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Show - BUI SJ "ll crran ncrcrTari3 ' """"j ' . - - .. jvl-' Sc-- c'H siwywwiii ( ; 3- PRSlCXOU3 L1TERATCBE TEMPEBAliOs! QBANKIEM A NEW BELIGIOM NEEDED. 13 MALARIA. From and these sources arle tbree-ronrth- s of tbe diseases of the human race. These symptoms Indicate their existence Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Nick Headache, fullness after eat L ; r L ?, Lit- : -- I. i':vT. "a!r' 4- - 1 f. ft - - t .!. - .. -: :(.-- I' . duty,ltx havlne; neglected Heart, Iot. Ilnl,FlutUrlngBtthc tnefore the eyes, highly colored ?" i.tiri'iVT, 3. lit-- T , Urlne,COXSTlPATIOiV,an(i demand the use of a remedy that acta direct ry on the Liver. AsaUverrnedicinoTUTT'S J'lLLS bavenoequaL Their action on the Kklncj's and Skin la also prompt; removing all Impurities through thesa three " scavengers of the systsm,' diKOStlon, producing appetite, sound nnu a a clear skin regular etooln, Xl'TT'S PILLS cause no or nor nausea interfere will griping; daily work and aro a perfect s - ANTIDOTE. TO MA L AH I A. f 1 ; rr- f. V .; holdevei vvHiereZjS. Ultice , . t , j- i 11 Murray&t.N V. Gray changed GLi8sr Black by a stngle stantly to a of Sold this Dye. by application exprosson receipt of $1. Ortlcp, 41 Sliirrav Street, New York. X3 77ir3 4 " Pit -4 C? tZZTVU SJCZIP CiUCAQO, Nov. 21. 18S3. tertt New: writing, epeaklntr and locturlng qualifications ought at present Buffer no retrogression. Oar law offl- ' . a i t ! coxa nave actually uiscoveifcu matl are statutes for trie auppres there siou of indecent literature; our professors are endeavoring to define what If and wnat u not a practical education; and our ; tempcraace sgi- tatora are beginning to see the Impracticability of prohibition, and are now turning to a tystem of training the young tbrougn the establishing of 'bands of hope' the same as In . ' k ..i U .Qgiand. are certainly reThe i markable for their ehowy exhibits of artiitlo literature. Illu jtratod periewE-stan- T3Z2r da odicals: the rather un-- e a vory phases of elnful and criminal life aeem .to be the principal stock in trade of news-dealeThe of is these) portion literary prints a s as .as r ..ii j enwrejy connneu 10 ines relation or moral and eocial transgresaiona. They are the main sewers Into til-play- ing Wearonow prepared to furnisli DEALERS and FAMILIES with the following grades of ; ."..its ET-- . 3Ej; '; ; IjIZMIITIEZD. 22 , E1L?s '.0.-X- BANK. OF UTAH, LONDON rs. Sl Halt Lake City, Utah. GREAT WINCHESTER LCKOCS, .. iXO..-- .. T i m m i. ; aT7,S-t6- , which all the objectionable matter JMl,7a. of the dally-- , papers mis discharged. inAnd If a person Is so ! ALSO i f Eaarsboldsrs Babla tot axaoant uncalled on clined, as to wish andelectablyand ample Share. careful condensation of all the mur DrafU payabls ta Borland, Reodand or saM at tow rates of sxaaancsw ders,, rapes, arsons, .lynching", in Lstarsat allawed on Certificates of Dssosil. oests, etc , which occur throughout payable on desaand. Advaasss mads and sp proved cotas dav this broad laad doting the week, he PRICE paid fori WHEAT. ousted at tow sates of Interest THE HIGHEST baa only to invest ten cents in a ' I E. AUSTIN, metropolitan weekly. If hU comprehension la In .aoy way blunted, be haq the Illustrations of tha more choice crimen to aid him through U. 8. DEPOSITORY. tha eje, .and to help," the iinagtna FORWARDING COMPAHY-- , tion to ft full conception of the inI .' Hi a nrr zej teresting particulars. BESERET .SJIlL In thinking over this matter one cannot help attributing a cerALtXr XJJLM CXTT. . BUY, SELL and HANDLE ON COMMISSION tain amount tf blame to t y fost alj the press of the conntry. CCO. PAID CP CAPITAL 1200, matter in these ilUst rated ptpt-r- is CATTLE, SHEEP, FLOUR, GRAIN, HAY, PRODUCE, SALT, Etc. . 917S.OOO. SCltrLlTS, taken from the regular press, and thoee accounts which are the most tO-Ha- ye the finest STOItAGi: facilities la the City.: H. B. KLDRKDOB. Prcstdsnt gushing and sensational are the Patent No. and No. 2 BA;KER. THE 1 Authorised Capital," Subscribed ....... PURIFIED MIDDLING PLOUR. Ira-lan- d, ( CASH PEOPLE'S salt city! milR - he-dall- ! s ' WM. JFJUHIWOb, CU AMORS LITTLB, Viss-Prsst- tFFIEES, 1, 1 EDILUlilSE, 1 1 NBIIEKE Bi OPPflSITE B.C. BI. Wm GRAM RIO O . - mm DTAII CENTRAL : IMTI 1L T111S-G0II1IE1T- j R1W T H II f3?3Ul j ; Solicited and Advances yJIadd. Consignments - thoe Suppose editors who inveigh against indeJOHN BUAKP. CIESOTOBA WM. W. BllkB, cency to much, were to look over - 8. HlLl ?. Csabler. their sheets, and clip vice of half its JAS. T. LITTLE, Asst. OatalariJ deformity by relegating it to the plainest prose and to the meet oh itmiii miiiE ii (eujii. scure corner of tbe publication. This would bo one step. Then suppose New parents, guardians, teachers and all Bays and sails exchange order loving catizens were to dis Tsrk, IMtn rranelsea, Ohleas;, the purchase and per tmsna, Lawdasi, and prlnsl countenance Lnls, usal of this trash, another step sed Oantlaeatal Cities. j would be taken. Then law with a pgr Kafata CJeCssttoaa, ismlttiar srasssdf iiocd. heallhv public suDnoit behind prtMPKy. it, would have little. trouble in doing 1- BELLING BY SAMPLE A SPECIA.Lty. AM DEFDT- onea reproduced. .i ita wor&v. A As to the dime novel busiueea, it woa't ne bo easy to remedy that. . ROW OFBN fOB Did She JleT No! ""She OGDJ22T, SALT LAKE, LEADVILLE, Red Monntain, Gnnnlion, BAH Pioneer Line Q ON AKD ATTEB Banrcnr axTmnirq If trinA Wrw Ufai ;o v j SUNDA Tt JUL Y l$tt 1683.! Ttw At)ot)o Bxpraaa Train, composed of PuUmu Palo Btaaper mail Bleant flrst-teooaofaa. win tev 0dea dtklly mt 8:42 a. m. (cm ftrrlTAl of tmln from Dnnsliter s Misery. ' Eleven years our daughter suffered on - a bed of misery. " From a complication of kidney; liver. rncninatic tronrucand jservotis debility. " ff Under the care of tbe best physicians, 'wno gave her disease various name", But no relief. "And now tbe is restored to ue in rood health bv ai stmnle a remedy as Hon Hitters. that wo bod shunned for j ears balore uslns; . , . If ilford and Frisco. Ba JTrmdsco) m., making di mna ueuTvc tor k riDw me 8lt Vumouddnujo Cur, St. Louia, Cbkj&no, pittaburr, PkliAdalphls, Nw Tork.Bottoa, and all ad t Northwn mad 10:30 m. E&M-tr- a, Soutln point. APtRif ON AND Ootober fj: X, Slt Lak Four eiprcM tratm ieavo dn (toDy follows : ? u '80. foe Og i j Tb PMlfla EzprMa Train front Denvftr, rubio aod Bastarn&4Spoints will tiKn In Bait Paoi0oipre83iU6:10a.ni. a. m. and Owion 7:27 Lak City dally at Atlantic ezpraas at 7:05 a i Park City Exa. m. maklnr dlreot ooonaeUoo with the Oeo- -t ml Pota TrabM (or lbs PacUo Coast. press, SAO pm. Special express at 70 p.tn. Loaal Trains lesv 8prlnjrlU at 6:S7 a. m., Arrivaln 7:0 a.m.;r 8:30 a.m.5 25 fait Laka CUy 20 a. m., arrlrln tn Ordea p.m. aadS Ogden.at p.m. j Kk9 a au; ntarainf, tear f rda 2:47 p. m., Expreea'tr&las leave Oriemftt 7:00 ara.. ait Lakt City iat p. m., ardvinr at p. m. 9:30 a.m.; 10:30 and 5:15 p.m. Arrive at Salt Laka City for aB patota on Blng- - Salt Laka &33 a m i 0:59 Utn tliOO noon faam and Aita atancbes at 1x& a. n., airira and 8:45 ' p.m. it" Expmas train leaves Salt Lake dally at 70 rot itonMH ana voat Mine, leava sail KUO 6:i8 m. a, Ctt p. m., arriva a.m. ftr Juab and tntcrtnedi&fe stations, An AooommodaUon Train will leara Pleasoonneots with Salt Lake Western Railway (or ValWr Junction at T:i7 a.m., Ttatetla 10:57 ant Tintlo, and with Sanptto Vallfcy Railway for 13:11 p.nv Prorol&l a.ak. 8pHarlUa i S, 'y Salt Lake City at at p m. Thla Sanpete.1 arrtTlof rata wlU roa daily zopt Sunday. p. Through express leaves Palt tako at PaaMiican wlS aof b oarrisd x on m., and eoctiects with Stare (ilnes at Mllford tW rraicat Train. and Frisco for Southern trtnh, Nevada and DO DOB, IX F. C. NIM3, : f-1 Arizona. Qen'l Paaa A jtsat. Ga1 Itanacar. iLtormedlar Jaat from train aqd Express B. A. MtJDQ'ETT, W. H. BINCBOrr, , Ow'l BupX 0n'l AU Pass. Dap. points arrive at Sa'.t Lake at B p. to Mllford. Salt LaJka City. Frlsoo front and Throtqrb express Arrives at Salt Lake 0:30 a m. ' TTTTJ JA.KXS sharp-- , I R.VSCIS COPE, Geru F. V. AsU '" Asst. Gen. 8o.pt. V:;; 7; and w C,' A 'ir M LAJra CltT r medicine." pi r Offden, Stilt Lnke, ProYO, IVeihIJnab,l I f 'Indeed! Indeed! w thankfal we should be for that "H standard Gumc Bcdr..Flrat Cbsi n Rd Solid PEUBLO, DENTEB, And patnta on tk entlra tytxmm ta . . away aume time rorywr8," ' The doctors doing her no 'OoJ:,, And at last was cured by this TTop uittr the papers say so ranch about." Tba Old BeUaMe JUAM MININQ DISTRICTS, ntll. MnnAn ! lingered and suffered along, pining . t Gettlns; Welt. daughters av: "How much better father Is since be used lion Uittf rs." "He Is setilnfr vell after h's Ions; sufferinf from a disease declared incurable" ' a nd we are so t lad that be u?e J our RIU ) wrs. A (J lajdtoi JUUca,H x.;j j tn-- HEALTH IS VEALTH I j Sprlnf-TUlaat- i7 111 A . .; l . 5? iah a--.- " 6-- a ' I " SHOHTX30T i JOUN SHARP, I Wsars Nsrvs ari Brais a trouaateed ipttitto for HysCenvulsioDS, kits, fierrous AssiDe. teria,, r.ervous prostratiuo Hodacha, eaTswd by tbe use o f awoaoi or tetstcoo, fcental Wakefuluras, depressioa, Fcrtenlnf or tbe llrain Ksuitlns in Insanity and Jaair. to misery, aeay aud death, Premalurs old Loa :of power eaatsed by Are, JInrrean, or tns Dram, jwen oox etm overzruon usl.-aae month's t real merit, tl.00sbnx.or six boie for $5.00, tent by mall prepaid on Da. K i f, Neji-Mia- pi lee. receptor WE OUAKAirrCX BIX BOXES WHb each order reeel-vTo eure any essn. by us for six boxes, aooom (.anted wlthi0C as will send tbe purebaaar our written ruar-snt- Oaal. Bupt; imjkv vj. to refund tae money If the treat men a swra. Quarantats swum 8nit by x. a. u. L nruc 4s Okas rlr scat esTsst j , etr, ; Route to the East 13 TIATflB - ivvi . Na kUi'JT. atchison i. ri; tJ i V . Whioa eoonaou ta HOT DINNERS FROM 12 to 2 a Union Dapot at Every day, azeluslve of Sundaya HOT MEAT PIES, wrra thb Tlii New Line Is SptoodKUjr Equippad wita Cars. Pullman Sleeping .... EHegant Day Coaclies, TBEL RAILS, BEST BAILBOAD ' BOUSS3 IK THB COCHTBT, ETC. Lnnehee Put Vp for Travellers, Denver & Rio Grande Ry. - ROUSE. TITB BUSINESS OP UK HAS TAKEN now prepsrsd U llarell, and rXJJEB3L.O ! ISElL'S.EliTllfi E.NEWSERY TOPEKA&SAHTAFE Dinners rotten up fjr Private er Publlt Parties, In tbe French, EugUh snd A msrkiaa styles. All orders prooiDtly atteuded o in s satlsiaetory rnaoner and on reasonable tsrnia WeddUtg or other eakes made to order. . : C2 r'oW JtBoiM. ran & OIICASfl - CHlC4 - flMTfl-lST- E. NEWDERY, K, find Bouth CpnosiW TbeatrS El LEADING RAILWAY m KORTHWESTI : u It to tbe Short, Sura and Sate ftoute fcetwest) 5FEE1! tr . SIFnTl.COZIFSlT! LiiXUBY! , DLU FFS COUNCIL aim - '. ."' - : CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE Missouri Miver. And an punts, EAST, such a Nlart AFalto, New Fork, Phliaeldlita, Baltimore, Plttobnrsb, MonitaaJ, TorontOi Detroit, Cteveiand. A t Council Bluffs tbe Tmins of tbe Chlea A aim tbe U. If Railways Sena rt from and arrive at -tbe cams Unioa r ; IJepot. At Chloairo, otose connections are rnsds with tba Laka Chore, M'xbigran Central, Ba timors ft ( io. Fort Watne and Psnnoyrva. nto, and. Catonso Orand Trunk KaUwaya and Pan Handis Roates. r. W. F. WHIT?, Q. FLTNH, Oansral srent, Geo. Pass. A Ttekt Aft. Bait Lake City, Utah. Topaka, Kan. ; 8. IT. DahUAM, TrawUfic ' Laka City. Utah. Ant, rn ran mit tm tut throu;b trains tr nm P3UMAI Are on all ifa-'- road. s Is ts tba Only Rasvd npa whlert bra nasi the celebrated Nortlt-Trester- n. WEST OR IiwiKt sts f, m VST Ask f Carraratad atereIt itra theKlbw. Best Satis sires taction and bmu wttai Qulak Sale. foe Bala by Z. O. M. I. braneb 8tores QMQrIand; House, ' fJWsXXwrsfloMtasFFaJJwrHoMa! T&. aln Si, Salt XAfee City ,U tali Cfaksin Cars Iining RORTHWEST 6F CHICAGO. own Ticket - via' t sW ;,.. rO-id- snts Fxmlrie A If tbey c.o '"Tortliwostern !!trjr yon Tick tbem, and re not read over lfalhrajr. If you wka tbe Best TrareUnf Urn Acoommo-daiinn- s buj-inTickets b this yoi will AND ' WILL- TAKE NO e t3T OTHEH Ail Ticket Asaots sell Tiokets by thai Liaa. ' . Is ., 2 ,. r nns t. Oeu'lSop't, wTB3 Cram. - i W. II. STERETT, Chiotxo. 9en. rats, Ag-s-u, W. N. RABOOCK, GsnersJ Agent, TX vnXLlAMSON.rrraTellris- 'Asaat, Drarer, Coloradf O BO. peaaiMMask. at Leas Kate t3F" Better seeommodstlon Udv tJiaa any other 8eooo4-Clas- a 37 O: ZB3 suninJifanriais.TH ry-- Te the Strt WATSON BROS., SJflnEGUTTtBS & BUILDERS. JfrU Jfiwiiiw)i tirmte ad JMntU, ir"ZfcavrtA 6ton. lfemaeMM, XmntelSi prrIt proprietor. Cart that paw to and i IS7S S 1 MOTH ItBPl!- Oyposlts Anewbjr Hail. T. J TUS A GOLD MEDAL TtisaCtu! 'uroyn''T-p-XilTERS.alruc ic tonic, made in DalUmorc-Md.,by the Brown Chemical-' Company, who are eld tlnt2Ha? and in every particular friable, will, by rcmov- ing the craving nppctuc tt the drunkard, and by curing the nervousness, weakness tind general ill health pcsu'.t-- t inc from intemperance, da wore to promote temperance, in the strictest sense thr.n any other means now known. , " , ' - : . mi o- non-alcoiio- r- o 2 1i I: H Im . It is a well authenticated fact tliat many medicines, especially ' bitters are nothing but cheap whiskey vi ely concocted for use in locaL option countries. Such i not the case; with Brown's 1 Iron Bitters. is a medi- It cine, a cure, for veakrjcsJ and decay in the' nen'dus muscular, and digestive! organs of the: body, produc-infrrbod. rich blood, health and strength. Try one bot tle. rncei.Q9.i v' TWO CAR LOADS JUST A(REIEI) 1 jbjbtxozno, ooo I to fva. : TINNER, PLUMBER, JJAS arid STEAM FITTER. NOTICE. - . ... j, . IS TFlR MATTSK T. U. 6 I THE ESTATE OB" s.j.ru ltn, iAa LVMJiJsJe TAlljy PLANING MTLL. I ANJ OF :o.- - GRAHAM; DECEASED. ALEXANDER of Sale cf Ordar to show Causo why Real Estate should not be mido. i. OBA1IAM, THE AT ELIZABETH of the Kstate of Alexander Graham, deceased, bavlasr filed hor petition an Order ot fa o of for duly verified, a oeriam part praying 01 me real eerate cr sa-.- or ov dent, for tbe purpwei therein set forth; tt Is therefor ordered by the Judge of said Court that all persons lnttrested la tbe estate cf said deceased, appear before the taid Court, on Mouday, tbe 8rd day ot Deoember, 18S3, at 10 o'clock a.m. of said day, at the Coirt room of said Court, at tba Court Homo in farm , tu the County Of Levis, Territory ol uian, to snow cause why an order soou d not bs granted to tbe said Administratrix to sei, so much ot the real estate of said dtsceased, at Privatb Balx, as shall bs neoesaary; and that a copy ot hts order be De-ebat loiMten suooesslve davs in tbe published Etikinq News, a newspaper printed and publish ana 01 ed in i do oiiy timii utae, Terriv;ouniy tory Of Utah. i 1 1 Dated November I9th, 1863 DAVID STOKER, a ing-ton- County ot Davis. ( I, Jaoob MUUr, County Clerk cf tbs Count of Davt, Territory of dab and ex olDclo CJet of the Probate Court thereof, do hereby certify the foregoing- Is a full, true and correct copy of an Order to show cause wbj an Order of Sa o of Real Fsta e shouLi not be made In the matter of tbe Estate of Alexander uraaam, deceased; and that I save com cared tbe same with the ordinal now remalnlna-ofile la my offloo, that it is a correct transcript therefrom, and of the -- eata unsTinaw Wltnefs my hand and the 8KAL.J leal of gold Court.thialOtb day of NovembOT r A. D, ; JAOOB MI,LGB, Clerk. CUARLB3 B. PEARSON. on Mtn.AlS ; . WHOLES ALB AKD HBTAlL TJEALEH3 IX LIJl f H 7 - ESTIMATE GIT j- W J..sl - N W t .. . , ' ' ; 3 , i . " i J I MADE FOR ALL KJ.KDS Of BCILCgjva KM AMD CONTRACTS . , L. a, - . j t Tanks of all JDescrijttions Made ' to Ordrr, U K 'I ', srGTAin DUlLDirJG A SPECIALTY." Wood ' t SSooh GoUA U. K fllllPii n - a ' ; E- - IV. Dis. fi. j J. LTS2, fiaivw. ill! KIM if m I ijiniimi, T' S CQHTBACIDBS, BUILDERS aid ilAHUFACTUSSES i n - mm f i as OS TJTAB, 0,Xi.'OZTT. OOO; 1. . Probate Court of the County of Davi. O. 3C. tea vj-s- iwa r iscrv . j WITHOUT IDXOETIOIsr , Dele-pate- s, THE HOST. DOBIBLE & PERFECT COOKING STOVE ' 1 ' -- - 'w-- - WL vi , U. F. UROOKB, Salt Lake City, Sols Agent for Utah. f ""Si d90lra x$Pi& r. . In the IVoiaU Court, in and or Salt Lake County, Territory of Utah. Akoik Hague, -- v PIanffJ. II VS. Ota Haqtjb, r Defendant. SUMMONS. With or Without Reservoir 77te People of the Territory oj Utah, send Greeting t to George Hague, Defendant . ARE HEBE BY ReQTTI&FB' TO la o aotion brought aratnst .YO0 AP All in m rtn at is awuvrUJm 1 .afJ!(J. you . " 1HJKI w i Ju-lg- . caw 6t U For Sale Z;:C..; Ij nisiisM I. IV1. aal aOs Brack' (JQUDtyl OT. con-tra- 8 83d MllIHili antV Closet Thousands in Daily Use in the Territory. SAI 1 BOCKHOLT, Cktrk. that ia, j tree is. And it mu3trme, under the auspices of the Mut aa Europe Lli2h. America la ' y waa shortly after the coming of Christ. The disintegration of tbe Bom an Empire caused a condition of eocial chaos, that to the thinker of that day must appear Irremejia ble. Bat as the Methcdiets call the Wagon SThs majority of tA ills of thm Awaaaw Christianity at that time, Roman sedy swias rows a derangement of (As Ism, with its compact and central th sfeigjsswwl ized power appeared on the scene, Zjlwer ffeeHff both soesels. tm erdew to effect a estrs it s tt found r A G R N T 8 FOB - Italy a ferment of barbar? wseessary to remees tAs caeiss. Xrreyw civilization, without a and ism tot em Sluggish mctUm JSewsIs, " cr settled government; , CtlABRATED ""i HcadacAe,SeiKnM at th BtQmatH,Tin language a in elail la Europe country every indtomto Bach &2 and Loina, etc, in th emd that tsatp re re. lar condition and the Moor likely to fliU,riE!EI!r4ffi5fMSE53ISS. t Xieew is at famlt, The cross, bd as STANDARD onmotm U this orgmm a grasp them all--answered gwUes Miita BEAPXR3 AWO kOWITBS the porpose some makejt, SArete offUnpuriHao, J Grand Batour Haaty and Band Plows, civil Roman zttlon and ore srpeetolZ it the time PrtcttlT JkmU Bitters) Oorbam Bsedsrs and Cultivators, n oempottadcdartAts ywryeo, TAsyore tvas perpetuated. In due time Grain and Besd Drt.U, cattd its their action and rftetlv vm progreee n hen 'in motion, as Su ky ny Kakes, Xes rare; arspIseMnltoAstastssM! turned new form, and towards the feed Cutters, CbUlad easUs' fry both eAUdrew end skCwIsb.'- - S3 Plow.. Marrows, aL of new lines 15th thought century, and a Stock ef Extras rnr a same. Sms sweereUisjr to Mroctionm, CAey erewai were struck out, and Independence '..k and we had the reformation, i Now mmrnapUnanntomrofmjmxC , tasUtattnsU Gcueral rtllity-Cjk We have so many reformers that we BASDWpOO,tVAOON MATERIAL, tBOn. Dieaatl Kidneys, tipatlon, ra on the verge of another erolu-tloetc. A smood Porifler etc., which no doubt mast coma, or Rypalr a3 ktntii at rrfifcle oat FarmtnQ re superior to anf ether medioinof svstsw tho otomnoing Jpli?rfs. . thoroughly, and we retrograde. We want a form imparting mow lift and energy to tAsisy now that can embody both Papa) Horse Sliocins o, aUd. Jt is amedicinesiHlnot sms and Protestant, and alto take In not SpcclaKy. tntolcsOlnn; ovormgot four walla of one particular ys!e?Bu the etoa fur tMoj belor. a tsoi MBtairr in meuT asi sTrrcsV church, bat the whole continent . . NAYLOR a pike, I a&dUksBootbse. TTtTm. 11 fffl pwr TlnUla from Alaska to Patagonia, and then ?L01T ASH DfTTEFJ C3.,J:LE PR2Fn.'ETL3 stretch out In to the Paclflo and ex- rkst East Street, bstwaso 1st and Jtbd goita, CloxXt Xs jsIk , tend Greek and Roman, Papal an , a, Imii sb4 Saatse Otky sfs UYLflRAPIKE, Caniage and N EPH RETI CU THIS Q J ifrik"'n.ea of?S Uuii Z'.V? U' Se VS'.Dl,J;1er WICK, oM Qlty. , HY of sufferers, and has a b y bt, !. Lrsan, Irr.tatlou burning sama. "WanWI . lo BROUGHT i'RO With, or Without slrSlbSL '! BT . . Att t . . . :'..' . . ., - -- if wnd ;i - ..,. HFTT CIHTa! ; ' : 1 h ASTLEY COOPER'S GKBAT ENGLISH RPMEDT HA8 'pH8 ade more oures ot Nervous IiebliUf. , ban ail otber medicine It to an tavtsorav of ths nerve combined; and musois. mttsw ths Wood and upporte, of firLS rauox, - aio,U pib Bomr., Quantity, (5. tout times Bdii bg 62 Druogtii). t are withoat jMost Du rab le, ' . VITAL RESTORATIVE. So C. exception tba PER EOTT1.E.! Scii by aU DruwUfU. Or ' w d.recuons, tu DrvggbU. AHLvfSa2Si,lDaRD 81 R HOT WATER attachments, H an d so m est, EngllsH Dandelion Pilla ;Rfeav-- RANGES MINTIE'B DTFi. -- . a E AT TOMTIO fin2X?.M.A WNT Ij0N3 FP.LT ha-faia- n, 1: 1V1 KIDNEY and BLADDER A, A, OOOPEH'.Q tts htcriyn f UJ j j I ' you .u effrontery of thla foundling reformer would make tbem in- Court," of ibe County or Baitao Lake, Territory .r (rimpiattit Died Fancy any Yankee fallible labeling the chil i of Martin of service) after tbe servlos on of ibis to-da- families. WILLIAM HUME. Tbe International Fisheries Exhibition, at London, has been one of the events of the year.. A cablegram from Messrs. Esrll & Vox, the . United Btatea announces that the Fish Commission from this conntry received eighteen cold medalr, one of which has been awarded to William Hume, the pioneer salmon canner on tbe Columbia River. This is the only cannery receiving a modal at the Exhibition at London. These goods are kept for sale fey the can, case or carload, by d' QHtiBn3 3 wws oi .FOB ety of raoa aud a thought, consolidation of aecti aud fratercia'ng general ' - e i . Mortb-Wnete- BLACK TIPS HITiCTIlt TK rno-nopol'- Luther's countryman without conabout tho proceeding teaching that hurts u and bets rae against race, sect against sect. Down with it, and with the miserable, pet:ifog-gin- g i TSRBITORT &.S.T.CS frj CO Probate Judge. . : QufcAeaf Time to the Paren is o ed uu-happin- ess d n tST AT OLD MAF.KKT BOW. P. U BOX, WJ. TELEPHONE. DTI POT LIEU $Z to $G f ; sii-s'er'- AtSlNbV at Quarries non-remov- al ng l lias) (if vui twenty 4I"! other aba ltb!n toTVrta. Tbe said action is brought to obtain a deorce from th's court dlssolvtog the marrlsge existing bctaeen sail and t w. And ou ars hereby notified plaintlfl that it ion fail in crowd that foater it. appear and anwr tbe said complaint as above required, tbe sad pUictlff wilt apni Matthew Arnold saya we want a to tbl-- i ocurt for tbe re:ief i rsyed tot and ooat of suit. new religion. The utterance ba tbe Hon. P. Smith. net the Wljness, inspiration, truth, if, and tbe seal of tbe aa any spoken by his divine and Probsts Court, M butt Lake We want a 6SAI1 apostolic namtSike. County, Territory of Dish. this 14th day of December, national religion, in a measure; Iu tbe sear of our Lord one a religion that will reach the rna-thousand eiffht Hundred and will ol one that a, help uniformity elf hty two. ' WEST rip-cutti- Burns' Kilns, 20 Cents per Bushel, Salt Uko, : 25 , A Ko. 1 Jiuitditig Hock, taking cannot be kept, because of ofthe cause the liquor. Thewaytomake man temperate is to kill a the desire for those dreadful artificial stimulants that carintellects ry so many bright to premature graves and, desolation, strife and into so many a litthat is Just what I am up here to you. tle after midnight writing Your mother ia nearly worn out turning from si Je to side, and with sighing because you won't let her deep. That mothar who nursed you in your infancy, toiled for you In your childhood, and looked with were pride and Joy upon you as you as she mnhcoJ, growing onup tocomfort and support tbe counted you would give her la her declining years. We read of a moat barbarous manner In which ona of the oriental nations punAahea some of its crimthe flesh from inals. It is the body in small piece; elowly outtiog eff th limbs, beginning with the fingers aud toes, one Joint at a time, till the wretched victim dies. That Is just what you are doing; you are killing your mother by inches. You have planted many of the white hairs that are appearinx so thickly in her head before the time. Your cruel hand la drawing the linea of sorrow on her dear face, making her lock prematurely old. You might aa well stick your knife In her body every time you come near her, for your conduct ia stabbing her to 'the heart. You might as well bring her coffin and force her into it, for yon are pressing her towards It with vary rapid steps. Would you tresd on. her body 11 And yet prostrated.on the flx?r? are treadwith uogratefal foot you ing on her heart and I crushing out needn't eay Its life and Joy no, that 19 a word we have Joy,"fcrceased to use, because you long ago have takeu 1 away from us. Of Course, we have to meet our frlencs with f miles, but they little know of the bitterness within. You have taken all the rosea out of your pathway and scattered thorns inInstead, and from the pain they seen flict, scalding tears are often' Coursing down her cheeks. Thus you are blighting her life as ours. And what can you promise your self for the future? Iook at the miserable, bloated, ragged wretches whom you meet every day on the streets, and see In them an exact picture of what you are fast coming to, and will be in a few years. Then in the end, a drunkard's doom! for the, Bible rays, "No drunkard Bhall inherit tbe kingdom of God." be? If not in Where, then, will tho kingdom of Qodjouyou must be somewhere eUe. Will not these considerations induce you to quit at once, and for all time? And may God help you, for be can and hv will, if you earnestly ak him. Your affectionate but sorrow-strickefather. & In Delivered . pledge Is not sign n5 aoath that solemn a or at sul Ling him This is tbe good cause, OLDKPrn BK8T CON3TKTJCTEDI BK8T MQCIPPKIH and bono tba la tbe Oar universal eJuoation makes many readers and few thinkers. Our standard novels, those produced in this country, are little better than dime novels. Eastern women and preach erB appear to hava a monopoly of thla bueifie??, and sad work Ibey make of it. KefjruaeJ coarte- zins, faith lesa wives and truant bus- bands seem ta De the heroes and heroines of novelist anl playwright. You can't find one in Un of tbe average American book readers to appreciate Dicken,-- . Whj? Simply because dameetio happlnt ea is almo3t unknown among the trading classes here, Love of children, love of patents, attachments to heme firesides, mutual confidence iu hufebatida and wlvts are alruott unknown. Hotel and ' boardicg-houslife, adventure and ppeoulo tion, recklessness and gaiety produce this condition of society. Where is the national literature to meet thia national li.'e? Btealing tbe Intellectual produce of other nations don't help us. Stolen goot's are always productive of evil. We have not a writer or thinker that aspires to the grand ambition of making an Ameridan national history and literature. Hobble?, races, ecta and petty schemes of politics, religisn and education eu gross our public life. What else cau be haJ wheie women and preaches s the thinking of the masses. We bad a; temparanoe meeting here some few days ago, which has indeed the merit of attempting something sensible as well as practical. It ia the establishing of 'bands of hope" societies among the child rtn of the various religious denominations. The proceedings of the meeting were all that could be desired, were it not for the presence of the inevitable crank The man who gives hia experience at meetings of this kind id aiwayd a bare, If not a nuisance. One fellow descibad hi h attempt at one time of starting a of this kind among children. He had some 200 youngsters, and in his zeal for the cause he labeled each jhild with a l4tdge. The children went home like prize kittens from a show. But it appear i he majority of the kittens were of Uerman par entage, and the labeling process broke up the school of temperanoe. This story is related to give the ef 'eot that Uermans are opposed to temperance, and of course to the be nifioentreeulte that wool J follow. Not at all; the Uermans, though not prohibitionists, are in genera) I fe the most temperate race in this country. Their physical and eocial Condition shows It. Their family relatkns are,on tbe whole, pleasar it and they know how to latse their thiidrou. It is ndj wonder the po-nt- Temporance to a eon, ahould be deeply pondered given by every young man who ia habits at all to dalliance with evil and companionship: would you My Dear Bon.-Whthink of yourself If you should come to our bedbide every night, and, waking us, tell us that you would not allow us to elaep any more? That Is Just what you are doing, and ' TmaATMBS-- At'Pascoo THINK OF IT. yODNQ MAN. The following letter, from a father can forward morality, intelligence ami temperance, those desirable . HAIR DYE. TUTTS ltv Hair or Whiskers . , , - - C E&ilor' UTAH LIME & CEMENT: COMPANY, TRUE JuKiua. - IT "MOBMONISM?" to exertion ef body orlng aversion Eructation f food,Irrltbllmind, of temper, Low spirit, A feeling Ity some of GREAT REDUCTIOW OF PRICES! . OUR CHICAGO LETTER. TORPID BOYELS. DISORDERED LIVER, -- hot. as. isss. Wed neeisy, 1F0LL 4. Protestant civilizations, all condens ed Into thia future form. Will this form be MormonlsmV It blda fair to be tbe National religion. 11 embodies Hebrew and Christian Vfaa It tha new inStlra tlon that la so much needed? Time will determine. EVENING NEWS. II. I. DIIUQ DEP'T, vavs Waaissaa Aasuts. -- eiw MosT EconoriiicnL aud Faciiire. fir Safe T "ft tj Z: C v. ' perfect iLa.firYi,l,Iw M; - " or tha 8 mall' I. Elall itsteLt |