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Show B ox 2608 Salt Nephi, Juab County, Single Copy 10c Lake City, Utah 84110 Utah 84648, Thursday, March 13, 1969 Volume 60 Number 1 1 "Lazy Eye " Testing Set For ol Children Area Pre-Scho- an announcement by Mrs. Fitch, Vision testing of children will take place on public health nurse. The .testing is designed to Wednesday, March 19, at the Central School auditorium, be- detect Lazy Eye Blindness", ginning at 9 am, according to or Amblyopia in children before they enter school. Amblyopia is a condition in which an eye that appears healthly actually has low or poor vision, which cannot be helped by wearing This la because that glasses. part of the eye which is used d, for careful vision has not or learned to see" propThis condition may be erly. due to muscular inbalance, refractive error, or other defect present when the eye is still learning to see. Treatment of Amblyopia can Raymond A Jackson, Public successful if treatment is Safety Commissioner of the be six. State of Utah, and past dist- begun before the age Isoffound defect The earlier the S5 useable of rict about have contributed eye glasses RESIDENTS of East Juab County governor of Lions of this pain successarea, was speaker at a meet- and tested, the more In the campaign by the lions Club of NephL Above: George D. (Bud) Haymond, club memful it will be. of Lions Mona the on Club ing ber, and Lorln Corbin, committee chairman of the Lions Club, check condition of two pair Mrs. Fitch said that mothers Thursday evening of last week. Collection which have been contributed for use In underpriviledged countries in Africa. Commissioner Jackson outlined are being contacted and urged box for the glasses Is at Nephl Drug Co. the goals of Lions Internation- to bring their 3 beandtested. children in to al, and then discussed safety oldVision testing, will be done ' and of State. the needs, goals r Clark Newell also spoke at In Mona and Levan on Thursthe meeting,, and discussed the day, March 20, Mrs. Fitch said. LETTEKMEN of Juab High School have contributed 8224.15 to the Industrial development accomplishments of the Mona Club. fund of Nephl Enterprises. Her Hal Newton and Mark Jones, representing . Lettermen, Program numbers included a present check to Dr. A. A. Boston, vice president of Nephl Enterprises. piano solo by Lanette Sperry, an aocordian solo by Paula Newell, and a comet solo by Scott Christensen. In attendance were nine members of their club and their parta ners, and 23 guests. The 50th anniversary of the Resource studies of both the nouncement by the State Ensurface and underground water gineer. organization of the American Problems concerning the furwhich is tributary to Mona Nephl Post No 1, will Clothing Items Needed Legion, be observed on Thursday, Mar. Reservoir and also Chicken ther appropriations of water 20, W when the Post members For 'My Fair Lady Creek Reservoir will feature a and other matters of interest and wives meet at Rays Cafe. in citizens to water users and users at water the of .ini t b.wi.fe meeting Juab County Court house on general will be discussed. JHS Nephl Post No. 1 was orPresentation t as the first post In At the conclusion of the data ganized -The Mona Lions Club recentin Wednesday evening, March 26, uve r,J The musical comedy upm My the state of Utah. The organit has been announced this week presented, the State Engineer has made a contribution ly will Fair be Lady presented ization has been active in civic . IJil from club funds of $100.00 to by Hubert C. Lambert, State will issue a policy concerning II' I'll, Juab High School March 27 and KONA WARD SETS affairs throughfuture appropriations, change Engineer. r4 by Nephi Enterprises to support and 28. The 3etting is in the out community the 50 years of its exist i t h'm All water users of the Le- applications, and the submitting industrial of the development late 19th century, In England. ence. van - Nephl - Mona area are of proof on water applications East Juab County area. ANNUAL REUNION Russell V. Sevan Anyone having old clothing Additional Information will an area. in to the the general drainage invited, according of this eara, such as umbrellas, be published In next weeks isResidents of Levan have inThe Mona Ward Reunion top hats, duffles, shoes, dress- sue of this newspaper. vested almost $550.00 in the es, coats, etc., who would lend and Old Folks party will Senior Citizens' News! Nephl Enterprises Inc., the maMrs. Wilson Named any of these items to jority" of Which was obtained ' held on Friday, March 1L . for this presentation, are invitThis is an opportunity for solic69-70 The Senior Citizens are through a house-to-houPresident of ed to contact Juab High School Sister of itation by the Civlcettes, ladles present and former mem. Lady planning a "pot luck llephi and they will be at 623-17bers of the ward to visit club of Levan. for March 19 at 12 Ladies Literary League with friends and relatives. picked up, treated with care, noon. All members who From a show sponsored and returned following, the Dies; Services plan to attend are asked Mrs. Elmo Wilson has been Dinner will be served at the Lettermen s dub In by musical. to please call Velma Hanelected president of the Ladies 6:30 p.m., followed by an G. with , cooperation Richard sen, Geneva Worthington or excellent program and a . the VenHeld in Lake of Footer Salt Literary League for the 1969-197- 0 manager Gfy Anna Ostler. club year, succeeding Ms. On Friday and Saturday of dance, to which the general ice,. $224.15 has been added Clinton Kirgan in the position. to the industrial developpublic Is invited. City Attorney Udell Services were held WednesFuneral services were con- this week, will Jensen attend the Am day in Salt Lake City for Mrs. The new president will take Enment account of Nephl ducted Those attending the banMonday, at the Nephl erican Trail Lawyers Seminar Vera Belliston over duties as president follow- Cub Scouts, Families terprises. d Armstrong, 66, Ward Chapel for at Las quet are asked to please Vegas. ing the close of the present B. of sister Mrs. Menunott Lula Russell V. Bevan, 78, who died L. Painter, President , James bring their own dishes. indeals The Seminar with dub year in May. Annual of Nephi. Mrs- - Armstrong died Enjoy March 7 at the Juab County surance of Nephi Enterprises, also has in personal Monday at a Salt settlements Other officers named arae The committee in charge lake hosHospital of natural causes. acknowledged with sincere apMrs. Merron Price, vice pres- Blue and Gold Event advises injury cases. that invitations pital. of Paxman J. Bishop Vaughn services the the of secpreciation ident; Mrs. Lloyd Goble, will not be mailed this year iBom January 7, 1903 at Salt conthe Second e o Ward Nephi-NebNephl Cub Seventy-fivScouts who Posse members and retary; Mrs. John V. Garrett, so Ward Members are urgLake City, she was a daughter 1 Elder Kent ducted the services. contributed time and effort and Jones, son of treasurer; Miss Ireta Carter, their families met last Thursed to notify friends and Thomas William Elizaand of Bevan was Mr. bom July 25, :ormer Nephi Lady : day evening at the Juab Stake repainted the interior of the reporter and Miss Rheta Sper- House relatives. beth Foster Belllston. She was Mr. and. Mrs. Alma Jones 1890 at Cornwells, Pa., a son to annow in the the building occupied by participate ry, historian. of Nephl,. will give a report married, to Albert. B. Armof Albert F. and Mabel Vander-gri- ft Jeanel Manufacturing Co., sewThe election of officers was nual Blue and Gold banquet 1926. Ne- 7, mission strong at 'the August lls of Bevan. He Pine-wooSallie married : d )ies in California; ing factory. the highlight of the club meet- and the Juab District Survivors are her husband, M. Magill November 11, 1922. Derby. phi Fourth Ward SacraPaint for the redecoration of Services 12 ing held o nMarch 6 at the About two one and sons, daughter Today for 300 enjoyed the ban- She died June 18, 1967 in New ment meeting Sunday, acthe home of Mrs. Max L. Orme. building was contributed by -- sister a a and grandchildren; Mrs. of Sister Bean, which Jersey. in each quet, family Mrs. Kirgan, club president, Valley Builders of Nephl. brother: Mrs. Lula B. Mem-mo- tt cording to an announceHe was a veteran of World Officers and directors of Ne- Spanish Fork Leader presided and collect was read brought enough chicken for War I, and a member of the of William T. and week ment this Nephi Bishop by were held Funeral services family and a pot luck by Mrs. Clifton Hansen. Mrs. their phi Lake Salt Enterprises have many timBelliston, City. in Los Angeles last Friday for Presbyterian Church. Ralph E. Chase. Elder Reese Painter read the minutes item for the dinner. es expressed appreciation for Funeral services will be today Mr. Bevan was the After Evans each Mrs. superintenDora Cub Luckensmeyer, tomorrow return Jones will banquet, of the prior maeting. at I p.m. at the Palmyra Stake the backing received In the of dent the Scout at home had her the died at County who Holmesburg to 68, opportunity Following the election of ofdevelopment project, House for Joseph Hanson, 95, (Friday) after servingmis-sio-in rage his Pine Wood car that Prison farm in Philadelphia Los Alamltos, California on an dsolicit British Southwest the continued Invest- who died at a Payson Hospital ficers, the members enjoyed an he the Club 20tti. 30 1955. Century and his father had made for years, retiring in March 3 of natural causes. served ments for of this area on Sunday of causes incident has residents He evening of visiting, and were from a block by of pine wood, four He had resided at Bristol and Mrs. Luckensmeyer was bom served refreshments by the to bolster and enlarge the fund to advanced age. the past several months as New until and nails Pemberton, wheels. Most four 18, 1900, Jersey at daughtMrs. Nephi July Mr. Hanson was father of , assistant to the president of hostess and Hear In order that funds will be 1967. Since er of Richard H. and An n Ret Members Orme and Mrs. Reese Painter. were original designs and all his wifes death in mission. available for further securing Roy W. Hanson, former resitiie in time resided he has were that well done. ta Webb Evans. additional industry. Veda Par- dent of Nephi. Attending were Mrs. John V. First place wen to Dale Tol- Nephl with his son in law and Survivors are her husband, Discussion ion History FWends may call at Walker kin is secretary of the corGarrett, Mrs. Uoyd Goble, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. son of Heber Mr. Robdaughter, and Mrs. Byron and son a ley, daughter: Rex Tolley, .Mrs. Reese Paintand will receive any Mortuary in Spanish Fork toporation BelUston. W. L. Burert Russell Mrs. and Grant Tolley; second, winner The Twentieth Cfeury Clubj.((amCd PfeSldCIlt Of investments and issue certific- day from 11 a.m. until time of er, Mrs. Max Orme, Miss Ireta was Scott Survivors are his daughter, dick. Also surviving are two son of Mr. met at the home of Mrs. services. Mr. Painter said. ates, Carter, Mrs. Ray Pay, Mrs. and Mrs. Larsen,Larson. Mrs. Belllston Byron (Betty) sisters: Mrs. James Bean of Shaw on February 27. . Mrs. Third LeRoy Eugene Lunt, Mrs. Stella Bos- place winner was Robert Pax-ma- of Nephi; three grandchildren Nephi and Mrs. Ray Stus of Fred i Hedberg, dub president, well, Mrs. Eugene Wdlkey, Mrs. son of Mr. and Mrs. and a cousin, Miss Murlal Bev- Salt Lake City. Hosmer Grace, Miss Rheta conducted a short business ses an of Rosemont, ' Paxman. Burial was at Forest Lawn Robert D. Wood, son of the Sperry, Mrs. Roy McPherson, George sion, and then turned the time cemat Bluff Vine the Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Brough cemetery. Mrs. Merron Price, Mrs. Reed to Mrs. C. R, Lomax, program late Raymond Wood of No Anderdirected was by Greenhalgh, Mrs. Clinton Kir- were general chairmen for both etery chairman for ithe evening. phi, recently has been named events. They were assisted by son Funeral Home of Nephl. CBS Televisgan, Mrs. Clifton Hansen and Mr. Mrs. Lomax v mentioned "the President of the and Mrs. George Fannin. anNews Briefs Mrs. ,Elmo Wilson. --of ion Network, It has been Nephi we have different C. ways Sherwood was official E - Frank Stanton, The Juab County Democratnounced uby la starter for the pine wood derby ic convention will be held on A family dinner was held at teaching history today, which, President of Columbia Broadin a story form rather than with Buddy King and Merron March 18 at the Court the home of Mr. and Mrs. ClarHews Briefs System, Inc. and dace of ja casting Price as officials at the finish Tuesday, room of the Juab County Court- ence Greenhalgh on Sunday. stressing time Mr. Wood Is the nephew of She event. reviewed line. Lucile W. Warner of house. The meeting will elect Members present were Stephen particular The family of Mrs. R. E. events and t attitudes of the Mrs. Lake The 33-- ft race track for the new county committeemen Mr. Woods and and Glenn Greenhalgh, Mr. and earlier Salt City. Winn met at her home on Sun- derby was built by Sam histimes in American Mr. and Mrs. Sperry alao tte state delegates, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. oc-- : Mrs. Jones, on grandparents, the March 2nd, day, from ;the time of the re- Dennis Wood resided In Nephi and Mr. Sherwood. The! Presidents OouacO of the Nephi Federated Udall Bailey of Riverton, Mias tory, y. ion casion of her birthday bellion without at Third South and First East, and Clubs announce that the annual Miss Nephl of Womens Neilsen Mona, Present were Mr. Peggy representation, also rtBeaslng and Dennis Wood was at one Mrs. Chloe Bailey. contest will be. held at 7:80 pJn. on 'April 19, at the and Mrs. Blair Guymon and the strong, characters of the time - editor of The Times-New- s . children Kim, Kathleen and School auditorium. Mrs. Taey leaders who risked their lives Elementary Kate Mrs. of the Haynes, and later Clerk : Jana Lee, and their son and Bracken, Mrs. Edith Lomax, and property- by following the Juab School District. AH eligible girl s&re Invited to be preparing them-In daughter In law, Mr. and Mrs. dictates of what were consider, Lunt ArvUla and Mrs. they the past T5 'months, Mr. For Carl Guymon of Orem, Mr. and selves for this contest; and demonstrate a talent in to ed America the and Provo Wednesday to attend the justice Wood had been president of Kirk Mor, Mrs. Clark Morgan, Colemother country. Excerts from the CBS Television Anna for services art, dance, reading, talks, sewing funeral vocal, Stations instrumental, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd gan, also visited with the historical novel by Johnny (Division, having served one man. or They cooking.' Carl of GuySchramm Payson. Tremaine were read and dis- year as Its Executive Vice Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hobbs. mon has recently returned afcussed and the book was sug- President.' Prior to that apEUgibilty rales as reviewed by the Council are: ter serving in Viet Nam. for enjoyable reading. six gested served ihe have been a resyears The contestant shall at end the Week pointment, guests Nine members were present as Vice President and General Mrs. Elsie SidweQ was honhome of Mr. and Mrs. Frank ident of Nephl for one year or more; has not sersid as ored on her 88th birthday anManager of CBS owned KNXT, Lunt were their son and daughMiss Nephl or an attendant, and baa not reached her at her on Los Angeles. Milton Mrs. and Sunday, Mr. ter in law, niversary 21st birthday prior to April 20, 1969. The. new CBS . TV. president Guests were Mr. and B. Lunt and family of Hunter. llevrs Briefs home. the with associated been Mr. and has M. . S. Nielsen, Mrs. Other guests at the Lunt home Contest entry applications are avalalble from Mrs.1 Mrs. Douglas Brown enter, Columbia Broadcasting System Mrs. CL E. Peterson, Mr. and on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Alan L Ostler or Mrs. Claude R. Lomax. on dinner a after two at since 1949, graduating birthday Mrs. Conrad Nielsen and Sterling Fackrell and family of tained Mr. Brown from the University at SouthMrs. and honoring end Sunday, Mr. SpringviUe. daughters, Mrs. Ostler will be the correlating chairman for the on his birthday anniversary. ern California with a degree in E. Mcll rath, all of Salt with the following as committee members: Mrs. Clifford were and Mrs. Mrs. Art Mr. and event; Mr. Guests Mrs. Pay Mr. and Advertising. Ray Lake City, and children of Salt Lake City Johnson and family of SpanMr. Wood and his wife, the Frank Greenhalgh, Mrs. Kenneth Nyman, Mrs. Milton Nielen of Falrview, Cart Nielvisited over the week end with ish Fork, Mr. and Mrs. Ray former Nancy Harwell, and T. Harmon, Mrs. J. WarrOlow Brough, Mrs. Clando R. Ftnewood Derby Winners: Center, Dale Tolley, first place sen, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lang, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Llddiard and atm Courtney of their two cwldren make their Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Keyte of and third Paxman Robert Lomax, Mrs. Hosmer L. Grace, Mrs. G. Eugene Wllkey Larsen, Scott winner. right, Left, Raymond Pay and Mrs. Verna Tooele, and Mrs. Kirk Sanders home In Greenwich, Conn. and Mrs. Lorraine Hay- and Mrs. Eari Speadknm and second place winners, respectively. CamL and children and Jeffery Wright pre-scho- ol Mona Lions Hear State dev-ope- Safety Head ir -- . Anniversary rm oeUirag Event Planned vi MigAmll at ill, Wi -i Services Held -'- the-echo- ol - -- se Monday, for din-dinn- er . Russell Bevan First-Secon- & -- n. - n, al c3pCiin llephi annl--vorsar- over-taxat- - a yv, |