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Show TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Fri., Sept. 24, An American Reality Fine Camelot Closes, South Pacific Opens ... by Carl Eric son by PFC Carl Erlcaon One of the new and better training film, t'tled "A Free People wai ahown at Dugway last week. The film uaed the voicee of popular recording atari aing-- ; ing folk and narrative material. A moat pleaaant change from ma;.y amlar filma of the paat. The color film haa been well edited and the songa chosen from our rich heritage of folk music add much to making patriotism have a positive meaning. The film is an experience which recalls in the mind of the which individual, the words freedom, equality, brotherhood brings the challenge of the American dream alive agam. But, as in the reality of any day or age an American dream or a Utopian state cf perfection has not been attained. And, the wonder of individual rights in a democratic republic is a rare and new convention in our world. The best of America stands as a keystone in the history cf man. Today as in the past, paradox or not, peace s fought for, freedom maintained by giving up part of ones freedom and democracy limited by representation. The American experiment gees o.., needing each citizen to play his role in an ever unfolding movement. The Valley Music Hall production of Camelot concludes its run tomorrow night. Monday night Patrice Munsel and Bob k Wright, starring in South Pacific, will open a run. The derghtful production of "Camelot" has retained the dramatic spark which made it such a success in New York." Howard Keel is an Arthur in his own right, not only offering e but comp,.m, two-wee- Jjlch - Talk Re-U- p Tprnmp ITpim Mu8jc to bg TO-c- The music and lyrics cf Ler and Loewe need no recom mendation. It suffices to say they are as enchanting as ever in the Sait Lake production. Ron Husmann is a fi..e Lance lot although Guenevere (Linda Bennett) hampers both Lance lot and King Arthur with weak acting in several scenes. Hew ever, she is pretty and better in the second act. ner The always welcome music of Jerome Kern will raise the cur- tain on the Bell Telephone Hour show opening the 26th season cn a ..ew day and at a new time Sunday, September 26. at 4:30 p.m., over Channel 2. Star of stage, screen and tele-- ; vision, Ginger Rogers will hostess the production starrmg such singing talents as Ella Fitzgerald, Earl Wrightson, Ro berta Peters, John Davidson, Dussault and the twin Nancy pianos cf Ferrante and - John Carradine, Brian DaSilva and Thayer Roberts provide the sparkle which gives book the vitality and happy . . . by SFC Wallace Clift Did you know that the US Army will guarantee you an assignment to a specific location, guarantee you a stabilized tour of 14 months in that locatia. and training in one of nine MOSs? The Army can, and will do all of the abeve, if you qualify for assignment to the US Army Air Defense Command.. Missile sites are located in the following metropolitan areas Sa:. Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas, Abilene, Omaha, New York City, Miami and Homestead, Florida, Chicago, St. Louis, Spokane, Philadelphia, Buffalo, Hartford, Cleveland, Detroit. Boston, Norfolk, Washington D.C., Cincinnati, Kansas City, Key West, and Florida. Assignment to foe US Army Ar Defense Command is a challenging and rewarding assignment, do you qualify? Qualifications are: US citizen, possession of a Final Secret clearance or have a background whch would not preclude foe issuance of a Secret clearance, one year of active duty m the United States Army completed, have less than seven years active military service, be in pay grade E-- 5 or below, a:.d be in one of foe MOSs listed below. willing to - amazement Any Old Way If I could get it up . . . then ycu could see it. J could do it right-bu- t this way is quicker . . . maybe easier. This might need a little more flour or maybe water. The paste recipe s somewhere at the office. But it got nvsfiled. Either my foot or this handle cught to be longer. Wonder if thats straight. Well I guess it will be perfect enough, if I can get it up, any old way. A Tragedy of Errors in MOSs peculiar to US Army Air Defense Command are: Air Defense Artillery 0 perations and Intelligence Assistant,' Air Defense Missile Fire Control Crewman (Hawk), Air Defense Missile Crewman (Nike Hercules) Air Defense Missile Material Specialist (Nke Hercules), Air Defense Fire Control Crewman (Nike Defense Acquisition and SurveilHercules), lance Radar Crewman, Air Defense Fire Distribution System Crewman, and Power Generator Specialist if you are interested in as: assignment to this elite branch of the United States Army, and only the most highly qualified will be considered, contact Me, SFC Wallace D. Clift, the Post JU i by Jerry Marcus U tj tJ.j au, ms cwfHgs j & Reenlistment Counselor, in room 1600, Post Headquarters. Remember that an enlistment for foe US Army Air Defense Ccmmaid offers a three part guaranteed: choice of mearea of assignment, guarantropolitan area of metropolitan teed stabilized tour in that area for fourteen months, and retraining in an MOS peculiar to US Army Air Defense Command. Do::t wait, check now, while vacancies exist The costumes are bright and well employed throughout the show. The dancing is pleasant and the entire production a pleasure to watch. If there are any tickets remaining for foe final 3 shows, try to get some - its a good show, and you will enjoy it The cast: Sir Lionel, John Williamson; Sir Dinadan, Brian Turner; Merlyn, Thayer Roberts; King Arthur, Howard Keel; Guenevere, Linda Ben-nett; Lancelot Ron Husmann; Squire Dap, Jack Whitaker; Pel-lin-o re, John Carradine; Sir Sag Jed Nolan; Mordred, ramore, Bryan Da Silva; Tom of Warwick. John Rubinstein; Lady Anne, Beverly Olsen; Lady Sybil, Linda Chandler; Lady Cath erine, Ariel Bybee; Cclgrevance Daniel Knudsen; Guilliam, Joe Meier; Bliant, Gary Fisher; Castor, Larry Stowe, Jr.; First Herald, Wayne Brennan; Second Herald, Jerry Skeels; 3rd Herald, Mark Mathews; Fourth Don Herald, Zoutte; First Page, Gisela Guenther; Second Page, Claudia Lund; Ladies in Elizabeth Gammell, Waiting, Jan Packard, Joan Moan, Barbara Nelson, Frances Hunter, Lynne Fisher. I CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMEN Specialist 4 Dwight Green received a Certificate of Achievement from Pest Commander Colonel Joseph J. Fraser, Jr., for his work with the Maintenance Division. Sp4 Green has received orders for Korea. The award was presented Sept. 2 in Col. Frasers office. ( U.S. Army Photo) Teich-Voorhe- es will con-Be- Telephone hour-lon- , g Or-th- ll e live fensBBBaji3iGfl dtestfte seflfip If You Bought an Appliance and Didnt See Us, It Cost You Money! I What Do You Know? John Kenny By Chaplain (Major) There is a saying familiar to all of us: There is nothing new under the sun. George Santayana, the philosopher, wrote Sgme years ago: Those who refuse to learn from history are condemned to repeat the same mistakes. Salvation history, which takes us back to the very beginning of the human race, teaches us a great deal about human nature. I:, order to be able to satisfy a desire of the moment, to indulge a whim, Adam and Eve took it upon themselves to disregard the directives of their Maker and construct their own set of rules; The Fall" dates from that moment Isaas, the prophet, tells us how Lucifers defection took place: "Non Servian, i.e. a reftisal to admit his dependent status as a creature, to accept his subservient condition; no, he would replace God himself, at least at the center of hs own of the uni- -' verse. This was actuslly an impossibility (stillpart is); therefore to maintain and act. as if it were so constituted a lie. Then the Father of Ljes deceived our first parents with: . . Nay, you shall not die (you see, I know more about this business than God Himself) but mi whatsoever day you eat of the fru't at the tree you shall yourselves be as gods, your eyes will be opened, you will know good and evil. What a temptation! To be as gods. This means: to be our own boss, to have to answer to no cne, to be perfectly free, unbound, unrestricted, to be able to do whatever we want, to forget or ignore that we owe our very EXISTENCE to any other, and therefore everything we have, are, become, will be; all, all is accountable. Now in pont of fact, we are actually called to be as God but we are called thereto by God Himself, not by Satan, an anti-Goby Nietzsche, or any ether rival. So, it must be on His terms, not on our own or some others, if God made us, if He is our Creator, then obviously He and He alone has the absolute right to tell us hew we are to live. Religion, bo to speak, has as its printer objective, foe transmission of these rules, the setting forth of How to live a way of life. In every other separate area of life, profession, vocation, hobby, trade, skill, endeavor, we see foe devotees, the ambitious, the pursuers, the idealists, the would-b- e achievers, subject themselves to a stern regime of study; they devote themselves for long years, even, to the acquisition of the know how", the rules, the laws cf a given order, and how they are to be applied. They sit at the feet of professors, they persue innumerable books, they conduct countless experiments in the lab, they apprentice themselves to the masters and all the rest ef a necessary and recognised discipline. It is only in reference to the whole of life itself that the majority of people appear to think that they have nothing to learn, no need of being instructed, of gaining knowledge and understanding, of reflecting, meditating, studying, growing in wisdom. Is it because we think that we already know it all, or that there is really no truth at issue in thta area, which is foe fundamental ground of our whole being or that, if there is truth there perhaps, it really isnt important after all, that it deesnt matter (like Pilate) or that in regard to the highest and most important truths of all, we do not have to strive, yearn, search, for their acquisition? work, even agonize The Psalmist writes: "Truths are failing among men. Three thousand years later its still the same old story. The indifference, foe neglect, the complacency in the face of truths that count, that are vital life itself these can only wreck their terrible aftermath as it has always done. Sailors, pilots knew: the sea, the sky are unforgiving of :arelessness, of mistakes, of not paying attention, of not car-nIs the world upon which we live aid move any exception? Vfi, the foolish virgins who went to sleep when should they lave been awake and trimming their lamps were excluded 'pfim the wedding feast. - Alertness, wakefolness, attention, concentration . . . these Ip. make a difference. Z Are we still repeating the mistakes of the past? '(MfcGDGD DGM -- d, VMM a bo boHor - ... Bod driving monitors contribute hoovily E Bonds Yankee Doodle Dandy Got them on the Payroll Plan -- So smart, so safe, so handy TP $H&o)95 BUY NOW save i7. to highway casualties. ROW DO YOU LIKE IT If KNOW YOU WONT. IT? YOU WONT TRY New from General Electric! Ends Messy Defrosting Forever OKI TOG G3FJC1 Up interest checks, guaranteed amounts, are the good returns you get from investments in Series U. S. Sav ings Bonds. Semi-annu- al to 54 mar Frxr Space in , For Dugway Employ and Military Prsonnl SlubiiM First Security Bank checking account means immediate money in the bank on pay day for civilian and military personnel at Dugway. A plan has been developed permitting the delivery of your pay check to the First Security Bank on Base each pay day with credit to your A account immediately! When you pay by check you keep an accurate record of your expenses, making the tedious task of balancing your budget simple and easy. Your cancelled checks become your legal ceipt re- or proof of payment Open your account today Regular or Checkway plans choose either .and request your pay check to be sent directly to the Base Bank in the Post Exchange. Itll save you valuable time and money. Style 2568 ONLY 2.99 SIZES 4M TO FIRST SECURITY BANK black simulated Ganges , grain leather. Just right for tailored fashions. Malta hdnl DvpoiH Inwranco Port Eadiango Sul Ming FREE Corporation Dugway Proving Ground FROST-GUAR- very-youn- g BROWNS 24 NORTH Model D TBF-15S-A NEW LOW PRICE HRMS g NEWI Ice Compartment with 2 Trays Special Shelves in Freezer for Vt gal ice cream cartons, juice cans 4 Cabinet Shelves, 1 Slide-OTwin Porcelain Enamel Vegetable Bins Color at no additional cost Fast-freezin- on each check PRINTED FROST NEVER 10 Theres an engaging flavor to this slender little sleekly strap sandal, crafted of NAME AND ADDRESS Yankee Doodle bought Smrff Tka Tiawta Safety Sorvfco - - io got yaw bam MAIN Ho fri (orator Volua Todajro SAVE ut . 30.00 00 with trade |