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Show BUTTERFLIES BRED TO ORDER. In Demand by Rich Men to Beautify Their Lawns. Butterflies make an admirable garden decoration, and, therefore," said a landscape gardener, they are being bred for lawns the same as peacocks are bred. You have heard, of course, of peacock farms. Their crops are peacocks, and the birds are sold to rich men to decorate their lawns with. Well, a butterfly farm is one where the crops are butterflies. Such a farm has been set up in California, and it is doing well. The farm was started on a capital of $500. A glass house was put up and ft, 000 caterpillars were bought. The caterpillars in due time became butterflies. The butterflies were sold at a fair profit to a number of mil- lionaires. In certain millionaires gardens it was possible to see during the summer big flocks of butterflies some white, some blue and some Iridescent. These were a part of the crop of the butterfly farm. The California breeder got his Idea from London. There for some years they have bred all the butterflies that decorate Battersea park beautifully." Honest Opinion. Mineral, Idaho. Nov. 14th. (Special.) That a sure cure has been discovered for those sciatic pains that make so many lives miserable, is the firm opinion of Mr. D. S. Colson, a well known resident of this place, and he does not hesitate to say that cure is Dodds Kidney Pills. The reason Mr. Colson is so firm in his opinion is that he had those terrible pains and is cured. Speaking of the matter he says: I am only too happy to say Dodds Kidney Pills have done me lots of good. I had awful pains in my hip so I could hardly walk. Dodds Kidney Pills stopped It entirely. I think they are a grand medicine." All sciatic and Rheumatic pains are caused by Uric Acid in the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills make healthy Kidneys, and healthy Kidneys Rtrain all the Uric Acid out of the blood. With the cause removed there can be no Rheumatism or Sciatica. An AVOID White SUN OF INDIA. Men Return From That Coun-trWith Pallor. The missionary was so pale that bis friend exclaimed: Have you had a spell of sickness, y Jake?" No. I have been to India," the otEer answered. India? That sunny, sizzling place? How is It you are not brown, - then?" It Is plain to be seen that you dont know what youre talking about, said the missionary. White people that go to India dont come back brown. They come back paler than ghosts. India fades white people out. I thought everybody knew that." I didn't know it, Jake. What Is the philosophy of It? The philosophy is that the Indian un is so deadly that we whites have to keep out of it In the sun, in India, the thermometer will register 160 degrees. Well, with the thermometer at 160 can you Imagine a white man bustling about in the glare? He is lying on a dim piazza with an iced drink beside him and a fan stirring the air above his head. Yes, said the missionary, white men in India avoid the sun as young girls at home avoid mice. White men return from India as pale as you see me. The Indian pallor,' we call it" Explanations Later. An elderly clergyman was recently aeelng his wife off from Euston station, London. He handed her into a carriage and a porter followed her with baggage. Then the clergyman gave his wife, twopence, kissed the porter and departed. . TILL NOON. The 8lmp!e Dish That Keeps Cne Vlg- -' orous and Well Fed. When the doctor takes his own medicine and the grocer eats the food he recommends some confidence comes to the observer. A Grocer of Ossian, Ind., had a practical experience with food worth anyone's attention. Six years ago I became He says: so weak from stomach and bowel trouble that I was finally compelled to give up all work in my store, and in fact all sorts of work, for about four years. The last year I was confined to the bed nearly all of the time, and much of the time unable to retain food of any sort on my stomach. My bowels were badly constipated continually and I lost in weight from 16a pounds down to 88 pounds. When at the bottom of the ladder I changed treatment entirely and and cream started in on Grape-Nut- s I used absolutely for nourishment. nothing but this for about three months. . I slowly improved until 1 got out of bed and began to move about. 1 have been improving regularly and now in the past two years have been working about fifteen hours a day in the store and never felt better in my life. During these two years . have never missed a breakfast of Grape-Nut- s and cream, and often have it two meals a day, but the entire breakfast is always made of Grape-Nu.- s ar ! cream alone. Since commencing the use of I have never used anyGrape-Nut- s thing to stimulate the action of the bowels, a thing I had to do for years, but this food keeps me regular and in fine shape, and I am growing stronger ana heavier every day. My customers, naturally, have been interested and I am compelled to answer a great many questions about Grape-Ndts- . Some people would think that a simple dish of Grape Nuts and cream would not carry one through to the noonday meal, but it will and in the most vigorous fashion. Name given by Postura Co., Battle Creca, Mich. Look in each pkg. for the famous little book, The Road to Wellville. Mrs. G. W. Fooks, of Salisbury Ms wife of G. W. Fooks, Sheriff 0f Wicm mico County, On the Surface gays- - Its a pretty good world, if you I d with complaint skim kid-ne- y along In the safe, shallow places close in to shore; pretty good world If you sail your craft Away from the depths and the rapids' roar. Its a King of the World. In the acorn is wrapped the forest, In tile litiie brook, the sea; The twit; that will away with the sparrow Is tree. There Is hope In sturdy a mother's Joy, Like a orach in its blossom furled, And a noble boy, a gentle boy, A manly boy is king of the world. The power that will never fall us Is me soul of simple truth: The oak that defies the stormiest skies Was upr.ght In its youth. The beauty no time can destroy In the pure young heart is furled; And a worthy boy, a tender hoy, A faithful boy is king of the world. The cub of the royal lion Is regal in his d The eaglets prideplay; Is as As tiie old bird's, bald and grey. The nerve that heroeH employ In the child's young arm is furled; And a gallant boy, a truihful boy, A biave. pure boy is king of the world. London Answers. gossip they held their little babies In their arms or strapped upon their backs Ore young mother never took her eyes from the cradle in which her handsome boy slept. When he wakened, she sang to him and called him Little Bravo, with such love and tenderness in her voice that the other women all stopped to listen. Years passed merrily until Little Bravo was ten years old. He could hunt and fish, and his mother was happy dreaming of the time when be should be a young man. All her spare memorts were spent in embroidering clothes for Little Bravo and his father, with the result that they outshone ail others of the r tribe. Little Bravo always wore moccasins of yellow buckskin trimed with beads and porcupine quills, lie was a noble, A Pumpkin Fountain. and The pumpkin season Is here, and warm hearted saw all the country boys and some of the lad. The Great Spirit, however, s of his love the that foolish, doting girls are making jack o lanterns and he had was the given gift ruining whistles thOBe terrible pumpkin-stalthat make a noise like the honk of him. summer One night the heat hung an automobile born, only worse. Here is another way of extracting heavy overwillthe land. be a storm, said the There amusement out of a pumpkin vine, is Little Bravo? father. Where but without scaring people or setting Down on the river bank asleep, their nerves on edge: I sal by him a the mother. Having procured a big round pump- replied kin or squash, cut it in two horizon- long time brus' ing away the insects bothered him. He had taken off tally, a little above the middle, and that and his feet were bare. his moccasins In this scqop out the pulp and seeds. He is very beautiful, our Little Bravo. way you make a large bowl out of the lower part of the pumpkin and a large I will carry him in when the storm saucer out of the upper part. The comes without awakening him. The storm soon broke with great eye of the pumpkin, that is, the demother hastened to the violence. pression opposite the stalk, is In the river and The as she was about to just center of the bottom of the bowl. At this point bore a hole and fit to it lift her boy a vivid flash of .ightning one of the hollow leaf stalks which revealed the two hands of the spirit who lives in the water They reached up and drew Little Bravo into the waves. All the mother saw was the prirt of his body on the shore and his two yellow moccasins. A scream brought the father to the spot. They hoth dived into the water, though the stonn raged. . What eared they for that? Their Little Bravo had disappeared beneath the surface, finally, in accents they deaded: Give him Oh, spirit of the river! back to us! By and by the father arose, and, looking into the sky, said: It is the will of the Great Spirit. He hr.s taken him away, but will save him for us. Turning, he disappeared into the forest. The mother sat by the river for many days, without food or fieep, kissing and caressing the little yellow moccasins. One night, on raising her eyes to the sky, she beheld the pathway made of star dust which leads to the spirit land. Longing to follow it, she felt the pressure of a small hand upon her shoulder. Turning, sne met the smiling gaze of her son. Oh, Great Spirit I thank thee! The dead is alive! Come, mother, said the boy. We The Pumpkin Fountain. are to follow yonder path I you must Insert from above, small end have come for thee, because thy weepfirst, and pull through, until the joint ing grieves the happy ones. ' Is tight The mother placed her hand in the Now put your pumpkin bowl in the small clasp, but said: fork of a tree six or eight feet from Here are thy moccasins. Thou wilt the ground, and fasten It securely. need them, the way may be rough. of the end another leaf Slip large The boy laughed, and held his stalk over the small end of the stalk toot, upon which flashed and up gleamed you have attached to the bowl, the moccasins of shining gold. Lay down large end of a third italk ever the my old moccasins," he said, and small end of the second, and so on thou shalt see how a mothers love nntil yon have made a tube long shall be remembered. enough to reach the ground and run She placed the little yellow moccaover the ground some distance like a sins on the ground, and a plant immegrowing pumpkin vine. You may make diately sprang up. It grew rapidly, most of the tube out of the main stalk and on the highest branch the moccaof the pumpkin vine instead of leaf sins were fastened. They shrank in stalks, and by UBing a number of vines size and changed into flowers, keepyon can make the tube as long as you ing their original shape and color. please. Little Bravo See, mother, these The end of the tube should be a flowers shall said, bloom on forever by this leaf stalk. Turn this upward and fit river. Long after the red man it to a hole In the top of the pumpkin, shining has gone they shall bloom." Fasten the tube to the the saucer. Wondering, but happy, the mother ground with pegs, cover It with earth followed Little Bravo along the n or leaves if you want to m.ke the path to spirit land. Not many more fill look the mysterious, thing moons later, from the midst of battle, pumpkin bowl with water tnd sum- the father joined them. mon your friends to see the pumpkin All this was long ago. The Indians fountain play. have left the banks of that river, but The jet will not rise as high as the the yellow flowers bloom on by its level of the water In the bowl be- waters. The cause of the friction of the long tube and call them white children gather orchids" or ladys It will of but the air, rise a good and but the Indians lippers, give as deal more than half high aud fall them their real name of always Indian mocback In drops into the Baucer. making casins. a very pretty little fountain. The tip of the tube should rise an Dolls of Long Ago. inch or two above the saucer, and The fond little mamma of if the bore of the tip is not very fine It should be plugged with a bit of may be interested to know that thoucork, wood or pumpkin in which a sands of years ago little girls were small hole has been bored. A fine just as fond of dollies as they are jet Is prettier than a large one, and ruins of In searchirg through the the old Egyptian cities some It does not need so much water. dolls were discovered that are actually known to be 4,000 years old. That Rooster and Hens. As many girls and boys as wish is, just a thousand times as old as a catch hold of each others coit tails little girl four years old. Think of It! and skirts. The foremost one is the These queer old relics are, some of rooster and the rest are hens. One player stands about fifteen feet away them, doll bakers and doll butchers; and makes motions with his leg like others are made of string and resema rooster scratching. The one who is ble the of except that their hair is made of threaded playing rooster says: What are you doing, strange crea- beads. y way of finding out where the fish are. microphone, which is an instrument that will catch and transmit the least little bit of sound, is lowered into the water from a fishing smack, and a wire from it leads to a telephone aboard the boat. Now, as the herring, codfish and mackerel schools number thousands and tens of thousands of fish, their passage through the water naturally causes a rushing sound, which can he heard by the fishermen at the telephone, and thus they are enabled to lower their nets at the right time and in the right place. felt tired and weak, was short of breath and was There are things In the depths far be jond your ken; In atrenuous rapids youll find dismay; a It's pretty good world if you skim A keep to the shallows the whole of the way. Cleveland Leader. 1 r Corn Products Utilized. s of the starch Almost manufactured in the United States Is made from corn, the daily maximum consumption being 180,000 bushels yielding 2,500,000 pounds of starch and 4,000,000 pounds of glucose. From the kernel of the corn come the starch, germ, gluten and bran, of which the three last are from which come corn oil and oil cake as chief values. From the stalk of the corn plant comes the cpRulose, so valuable as a protection to vessels below the water line. fiery-eye- sunny-tempere- par-ert- five-sixth- Toboggan Travels Fast. There is a spot in the Swiss Alps where a sled or a toboggan runs a mile in seventy seconds. The winter sportsmen of Europe take great pleasure in the Cresta run, as it is called, at St. Moritz. The toboggan season there begins about the middle of November and the slide is made smooth and safe by a committee appointed for that purpose. The Swiss toboggans are raised on runners shod with The rider lies flat iron or steel. upon the toboggan, head first, both hards grasping the framework at the sides, steering with both feet, just as hoys do on sleds in this country. Iron spikes are faslened to the toes of the boots, and by trailing one foot or the other along the ground the big sled !s guided. Pindertoy. Scissors and a pin only needed. This Fancy Dancer, if cut out and fastened together with a pin, will make a very attractive toy. If you push the pin firmly into the cork or the end of a star-strew- y s ture? Scratching a hole, replies the ctrange creature. What will you do with the hole? Fird a stone in it. What will you do with the stone? Littlj Bravo. ago s fiy !i Urs lived on the b,nl s cf a :ir ui," rV'r. The men i IV ed :ir1 o nanted corn ir - i. n n fr;i-n!l- row ' Use Imperial 8tamps. Four countries Bavaria, Austria, Wurtemberg and Switzerland border on the lake of Constance. Passengers on the boats have heretofore had much trouble in finding out what tamps to use on their letters. It has now been decided that letters mailed on the boats may bear the stamps of any one of the four countries named as well as German imperial stamps. TEA Moneyback that means the tea is good and well worth the money. Cant mean anything else. Tear trocar returns jour money If Ura Schilling! Bast jot float Sold by Candle. love-ligh- The letting of an acre of land has just been sold near Bridgwater (Eng.) by the burning of half an inch of candle, the last bidder before the flame died out being the purchaser. The land was left four centuries ago for The Censor in Italy. A most amusing incident took place church purposes, the testator directlast week, which shows the absolute ing that the letting should be sold twenty-onyeftrs by the burnabsurdity of the censorship In Italy. everyof the candle, and the quaint Tho great actor, Ermete Novell!, ing now in South America, has a son who process has been observed periodicallives in Florence, to whom was born a ly ever since. bouncing boy. The young Novell!, in haste to let his father know that he tad made Mm a grandfather, teleErmete Novelll, Buenos is better than most of us graphed: Several hours Ayres: Boy. Enrico. know: good tea. Why do later he was called to the telegraph office, where the following conversawe drink common stuff? tion took place: You know we could not let your In erery package of Schillings Best Tea Is a booklet How to Make Uood Tea. dispatch pass. Not let it pass! But why, if you A Nice New Problem." please? mathematician-physicis- t Some unemployed You know you said it was a boy has figured out that the riv"And if I did, what then? Is it not cubic ers of the world pour eighty-sitrue? oceans various of water the miles into we is do not what know that Well, every day. It would be nice to have yet. chemist explain What! Are you crazy? I know some disengaged where all the salt to go with it comes it Well, anyway, public order de- from. mands that it should not be made e TEA emblem of Russia, has an ancient origin in symbolism, if not in natural history. It is traceable to primitive Babylonia, and is found on Hittlte monuments of Cappadocia; it was adopted by Turkoman princes, and also brought to Europe by crusaders : In x want to ask your consent." he had so loved and watched over, the daughter who was the Image of her dearly loved mother? As he listened, unheedingly to the arguments of the young man and dreamily to the music from the open window, another dream of the long ago cume to him; He, a young man once more, was standing before an old man and asking for his daughter, answering argument with argument, and wrath with proud humility and dogged tenacity of purpose. After all, he reflected, each of U3 is an Individual and life must I kodak. Constipation, Feverishness, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 00, WO testimonials. At all Druggists, 26c. Sample FREE. Address A S. Olmsted. LeRoy.N. Y. As he sat alone in the moonlight and smoked dreamily, the Judge ret called with a deep sigh that the which he saw in his daughters eyes had completed the resemblance to her mother. Vernon Warren in Boston Globe. Eagle. eagle, which is the t;-- Mother Cray's Sweet Powders for Children, Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse In the Children's Home in New York, cure only Two-Heade- d lustration is from a snap shot of . Boys Tub Race, taken with a poci.c Bismarck on Liquor Drinking. News that beer drinking is steadily declining in Germany, the average annual consumption per head of the population having fallen from about 225 quarts to little more than 110 quarts, would have grieved the iron No one did more than chancellor. he to extend and popular.ze beer drinking throughout the fatherland by precept and example. He had remarkable views about water drinking. In a conversation recorded by Sidney Whitman he lamented the disappearmen" ance of Englands three-bottland expressed his fear that the fashion of drinking water was due not to a sudden zeal for sobriety, but to a shrinkage in the dare-devi- l qualities of the national character. case, sir? The Judge thought the young man was treading very close to the borderland which lies between earnestness and impudence. But he had stated the true condition of affairs. The song inside the house had ceased, and Margaret came toward them along the piazza. In the moonlight the resemblance to her mother seemed even stronger than in the daylight. When she reached the two she stood and looked at her father. There was a question in her eyes, a question that was pleading. And when the Judge had nodded his consent the young man and the young woman looked at each other as CHILDRENS REGATTA. At Ryde, Isle xif Wight, a children's regatta was held recently on a boating lake only 24 inches deep. The il stop-over- difference was. You mean that you loved the girl who was to become your wife very dearly, and that you felt you could not wait for her. Is not that the the fourteenth century. Apparently the German emperors got It from the crusaders and passed It on to Russia Catching Fish With Telephones. A Norwegian has invented a queer and Austria. A No. 4J1 Dooley block, Salt Lake City, Utah. Mr. Worsley has arranged to have all his parties met at the St. Louis depot and escorted to their lodgings, which will be reserved in advance. Information relative to passenger ticket limits, hotel rates, rates and all other necessary information asked for will be cheerfully given free of charge. This will especially be of benefit to those desiring to travel with Utah parties or In parties of four or five. School teachers will also hear something to their interests by writing above Darty. But that was a different case, Richard. How different, sir? For the life of him the Why judge could not have told what the k d St. Louis, During Mr. F. H. Worsley. wife 18. l.t-tl- The at the Fair, Free. If you intend going to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. St. Louis, Missouri, opened by President Roosevelt April 30th, 1004, it will be very much to your advantage to correspond with The Image of her dearly loved mother. married when you were 21 and your g of Your Reception e want to ask your consent to your daughters marriage with me, sir, went on the younger man, somewhat stick, and paste the pieces on an old hastily, but with a fine air of pride cut are before card the pieces visiting In his manner. out, this Pindertoy will last longer. After all, reflected the judge, somelike this was bound to come thing Take Care. sooner or later. But there was no Take Care Is a game played by any reason why the young man number of persons in several ways. earthly should be in such a hurry to carry off In one of the most common, flour is MargareL They were both mere chilpacked tightly into a howl, which Is dren, and neither could be certain of then turned over and removed, leaving their mind at so tender an age. the flour In a mound. On top of this Yet Richard, he was bound to adis placed a small coin. The players mit, filled most of the requisites of in turn then remove each a part of the man who should marry his daughthe flour with a knife, and whoever ter. lets the coin fall must pick it from the Determined not to offend the young flour with his teeth. Sometimes each man nor hurt his feelings unnecessarone says "take care as he cuts off his ily, he began to point out these reaportion of the flour, and the game thus sons why the desired consent should receives its name. b9 withheld. There are many substitutes for the The exposition was beautifully logiflour and coin. One of the best is a cal, the judge felt with warm pride, cardhouse of two cards on a pile made and must certainly appeal to any of the rest of the pack loosely thrown human being. And he had altogether. Each player removes one ways felt that Richard was a young card, and he who allows the cardhouse man of exceptional Intelligence. to fall must pay a forfeit. The game But, strange to say, the reasons did may be playfed out of doors with a e not seem to impress the young man flag stuck in a pail of sand, from as seriously as he could have wished. which each player removes a little Indeed, Richard showed an obstinate on the end of a stick. tendency to combat them. The judge scarcely heard all of the Route of the Bobolink. young mans eager arguments. The The amount of traveling done by voice from within the drawing room some of our birds is astonishing. Dr. had taken up the burden of another love song that the judge Cook says that the common night-hawspends the summer in Alaska remembered well from the days of his and the winter in Pategonia. youth. And this stirred memories of one The bobolink, which is the reed bird of the middle states and the rice who sang the song In those days the bird in the South, winters on the mother of the girl who was singing wavipg pampas of southern Brazil. It now. But this thing must not be. What covers 700 miles from Cuba to the South American coast in a single was to remain to cheer his own life flight, following a track not popular If this young man was taking away with other birds, which might be rail- his only daughter, the daughter whom ed the bobolink route. Saturday Evening Post. Origin Excellent Opportunity to Arrange for -- I , ' " and quaintly beautiful. It brought up memories to the older man, and in their strain he seemed half to forget the presence of the with a start to hear the young man say: 1 realize, sir, that I am not at all worthy of her, but I know that no man could be worthy, and my love shall make up for my deficiencies." After all, Richard seemed to have some idea of the magnitude of the boon which he was seeking. He would bid them wait awhile; they would know their own minds better In a few years and- would be able to learn if what they felt was really love or only Its counterfeit. Something of this he jjut into words for his answer. Much to his surprise his great concession seemed to meet with a cool reception. With a singular tenacity of purpose and stupefying audacity the young man seemed about to argue with him. Margaret Is 21, sir, and I am 26. I think we may each of us claim to be old enough to hnow our own minds. You, yourself, as you told me, were shock. Ye'-- I'.' and comrade In arms. You will sit down, Richard? he asked, noting an unusual trace of awkwardness in the younger mans manner. From an open window on the other side of the house floated the sound of a girls voice, a full, rich contralto, singing a little love song, ' Sharpen a knife with it. What will you do with the knife? shouts the Slaughter a hen, strange creature, and makes a dash at the rooster and hens. Now all the hens" must try to escape, but they must rot let go of the rooster or of each other. The consequence is that there is great opportunity for agility and cleverness in dodging, and the game is full of fun. Of course, the can catch hen strange creature after ben in the end. When none is left the rooster selects a new rooster and becomes the strange creature himself. - It was second nature with the Judge to wish to put his visitor thoroughly at ease. Moreover, he rather liked the visitor, this son of his old friend other. It cost him an effort to bring himself back Into the present and to make some conventional remark about the beauty of the evening; a remark to which the younger man replied In a strain of equal conventionality. "Margaret Is in the drawing room, Richard, and is expecting you, I believe. At last I seem to remember that she said you were going to call this evening. I will Join her presently, sir. But I wished to see you first. At this remark the old man looked quickly and sharply at the guest. Could it be possible this young jackanapes was coming to ask for Margarets band? The Idea was too ridiculous to be entertained for a moment Margaret was a mere child of 20 or 21 at most, and this youngster could be but little older. It was only the other day that Margaret and Richard had been making mud pies together. There was a disquieting air of grave solemnity In Richards voice, which disturbed his host, and the words which followed completed the heart-broke- ' d bloating after eating, and my limbs were badly swollen. One doctor told me it would finally turn to Bright's disease. I was laid up at one time for three weeks. I had not taken Doans Kidney Pills more than three days when the distressing aching across my back disappeared, and I was soon entirely cured. For sale by all dealers. Price BO seuts. Foster-MilburCo., Buffalo, N.Y along. And trou-ble- with be lived. He had half forgotten was war:r,g. and h rer-Gle- that Richard himself public. Made public! Am I making it pub-liby telegraphing to my father? And, in any case, what has the birth of my son got to do with public order? Excuse me, have you all taken leave of your senses? We Your son? gasped the other. thought you were telegraphing about the queen! TEA o I Years Seventy-Si- x in One Housn. of Washington Hoffman James township, Marion county, Indiana, fas born seventy-siyears ago in 'Le house where he has lived ever siiXVs. That is to say, the log hut in wh.'h ho first saw the light is now a pfrt of the residence he crcunies. CVIfa-Chronicle. x p If you have a good grocer, stick to him; if not, dont you know one ? Schillings him with. Best Is a good foot-rul- s to measurs Gold and Corn. Gold is often much talked about as the basis of wealth. Yet all the gold in America the greatest hoard of the yellow metal ever gathered in an7 country could not buy one years harvest of our corn and wheat To buy one season's wheat crop would take ail the gold mired in this country in six years. |