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Show I WHEN AUTOS SPEED AND STREET CARS STOP. ; When a street car stops at a crossing cross-ing and an auto at high speed cuts close to the steps as the passengers I prepare to land, a crime has been j committed and the offender should be punished before the reckless driving becomes a habit and some one Is "ac-j "ac-j cidentally" killed Yesterday, when a Twenty -fourth ; streei car stopped at Hudson avenue, ave-nue, a woman passenger was in the act or st'ppin; to the ground when, i by chance she turned just in time to lec a swiftly approaching .into an ! to dedge back as the machine whlf-i whlf-i fed by She would have been under the automobile had fate not prompi-' prompi-' ed hrr lo attempt to get of! the car. as a woman generally does, facing in the wrong direction. Some day a woman or child will be reduced" to a lifeless mass by one of these speeding autos, and then the plea will be that the driver of the machine did not see the victim In time to stop. by chauffeurs persist in dashing along as they near a stopping street car is not to be explained except on the assumption that they are indifferent indiffer-ent to the welfare of others and too thoughtless to be concerned over the possibility of causing some one's death |