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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER Hyrum, Utah, Friday, July Mrs. O. P. Olsen CLEONE WYATT IS. Honored Sunday 23 House' Guests In California Lee Miss Melva Wellsville Visiting at the home of Hyrum Archibald is spending two weeks Mr.' and Mrs. Maurice Stoker list at Hawthorne, Calif. She is the week was Mrs. Myrtle Monson of guest of her aunt and uncle, Idaho Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Hall. 1948 DANCE DIRECTOR , Released from the HyHyrum rum stake Y.L.M.I.A. board were ik Violet Nielse, stake dance director and her assistant, Mrs. Boyd Archi- SOUTH CACHE COURIER HYRUM, UTAi, bald, the former Fauna Nielsen. Published by Cleons Wyatt of Wellsville has been Cache Valley Publications sustained as stake dance director Mrs. Elton Olsen Hyrum Editor and Golda Mauchley of Nibley as Margaret S. Maughan. .Wellsville Editor Wm. M. LongManaging Editor stake drama director. - Hyrum Mrs. O. P. Olsen was honored Sunday by members of her family when they all met at the Hyrum City Park, Blacksmith Fork canyon and celebrated her 77th birthday anniversary. Dinner was served at one long C. W. Claybaugh Business ManageJ. W. Edwards Advertising Manager tahle, centered with a beautiful A weekly newspaper, published every pink and white birthday cake ELITE CLUB HOLDS Friday by Cache Valley Publications and entered as Second Class Matter at the NO-HOS- T PARTY i with 77 written on it. post office at Hyrum, Utah, under the Mrs Present at the party were The Elite club of Hy- act of March 3, 1879. Subscription rate Hyrum in Cache County, $2.50 per year; outside O. P. Olsen and Glen Olsen. Mr rum held a st party at the Cache ' County, $3.50 per year: single and Mrs. L. A. Olsen and fam-- ' home of Mrs. Vivian Andher. Five copies five cents. ily, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Olsen and tables of bridge were played with and Mr. and Mrs. Ray high score prize going to Vivien WBd&Bgaa it family, to Lucille Olsen and family, " all of Hyrum; Andher and one all-cI Kay Olsen and son of Willard; Miller and one to Phyllis Savage. ; Luncheon was served to 13 club Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Preece and Mr. and Mrs. members and six special vj famil of Brigham; guests, Marvin Clifford and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Rosa Jensen, Mrs. Vella Elia-soMrs. Marva Hansen, Mrs. Hilda X, Merrill Olsen and son of Logan; X Mr. and Mrs. Orson Olsen and Nielsen, Mrs. Myrtle Monson and daughter of Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. Edna Nielsen. Mrs. George Grover of Shelley, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Gun W R Club Meets ' nel and family of Wellsville; and The W and R club met Hyrum Mrs. Wilford Allen and son Senn, at the home of Mrs. Ruby Smith on Friday. Luncheon was served of Salt Lake City. and three tables of bridge were jdayed. Eonnie Allen won high score f r. Visitors From Calif. prize and Phyllis Savage won allMr. and Mrs. E. cut prize. f; Wellsville Visits Relatives Wellsville u tensen of SQen viSi rplatu and friends Wee MOVIE CALENDAf LOGAN DRIVE-ITHEATRE N BIG JULY 24th FEATURE no-ho- ut COME Friday. Saturday, July TIN - -With Lawrence Tierney, Marrion Carr Barton McLain, LEWIS - WALCOTT FIGHT AS YOU n, ARE f Williams and son and daugh . ter of San Francisco visited with In Salt Lake relatives during the week. They Wellsville CityMr. and Mrs. to attend the funeral of Daniel Leishman were Salt Lake t came C. LaVon, Williams.' visitors Thursday. 4c Visitors - To Salt Lake O O 0 H Thomas Fallows went Mr. and Mrs. Wellsville Hyrum v&li Hawkins of Tremonton were to Salt Lake City Monday for a medical examination. visitors here Wednesday. NOTICE TO FARMERS 0 0 O 23 ft Sunday, Monday, July 25, hr hmws mm iWith Lucille Ball Franchot Tone 0 Breakfast Tues., Wed., Thurs., July Lunch 27, l ) Dinner IIS A WeEaETERFUL UFE' Steaks With James Stewart Salads Donna Reed 0 & Fried Chicken Home Made Pies We Will Call For and Pay Top Cash Prices For Your Dead or Worthless Animals CALL COLLECT LOGAN 49 We also Pay Highest Cash Prices for Hides, Pelts and Wool UTAH s t 2 Miles BY-PRODUC- CO, TS South of Logan ... on Highway 91 3 MILES SOUTH ON HIGHWAY 110 Patterns to Choose 61 Patterns Now In Stock r'yjTH-- i JWWJ NiHgiiriirtmiriiiitow eon 170 NORTH MAIN xunoninm rS IjiiD (ULIM PHONE Building Specialties Company 358 LOGAN 91 |