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Show Friday. July 14. 1933. r.rill- Clubs Are Organized In Cache County 4-- H t lubs Ar( Orciliurd in Cirlir County in The tolluinc ( otmnumiirt Milh And Projrt Is r Senior Hv rum Mrs. CS.affotte Mrhuda LU; nquist loud. IV u (m Alien 3 v,Vltl The county re: Jlt Eta Mis Bo Mamrix-- , IrS. nfiiirrt of rat li pn- - - M CACHE ColSTV. ITAH ERICAS' LOCAL NEWS Director Outlines 'Repeal Action Plans For Utah Follows Beer for Oklahoma Wheat Adjustment Leaving for Coast Mr and Mrt Juhn A Crockett are planning an outing and va-Hoto tile roust Hiey to t kave Monday mom mg and t r;-cto be goiie until about Returns Home c lt Miss Ikitary (in airs has ir. ir 'm a months Vv.it to Cii.iluMiu. I:? iusj, r pait ol was sjent with tier sister i'ljjnh tuiiud Pare Three. eict ab-u- home 1, Member Oklahoma City to l!.e wheat grower Dr Flofvnoe Elnwr. Favell Mr Cbthmtt advantage to sign a cot.tiail wan live Oklahoma house of represent Submits to Operation Ulie guvirnmenl to curtail U.o pio - ilivt. tulwn-Pmiihfield long drinks ol k Mrs T. C. Ltwi u in a local set to up to sal beer, jiaMd a bill Clothing II Mm Mtlba Nielaui. dueiinn of wlveui. accmding Wonderful Catch wtiere on Wednesday she hospital Director William Peterson ot t'i imuhinery fur a vote on rtpealj II ruin. Fnd Burr. of He hud M ' Mibimtu d to a operation for gall Cola ge 'of llw righteenth anundiiMiit. Kta'e Utah Agricultutal Trev-il' Clothing III Mu Loraii Ikii'.ks aloft, a it tousling an, Cafe and William M Donald, 0 bladder trouble and appendicitis who has been named manager ot r, Smnhlxld of Uu M Dona.ibr ootti rr stand. Imve ' Lhe oxiut)on Is said to have honored giasl. 62 fed. live emergency agricultural rl Clothing I V Mivt Eva Bcutk-r- , art (or Clah. liou.se t hoi used liior ayes rviurtsd tmm t)n B.a.kluut Th. v ben a very serious one. No: til Logan Within a few days live major)' y Tlie naa'ure. if approved by the brought wna them upwards ol SO 1 Food Miss Verda pe,.nd.s tf beautiful tiout. Tlx v W It. 'AlObray, of wheat growrrs In this state senate and timerix-Legion Meeting Paradue. will have had an opputtumty of lah' ll.lli Murray, would give trout w:s V.dnest.iy Fevmour V Prows calls attenMon-a-ht night I tlve tie Meat domestic allotment vote Mali. to Uie Oklahomans chance Miss Oldham. Edna Uarmg Foods II ot Die legion tion to all Hie lx re Jandetal. h Mondavi kfl In r Ui UV late Decen.bir by explained plan early Paradise. a to be held at the l ight, r D.rerl of and live ,or n on ' repreiieutaUVes. pent question. uary part Foods III -- Mrs Eva Monrtse canvon home, Friday The largest have trout Legions said, as meeting of It. WedlxwDv. Tlve beer, several case Lewwiston. and Mrs. Ineg Kixkel-kat 7 30 ockxk. Matter evening baik 5 brought are held been and weiglved being planned was distributed both In senate and pounds deleSmlthfield. to tlie of clxxMiig pertaining to cover live prmr'pal h mse a Ir hours after Governot gate to tlx'O gik n convention, the Advisors Are: areas. results of Wedlife of the Drum Corps and tlw Advisor Mrs. Arvilit Tlie main provisions of tlve plan Murray proclaimed County nesdays elect xm legalizing the report of the July 4th cek brat ion Hogan. LeLwuton. as outlined by tlve state manager, beverage sued to tie following couples by will be discussed. Paradis Mrs. Ed Bahen and follow : Oppo-nxto the repeal election clrrk c v. Mllhr: lU Mrs. Will James. Arrhlr K County or district organizations measure na meager, only 25 mem- and VaLoie Hyrum Mrs. Eva Nielsen. Logan; Old Timer to handle the bers voting against it, and obser- Farl Moroni will be effected Vis- itDuinrs and Menrrta Newton Mrs. D. R. Claike. machinery of tlve plan. The county vers predicted Its passage by tlve Herb a resident Hide formerly Prrkr. Cate, Providence FrankSarah Baer. Park; George agricultural agent or some one lin Iladdeuham, Opal and Mar- of this city and hts wife, formerly Providence 2 Mrs. Eliza Zollin- designated by the state manager senate, which receives K today. Robert Graham. Representative ger. Roy Mis Stella FYldsted. are guest In will be secretary of each local No 1 beer advocate, acted as wait- garet narrower. Kemmerer; Clyde Hansen. Davion and Ada Logan. Umg at Uie home of Mr. Smlthfield Mrs. Gertrude Tool-so- Wheat growers will then be given er In tho house, passing out the Jemima Mr. Clwcketu, Weston, Roscoe and Mr. Helmer Pedersen. , an opportunity to Join one of tlie bottles as house clerks called the E. Kviin. Ravmond. Idaho andiCu' forn'rV associated her Lewiston 3 Mrs. Lowell Karren organizations and sign counsels rtll. Lut tile Hvmas. Liberty; Jesse It j lth the Telluride company. He 1 North Logan Mm. C. M. Niel- pledging themselves to restrict live senate ruslx-Meanwhile, tlx with the Edison son and Mrs. O. W. Lvraelsen. liunkerhoif, Huntington Utah and'now acreage tliey will plant to wlieat In thtough a beer regulation act. and Elva Electric company of Los Angeles Stakes, St. Anthony. 1934 and 1933. according to tlv ra..h registers In the tax commisw here lie has been for tlie past decree of Uie secretary of agricul- sion cilice rang up $123 000 In 35 years. Tlie Cates will be here ture. which will not call for more lies for stale txx r lioeii'es. Got No They Money tlie remainder of Uie month. than 20 per cent reduction. V. Huppman, Center street shoe D. nk is estimated that more than In reiognlllon of this cintract 500 0"0 bottle of beer were repair itian. had a rally r w xrd will the government pay each as Okiahmana offldallv cxprieme Tutsday night while No Let-USlogan wheat grower 30 cenis a bushel for emkd tlie stretch In which return.ng from tlie home of Wil- - "No Let-u- p on Keiv motors" is of his wheat crops (or beer was outlawed. Ham Burr on Canon road about the slogan adopted at a meeting 1930. 1931. and 1932. based on th 11 30 ockxk. Just as he reached cf dealers of this refrigerator at a average production of tlie farmer the top tf the lull at Second East meeting held In Salt Lake the for tlie past three-yeand Center stmt, two men. one first to the week Tlie sak-period. force There will be no curtailment on described as slu rt and one as tall, of the Quality Elcrtrtc Company tlie 1933 crop but the commission hailed him and flashing a gun In headed by Manager Frank Nish of will be forthcoming this year with his face, told him to "sink em this city, attend'd tho meeting a payment in September and anup." One held tlie gun on the Wm. Percy, factory representative t contra-'fulIs other when tlve inoffensive German of small sta- was present and stated that the banker biggest today filled, provided a contract has been ture. Tlie other did tlie AMERICA'S depression I over In the east and Federal Government signed with the government. Dl- Lewiston George Harry Colev. Before the Job had beenfrisking comthat the wave Is traveling west local his home butcher died at wliicli Is now operating rector Peterson said. There will be 63, pleted. an automobik' cany along He reported that Kelvlnators are a g Pro- no of wheat to be here Monday night following and the would-b- e financing Institutions, sav hold-upran leading the entire Industry In the awav They got no money. John Hanna of Columbia Uni sold, nor will the government col- long illness. number of sales. He was bom in Birmingham lect Land wheat. thrown out Asany In American Bankers tha versity son of a 16. of wheat 1868, be fal England. April may production sociation Journal. to forage crops Stephen and Anna Mariah Coley I or Plante HJE. W. ELLIOT & CO E 'Forty of these are owned entirely for domestic The He had been a resident of this consumption. by the Government, be aays. In govcrnmont wln not rent thls land country since 1890 and of Lewistwelve more the Government has al- farmr brpaks hu contract ton since 1891. He married Caro-Il- n Interest. Thirty-seve- 'before its fulfillment in 1935, then ready a Wilson In the Logan L. D. S. are Intended to bo permanent. he becomes a borrower of wheat Temple November 23. 1892. His widow and nine sons and Twenty fire of the permanent ones has been paid to him In commisand fourtei n of Hip temporary ones sions and he must return this daughters survive, M. H. Stewart and Keith Coley, Mrs. C. J. Van amount to the government. are agricultural. For further details ask a coun- Orden. Mrs. Golden Cunningham. 'The cnpital stoik held by the Mrs. L. R. Hogan. United States In these hanks has a ty agent or write to the Extension Lewiston: It will be Roskel-''e- APIT0 Today Sat Tlieatre-flJan- d v limit I I Iroudi iicr Norma Mrs. Mur Anderson. me PruWik i t Mira lktutha Lrwi-toi- H 1 i Itx-- IouU-n- . Zollinger. Puml. Mias Doris, Miss Jt une tie Rasims. Lraistoit 2 Emma Lnyue. Baird. Ncaton Olite Tuddcnl-am- , Mm Ruby Tuddenham. Foods II Paradise Miss Miles. LouK Mrs. Lenore Olsen. Lewiston 3 Eurtlla Wiser, Emma Haslam. Richmond Phyllis Nelson, Eunice Peart. Smlthfk-IWanda Green, Marlon Fuller. Lewiston Thoble McKnlght, Na The 11 Ohverson. Vt-IJ-a foods Ill-L- ew kton MLss Pearl Ken Miss Lila Bulrd. Smlthfield Mrs. Inez RosVeUey. Miss Cora Olsen. Clothing I Paradise Louise Ritchman, Bernice Shipley. Richmond Evelyn Webb. Bar bara Webb. wan your v i (be old cheer 4 tears al thi timrlv drama, with a I lunrl lurrymor , " employee, after (charged ervle. yet year of Inspiring these dii t fislv-rme- i with n d him r hope and courage! rue-ala- sf't y. -4 g m 2" m 'll n . V 1 i i &' '1 4 v The lilie is taken with Pm. Km-sell- s permission, .from his book. LIONEL l j n. 3 niiilt You'll i s BARRYMORE , CLARENCE d BROWNS 'd Newton Miss Reda Benson. Ila Jenkins. Snuthfield At ft Jorconsen. Richmond Joan Webb, Helen Chris lensen. Providence 1 Mrs. Verda Blotter, Mrs. LaRee Alder. Provuk nee 2 Miss Erma Frumkc. Leone Nielsen. Allen, HjTum 1 Miss Crystal Isabelle Archibald. North Logan Miss Eva Bcutler. Mrs. O. W. Israelson. Clothing II Melba Nielson. Hy rum Mrs. Marian Nielsen. Newton MUss Caroline Larsen, Miss Rose Larsen. Smlthfield Marie White. Hyde Park Miss Wilma Peter son, Mrs. Ethlyn Thurston. Paradise Miss Lenna Christensen, Ruby Lofthouse. Clothing in Hyde Park Miss Myra Dalnes, Ellen Hancey. Newton Mrs. Grace Crookston, Mavis Jorgensen. Smithfield Miss Loraine Traveler, Miss Venna Tarbet. par value of f l.SSO.PUO.OOO. The Government's total Investment Is nearClothing IV Smlthfield Ruby Tidwell, Cora ly $2,000,000,000. Resources of these Sparrow. Institutions exceed $3,000, OuO, 000. In College Ward Chloe Anderson, addition the Government has deHilda Sclienk. tailed supervision over fifty-onmortgage banks, operating under Federal charter. "The Government also supervises 4,000 local agricultural loan associations with Federal charters. All this takes no account of the relations of the Government to the twelve Federal Reserve banks, nor of the authority recently given to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to buy preferred stock In national and state commercial banks. p, r t V A V- - five-eigh- ts Harry Coley ar s Of Lewiston Dies Monday Coming Sunday Constance Bennett in BED OF ROSES fifty-tw- price-fixin- s, fe-s- Take Advantage of July LOW PRICES AT BAITS MORE NEW DRESSES 200 Womens HATS White and Colors Womens Consolidation Called For The President has ordered the consolidation of the agricultural credit agencies Into the new Farm Credlt Administration, says Professor Hanna. He expresses the opinion that before the consolidation of the agricultural financing agencies too much machinery had been created to administer the financing Institutions which the Government either owns or supervises. "Existing Institutions represent a considerable differentiation of function and any consolidation should be preceded by a careful survey of ths actual activities of the various he continues. "The Institutions, only consolidation the Administration has announced is that of the agricultural credit agencies In the Farm Credit Administration. As a permanent solution this arrangement is too closely bound up with politics. The Value of the Colleges White, Blue, Pink am. imilswuhM mtkummiBB physical properties and of of Institutions higher education In the United States are now valued at over Endowments alone aggregate over $1,150,000,000. Thirty colleges and universities have endowments that average $18,000,000. Eleven out of the 30 have endowments that average $35,000,000. A very few of them have endowments ot over $100,000,000 each. The annual operating income of Institutions of higher learning amounts to over $500,000,000. Gifts to them In a single year hav reached S total of THE $2,500,-000,00- $203,000,000. Pi? Its Cool MALTS Logans Bargain Store 57 W. Center St. Avocado Valuable The avocado Is a native of the West Indies and Central America. It Is the only species of this order cultivated for the fruit. The fruit Is unusual In that the flesh has a high fat content, 10 per cent on an average. The water content Is 81 per cent, and the carbohydrates 7 per cent. The fuel value Is high, 512 calories per pound. Tiny Fog Particle The smallest fog particles have been measured at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It was found that 23,000 of them could be placed on the head of an ordinary pin. & CO.E , two-third- s e JE. W. ELLIOT ied Burley, Idaho: Mrs. Stanley Picot. Redding, California; Mrs. H. F. Croshaw, Lodi. California: L. O Conscience Ogden: one brother. HerGreat Is the power of conscience, Coley, bert Coley, Richmond, and one It for frees and In both directions, sister, Mrs. Martha Franoe, Lewisthe Innocent from all fear, and ton. keeps ever before the eyes of ths guilty the dread of Service Office, Logan, Utah. punl-dunen- Vitamin C Oranges and lemons are sources of vitamin C. so Important for general health, as well as for the development of good teeth nnd bone structure In children. Internal Revenue Collector Assumes Duties of Office up rrm We have slashed our prices on the items listed below, so as to make a clean sweep. This merchan- dise is priced very much lower than the wholesale prices on todays market. Prices are advancing and we suggest that you take advantage of these exceptional bargains. Come early Saturday morning for first choice. Washable White Hats Salt Lake Ira N. Hinckley, newly appointed collector of intre-ntook his position revenue, Secret of Face Powder Wednesday, when the oath of ofKnown to Greek Ladle fice was administered by United Gould B. For many years archeologists States Commissioner bar been searching for psyniltU-lon.- " Blakely. Mr. Hinckley succeeds James H. They have uncovered tha ruin 0f ancient cities, and eveavat- - Anderson, who has held the positombs full of gold and other tion since August 1. 1921, when he was appointed by President Hardtreasures, all In vain. Nowhere did ing. they find so much as a thimbleful No immediate changes in the f psymithion. personnel of the office will be other and Pliny Aristophanes, made, Mr. Hinckley said. Part of writers referred to this substance, the office force of 20 is under and from their writings it appeared civil service, while the others are that It must be some kind of cos- appointed on a political basis. metic. And this plainly appeared from an old Hellenic poem warning Birds Peculiarity the reader never hy the nse of The chimney swift, Chaetura can you ninke a nelen out la a bird which has acquired But tills merely ex- a new method of nesting with the of a Hecuba. cited the curiosity of the arche- advance of civilization. Before ologists and caused them to dig chimneys were common the chimney deeper Into the earth, and at last swift used to nest In dead trees. It they found what they were looking has the unusual power of flying for. straight up and down, which makes It possible for It to get In and out Prof. T. Leslie Shear of Princeton nniversity, while excavating tha of vertical apertures. tomb of a Corinthian lady, found a terracotta box containing psymtth-toHigh Tides which the lady, before she enThe average tidal rise at East-por- t, In tered the tomb, used powdering Maine, Is 18 feet 2 Inches; In her face. Anal sis showed that the spring It Is 21 feet. At the head was a carbonate of lead manufao-rure- of the Bay of Fundy, New Brunsalong the same lines as white wick, the tide rises 45 feet; in the face powder that modern ladles ose. Bristol channel, England, 42 feet; This shows that the ladles of an- on the coast of Wales. 38 feet. cient Corinth did not have shiny noses, nnd indicates they were Just True WUdom as skillful In ninkeup as those of To finish the moment; to find the the present generation. Helens us journeys end In each step of the psymlthlon as freely as tha road; to live the greatest number of good hours Is wisdom. Emerson. al - ti f- O O White Bags $1.98 out price of - r o H Dupont White Hats will be sold Saturday at close Reg.- P This will be a great day for those in quest of values. Here are the greatest bag values and bag fashions in many a day. Bags in the smartest styles, such as back straps, top handles, envelopes, and many have zipper pockets. Close out price ; , n Choice of any White Hat in the store. n, White Shoes In the newest mer styles, at bargain price of all Unheard of Value of Burn Out Lace sum- the for Summer Frocks. Regular 98c on Sale Saturday at S1f 4 Swim at Logana The fun spot of Cache County. Pool drained and cleaned every night. Water treated with chlorine. Each Saturday during month of July, free swimming instructions given from 10 a. m. until 12 noon, under direction of Mrs. Harry J. Clark. M We have a Gorgeous Array of Voile Dresses, Fast High Twist Colors .... all the $'r 00 m rr 9 Smartness of a $5.00 garment, Close Out Price a O o W. Elliot 95 N. Main " ' Go. Rulers of Low Prices ""IE. W. ELLIOT & CO.EZZZZZZZT3E. W. ELLIOT & COx:: Loi n J:1!.1. ...' |