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Show WOMAN 'S EXPONENT. 144 Impress upon them from early infancy that actions have" re.-;-u it V' A'i-'- th'it they cannot :V A. L!vmno);cr muMarij l at her home in South Bountiful. Sister Parkin was bora March 18, 1821, at Loscoc, Derbyshire, England. Was of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y baptized into the Church Saints Dec. iSWsoTandleft her oativc land .May z6, 1862," with her husband and family five sons ,and one daughter 'God to the valleys of the to gather with the Saints of mountains. She crossed the sea in the ship Syneshort, and the nlains in Captain Ricks' company, arriving jn Salt Lake with her husband and family all in City Oct. 4jh, 1883, Parkin is the only one of her father's good health. Sister house that embraced the Gospel, nevertheless she has done a good work for her progenitors. She was a teacher in the Relief Society of this ward, and always bore her testimony work . She died as she had to the truth of the Latter-da- y ' ' Saint. ' lived, a faithful Latter-da- y will they do with women to help grandly;-what- - .capr" have J- acted wrongly. they NOTICES. " .'Find out wh.'it their special tastes are., and develop them instead of spending time, money,' The conference f-Society of this that studies them in into rutid forcing' paliehee i will be held in the 14th Ward Assembly ' . Stake are repugnant to them. Rooms on Thursday; the 15 of March com;As yotirfaugIUcrs grow u p, teach them. at and it 10 a.m. and 2 pan. - least thiTrue merits of housekeeping and mencing at be attendance desirable that , there ji Jtilldistricts,-ancookery; they will thank you for it in later from the wards and respective' life a great deal niore than 'for 'accomplish'especially that each branch Relief Society in ments. the county1 should be . represented.- As it is ' ' father to their tone a Maintain, respectful" the semiannual Conference written reportage,, before them; If he is not all you wish, still expected at an early date to enable the'Sedre-tartheir is he them make always respect him; Mrs. Elizabeth Howard, to prepare a father, and disrespect to him ii a reflection iip- - full report in time for the Conference. . ,: fi,.your.'-elfThe Y. L..M I' A. of this Stake will lipid of with and girli&h ... flights sympathize Try' Conferthce'thefollowing day, March 10, at so absurd to seem if even by you; they fancy the same place and will commence at the fame influence over will retain your hours, 10 a.m. and 2 your doing you reports from to. seek them ..teach and n,ot sym each association should be sent in e'ood time to daughters, elsewhere. pathy the Secretary, Miss Lizzie Smith. It is hopad ibe youug ladies, will make a good shriving of their work during the past six months. the-Reli- ef " as-usu- i- -j d ' . - f RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. y, ,''.' ,, . er p.m7-Writte- Z ' . N OT KHA N I) - Stake-wi- ll The Primary Associations t)f-th- i8 meet on Saturday, the 17th, probably, in the "' Assembly Hall. ' NE WS-- Drunkards would not be elected to the U. 8. Senate, if women were, voters. - In Wyoming,where wo xmih TiaveT voted since 18C9, it h expressly provided by law that there-shall be no discrimination "on account of sex in the? pay for "&ny kind oTwork. The Stake officers of Y. L. M. hereby officially notified to prepare semi-annu- " -- ' ; . jor J. J , the author 'of the excellent Nebraska law which makes mothers joint guardians of their children with, the father. - In all the States of the Union except four Kansas, Iowa, New ler.-e- v and Nebraska the father is the sole legal owner of the children, the mother having no legal rights in them, unless the marriage has been broken up by death or divorce. Mrs. Bittenbender also drew the bill "which passed the last Nebraska Legislature.providing for an' Industrial Home for Fallen Women Ex. It seems not to be very extensively known ' that there is, in Argouia, Kansas, a woman She was elected last Spring, and is mayor. ' filling the office, it is said, satisfactorily and conscientiously. . It Is said she is pointed out to strangers as Her name one-of-ih- e- curiosities tif-th- e town. is Susanna Medora Salter; she is a married, woman, twenty-seveyears old, with four children; is a .blonde of medium height, slender in figure and dresses with good taste. Her father, Oliver Kinsey, was. the first mayor of Argouia! Kansas was the first State that granted municipal suffrage to women. The election of Mrs, Salter began in a joke, but it is now an established fact. Ex. n In there were in the prisons of the United States 53,00 men and 5,000 women. The fact is that there are not many bad women. Men and women'do not make two classes, but one class. If woman does not have lo?ie. shn has something that makes up for that deficiency; she has intuition, and one is as likely to come out right as the other. There is not a question before the people, that has not a moral basis. Only f the people the male half is working at these problems. Call in the other half the female half and you have the whole of humanity. If men have done o-r- 1 JA VJV vj to the bereaved That we extend ourr svmyathy " "" " family and friends. 'Resolved, That a copy of these Resolutions be furnished the family and the xWOMAf S EXPONENT, and placed on the Relief Society record. ' Our much esteemed sister, Mrs. Sarah Ellis, departed this life on the 19th ult. She was the first president of the Primary Association organized in this place (Spring City),' and was very faithful to her charge. The. children still reverence her memory. She was honorably released by Sister Eliza on account of her age and infirmities. Sister Ellis wasajaithful member of the Relief Society from the first; hospitable and generous, ever ready to assist in doing" good, and zealous in bearing testimony to the truth. M. A. H. 7 Spring City. . "Phebe Atkinson President, Mary Ann Page, Secretary. E.K. THOMAS in. tLIUn M H rniri rn SALT LAKE CITY. ( '"-'""- " -- Died, at Tooele City, Feb. 12, 1888 after a long and lingering illness and mnch suffering, ton she was born Oct. 17 1830, in -- Lincolnshire, England. She leaves a husband and nine children and many friends to mourn her loss. Sister Warburton was a loving mother and faithful wife, and a good faithful Latter-da- y Saint. She was the secietary for the Relief Society from the first of its 'organization in Tooele until her death;she was also the First Counselor to the President of the stake; she was always patient, cheerful and charitable and a wise counselor, and our society has lost one of the most faithful of its members; the deepest sorrow and sympathy, is felt for the bereaved family, and fervently we pray the blessings of God to them that they may acknowledge- - His hand in all things and that they may follow in her footsteps and the " good example that she has Set before them. Sister-EtnilyAVar- GasKHouse. bur -- ' Ann Tate, Cor. Sec. R. S. "Dearest sister you have left us," For the bright and happier sphere, Although your spirit has departed, Your memory we'll cherish here. .THOMAS ( You have gained the victory, And are now at rest from pain, 'e are in this world of sorrow, Our loss is your eternal Editor Exponent: " . ' It is with feelings of great sorrow that we record the death of SisUT Elizabeth Parkin, who died April 4th. 1887, m 2c CO, Agent for Rt).LSEYS celebrated LIFT and FOIU'B PUMPS. Pumps Repaired on short nolica. Orders iropi -- the country promptly responded to. ' A!irMS. DA7I3 B91 305. CUT LAIZ CITT. Special to the Ladies. latest styles pi oductlons in V LACES, HUGHES, EMBRODERIES, FANS, GLOVES, PARASOLS, RIBBONS, COLLARS,- - TIES, - A. T. " TiLMES. TINNERS, GAS, WATER & STEArVI FITTERS Will be found gain. one-hal- JDJiJVTlD AT TEASDEL and the '' , Retail The Leading . 18SG , ' OBITUARIES. .', Mrs. Ada M. Bittejibciider, the lady lawyer of Kebmska, vvho is now at WasTifngton look- ing alter the interests of the W. G T. U, was IX ; All find in Scripture a helper toward the discovery of truth and the attainment of happi-uesg- ; a guide to the understanding, a corrector: and supporter of the imagination, a comforter of the heart, a teacher ot wisdon, a rule of Hunter. faith, a source of . I al Stake reports, carefully, upon printed blanks; and forward them as early as the 15th of March, that a complete and satisfactory report may be made to the general conference in April. . t Direct the reports to Miss Mary E. Cook, 323 E., Third South Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. " --- " .are A. I- - ri Whereas. Qur'Heayenly Father has seen fit in His wis- dom to call from our midst our much loved and respected sister, Elizabeth Parkin; Whereas, We are called to mourn the.loss of a dear in the Relief Society, one who has friend and to respond to every always been a faithful member, willing requirement made upon her, Resolved. That we, the members of the Relief Society of South Bountiful, realize the loss of so faithful a member. And an elejsanl aasortmeuf of DBY QOODS; - Special department for Ladies' Miwes' and Infant's Shoes. 112, 1U, 116, ,EaH Tempi StrttL . |