Show A lately A assis at HU wr wey hon A moot moil brutal affair oo cc barred it at the terminus of cf the utah western railway yesterday between leonard I 1 smith sod a coined wells II 11 7 appear that trouble las bai allica it e L ratio the two men ida for some time past ais otar r a goll fold ol of which they owed d together but in ia foot olit it Is lail said smith was jealous of 0 lis his atilo ito IDI end the young man cosolo 9 wells ell drove drott smith away front from his bill house with wilh is six ix shooter hoo luri t a 0 o effort tort to ino it but tho the we ero smith wont to no neighbor where ho be loaded ft a double barrelled boLK gan with fine bird shot and od went vest bk back towards wells Wolli house honse tho the two mot in 10 the lb sold about 1 between the twel louseg sod oj abod bon within a tow fow flet feet of 0 each other they exchanged tic biagel shot A ill anoh it belli gerer t hitting the other received ft a ball to la the iho right leg while idilo win bib peppered with shot up ho he tell arm arin bod and bide tho the second gage of ol 01 whole 1160 took effect smith tilling from the he effects ol of a shot bot received in ia tho the right bide B ado sod abil wells wella got a sweeping dogo dodo of bird shot from the iho left knee to tho the right hool jor dor when smith had fallen bill bia advanced upon red boil bea bo liim him over the hod bead with wita a until ho he thought ibo he prostrate uin man dead and ad thoa then loft left him bim bot bat not yet bialog satisfied ho he returned land bod with the ibe bait baft or of the iho phot gun tovo stove la in skull wells wella went to To kocielo cielo ho he was arrested by tho the sheriff dd ad is il now hold for cz body sea u brought to this oily lost evening tv cass the feeling ot at tho the people down towards lake point was VM quito quite bitter against fraio it wella well and it is IB thought that thai had bad he ha been brought to ibis city bo be would have been lynched at however bon eror tho the feeling is la in big favor |