Show OIIITUAia s Vs01bibAll 0 lohfcr Tbo many IMonJ ind toqutinlinc ol Mil Huinnh M Ditty will b pilnwl 10 Ifru I of htr death whIch occurred oc-curred tl 110 ant Woodsy momluir jiplombtr 12 mud i ai rmo lamiiy teideuce lu west i Hrt North Ireet hike hid been tiling I for the iti two month llerpbylcltu end itmlly fell lImO abe WM lull totlog when ibo ox 1 lre1 Mho wa < hiie daughter of John and itherln Madden Olin wu bon In Londo ncjand on tbe thIs day of II Jun l31 embraced ibiIopelJinuiry 20 lull wa lutried la Unrce llUttey Ills mm yean left her ntllt Itnd far Ibit country A rllJi Iswand I arrlveil In llil city from Sew York rJeilember inth bro > bo Im reildel lIons Ibit lime tb wti Ike mother ul teu cbll dIet i > ttenorwhoniiiiouiii her ilcitb lib wosm kloll aod lovlog lbunlheraid fllblul filend wllh no thought lui to do good ind 1 teal I a beltIng hind In luoe In dlliefi like died a fltbful lint Istl lay onlulLCoouiOitnotnn LLIZA 1ML 1 HCIMO Mlllrd county Ulab Auguil Sa ISUdDlidtlHclploMllltrd county Ulth Auguit eth is 1 OOIIIa Iiwidow of Juio It bole HItor Ivbowis brraitTcnoesrcJoly IlbIOT Wllb her bubnd ak wi titUuuO a momb 01 the Cblllob oC 10111 CbI1 oh IAUIIdII1lnlon I U311 won aauniulod wllb tha 1Ilnt 10 thu 10111 prtecollons or Cloy sod CJoI welt 000nllr her buohunil Juiois It 115 tmolimic a suimber 01 Ons rept nblorwunul wnu whlh Ike HIII11 Nu Von IUUUBU iiioir uume wai acrmi blis river 1 Ji > lnli > K the I drlien I peoplo the croM < l to Winter ijuilllti In 1811 and tbento Uiah In lull hOer aIdIng to build up I lateral I of tbe frontier loiHe inenii wnh her famIly ilie cam lo Solrlu In mu where the icldM up to Ibo lime of nor death Her huiband wai killed by Indline In told Nbe e s the uioiberof thirteen children Her del cendinl now number oter lite bundled and ale catlerid throughout Ulili 111 I uilghborlliK lbs wu ilwji tin end fillbful Mother lyle illcd In full llowihlp and tel l h In Ihs loipcl of CbII T |