Show 1 is no end of flavor sa eight t there is not even begin hag of flavor in average tea make it how you will at grocers in packages A schilling company SMI franciaco Fran citco aw MONDAY FEBRUARY 1 1897 john 0 graham manager tas bumbar ia 27 local in ania colaman 30 cents per line each insertion and changes must DO office not later than 10 a m to tio neamo da awarded highest honors world fahrr MOST PERFECT MADE A pure grape cream of tartar powder free rom ammonia alum or any other adulterant 0 YEARS THE STANDARD TO CURE A COLD IW ONE DAY take laxative bromo quinine tablets all druggists refund tha money if it fails to cure SUNDAY SERVICES jEIder te x ia and V JL the principal priD Cipal at in the stake tabernacle noon waa elder G H brimhall he gave a very philosophical lecture on the eternal fitness of he beliey od men had first co place them belyea in a condition to occupy various positions in life if they were out of condition lika any part of the body being out of condition they would cause general suffer ioK in their position in fact with time the beat law of the eternal fitness of things will bo proven speaker also devoted himself to the question of parental authority parents should exercise certain restraints restrain ta on children god has civen fathers and mothers superior intelligence that they might direct aright their children many apt illustrations used in the principle elder V L halliday Ual liday admonished his hearers that thero was no tomorrow it is all today the greatest moment of our lives opportunities tuni ties lost can never be regained so all ought to act with tho present I 1 unclaimed Boma inina in the at provo jan persona calling for them will please ask for advertised letters aures T A ball george bryaant L 0 brown mrs martha edward V jones aalph johnstone idica dorathy sander dr koraley Wo raley 8 W postmaster Poat master smiles the countenance when those atrocious bodily troubles chills and fever dyspepsia kidney cr rheumatic di Borders yield as they invariably do to the benign action of hostellers Ho bitters a remedy of comprehensive use pure in composition unobjectionable to a delicate palate aad thorough in effects sick headache hea bache loaa of appetite flesh and sleep nausea heartburn are amona tae physical annoyances d by the bitters they are in the nature of signals of distress displayed by a disordered stomach liver and bowels and disappear die appear with the cause that produced them but these si should be heeded at once then the woe look of chronic ill health will speedily epe edily disappear and vigor and comfort restore a cheerful aspect to the face that faithful index to the condition of the system never fails to wear a look of sunshine when the bitters Is used to dispel the cold pimples blotcher blotches blot ches blackheads red rough oily anothy elan itching scaly scalp dry thin and tailing hair and baby prevented by BOA uie noet hadfy leg boap in the world aa veil aa purest aad sweetest for toilet bath and nursery seln atto shuyu anred by dr kings new discovery for this is the befit medicine in the world for all forma of and colda and for consumption every bottle is it will cure and not disappoint it bas no equal for whooping cough asthma hay feyer pneumonia bronchitis lagnes cold in the head and I 1 for consumption it is safe for all ages pleasant to take and above all a sure curett is always well to lae dorkings Dr Kings new life pilla iu connection aul wul dr kings new discovery as they regulate and tone the stomach and bowels we guarantee guar antea perfect satisfaction or return money free trial bottles at smoot druemo regular size 50 cents and for over fifty years MRS WINSLOWS ROOTING SYRUP has been used tor over fifty veara by millions of mothers for their children while teething with success it soothes the child softens the gums allays all pain cures wind colic and the beet remedy for diarrhoea it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately dia tely sold bv druggists in every part of the world twenty five cents a bottle be cure and ask for winslow soothing syrup and take no other kind oAs Tosia ta f ca n w cl ZA K for infants and children opera bonsi S S tones prop S J jones for one night only appearance of the distinguished comedian and universal favorite mr surrounded by a company of artists in the laughable comedy drama entitled in three acts and no end of laughs PRICES and provo S S jones S J jonap special of 1 t vo EW YORK STOCK 0 the greatest of all irish dramas bab played by him with unparalleled success in all he principal chea and leading of america A comedy diama without an equal not onla realistic pictures of life and love in alie emerild isle bat an every dav tale in every land prices as usual 25 50 75 1 reserved seats to be secured at the opera house feb 1 1897 SS JOKES S J JOSES agi ONE HIGHT combination OF ARTISTS she famous A most realistic Bea listic expressionist REGINALD HEXT pianist HERR OAKL WALTHER the famond belgian violinist popular prices and seats on sale BOSHARD LUND directors since opening wip m diw we chave DO buim never since the landina of the pilgrim fathers hag clothing been afi ered at such rates As we are retiring from the business clothing we make this kofl er mens clay worsted suits at suits from provo woolen mills at 7 boys suits from and up otje PLANT IS FOB SALE singleton clothing corn the way commends itself to the well informed to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest manner and disagreeably as well to cleanse the system and break ap colds headaches and fayera without unpleasant after effects use the delightful liquid laxative remedy syrup of figa manufactured by california fig syrna company seeds AB an inducement for new caa temera to test the valna of my seeds the coming season I 1 have made two collections of vegetable and flower seeds put up in beautiful pigs litho in colors with culture for same collection no 1 consists of 7 full sized paga of vegetable and one of flower seed no two alike for 25 cents collection no 2 contains 16 full sized paga vegetable and two flower aeed no two alike for 50 cents sent postpaid to any ad drees on receipt of arico stamps taken this offer holds good until feb 15 1897 address WILFORD edsman Ke P 0 box utah |