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Show ftrauam-Carricgion-A hearing of the cause of the fit;';".' between Messrs. J. C. GraH m aud B. A . Crriolou came off iu the police court yesterlav morning, at 10 o'clock. A few witness were examined. The bLrrdeo of the testitnnrv is substantially substan-tially the same as pub.iehed oa Sjn-day Sjn-day morning; however, as its truth luiness was questioned, we give the tacts as brought out in the oearng. Mr. Carrington had intimated that he would thrash Mr. Graham, and it appears ap-pears that the latter gentleman was aware of the fact. The parties met at the theatre, when Carrington asked Graham to take a walk with him, to which the latter consented, both being followed by their friends. Carrington told Graham why be was wroth at bim the attack on Carrington Car-rington in the paper mentioned being tbe cause, though little of this was brought out in the hearing and when almost opposite tbe cily hall told Graham to drop a cane which he had in bis hand. Gnbam did to, when CarriDgton struck him, knock i iog bim in the gutter, and he was assisted oh by bs friends. Graham struck wildly at Cdrrington, but does not appear to have injured him at all. Carrington, however, struck Graham several Bevere blows, inflicting inflict-ing some bad wounds on bis face and head. A ring was not formed around them, though the friends of both persons per-sons stood by and witnessed the aflair. The judge fined Carrington $25, the cause of bo heavy a fine being that he bad challenged Graham and Bought the fight, and the Btatutes provided that the fine ahonld be as adjudged. Mr. Carrington made no defence and paid the fine. FOB. If you wish to travel by the CHICAGO shortest, quickest, old est, test AND and the safest route between THE EAST. Omaha and Chicago, you must buy your tickets via the Chicago and Northwestern Kailway. Its fares are as low as the lowest, Pullman Palace Hotel Dining and Sleeping Cars are run on its through express trains. The celebrated Pullman Hotel Cars are run by this line and by this T.ne alone, between Omaha and Chicago. All coupon ticket agents sell tickets via this route, Buy ' e8 by no nther mate. UdE Gillet's Cream Yeast. mylO j American Fork Items. American Fork, June 17, 1S77. Editors Ha dld: Here are a few items from our burg: Weather hot. C.-ips looking lovely. A railroad coming down tbe chhdu rails beiug lifted. Everybody bu.y. No lazy folks to be seen any-whpre. any-whpre. The cooperative association is doing a big business. They have a furniture shop and a boot and stioe factory, a harness shop, general merchandize store, butcher shop and lumber yard. The other business men all say that trade is good. Wm. GnXit keeps tbe biggest Btock of notions in the territory, and is also rucning a general mugic store. Tbe young iolks are not neglected here, as Ihey have two or three well attended attend-ed schools running. Miss Eliza R. Snow and Mrs. Amelia Young held a meeting here yesterday (Monday) with the ladies of the Relief society. B. Anothe-lot of Homemade Cloths I and Yarns just received from the Provo Mills. Also have on hand a lot of Trunks, Brooms, Artificial Flowers, Candy, etc. j8 Jous C. Cltles, Ag't. GENTLEMEN Oesir ng to purchase a Stylish Summer Suit can save 25 per cent, by calling at my2 L. Goldbero & Co's. Cfah Stocks in London. The following quotations of Utah stocks in the London market are taken from the Mining World of June 1st: Chicago, i, J; Emma, J, i, Flagstaff, , J; List Chance, 1, 1; Tecorna, 3d. Gi., 03. In tbe same paper appears a notice of a meeting held by tbe shareholders of the Flagstaff Silver Mining com-i pany. From the notice it is seen that a committee had been appointed for the purpose of raising sufficient money lo pay the indebtedness of ihe mine. At that time 3,700 was sub seribed out of a desired $G,0J0. No important action was taken as the stockholders were awaiting nd vices from America relative io the result, of the leiigatioo over tbe mine which was at that time proceeding here. |