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Show . ' ' RIVERTON __ .JI borv Ia oomiDg,' remark• ~:-;fJculty of the Wlacon· IUid so far 1c:lence has 111 -~=~to~check= Its onward II,IICl damage in cil 1lelt. The 1181'louaneaa of this cannot be appreciated by -::;rueverthelea the Middle Ia Cll8t.blg about for a 1i crop. WlacoDein and many ,...,..._are turu!Dg to barley as a.Y81lable subltltute. Dur1everal yeara extenllve ~n been made of bal'ley ===tlle~ nsults of which have little cWrerence altho that ID recent years lUbboD winners ID the ..,. fattened on a barley ...... at thiB Chicago Inter· lllcldentally Calitornla won arice ID 1lve years with u the basic feed. barley claim that about the aam.e gain ratio as a more equable dlstrtbution with good marbling. Furold time feecters claim that IIDlllcal makeup of barley makes feed for the novic because llldliDa'la lea Injurious than corn uar1ev fed anlmais show bi&'hly dellrable these days with hop by reason of the demand for lard due to vegIUbltltutes produced at much The Com Belt farmers are the dect of this condition llave had to cut down the of their porkers and consethe com marketing agency iocnltJlon of thiB readjUitment CODdiUons. out Weat IUid ID the South ~~~~b~·~·~been~ an Important food for human exlatence. In fact, It much to do with settling up ancl Soutllwest. The same max li8 laid u to the world for llarley Is u old as clv· ancl It Ia one of the basic droulht l'ellltiDI IUid as cer- = r tain as possible. Barley has brought millions of acres ot semi-arid land into profitable use that otherwise would be barron. True the yield per acre Is not big; neither Is the cost of production high, but the average Is good for dry farming. About one percent of the land area of Califor· nia Is raising barley and pays $27.50 per acre to the grower or 13 and one· half per cent on $200.00 land. Callfornla receives about $25,000,000.00 per IUlDum for Its barley crop and stands first in the United States in production. But Is California getting the best resulta out of Its barley? Our foreign outlet for the barley crop is the European malting industry upon which we place a great deal of dependence and reliance. Can't California, the West and Southwest, tlnd a more holy union than between Apparently the barley and beer? greatese economic use of barley would be to convert it into beef, pork and ,mutton, thus adding another string to our marketing bow and one when detlnitely launched and developed, will bring tremendous ecenomic gains to this great Southwest empire. Cal· ifornla Is sending East of the Rocky Mountains every year about the total proceeds of our barley sale in exchange for pork from the Middle Why not begin Western farmers. now to develop a live stock industry in the west and Southwest .that will not only consume the present barley production of that section but enable an extensive expansion of the crop and incidentally bring Into production a great deal more of our lands that today are not paying taxes. The West Coast cities will readily con11ume all the pork that may be produced In the West and South\fest for many years to come and we also need an all year round supply of beef and mutton which can only be furnlshed through feedlots by the use of grain. Is It the part of wisdom to continue to put all our eggs in the German and Friday, September 28, 1928 -- . - . . . THE lWDVALE JOURNAL ~~~~~~~~~ -------- ·---- ~~~~~~~~~ Mr. and lrlra. Parley Butterfild and Mrs. Terris A. Ingram Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. James H. Welch of South Jordan entertained at a wedding reception In honor of her son, Raymond and Miss Merle Phelps, of Bluffdale 'at their ·home last Wednesday. They were married in an arch, under a large wedding bell, amid ferns and fiowers, by Bishop Hyrum Stocking. The bride was lovely in a georgette and lace dress with w-ell and carried a bouquet of bridal fiowers. She was attended by Miss Thora Veronne Christenson of Pocatello, Idaho. The bride was given away by The her father, George T. Phelps. rooms were beautifully decorated with large baskets of fiowers. The large extended table centered a large and beautiful wedding cake. Later In the evening thy adjoined to the South Jordan Amusement hall and a dance was given In their honor. Punch was served from large crystal bowels and a buffet luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Heugly and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Steadman of Guernsey, Wyo., are visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Peterson for ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus H. Nell have as their guest for the week, their daughte:r and her husband, Mr. Vernon Reigel and son, Charles and Mr. Reigel's slater, Clara of St. Corix Falls, Wisconsin. English malting basket, taking our chance of successfully competing with nearly every agricultural nation on earth and with lower priced land and labor? Would it not be better to export out pork If we have a surplus? Manifestly pork commands much breader marketing possibilities than barley. It is reasonable to assume that the day will come when Egypt, Russia or some other great barley producing country will have a surplus sufficient to wipe out our export margin. A few acres of barley and a few acres of alfalfa with a few head of live stock provide a most useful dl· versification and an independence not enjoyed by the specialist and 'one crop' farmer. The building up of a home market will stabilize the whole barley production and marketing sit· uation in the West. Mrs. Kelvin Peterson, lrlra. Ren Peterson and Mrs. Clyde Peterson entertained at· a party Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ren Peterson at South Jordan. The evening was spent in playing games and singing after which supper was served to Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson ,Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Peterson of South Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jacobson of Union and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackenson of Midvale. Mrs. Marvin Dansie spent three days last week visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Beckstead of South Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Larsen had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tlschner and daughter Oneeda, Mr. and Mrs. Niels Larsen and family and Mr. and Mrs. Elouen Tlschner and children. Mrs. Relben Sorensen and children spent last Friday visiting at the home of her father, Geo. H. Dansie. Mrs. Lavern Egbert and daughter spent the week as guest of Mrs. Roland Page . Mr, and lrlra. Ezra T. Billa entertained at dinner Sunday in honor of Mrs. Agnes Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gullmet and Miss Agnes Walker of Union. Miss Zelma Butterfield left Saturday for Kanava where she will spend the winter teaching school. The West Jordan Stake Relief Society officers entertained at a dinner Sunday at the Riverton Firat ward meeting house In honor of the visitIng members of the general board. Covers were laid for 2-i guests. Mrs. Walter E. Crane entertained at her home Friday evening In compliment of her sister, Mrs. 0. R. Freeman, the accaslon being her birthday anniversary. Games were played, prizes won by Mrs. Jeanette Crane, Mrs. A. H. Dansie and Mrs. 0. R. Freeman. A late luncheon was served to Mrs. Freeman, Mrs. T. H. Mil· ler, Mrs. Thomas Freeman, Mrs. A. H. Dansie, Mrs. Franklin T. Crane, Mrs. Geo. J. Miller, Mrs. J. S. H. Bodell, Mrs. Samuel Butterfield, Mrs. Spen· cer Miller, Mrs. Oraen Freeman, Mrs. Ellen Butterfield, Mrs. S. Heber Crump and Mrs. Jeanette Crane, Miss Bliss Traser. Mrs. Crane was assist· ed in the serving by Mrs. Spencer Mil· ler. ~==================~! You Are Invited to Witness I A SPECIAL SALE AND DISPLAY OF THE ~· HERRIMAN ITEMS Mrs. J. H. Crump was a Salt Lake visitor last week, returning home Saturday evening. Mrs. David Bigler of Payson was the guest of he.r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Butterfield last week. Mrs. Olive Miller left Thursday evening to visit relatives In Provo, one week. The ladles of the Farm Bureau met Friday afternoon of last week in the amusement hall. Mrs. Allee Bowen presided. The time was spent in hand work. A five o'clock luncheon was served to Mrs. Franklin T. Crane, Mrs. Walter E. Crane, Mrs. Sarah J. Butterfield, Mrs. J. S. H. Bodell, Mrs. Allee Bowen, Miss Sylvia Butterfield, Mrs. Thomas Freeman, Mrs. S. H. Crump, lrlra. Spencer Miller, Mrs. Willard Butterfield and Mrs. 0. R. Freeman. The hostesses were lrlra. Thomas Freeman and lrlra. S. Heber Crump. FARM WANTED Wanted to hear from owner having good Utah farm for sale. If bargain, send price and description. F. B. 1t G., Box 495, Olney, Ill. Now is the time to have a permanent wave to make your hair lovely for the fall and.. winter social season and.. with.. every permanent wave we will give- To Properly Train The Hair 1 You will be delighted with our hair and scalp treatments i After the long hot dry summer your HAIR needs a · HOT OIL TREATMENT to put it in GOOD CONDITION. Summer winds have dried out the Natural Oil. EXPERT SHAMPOOING Why FUSS and BOTHER with a SHAMPOO at HOME when you can secure a delightful Hair-a-gain-Shampoo, whica · leaves your hair so soft and lustrous. An Expert Manicurist . IN ATTENDANCE -FOR THE WELL GROOMED LADY OF TODAY- CLARK'S Beauty SHOP Midvale, Utah Phelps Bldg. CHECKING ACCOUNTS FOR EVERY PURPOSE We carry checking accounts on our books for every purpose. Checking accounts for business, checking accounts for the home and checking accounts covering purely personal matters. It is a convenient and certain way to keep perfect account of your expenditures. If the· balance of your account bcomes too large, we will be pleased to turn it into a savings account upon which you will draw inter~st. Jlllether yoa Deed a range now or five years from now we urge you to visit our store and see the wonderful display and eqai,_t designed and shipped to us by the manufacturers of the renowned MONARCH Line of Ranges. We want you to see the New Desirn Monareh Range-built in accordance with the most modem, practical ideas-Beautiful and COM· PA~ t.king less room than the clumsy, oversized types of other makes and without losing a fraction of an inch of use- f1118111et. NIT.DVALESTATEBANK • I UTAH • • • • • MIDVALE .. ~ LOST A wagon tire, between Midvale and West Jordan. Finder call Mid. 178 2t and receive reward Three FREE Finger Waves ONE WEEK ONLY Beginning October 1st . CLASSIFIED ADS Have you a Pennanent? 13 N. Main St • FOR SALE OR RENT Booth residence, 5 room, modern house, newly papered, 131 N. Main, Midvale, inquire Booth Mere. America's Most Popular Range ABSOLUTELY FREE This Week Only-- October 1-6th To Every Purchaser of a MONARCH Malleable Range During This Special Display and Demonstration Week-- children of Idaho were the guests of Mrs. Elizabeth Butterfield and Mr. and Mrs. Heber Butterfield during the past week. A. J. Rees spent part of last week visiting in Wales. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Bodell en· tertained at a family dinner at their home Sunday. Covers were laid for thirty guests. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Christensen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Will Bodell and family of Salt Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Christian Thompson of Idaho. Mrs. Henry Butterfield entertain· ed the ?rimary ward officers at her home Saturday evening. Her guests were Mrs. A. H. Dansie, Mrs. Geo. A. Walker, Mrs. T. H. Miller and Miss Annie Crane, Mrs. Geo. Bowen. Mrs. Samuel Newbold of South Jordan was the guest of Mrs. Spencer Miller Friday. her sister, Mrs. David Haycock and family at Firth, Idaho this week. The primary children gave a party for their parents Monday afternoon in the Amusement hall. A program was rendered followed by refresh· menta and a base ball game between the Trail Builder Boys of the Riverton and Herriman wards. In honor of the victory of the Trail Builder boys ball game their teacher Miss Eva Wlnn and President Mrs. A. H. Ransie entertained at a picture show at Riverton Monday evening. The boys to enjoy the affair were: Blake Butterfield, James Bowles, Ross Crane, Virgil Freeman, Lamar Walker, Ray Crane, Nephi Butterfield, Stanley Freeman, Art Dansie and Sherwood Butterfild. Mr. and Mrs. Trussler Bodell entertained at a dinner at their home Sunday. Covers were laid for twelve. Their guests Included Mr. and Mrs. c. E. Rife and children of Eureka and Mrs. Hannah Rhodes of American Fork. FOR RENT Two-room apartment on North Main street. Inquire D. M. Todd, Jr. tf. at Midvale State Bank. AUTO FOR SALE Late model 1927 Oakland Landau Telephone Sedan For Sale Cheap. Mid. 117-W, Fred Rasmussen. , HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT Four-room dwelling, partly furnish· ed at No. 58 South Main street, Midvale, Utah; $20.00 per month. In· quire P. G. Ellis, 429 Ness Bldg., Salt Lake City or Silas Brown, Midvale. FOR SALE In West Jordan, just North of the Triangle Service Station; 9-room brirk bungalow, 42 acre farm, 17 shares of water. Inquire at Midvale tf. · State Bank. \ (" FOR RENT Four room strictly modern house, 48 Hansen Ave. Inquire 45 ' South " tf. Main. St. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Swen August Wanberg, Deceased: Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Mid· vale, Utah, to Niels Lind, on or before the 17th day of November, A. D. 1928. Niels Lind, Administrator of the Estate of Swen August Wanberg, Deceased. C. M. Nielsen, Attorney for Administrator. Date first publication, Sept. 14, 1928 Date last publication, Oct. 12, 1928 Published in the Midvale .Tdurnal. MIDVALE STATE BANK Delinquent Assessment· Notice Location of Principal Place of Business, Midvale, Utah There is delinquent upon the fol· lowing described capital stock of the Midvale State Bank, Midvale, Utah, on account of assessment, levied according to law by the State Bank Commissioner of the State of Utah, on the 4th day of April, A. D., 1928, the several amounts set opposite the respective names of the stockholders, as follows: Amt. Shares Cert No. Name $200.00 2 67 R. T. Badger And in accordance with the law andJ an order of the State Bank Commissioner, made on the 3rd day of May, 1928, so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be nee· essary will be sold at the Midvale State Bank, Midvale, Utah, on Oc· tober 1, 1928, at 1 o'clock p. m. to pay delinquent assessments thereon, together with CObt of advertising and expense of sale. D. M. Todd, Jr., Cashier, Midvale State Bank. Date first publication, Aug. 31, 1928 Date last publication, Sept. 28, 1928. • • • HPPER ' UIDE GENERAL HAULING A forty-two piece set of Limoges. Golden Glow Chinaware OR . A twenty-six piece set of Oneida Community Silverware Wltltoat high powered salesmen to trouble any one, you will readily see why the MONARCH, with its many Marks of llerft, is the best range buy on the market today-and it costs less than the others. Be sare to eome-if you need a range .we want you to take ad vantage of this remarkable Special Offer given at this SALE. fte MONARCH Practical Payment Pian·enables us to sell you the MONARCH of your choice on convenient monthly or siDile time payJDents during this Sale-if you. haven't the cash now. .LET US TELL YOU ABOUT IT REMEMBER THE SALE LASTS ONE WEEK ONLY vale Fllllrlmiittlllre Co. Phone Mid vale 119 MIDVALE, UTAH call Midvale 236-W, George BoskQvich Utah.. Midvale J EWELER IN IT IS UP TO ALL OF To Create • Quality SerProperly Praen& aDd Ill· Jte~UplltlY SeU tba& 8ervlce &o PUBLIC. Wl&hou& .UpateJ JeqnlpmeJil& no l.rm eaa ............... . aervlce alld quality in ap. Jmtldei'R ..ul,_.t. I& Ia complete. MIDYAI,.& SHOE REBUILDEB Midvale .._ O..ter St. ESTAURANT a CAFE The OLD BEJ.IABiill retumed. Barry Thom-1 u wiD be pleased to meet 1111 old frleiiM a& tbeu. B. OAI'III after a lib: IDODtbl trip abftll& SAMA8 a '.l'B:OIIAS, Propl. AND E ELECTRIO SERVICE lack O'Connor Ed £lialoa " -mh·"'"•r GOOD PROMPT AND DEPENDABU: Servleltl Y~ur jeweler lhould enjoy coatldence of tbe Bring your preclo• ll&oae pi'CIIb-1 lema to me. I paraatee &o pair your watch ..u.tactory ask DO pay. If yoa WilD& jewelry from Sal& Lake, I C&D I&V8 fOil money OD it. 8ee 1118. l. S. HOBOAN R M IDVALJ: SHOE REBUILDEBS EXPRESS and IDVALE FEED a STORE ALL KINDS OF- M MASH FEED POTATOES EGGS FLOUB The Belt By Tel& IS A VERY PARTICULAR JOB HAVE IT DONE RIGHT PLUMBING AND BEATING Ia My Specialty My Service Once and Be I OJ•nvl'-•lll That I Know WhereOF I SPEAK AUGUST GEHRING Murray ICD,DDeMurray 819 Bourht 7EST JORDAN MILLING COMPANY McNAMARA Economy a White Uly M IDVALE BAKERY FOB GOOD BBEAD BYE; WHOLE WJaea& and HILit MADE BREAD 00 TO TilE MIDVALE BAKJlB,Y Good Bread oar Speelal&f Cor. llaln I,Jid Ceuter Sta. M:IDVALE ~LUJW311NG • • • Utah FLOUR A Home Institution Manufacturera of the F1our Made Mother Start Baking Try Our Whole Whea& Healtb Flour and ftod healtb agalD! Aak Your Grocer For Our Eclolaom.J' or White UJy F1our |