Show telegraphic NEWS BY THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPY dov u decoration day honored PENDLETON OPPOSES CREELEY THE METHODIST BOOK FRAUDS amendment to tho constitution washington may 30 senate A bill was waa reported for a new post building for u tile cot cod of site and building not to exceed scott from tho ilia committee reported A new anew bill cornbo composed ed of tho the exact language of tile habeas corpus su sll pension bill and of the chit rights bill both bolh of alcich passed the sonata senate lust last week scott also reported kellogs kellogg Kel logs bill providing for addi dional supervisors of election under tho ilia enforcement act sumner offered a joint resolution proposing nn an amendment to the tha constitution providing for the election of pre president silent directly by the people and abolishing the vice presidency tile the con consideration of tho ilia tariff bill was resumed and ilia to add tile the house labor commission bill was rejected the duty on salt remains As n fixed by the house and tin an amendment that tile tho president instead of the secretary of thu the trens ury assign internal supervisors to duty in any pirt of tho ilia united states vins nai adopted tim the bill was then reported to the senate and all the amendments not reserved were concurred in home tareo different reports were presented by members member of tire ih c select committee on affairs in Loui inna acre ordered printed tile bill for tho ilia better belter security of bank reserves passed and ft recess was taken aill till evening for general debato only washington slay may 30 it is known from chils sourness sour cess that tho the treaty of washington is in peril Brit itin requires an unequivocal ocal I 1 withdrawal of the indirect claims and tile the president and senate are arc determined to make no further concessions some senators says it is impossible for congress to adjourn on monday and propose baking aking an extension till the tha bill is disposed ef cf washington ington may hay 3 30 10 f from rom uia state that stephen K x mallory SIal lury ex cx secretary of tile tho navy delares declares c his intent intention lon to support Groc Gro lcy cloy washington Washing fon slay 30 ally here by 17 all daises of citizens thousands Thou sandi of persons gathered on oil arling I 1 ifan a attl to president dept ert arant ilia cabinet arnd it large number of person afao were present general baals delivered ilia principal oration tile tho ceremonies tt at greenwood grean cooil alm ira deferred daf erred until to morion DK patches from all tho the principal cities no nd tov couns its cust cast into that tho ilia d ty ly nas olo observed served MCW YORK new corzo York SO ZO tho the injecting ine cling of revenue at steinway hall to night was largely attended win cullen bryant pro bided among the vico vice presidents were 0 oswald cr theo R oo sevelt diaries chart e a and jolin john A dix the resolutions set forth tho the necessity of reform in the tha tariff and civil service and hint dint tho ilia cincinnati convention disappointed their expectations il by ignot ignoring ing tho the tariff issue irk in its platform and nominating tile the troit ano t prominent protectionist protection itt in the country they call on all tile thi frienda friend of freo free trade and kindred reforms to unito in their cubists cubits to secure tile the of a caridi candidate date fur for president who shall khall adequately represent these thebe principles frauda in lite hie manufacturing arid and binding department of ina book concern are reported the superintendent being held ropon sible ule notwithstanding tho inclement weather ber the ilia ceremony ef decorating tho the soldiers graves grave in tho ilia various cemeteries of new york and brooklyn was observed to city in a elting manner by aal yal a procession of alio llio grand army of the marching up tip broadway to south furry ferry where they divided and proc proceeded ceded to ilia iho dif forent arent cemeteries and eire ed tile the graves of their fallen comrades with flowers and evergreens ever greens tile chott strikes akca continue and the prospects ofa of a speedy settlement aro not so encouraging NEWS new yolk slay may 1 30 0 the worlds epoe lot ial from london today to day adny says tho the britini lri Bri tili government considers lito negotiations with will tho the Amer american amerlean lenn government in regard to tile tho of washington have failed and the lie government will inform paral parliament cament it will withdraw from tile arbitration at geneva toronto mily may 3 SO 0 john A mcdonald ex ci of ontario Onta iio is dangerously ill with no liodes of bis recovery london may 30 an influential meeting at ilia mansion home latt last night to ex ei press sympathy with tile iho israelites in plot inanda adopted revolutions asking the tha arit asli government to intorf interfere ero commander charles Cli arlo itrano retired navy officer died yesterday ho was present at tho capture of washington by tile tho J i 1 I in IS 11 miscellaneous philadelphia may 30 A reading heading ope ipe cial on anys YS that line hns written a letter inter to mr bair saying abat while ho recognize tho integrity of grealey Gre oley olcy ant and approving tile tho cincinnati I 1 platform lat form mid Gree greelegs greeleys leys idler of acceptance lie ho fears iho democrats will riot not support him and if a 0 democrat Domo cral of undoubted strength is ii not nominated at baltimore bo views with ampro bension tho the possibility of tile the election 0 of president being loft left to tile house of cepro charleston 8 0 C may SO the county democratic convention today to day indorsed endorsed indor sed tile cincinnati platform and candidates and instructed ted tile tho delegates to the ilia state convention to endeavor to shape eliapo the action so that llie influence lit at baltimore bo be dire civil to so EO curo the endorsement indorsement indor of greeley f ind brown Peters bui go W vitt vit va t may SO 30 iho ahe democratic state stale convention hero here today to day nominated J 31 campbell of this city for governor Ite resolutions solutions were adopted pledging acquiescence in ili tile llie decision of ilia baltimore convention and looking for tile the acceptance of greeley and brown reading pit may hay 30 the democratic state convention reassembled at 3 p m and tile the committee on resolutions stated they would not be ready to report before tomor to mor row buckalew was nominated for governor Chic rigo may lay 30 decoration day wait wa observed in this city cit and in Indiana cincinnati st louis C cleveland let e ian do toledo Nab nashville villo and all the ilia cities and largo towns west in tile usual manner jas jai collector of this port general G D webster We bitor assessor of internal revenue and benj campbell US U S mar marshal elial ol of the northern district ditri ct of illinois linao lave resigned lit in compliance with an in imitation citation from washington that their resignations would be b accepted |