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Show PAGE SEVE3 BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1933 CLUB NEWS 4-- H I t PLYMOUTH HOWELL Mrs. Don R. Lamb Mrs. Roscoe Stoddard :x: The annual club campfire out-- ! Mrs. William Hess was at an old Hot' J. held be will the at ing Crystal Springs, Friday, August 18th, at 4 time quilting bee at her daughter's home in Fielding Wednesday and p. m. Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Miller of PenThe Jolly Kitchenette club of rose, were Tuesday guests of Mrs. met at the home of their lead- Miller's Elwood, Mr. and Mrs. Phines 'parents, er, Miss Veda Rasmussen, last Thurs- Pierson. where a demonstration of ice box day A birthday dinner was given lone rolls was given, after the preliminary 9th at the home Lamb, were games enjoyed on the lawns. All of her Sunday, July Mrs. Lucy Lamb. grandmother, had a very pleasant time. The table was centered with a birthday cake with 13 candles. Seven guests The Merry Maid Cooking club of were present. Elwood, met at the home of their leadMr. and Mrs. Albert Martenean, who er, Melba Hansen, Wednesday even- have been visiting their son, Fred ing at 8 o'clock for a slumber party. Kohlhepp, returned home Saturday. Toasted wieners and marshmallows Sec'y of State Milton H. Welling, were enjoyed in the evening. After was visiting here Sunday of last week their slumber all helped to prepare an with his mother, Mrs. Phebe Welling eany Dreakiast. Games were enjoyed who is living with Mr .and Mrs. L. A. Rose. efore returning to their home. n Mr .and Mrs. Alvin Smith were visitors Monday of last week. The Foods club held their lar meeting at the home of Katherine They returned here Monday evening. Abbott, Thursday and the Jolly Stitch- Mr. Smith went to Ridgedale, Idaho, ers Clothing club met with Larene on Tuesday to visit relatives and White, Wednesday afternoon, with all friends. A goodly number of our people were members present. Dainty refreshments were served after the work of visitors at the Logan temple Wednesday, where they had a very enjoyable the clubs was finished. time. and The difference between age and MrBishop Clark with his familyFieldMrs. Welling Zundel of .and youth is that when you are young you ing, attended the cherry show held in long for things to happen, and when Ogden Thursday, July 13. They reyou are old you hope they won't. turned in the evening after a very pleasant outing. Mrs. Lavern Nish, who was taken to the Valley Hospital a week ago 4s home again feeling much improved, FROLIC Ellis Hess and Andrew Potter attended the party held in Clarkston, - - - at - - Saturday evening. The game of base ball played here Sunday afternoon with the Bear River City players was a high hitter and was won by the Plymouth players by a Commencing at 12:03 close margin. MONDAY MORNING Within the week many of the harvesters will be running at full capacity Bring a crowd and dance to taking care of the grain that has stood the hot dry weather fairly good. the Best Music Yet The 13th of the month, which was the day the hail storm took the crops W" T?pfrfshmpnfs last year, was looked upon with fear and when it passed by we were able to breath a thought'of relief. Fielding Man Arrested On Possession of Beer 4-- H 4-- Og-de- 4-- H MIDNIGHT Moonlight Gardens Mr .and Mrs. Edgar Nesson, Mr. and Sirs. Jas Nessen, Mr. anl Mrs. Arland Hess and Mrs. Israel Fack-erattended the funeral of Mrs. Chas. Smith of Centerville, Thursday. Miss Vaudis Forsgren returned from Rexburg, Idaho, Sunday, after a six week's visit. Miss Arella Sorenson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sor enson of that place, accompanied her home for an extenlel visit. Mrs. C. B. Gunnell, Mrs. Ellis Wood and Mrs. Lyle Adams attended the trousseau tea of Miss Mirl Limb at Garland, Sunday. The many friends of Jos. Schriber will be pleased to learn that he is improved in health sufficiently to be around again. The scouts, under the leadership of F. B. Gunnell, and Wayne Gunnell, left for an outing at Clear Creek. Wednesday and returned home Friday. Cleon Forsgren accompanied the Future Farmers on their trip to Yellowstone Park, Friday. Mrs. Christiana Sorenson of Logan, is visiting at the home of her son and iamily, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Sorensou Mrs. Lynn Wood is having an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gunnell at Logan. There were 18 of our people from here attended the temple excursion at Logan, Wednesday. The Relief Society held its closing social Tuesday. They will have a summer's vacation during the remainder of the year. Refreshments were served to 21 women. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Nelson are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine baby girl, born Sunday, at Logan. Mrs. Evan Murray and baby have returned to Wellsville, after spending a couple of weeks at the Douglas farm here. Miss Cora Forsgren is till well in the lead for the lucky lady to attend the World's Fair at Chicago. Miss Forsgren is well able to represent our community and is receiving loyal support. Don and Darwin Gunnell spent Saturday at Bear Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mirl Mason Wednesday. al ; Nutritionist Tells How To Prepare Vegetables -T-Y MONDAY . . . TUESDAY July - 23rd - 24th - 25th SUNDAY ... MARY PICKFORD...in 66R W W W'TP (P l&A UX m& 16 W 99 with . . . LESLIE HOWARD In every human life there are secret joys and secret sorrows that we keep locked up in our heart. In a twinkling of an eye, their minds were made up. They eloped and set their faces toward the West, empty pockets, but hearts singing with hope. A mad elopment that blossomed into a beautiful love that kept them side by side through a half century of joy and sorrow. The charm of "SMILING THROUGH," the sweep of "CIMARRON," the epic greatness of "THE COVERED WAGON." All of these woven into a story that summarizes all that Mary Pickford has meant to the screen PITTS TODD . . . Comedy 10c and 25c PRICES . .. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY July - 26th - 27th BUCK JONES in a HE MAN WESTERN "One Man Law" Exclusive Official Motion Picture of the World's Best Heavyweight Bout MAX BAER y America's Greatest Fighter -- MAX SCHMELLING PRICES vs- Former Heavyweight Champion 10c and 25c FRIDAY and SATURDAY July - 28th - 29th "Six Hours To Live" with . . . WARNER BAXTER John Boles and Miriam Jordan N M M H H M M H H DEWEYVILLE Mrs. Thomas Ault William Phearson, Jr. and three friends, David Holdaway, Virgil Knudson and Ralph Germer left last Tuesday for Yellowstoine Park in the family car their spirits were high and a good time was contemplated. Friday found the boys home, a big hole in the top of the car and the following story to tell: After reaching the park the boys locked the car and de cided to try fishing. Upon returning to the car they found a big black bear sitting on the back seat eating their food supply. After much yelhng and threatening the bear climbed out of the large hole he had torn in the top of the car and strolled away. With their food supply gone the boys return When ed home. A birthday dinner was given Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H A. Lish in honor of Mrs. Iish's birthday anniversary. Covers were placed for the family and Mr .and Mrs. bid Hess and Miss Georgia Feizer, all of Brigham City. Mrs. Frank Germer visited friends in Ogden last week. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen entertained with a dinner at their home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jensen and baby of Hershey, Nebras ka, Mr .and Mrs. Oswald Harwood and family of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cannon of Dewey ville, Mrs Ethel Jensen and son of Thatcher. Mrs. Arlin Dewey spent the week end with relatives at Logan. Mr .and Mrs. Edwin Gittens left Friday for Cardston, Canada, where they will remain for a few weeks. Mrs. Theron Mimmott and sons, Mrs. Lorin Burbank and daughters, spent a few days at Blacksmith Fork The Plymouth Six WHICH IS MAN'S GREATEST LOVE? His Love of Friend? His Love of Life? Or His Love of Woman ? His Love of Country ? Which love will he choose with only SIX HOURS TO LIVE In Six Swift Hours . . . He had to correct the mistakes of a lifetime . . . avenge his own murder . . . save his country from ruin . . . rescue the girl he loved from an eternity of unhappiness.' COMEDY and KRAZY KATS If the water in which vegetables are to be cooked is boiled before the vegetables are put in, there will be less loss of vitamin C, the vitamin which is needed to protect the gums. Soda should never be used to hasten the cooking process. This makes a slimy vegetable and kills the C vita min. Green leafy vegetables such as spin' ach, chard, etc., should be cooked only in the water that clings to the leaves and cooked just until the leaves are wilted. These vegetables are among the best iron foods needed for building blood. Other Cars FLOATING POWER HYDRAULIC BRAKES SAFETY STEEL BODY 70 HORSE POWER RIGID X FRAME Its Speed, Safety and Economy Make it the best buy on the American market Let Us Demonstrate it to You Heitz & Winzeler Auto Co. TREMONTON, UTAH Wess' Service Station Offers You First Grade Gas for Only 21c Per Gallon DRIVE OUT AND SAVE Phone 2y2 Miles West of Tremonton 5-- 3 W. H. DUNN. Prop. A visited relatives at Logan Saturday and Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Dewey and son of Richfield, Utah, were visiting Fri day and Saturday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dewey. A large number of our ward attend ed the temple excursion at Logan on Wednesday, given in honor of the birthday anniversary of Patriarch Jas. E. Christensen of Elwood. Miss Delia Kingsford of Rupert, Idaho .visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dewey, as a guest of Miss Thora Dewey. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dewey, Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Dewey and son and Delia Kingsford, of Rupert, Idaho, spent Wednesday with relatives at Downey, If vegetables are cooked in a large amount of water and if the yare overcooked and the water is discarded, they will lose most of their iron. Starchy vegetables lose much of Idaho. their food value if cut into small Mrs. Horace Gardner and daughpieces. When potatoes or carrots are ter, Flora, returned Friday from an too large to cook whole they should outing at Yellowstone Park. be cut lengthwise rather than cross-wisThe following spent a few days in Logan canyon: Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Vegetables should be cooked in just Burbank and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Con enough water to cover or to prevent Fryer, Mr .and Mrs. Marvin Dustman, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vitteto, Mr. and Mrs. scorching. If the liquid in which they have Alvin Norr, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Has- been cooked is used in soups, gravies sel, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Jensen. or sauces, any food nutrients which Saturday night Mr .and Mrs. Walter have been cooked out into the water Sudsberry entertained friends from will be utilized. Mendon, and Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. Duett Loveland of this place at a danc It is a far greater art for the to know how to please the pal- ing party which was enjoyed at the ate with tempting vegetables than Crystal Springs and a delightful chick with pastries and puddings. The fol- en supper after the dance. Mr. and Mrs. Duett Loveland and lowing recipes recommended by Miss Elna Miller, tell how to prepare two family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sudsbervery essential vegetables so that they ry and daughter, Dorothy, had breakwill look appetizing, taste good and re- fast in Logan canyon, Sunday. tain their food value: .Mr .and Mrs. Geo. Jensen and little baby of Husheys, Nebraska, visited Special Spinach their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jen2 pounds spinach sen of this place. 4 tablespoons butter i teaspoon salt I cup cream or rich milk. Remove stems and clean spinach NOTES thoroughly. The leaves contain about 1 3 three times as much iron as do the 3-stems and will cook in a shorter perEd Moss of Idaho Falls, Idaho, broth iod. of Mrs. T. L. Wheatley of Dewey-viller Place leaves in saucepan and cook 4 to 5 minutes in water which clings ICth. had his appendix removed, July to leaves. When leaves are well wiltThree small children of P. C. C. Pe ed chop fine. Melt butter in saucepan, terson of Penrose, had their tonsils add cream and salt. When hot, add and adnoids removed July 17th. the chopped spinach and any liquid On July 19th, Opal Miller of Pen which cooked out from the leaves. rose, Rhea May Pingle of Tremonton Simmer slowly for 5 minutes. and Lois Fryer of Deweyville, had their tonsils removed. Five Minute Cabbage Nancy Hales of Garland, on July II quarts shredded cabbage 13th had her tonsils removed. 3 cups milk 22 tablespoons butUr 1 cup cream or rich milk 21 tablespoons flour DRINK WATER WITH MEALS 1 teaspoon salt Cook the cabbage for 2 minutes in GOOD FOR STOMACH the 3 cups of boiling milk. Add the Water with meals helps stomach butter and flour blended together, the juices, aids digestion. If bloated with cream and salt and cook rapidly for 3 gas add a spoonful of Adlerika. One to 4 minutes. This cabbage will retain dose cleans out poisons and washes its crispness, as well as color and food BOTH upper and lower bowels. Scott value. Drug Company, Tremonton. (Adv.) Check These Features With Sells Best by Comparison canyon. Mrs. Percy Burbank has been ill for the past few days. From the standpoint of health, the most of the food the value is Daughters of Mrs. Gene Schieb of retaining important consideration in vegetable Salt Lake City, visited a few days here cooking, says Miss Elna Miller, exten with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. sion nutritionist of the Utah State J. A, Fryer. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lish and family Agricultural college. L-I-B-E-R- Also Marcellis Johnson of Fielding, was brought in before the City Judge B. H. Jones of Brigham City, July 17, charged with possession and keeping for sale of 44i gallons of beer. Upon his plea of guilty, he was sentenced to serve six months in the county jail, with three months suspended, providing a fine of ?150 was paid. He was remanded to the custody of John H. Zundel, the arresting officer. fi PERFORMANCE We don't have to tell you about Oldsmobile style. You can see thatBut that's only a part of Oldsmobile's leader ship. Try this car for performance! You'll get one of the biggest thrills of your motoring experience. o. home-mak- Think of it! Actual stop watch speeds of 80 to 85 er t miles an hour in the Eight t to 80 in the Sixl Seventy-fiv- e Smoothness almost beyond . ! belief! Balance that gives confidence at any speed! Comfort that you complete is almost never excelled! And really remarkable handling ease! Take a demonstration today and see for yourself! You are certain to say "I want an Oldsmobile" An amazing book "How to Ttst the Performance ofa Motor Car" has been written by the testing engineers at the General Motors Proving Ground. With this book, you can judge any tar's performance quickly and accurately. It's free and you have never seen anything like it! Come in and get your free copy today. It dots not advertise Oldsmobile. HOSPITAL e, All 7 0w closed models have the Fisher Ventilating System for year 'round tomfort Fronk Chevrolet Co. Tremonton, Utah O IBS MO MM THE SIX $74 J and up, THE EIGHT Lansing VISIT . . . spare tire THI OBNEKAt MOTORS and bumpers extra IUIIDINO AT THI and up,..f.t.h. . . . G.M.A. C term. CtNTUr Of 'ROOMS', CMICAOO f |