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Show WOMAN'S 32 EXPONENT. imitation. She was most patient, never complaining in a!J,v through all her Hcav- - ; her years of suffering, hop gaining .. Redeemer hex with of the the in eternal happiness presence ." '. !. sanctified. husband bereaved with the and e sincerely sympathize relatives of the deceased, and pray. thaHhe Spirit of the r them to Lord jnayLresfctir but Thine be done." our wiSf-ILer- forests of flowers, jasi filled "with verdure and the perfume Gray Memorial at Cambridge. A bust of with their rich foliage extended on every hand,.hile the the poet Gray was recently unveiled in the m urraur of hall oCPembroke Jlege, Cambridge, by. LqrA birds, with their variegated pluraage.awakened in ner nean Houghton, in fhe presence of a distinguished the . most heavenly feeling she had ever experienced. was rendered more occasion the and this teautitul picture--: the company, Whflej gazing enraptured on : James Hon. the to noteworthy from the fact that t messenger touched her on the shoulder, andpointing Jate the Russell Lowell, a true repreAmerjcfumsier 'PStJMrff! ' ? m rrollprv wbs Mips Marv Anderson, a7t7nSe lne o28i sentitioo. of theJWftJ2arnic system of rjwTA$ere is &&&fatie; and the otner represents tne no.ymarriorder, the new and everlasting covenant of celestial eternal hie w v ii .tprnal mcrease. here is peace, and joy." Inst previous to her death she had another vision, the Eliza IURTONi'FiedenC SARAH age. He touched our human nature at a great many periods and a great many levels. There was commonplace in the "Elegy," and also in some p hrases which had been in use for 3,000 yea rs. As long as there were young men,as long as there were middle-age- d men,Gray would hold his place in the human mind. They would, perhaps, before he sat down allow him to say something about himself. This would be the last occasiou on which he would have the opportunity of addressing Englishmen in public. He wished to express his most heartfelt gratitude for the kindness which had surrounded him in his official and private life, and had made it delightful. While he had come there as a distant cousin they were sending him away as something like a brother. Patents have been issued as follows to women inventors for the week ending June 16th. 1885: n g .were plural wives, and that there was no distinction between firstrsecondror third -- wivesthere, allTwere cqulraUvas peace and purity. Sister Hughes was a woman of great faith, determined Her life was energy, and of a most cheerful disposition. not a "flowerjTbed of ease," but while surrounded with many cares and trials, her cheerful presence was an inspiration of hoye and courage to those less happily gifted. Of her it can be truly said that "they who knew her best loved her most." She was a firm pillar in her own household, who most keenly feel the loss of her companionship. "Her call her blessed,' 'and the record of her children rise noble character and useful life is worthy a place in the hisL. T. F. tory of the women of Israel. " 6th," 1885. July up-an- H0RSLEvfc5&r?W ESTABLISHED OCTOBER, 1868. rii If . liltbrfflidgex . d, of Grav is in white marble, and is mounted upon a pedestal of Pa vonezza marble, on the Iron t oi wmcn is a Deauuim ruei repicoeut,Mr. iho. tfcA first stanza of "The Elegy." fe ; rr: Lowell saicThe came to speak as the represen One night while I was watching by my mother, being coun with ?lwn. I laid down upon her bed I heard tative of certain of his countrymen and the most lovely singing. Many voices joined in the chorus. trywomen who liked to renew that affirmation of the unity of the British race by giving and as the voices gradually died away.I awoke and mother told something better than words in memory oi we was still singing. Presently she opened her eyes and commome she had been in the spirit world, where she was in a "poet they loved. Gray had been called but that, he thought, was a complin-place, large hall filled with women, who greeted her wUhsinging " ment. He was inclined to judge poets by their as she entered, and she joined in with them, and strange to lasting power. Gray not only pleased his say I heard the singing, too." She said air the women ubsmce-ofhidiXwm- j ; . . mm vgjtP'pss ,n 1 1 01. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF V- - m-- .. Groceries Drv Goods Jlolioos, HEAVY" AND SHELF HARDWARE, GLASS AND QUEEN8WARE, ELEGANT CUT GLASS, d AGRICULTURAL TOOLS AND IMPLE v MENTS, . CLOTH AND CLOTHING, OBITUARIES, DIED, at Milk CreekLOneida Co., Idaho, Sister Martha E. Wilde, wife of Thomas H. Wilde, formerly of Brigham City, Box Elder Co., Utah. After four" days sickness, died June 15th, aged thirty.eight years and sevea months. Faithful to the last. Deceased held many responsible, positions among the young and rising generation, loved and respected by all who knew her a respected member in the Relief Society. She leaves a husband and six children to mourn the loss of her society. , PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, CARPETS AND WALL PAPERS. ALL 9 GRADES AND NEWEST DESIGNS. : Eliza Bloom, New York, N. Y Seal-locCamille D. Cuper, Paris, France, Skirt. Emma L. Maesel, New York, N. Y.t k. . , Bas- ket. Lilly F. Roberts, Kentucky Town, Texas, Pocket. ' Lydia A. Rowe, Springfield, 0., Pie and Cake Rack. IN MEMORIAM. It is a sweet reward to merit an honorable remembrance among the Saints of God, and it is with sadness and regret that we record the demise of another beloved sister, faithful Latter-da- y Saint, devoted mother and true help-meto . 'nan. Harriet Davis Hughes, wife of Francis D. Hughes, was born in Glamorganshire, South Wales, January 24th, 1839, and after having "fought the good fight and kept the faith," passed peacefully to her rest, in the Eleventh Ward Salt Lake City, June 1st, 1885, where she was a teacher in the .Relief Society, and a member of the Y. L. M. I, , Sister Hughes embraced the Gospel in her youth, and was ever a sincere defender of its principles, in private and public, especially that of celestial marriage, to the truth and divinity of which she bor a powerful testimony on her death bed. She always expressed great pride and satisfaction in having accepted in practice that order of marriage, and the effect of her influence upon her daughters is that they also honor that holy principle, which was revealed to their mother ia a heavenly vtsion, which so impressed her that she became one of its strongest advocates, a synopsis of which may interest others. After seeing many things, she found herself in the mids of a large forest, and all the trees, as far as her vision extended, appeared to be withered and dry; the withered remains of flowers and grasses also filled up the desolate landscape; not a leaf, or anything indicating-lif- e, could be seen While contemplating the probable cause of such a calamity, a messenger of exceeding pleasing countenance stood by her and pointed in another direction, when the most lovely scene opened to her viw beautiful land et . - tST We carry a hrgtr and more complete Stock than any house In the west. 8. ELDREDCE. Supt. Special to the Ladies. H. P. S. This makes the second deceased adult female since the organization of the ward. Away off north in the mountains we enjoy fine, warm weather. Crops are lok ing better than ever. Comparatively we enjoy peace and happiness, living our religion more or less, undisturbed-cou- rts and judges and deputy marshals -n- otwithstanding. Our Relief Society is in a flourishing condition, the law of God, regarding C. L. of M., pretty well understood, etc. Have commenced to store up wheat for a time of need. On account of Danish, or other foreign births, not many are able to read the ExroNF.HT; to me, however, the teachr ings are greatly relished. Always trusting in the Lord, and praying for the deliverance of Zion, I am Ever your sister in the Gaspel, Ingrid Graham, Prest. R. s." AT TEASDEL'S Will b found the latest stylen and pioductlons ' in. : LACES, RUCHES, EMBRODERIES, FANS, GLOVES, PARASOLS, RIBBONS, COLLARS TIES, - And an elegant assortmehf of GOODS: Special department for Ladies'. Misses' and. Shoes. 112, 114, 11C, Died, at Paragoonah, Iron County, July 4th, 1885, after a lingering illness of several years, Sister Lavenia H. AUen, daughter of David and Mary Ann Yearsley, born September 1st, 1833. in Chester County, Pennsylvania. Joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints, in the City of Nauvoo; shared with the Saints in their expulsion rom that place. Was at one time near death's door with scarlet fever, and was healed through the administration of the Prophet Joseph. Arrived in Salt Lake Valley in the fall of Mar ried to Rufus C. Allen, March, 1853. They were called to Dixie-s- he shared with her husband the trials and hardships of opening up that country, and in the year of 1849 removed to Paragoonah, where she lived and served as Secretary of the Relief Society for three years and a half previous to her death. We feeUt our duty to express our appreciation of her labors, and ever hold her memory dea r to us. She was - Uant in the cause of truth, and her life was worthy of 10. m Fsut In-ant- 's Temple Mreet. F. Auerbach & Bro. A Full andJompIete Stock " MILLINERY, of - Spring and Summer Goods m UD1ES 'z tT DRESS I: TREIISGS. CALL AND EXAJIINE. & CO. . TINNERS, CA3fVATCr? & STEAM FITTERS PMMmR.BcelebraWLr"aOrder,FORCE SLr arAiiMn, UVTB JUfJJ, In 329. CUT Lit B CUT. |