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Show THURSDAY :'has- ppevepbs , It often seems to though no one has ever WOrk old why. are worried do not children the because and flesh we gain strength Scotts Emulsthem say give When mothers ion. ..lib. wUu was over from to hold a term or life in Logan court, he XI. it'll-- ' open wrapper of every bottle Emulsion you buy. of SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. Sac. and l.OO SB 1 Dssth by Starvation. druggist. The phenomena of etarvatlon have been a subject of study by Vanlair, a Belgian physiologist The fasting person Is at first tantalized by recollections of flavors and aromaa, and the call for food Is soon emphasized by rumbling In the intestines, painful spasms of the stomach and dizziness The activity of the brain diminishes, the hands tremble, tbe limbs ehaks, and the muscular weakness becomes excessive. Tbe heart soon beats (aster and lighter. Body weight diminishes, the fat cells being first affected, then th liver, muscles, blood, Intestines and bones, but tbe heart and neivous centers suffer little until near the eud The lessening of bodily activities brings a rapid fall of temperature. As death draw near, the lace Becomes ashy, the eyes are fixed, muscular feebleness is extreme, and the legs are and The scene closes in an unreal world of hallucinations. There are some things that a man but they are wont do for money, erally the cant things he do. Mother Praise'ltMotl ers gen- - One praise everywhere Miuuie Tough Cure for the sufferings It has relieved and the lives ot their little cn8 It. has saved. A certain cure fui coughs, croup and whooping cough. A. L. Spafford, Postmaster, of Chester, Mich., Our little Mays: girl was unconscious from strangula tlon during a sudden and terrible attack of cioup. One Minute Cough Cure quickly relieved and cured her andl cannot praise it too highly. ft Minute Cough Cute relives coughs, E.strav Notes makes breathing easy, cuts out phi of Utah. State egm, draws out Inflammation, and reCounty of Box Eider, moves every cause of a cough and Bear ltiver Town. Bold by The Eddy strain on lungs. have in my possession the follow! I described . Store estray animals widen, if Drug lng not claimed and taken away, will be THE sold at public auction to the highest In said FIRST NATIONAL BANK cash bidder at my residence town on Monday, the 21st day of Nov., OPT BRI9HAM CITY. 1904, at the hour of 1 p. m. Ber-,e- and subsequent cure for this distress ai;me"t, I feel that I arn always sure to saliiy and gratify my custom ers by recommending It to them I write this to show how well the re- Kodol Dymedy is spoken of here. spepsia Cure was discovered after years of scientific experiments and cure all stomach will positively troubles. Sold by The Eddy Drug Store. One brown horse about 8 years old, branded resembling U on left DeWHls eye out, Fop PUeat left thigh. One bay mare about 0 year ..boulder branded MS uii i white- - w.i.o "er. One red r ehttur. crop off ictt eai, .id.' One red yearling heifer, label teftj ao BANKING BUSINESS Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent DIKKCTOKS: Lucius A. Snow. Oieen N. Stohl, Nels Jenson, Inl.n r Iounc!k.-cpe- Peter M. Ha naan. Lorsnzo N. stohl John D. Peters Cashier. President W- - a oj-rr- O- F- Edwards of D:s Moines, walk iast Iowa, got a fall on an icy bruisand winter, spraining his wrist Hours.... at Depot. hiRh' - I h.'tfir s he ::ve ..ucpaiS VfHOQPiftC couch, HOARSEN MS, BRONCHITIS, g The next day, he ing his knees. sore and stiff I says, "they were so in was afraid I would have to stav with well bed, but I rubbed then: SORE THROAT, Chamber''!.'? lAC'.ritHt " aiij'Ca:. d LC StF5iS9ae!iesvsaswBey3s U PiGUP. W. Fm- TZiVltXZK COMOXPTiOH ' - ,l' t'li .id b. :'i,: r-- rnot. r- -1 " a 5 i "7 r cr4L 1V J3 X UpHicLWim-m- i IOr All Throat and 1 iaar? zima Whooping cough is not dangerous when the cough is kept loose and expectoration free by the use of this s no opium or other harmful substance, and it be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult may It contains Lur" Tr.nllaa. fr-- i This remedy is also a certain cure for eroup, and has never been known to fail. When given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appt ars, it will prevent the attack. remedy. nvrrMi'TioN pric. FwC(tcuau, MtSl. t rtU 3ott- l- Site Co. Ifanultiturlng PkarmacUts, DBS KOIKU. IOWA, Aim TORONTO. CANADA ' r!' tsow Oiscsvary r t.TiVis. LUNGS. M&suCactur4 only by fr teiisrim h t O.I.. Dr, King's - aul. pnuMU or ptHil TirCATsnd il i It si effected by this preparation have made it famous over a large part of the civilized world. It can always be depended upon and is pleas- ant to take. It not only cures colds and grip, but counteracts any tendency towards pneumonia. ; . or bale at tne Eddy Drug Store, Secretary Dr. L. Berg. The city council meets the second and frurth Tuesdays of each month. OFFICERS. PRECINCT Justice of tne i Peace COUNTY BOX ELDER CO. OFFICERS Judge 1st Judicial DistChas H Hart F K Nebekev Dist. Atty A W Valentina Chairman Co Com. Co Commis., Iowa StringM B Hart " E H Jones " Kelton Jos Jensen County Clerk J S Perry Prosecuting Attorney J A Edwards Treasurer BRIGHAM CITY. ... Jos Josephson Meltrude Hunsakei Recorder L A Snow Assessor Co Supt of Schools Nephi Anderson Surveyor, Deweyvllle J N Holdaway Fisn & Game Warden, J P Larsen Dr, E. A. Rich County Physician.. Water Commissioner. N F Anderson Sheriff TERMS OF COURT, I9O4. court First Tuesday in February, May, September and November. County commissioners meet the fit st and third Moadaysof frh month Glenwood Springs, Aspen, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St, Luuis, Chicago and all points east Connecting at Ogden Union Depot with all Old papers tor LINE TRAINS PACIFIC and ORtCON CHOHT MWtKT'CST Splendidly Equipped Fast Trains Daily between and DENVER PULLMAN out change. chair care. ANo ORDINARY SLEEPING Personally CAKh DINING CAR8 I Service a la Carte on all through 4r la UfilU). JA Brown W W Hutt Vf Excursions. !4, I9C4 Battle K L Free reclining Conducted ui CU l nVMsP Barnes To Denver Omaha, Kansas City St Lot is and Chicago vHii- - No S A cts only 25 mill tv u at thid Ivtirr to put LFfTr-f- in . Via Three Separate and Distinct Scenic Routes THROUGH sale 5 under your carppts per hundred . The ouly Transcontinental Line passing through Salt Lake City OGDEN Secretary H, Jones, District THE SCENIC LINE TO SOUTHERN Chairman Valentine Dr. E. A. Rich M, B. Hart and E. members of board. A W Rio Grande Western. Jr. K When calling for tna sta'e when advertised. above B. F. trains. letters Booths, Fostmaster. or rates, folder, free Illustrated booklets, eto , Inquire of your tb- - Rle amnde reuir, or soar rrrraat tl-k-ct agent F G. A. F. D., Salt Lake City, Ut The many remarkable cures of colds and grip Herb w, EHwerdi Injured" Herb Hack meets all Trains vhtLg Cui. ; Chairman Dr. F A. Rich F W Fishburn. AND THE after using it. -b- Rigs, Brina.n Cilv Hi-- Lo-e- BOARD OF HEALTH. Denver & Rio Grande Sick Day Since. Every bottle of Chamberlains Cough Remedy is guaranteed, and the dealer Troni whom it is purchased will refund the money to anyone who is not satisfied ara'-'-rs dinary merit urni the 'Hn. tiu.fi aie well tu.'lamed. of fun. lota made chickens x Stables, At All i - Nifch-watc- ss 3 fin H Jones Wm. Horsley ro Anderson COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH . ed, and have not seea a sick day si nee. Neighbors of mine have been cured of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Liver and Kidney ' troubles and General DeThis is what B. F. Bass, of bility. Fremont, N. G. writes. Only 50c, at The Eddy Drug Store. 01 Uvepy and Peed Up-To-D- r The Hills ef California" was house the attraction at the d v.a: well at.u n ght Monday :;1,rc an tended. it is piny H. GLgver f PROPRIETOR h - .b j Supt. Waterworks- Newman Mt.f Johnson Sax.uJ Carter .... William Forsgreil Chief Fire Dept Street Supervisor.... A J. Jensen O F Nelsen ft Jailor C J Nelson Sexton :i!StyiW,eM5asMrs5:a,uws ters and determined to try that. A! ter taking a few doses I felt relieved, and soon there after was entirely cur- T- - Ib.isen j.s.sen .. .U n.onscn Andrew Funk Aito.ney Justice of the Peace A preparation for the hair. Keeps the hair soft and ures dandruff and glossy and prevents splitting at the tnuj. " always restores color to pray hair. Not was taken severely sick with kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of meri icines, none of which rolleved me. Ore day I saw an ad. of your Electric Bit- Jensen. Di.r u.er lown. S. Holst -- L.ii.-nsen BP Recorder Truasoier Marshal 35ALUS Hair Reiiewer high-cla- " , I ut to look. - MAIN STREET, ' vy. , ... CUT HERB "I of Nov., 1904. Norman Lee, Alma Nelson, L LCTGKV. - - Great American Importing Tea Co. Warranted ear (Roskeilar, Smitblieid.) One red yearling heifer, swallow-fo- rk left ear, underslope right ear, bar left thigb. Said estrays were taken up by city marshal In said ivvu on the 9th day Edwaras te V-- id - CUT HKRB very ft ow I i M Burns Sores Salva oy me. CUT HfcKB Come will drive along a perfect road sough tiny villages, past ranlow-,- a td meadows fu!4 of wild Mowers, .ml urbuient little stream. Then the intl becomes steeper, and the teener., bout lum grows savage. The vallej jriow begins to look very far away, the enow-cred Alps frown i.toncier . jovs him, and at last be approaches the great glacier of Grludelwald. A Free It Liniment Snow - boi'' Bring this Coupon with you to any ot our stores. WOT POOP aftiw DieswesR to, ieo e ly cured by the use of Kodol Dyspep' s' i Cure. S. P. St orrs, a druggist, at 297 Main street, New Britain, Conn, Kodol D;spcpia Cure is givuniversal satisfaction and is such ing so surely uccoming the positive relief DESCRIPTION OF ANIMALS; A Heavy Load. that ! 14, ,'jjlue hat on his head, stout boots or : it fret, a feeling of ennui In h.e heart, mi come back minus all three. First load off of the stomach take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It di pests what you eat. Sour stomach, belching, pas on stomach and all dis orders of the stomach that are curable To lift i Ballards penetrates to the nerves and bone and being absorbed into tbe blood, its healing properties are conveyed to part f the uv'y, and. effort .:--t 11.00. w..;iderltii our- s. 2.V, CUT OUT THIS COUPON, briny tt to say of our store before December 10, tad receive with each purchase as listed ebeve a very handiome preent of your own lelectloo. Elder News, November 17, 1904 lour-Trac- A 25c. CUT HKKK -. Herald. ence of Free Bric-a-Bra- c, Rl. -- ZXt'SL Free lumbago and sciatic pains yield to the penetrating influ- Elite Chlnaware, Limoges China, French China, Dinner Sets, Salad Sets, Chocolate Sets, Rich Cut Glass Ointment, Vases, Lamps, Engl! h Porcelain Ware, Novelties, and Dolls of Every Description. Articles Prettiest, Fancy Collected Daintiest and Newest Things made, from the Markets of the World, Top Quality Teas, Coffees, Spices, Extracts, Baking Powder, Cocoa, Chocolates, We want you to see our very reasonable prices. We want you to come Just to look. Take advantage of this very liberal offer. CapUin Barrait and party yesterday from Bear river tv uere they have been shooting aJ ducks lor the past couple of days. Mr. Barrait reports shooting good and said each member of the To DUpol party had little trouble in getting The climate ot the great glacier of the limit. Saturday, however, the Grmdclwaid in the heart ot the nearly all the open water froze, Ober.and ol Switzerland ie an exwhich drove the ducks out into viienie t..a. tver seeker after new the Great Salt lake. He does u5atiOi.s e..uu!d try, lays Kathiten L. k News. He had ,.ie:g, in not think, tor this reason, shoothimself by jesting a lew ti.t prepare ing will be much good until the ,.as at Ihterlaken. Then lie may go ortli eome fine mo.ntng with a Jauntj waterways are open .again, One DOES STRICTLY m bor-jin- All Druggists. 75c. . NEURALCIA Grand Holiday Display of Beautiful and Newest Creations r.i-- it red him. That was Syiup, six years ago. Since then we have always kept a bottle in the house. We cannot do without It. For coughs an" colds it has no equal. 25c, 5Cc, Sold by W jSUJSi. Fe ZS&3& Free We want you to see our householders th appreciate owe to the cold storage sys-tnow so In use through-- o o the enju-ry- . It has a nec- ''j.j;i'.'t to the rapidly developof tb ing commercial orcharding country. It is the reeervolr In whir the temporary overeupply of fruit 1 placed and from which It may be uniformly distributed throughout the year. From the earliest times It ha been recognized that some provision must be made to store up the temporary surplus and distribute it in time of greater need If an industry Is to grow into permanency and stability, ,nd it violent fluctuations In aupply :ii demand are to be avoided, says Chicago Chronicle. The danger of overproduction Is greatest In an industry when no provision is made to equalize tho dis.nbuUon ol the products throughout the year. There can be no general ovc-i- j od action when the majority ol the p "pie of the world are atill undr-su- i become-sal- e plied, and an Industry attractive when man maateis the an of handling the temporary otereuppiy and of converting It Into a steady uniform supply to an Increasing number of people. d 00. W $7.50 . $3.00 $1.50 $1.00 i BLESS IRQ. tbv it rhl io " M: g audini'B ;.tld gnve cure saiirtsciicn. The company :: a pood cue and carries some The Standard's correspondent lays that unless something Is done to preserve Kronborg the castle will have to be rulled down, with the terrace on wbfih the ghost of Hamlet's father appeared, a well as the no less famous vault beneath the casemates, where Holgar Danske, the national hero, sleeps, waiting for the hour when he will be called to free Denmark from a foreign yoke. w Sr $10.00 Sr $5.00 2?$150 Tew threat-ene- d Be lure that this picture Its the form o i a label is on t) 9 S2 $25.00 la the Lies ef VnM, il in the Month of November Holiday Purchase Market Prices ot Perishable Coeamoditlee, Kapeetellp wps issi Friday -- . .24 Deweyvllle Estella Loveland, Deweyvllle ....18 29 J. E. Brown, Ogden 24 Miss Lillie Slater, Ogden Geo. C. Dewey, To make their thi they like the taste According to the Wwtmlnster the DanUh castle at Kronborg, remedy takes just as celebrated In literature a the Eisiaoro fine beft enery. children the of Shakespeare naturally to "Hamlet, is with destruction In consequents cause it is so perfectly adapted CURED CONSUMPTION. of undermining by the high tides of Mrs. B. W. Evan, Clearwater, Kan., wants. to their the Kattegat The castle, as tt now was built by Frederick II. In writes: My husband lay sick for three For all weak and pale and stands, 1574 on a spot of land at the Junction mouths. The doctors said that he thin children Scotts Emulsion of the Kattegat and Oresund, and Its had quick consumption. We ptocur-efoi.ndatioi.s have been seriously dama hott'e of Ballards Florehound is the most satisfactory treataged by v.jient storms. and c sample free. HOLIDAY SHOPPERS the part Others in the cast are Miss Katherin Marney, Clyde Hess, Miss Emily Lessing, Chas. Wells, Miss Blanche Boyer and others of renown . Several good specialties are promised. A 's-u- ec TO all that can be gotten from COLD STORAGE Free i I - The following marriage license have, h u tiie pact week by thecoun ty clerk: 27 Oliver Stauffer, Willard 22 La Vouru Hudson, Brigham 26 C. M. Butterfield, Suowvllle 18 Ellen Allen, Stone, Idaho 23 John Lee, Mlddleburg, Ind 27 May Slater, Salt Lake city Extraordinary Offer son, who plays the part of John Ames with a dash and vim that brings out It is like the penny in the milk because it works and Hade from pure cream of because there is something been in office and he may well be proud iariar derived astonishing about it. from grapes of the record he has made. Scotts Emulsion is simply PRIOR BAKINS POWORB OO, OMIOAOO, a milk of pure cod liver oil some with hypophosphites THREATENED BY THE TIDES for delicate prepared especially Dark st Rusriti We will send you the penny, . e., a Free is an excellent cast headed by no less an actor than Mr. John T. Nichol- Judge Hart ran ahead tf the Parker electors 1,563. Judge Hart has won many friends in this district by his courtesy and fair dealing between litigants during the nine years he has ment. Let son and bids fair to eclipse any previous record it has ever held. There of Rox Elder, Cache and Rich, comprising the first judicial district, Roosevelts majority was approximately 2,559. while Mr. Maugnant, majority was about 996, showing that because and the Ct best play promtsed here this season . The piece is now in its eleventh sea by he in Danlah Castle of Kronborg, the iaore of Shakespeare's Hamlet, in Sanger. Ic.rt - returns, although with all other catenates on the Democratic ticket, was defeated by a large majority. In the counties stomachs. Children take to it naturally ihe Chicago, License- Marriage I cago, which will he seen at the opeihouse on Saturday. Nov. i9, is Me. Tu.sday expressed him-e- it as bei .g very much gratified with the showing made When the butter wont in the come put a penny the election churn," is an old time dairy common proverb. story1 ot Lincoln J. Carters stirring ira PAGE .FIVE, NOV. 17, 1904 jj The Tourist's Favorite 1 j in UUg h Route Salt Lake City Scenic Colorado TO THE WORLD'S FAIR. Fast ' Flyers Diiy between Og'len and Denver. Choice of routes. THROUGH to Chicago and th East over the railway between only double-trathe Missouri Klver and Chicago. Ex- - particular. evUent seric (r One of thse trains, the Overland j Malted, Is the most luxurious train I In Electric lighted the world. throughout. 1 Direct connections at Omaha via I The Lin to St. Paul and Minneapolis. ck 1 ft AND TOURIST SLEEPERS From Ogden p.ni Salt Lake PULLMAN without Change ot Cars.! ;fo St. Louis Car CUair Cars. Free Dining Recliukig Service a la crte ca all through traiur, For folders, illustrated booklets, etc., address I, A. BENTON, O, A P, ) , < Ukc City, Uuh North-Weste- rn Tickets, reservations, and full Information can be obtained from C. A Walker, General Agent, j j j 1 Chicago & Noriii-Wcsto- rn Z0S South Ihotn Street, CWv, VUto. Beit Le Rf. |