 3 and 4. Colum bla winning both hy margins of 3 35 and 41 seconds, respectively. Two years later. In August and September. 1903, Sir Thomas Upton brought over Shamrock III with great hopes of beating Reliance, but once more he was disappointed, as the American boat outsailed the Irish yacht in throe successive rices. LEAGUE HEADS WILL MEET AT TWIN, FALLS , Special to The Tribune. TWIN FA cm. Idaho, Feb. 17. With a view to stimulating local Interest In or- ganisation and support of a baseball club to represent Twin Falls this year In the Southern Idaho league, executives of the league have announced a meeting to be held here Thursday evening. Rupert Burley-an- d Buhl already are represented in the league. Walker to Meet Officials of the Walkers' Club of Utah will meet at 3 o'clock, February 22, at Spaldings, fgr the purpose of outlining plans for the season. It Is expected that representatives of the University of Utah and the high schools and others Interested In pedestrlanlsm will attend. BRINGING UP FATHER PLAN TO, GOVERN ; Utah's Celebrated Athlete Hopes to Win Decathlon in 1920 Olympiad. GRID GAMES BY NUMBER OF PLAYS BOSTON, Feb. 17. A proposal to change ths rules of football so the length of a game will be regulated by the- - number of plays Instead of by time will be considered at the next meeting of the football ruins committee. The plen, advanced by Harry R. Coffin, a Harvard graduate, te eald to of Walter endorsement have the Camp, Percy D. Haugnton and others the in sport. prominent Nance Comes Within Single Target of Tying Him in Ruth Shoot July, 1917, Provo. Special to Tlie Tnbuae. Declathon record of United States. Alma W. Richards, Utahs celebrated RUTH, Nevada, Feb. 17. At the reguthe determined at a make Richards is athletic to instructor, athlete, proposes lar shoot of tho Star Pointer Gun club of effort to get into the J920 Olympic Paroaan high school. Ruth, Nev., on February 15, Dan Bas-coRichards says ha games at Antwerp, of East Ely led the scatter-gunnefeels as though bs can pull through tha MADE tryouts and reports himself in excellent SINGLE 83 per cent of the targets by smashing physical condition. thrown for him. Harvey Lambert of Ely IN "If 1 could win the decathlon,' said took second honors on ths total scores by Richards yesterday, "I would be happy for the rest of my Ilfs. I realise ttiat It CHICAGO, Feb. 17. W. P. IJams of powdering 108 out of 125. C. b. Nance of will taka soma real stuff to win at AntTerre Haute. Ind., was elected president Ruth captured third average by breaking werp, but I am Just confident enough to the American Trotting association at 148 out of 175. Nance and Munroe staged think 1 can pile up enough points In ths of annual meeting today. T. H. GUI of a the race for third place, whloh svents I am strong In to carry ins over." Milwaukee and waa named as follows Nance, 148 out of Richards will compels in the A. A. U. W. 1L Smollinger of Chicago, secretary resulted 175. 147 out of 175. Indoor track and field meet at tne Des- and treasurer. Munroe, In the club event at fifty targets, Lameret gym Saturday night. In spits of tha "The only important change in the rac worldbert was high with forty-flv- s breaks Baa-cofact that Richards has brought rules provided that a horse with Nance and Wilcox tied for second wide fame to Utah, few Salt Lake ath Ing be should "win whether race" allowed, letlc fans have had ths opportunity of raced or not, two seconda for each cal- place on forty-threEudey landed in position with forty breaks. seeing him in action. until he reduced It, or won a third endar on The next eevnt the In tha high jump, broad jump, shot put race inyear program was ths faster time than tha class to which game set trophy event, and discus Richards is almost unbeatable. his time allowance made him eligible. and was won He holds records for all these events, The old rule allowed but one second for by Eudey, who captured a out of some state, some Intercollegiate, and one each leg when he broke twenty-thre- e year. twenty-fivHis two added giving him a or two sectional. Ho also holds the high The rule also declared that a horse winscore to the Nance him forced games, Jump record for tho Olympic a race in faster time than the class perfect by breaking the same number, but which tills he acquired when be leapt 8 ning his time allowance made him Umlt one to which added was not enough to put feet 8 inches at the 1912 games in Stock- eligible should thereafter be considered his him in a tie. holm, Sweden. as having acquired a new win race. twentv-flv- a of Runs or better were a While local fans know Richards as A win race was described as the lost on art this day, ag the targets ware champion In many branches, few know fastest time made by a winner either tn very erratic. Ms record In detail or the extent of hts the first or second poeltlqn."' B. L Quayle, the club's best, has gone unequaled performances For tha first to Ban Francisco. Cal., to take part In the time, an authentic list of Richards shoot of the O.ympio club. Ian Itn registered is here avallabla and schievsments is Baecom and H. B. Munroe expect to leave presented; a in few days to also represent Nevada at HIGH JUMP. IS 6 this big shoot. With thla combination, the Olympic record, 8 feet 4 inches, 1912, Star Pointer Gun club members feel that Stockholm, Sweden 17. eome ama Feb. The nations! of bacon will return with the BOSTON, Indoor intercollegiate record of United teur tennis championship wilt be decided them. States. 8 feat 4 inches. New York City. Boson scores courts club of the of the Harvard follow: Sunday's Middle Atlantic Indoor record, 8 feet ton on March 8, it was announced today. GENERAL SCORES. 2K inches, Philadelphia. Pa. Name. The title competition will bo held In conUtah intercollegiate record, I feat ! nection with tho Pblladelphia-Bosto- n in' Wilcox ... Inches, May, 1911, Provo. Nance . ,i terclty tournament. record. 8 feet Cornell university Drawings for the national amateur rac. Munroe Inches, Apnl, 1915, Philadelphia. Pa. to be held Wise the at quet championship play, Collegiate record of United States, 8 Tennis and Racquet club here Friday, were lambert feet inches made today. Jay Gould of New York, Bascom . BROAD JUMP. times many champion, will meet Fulton Eudey Indoor intercollegiate record of United of New York; K. T. Freltnghuy-se- n Proctor , . . States, 23 feet 1 inches, March, 1915, Nsw Cutting was drawn with S W. Smith York New of York City. Pearson of Philadelphia; C. C. Pell of New Sandy Cornell record, 23 feet 4',4 Inches, May, York meets the sinner of the first named GAME SET TROPHY, TWENTY-FIV1915, Cornell. Pa. match and S. G. Mortimer, the winner of TARGETS, Utah Intercollegiate record, 22 feet second. the Broke. Added. Total. .Name, Inches, May, 1913, Balt Lake. 2.1 . 2 Eudey 22 10 feet inches. Utah record, May, 1 . Nance 24 Y. U. 1912, Salt Lake. U. of U.-NEBRASKA 1 Bascom 22 22 8HOTPUT. 22 Wilcox Cornett university record, 45 feet 11)4 18 Proctor Inches, May. 1918, Boston, Mass. . 11 Wise U. 44 Utah A. A. feet Inches, record, LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. 17. The board July, 1917, Provo . SHOT PUT. of regents of the University of Nebraska B. Y. C. OVER 8 50 Middle Atlantic record, feet Inches, at a meeting today decided that the hits-kschool should seek rettdmlsslon to the June, 1915, Philadelphia, Pa. WEIGHT. Missouri Valley conference. Application Central association record, 31 feet 9 for admission will be sent to the valley f board of control which meets late this Special to The Tribune. inches, July. 1915. Chicago. . DISCUS. spring. POCATELLO. Keb. 17. The Brigham Utah A. A. U. record, 128 feet 9 inches, Young college basketball team of Logan defeated the Idaho Tech, by the overMILTON BREAKS LOS whelming score of 54 to 18. Better team and more experience work showed in MARK favor of ANGELES the visitors, who made twenty four points before ths Tech, made even LOS ANGELES, Feb. 17. Breaking the one. There was a rally in record for the new mile and a quarter Los the second half by ths local lads, but It Angeles speedway for the second time In came too late. two dsys. Tommy Milton covered the The B. Y. C. boys compose one of the seconds today. Milton was best teams ever seen on the Tech, floor. circuit In 29 Marriott and Thorp did ths best work driving In elimination trials for the race which Is to mark the formal for the Tech, while Hale was the high man for the Loganites. opening of the course next 8aturda. m CHANGE TROTTING RULES rs hard-foug- e. twenty-five-targ- e. AMATEUR NET MEET SET FOR MARCH . E B By GEORGE McMANUS SEEKS FORMER STANDING er WINNERS IDAHO TECH FIVE TRACK -- ninth-innin- g'' 250-mi- le N CLOTHES , Vandibbilt Hotel Hew York At the Vanderbilt, as at 11 ' more of New York 14 leading hotels, Fatima is the elling and it cigarette moderate cot is certainly not the reason. largest-s- -- our new spring suits - . that even her little sister will notice when yon wear yours. , let us show you whats what in mens clothes for this season. so classy, FATIMA. A , . prices Sensible Cigarette youll like to pay, CUTLER BROTHERS COMEANT " , WHY?. a THIRTY SIX MAIN STREET J1 oin1 ; n 4; 1 20 for 25 cents |