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Show 1 BOYD SHEFFIELD NAMED HEAD OF UTAH COUNTY OFFICIALS fi S Pushing The "March Of Dimes Campaign" Effie McCarthy head and fish game state the Utah affment and presently of the Maple creek near if trout hatcheries as elected head of the Wildlife federation for the years at the meeting fthe Wildlife group in Salt city last week, Verdell rook who succeeds one ijtchie' of Charleston, was for the job if the possibilities of the fish and game His election to the for the tah Wildlife federation the field two years left ide open for that job. leader Cook promised active organ,Id and urged stronger ise within the five districts. He pledged the fish and game in leoartment full cooperation or ve!opment of the states anic resources, but also said he wUld demand full support from he fish and game department. He told J- - Perry Egan, .present You ish and game director, dll have my utmost support as to the speech sng as you live up this group on made before Cook, former B. vevvell George A. Boyce Tells Success Of Indian . ... School Will Win Utah Fame At Convention 20-3- Dies In Calif. Trophy At Convention p ' ' rgstcrdayt 'Mrs. Effie Meacham Kimball McCarthy, 50, died in a San Francisco hospital Sunday January 22, of a cerebral hemorrhage following a brief illness. iHer brother, L. J. 'Meacham of Brigham City, left Monday to attend the funeral morning services to be held Wednesday. Besides her brother here, she is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Patty Kimball Croffi, Los Angeles and a young granddaughter; a brother in Canada, E. A. Meacham; and a sister in San iFranclsco, Mrs. Celia McKinney. Her parents, the former Eli-shand Martha Ann Meacham died in 1940 and her 'husband passed away in 1946. Mrs. McCarthy has made her home in San Francisco for the past three years. 'She is a member of the L. D. and in 1920 and 1921 fulfilled a mission for the church in Los a Angeles. s fook said that he expects ,t of work from the local He also and .pointed out of controlling soil told that sldehall in many eveloped. Names of seven Conservation istrict Jan. 10 Farmers from Mantua, Brig-ia- and south to the Box llder county line, voted in favor of the paused South Box Elder soil conervation district Tuesday, Jan-iar- y 10, Vernal Willie, assistant ouniy agent, said today. At the present time the state oil conservation committees in alt Lake City is preparing the barter for-tdistrict and work-i- g outlfie details fIOJ it. When finally approved ihis City 'll become- the 42nd conservation district - orga-size- d by land owners in Utah rote the state legislature pass'd the enabling act in 1937, and istrict' will - bil farmers in this my advantages.",, ffers review of the IA. new - district accomplish -- rants of the existing districts roves the values to be gymnasium 28, Saturday, beginning at 8:30 candi- January oclock Joe and of the farmers and ranchers to their soil and water conervation problems. The major conservation prob-em- s confronting the farmers in he new district, which covers roa of Box Elder county south f the present northern 'district id east of the great Salt Lake, 5 , olve the proper distribution and irrigation water, drain-'gwaterlogged land and e of control. The water supply for most T of area Is the Pine View canal ,lcb perched high on the uiisxde above the cropland. One aaior problem for which far-nedesire help is in devising ae rs rial tractive of and economical meth-,- l getting the water to the op- land .without, washing gul- Mueh of the land to be irriga-ver- y steep and efficient gation without severe ero-ro- n ' is difficult. illie also out the pointed trict will be valuable legal gamzation to coordinate the 0J S .a11 avUlable agencies rd He solution of flood con- rmaPMoIems.that Prague the area.' , . a soil conservation legal subdivision of 1,. fute of tltah, it does not tavo power t0 bnd the andowner, Willie said. ?.0llgh ric.t .ts a Drum And Bugle rp To Practice Thurs (F-W- -- pr. es. . y.eieLans. of )rum a.nd tvpnf.CiICe ft .ome iK 3lay , foreign Wars Bugle corps will hold meetlhg Thursday thf ,W,ar Memorial . Fire Control x forester-firewarde- d North Stake Choir Will Practice Next-Thursda- Members of the North stake choir will practice at the Box ThursElder stake tabernacle 8 day evening, January 26, at oclock in the evening, it was announced today by officials of the organization. The group has several important engagements in the near future, it was said. thamrarethose eXPectine to Box Elder to ar- n tl?ne for expected this meeting. Users To NOTICE' Creek Water Meet Feb. 7 Stockholders of the Box Elder dogs belong Water Users will hold a meetnowSr8 - Bri9ham CitY ing February 7, 1950, in the court room of the Brigham city S2- ,or mal hall' at one oclock in the afterErviift 85,00 lor inole dogs. noon, it was announced today. JLensen ftiJbcmj City boediBP?ruWil1 cal1 ot eacb City for pay It Happened Twice TOP) in In the neat fu- BROOKLINE, 'Mass. t Mrs. Gertrude Portnoy, 27, wasn inof.taxes M' Eighty-sishow improvement. fires 'burped 3,902 acres. In con trast, 100 fires covered 84,799 acres in 1942 and 169 fires burned 26,849 acres in 1948, W. E, Tapgren, assistant said today. . , The 1949 deprease was made in spite of the high hazard sea son. The increasing car 'by citi zens in handling fire is credited for mucji of this improvement, percent of the 1949 and 10' fires were percent lightning. Smokers led with 35 percent of the man caused fires. Debris and range burning followed with 23 per cent, Tangren said, State fire control is by .county units. Sheriffs or special fire chiefs handle the fires. .The State, aided by federal funds, make partial reimbursement to the counties for fire expendi tures on state and private water shed lands. In 1949 Box 'Elder county had six watershed fires 'and spent $3,124.00 on fire control. The ' county received $810.00 reimbursement from the state. man-cause- ft ln-all a2nJii8 as host, through- "Youth to be served, must serve. One of the programs the international organization is now successfully carrying through is the campaign to Talse funds for the study of rheumatic fever. Wynn 'Hansen, president of the Ciearfield club pointed out that although the group has a minimum goal of $10,000, the total will probably reach $100,-00- 0 for the cause. At the present time the 20-3club Is assisting in the March of Dimes campaign in Box Elder county. Attending the convention from Brigham City- were Verl PeterDeb sen, Df. Russel Fishburn, 'Hadfield, Dr. Gordon Felt, Dick Leon Goodliffe, Rex Larsen, Baron, Dale Baron, Bob Call, T. Wayne Woodland, Eldridge Wood, Woody Hansen and Dean Candland. BlVERS PUSH MARCH OF i DIMES CAMPAIGN - AT BEHS Called On Mission vice-preside- nt , secretary-treasure- 1 - . ' - - Karl Hovey Dies is of said. In California crimination against America's the Mayo clhiic," Boyce ,, Asking that there be nondis- .. oldest minority, Dr. Boyce point-ou- t that tbe rNavahas (attending Goal Is To Collect Services were held Monday in the school, will be equipped to Miller Memory chapel, Downey, raise their average yearly earn50 Cents From Each California for Karl Stout Hovey, ings from the present $80 to $1,000, if a place is made, for Student During Drive 56, resident of Stanton, Califor.... . nia, and former Salt Lake City them In industry., The Box Elder high school , resident who died Instantly. His At a special meeting of counWednesday wife Is the former Ethel Fors- ty ' commissioners hard to Trixie Bjorn, daughter of Mr. Blyers are working evening Ed Ward,. Box Elder raise funds March for Of the gren of Corinne. and Mrs. S. E. Bjorn of Tremon-ton- , Dimes Born in Downey October 3, county, commissioner, . gave a campaign and are hav' walked off with top honors ing excellent ; Dee Glen 1893, he received his schooling talk on county roads. success, at the Woman's Christian Tem- Smith, chairman of the drive in Officials from Box Elder counin Downey and Alhambra, Mr. Unions gold medal perance , Hovey represented Gillespie ty ; attending D. the convention Brigham City, said today. speech contest broadcast over Ward, commisGames company of Long Beach were Edward ' radio station KBUH Sunday afWith a goal of 50 cents from in the Oakland territory for seV' sioner; Kay B. Olsen, clerk; ternoon at 2 oclock. every student in the school the eral years and before that de Ernest E. Hansen, assessor; EtWith four young girls partici- Blvers are rapidly nearing their of na, Adams, recorder; Walter-G- , vejoped LaRena subdivision ' pating "the Speeches were de- - iaal under- the leadership,. of Before that - ht ffifathar attorney; and Lyle Rich Calif, (Downey, Vexcel e Beech the adVisbr Deimobl 'ofthe byr was with Cans company, in ardson, assistant, county clerk. fertbfcd as' who declared each of the group and Max Hamilton, pres- South America. At the time of for ident, Smith said. girls deserved recognition his death he was associated ' their fine talks. With one member of the group ' with MacGlashan air gun fac ' Each girl gave a story-typ- e assigned each of the ' home tory in Stanton. He was an ac of the harm I speech illustrating of the Stanton tive member rooms, it is the duty of that stu-- 1 alcohol and tobacco to the hu dent to collect the donations ys Chamber of Commerce and Lions man 'body both physically and from that room. There are 37 club. mentally. rooms and a record of the donaBesides his wife he is survived This was the first time the tions is recorded on a colorful JlVallac E. Hunt three sons, Grant Charles . The .Ogden, Area Council, Boy by ,v'. testimonial Sun. . speeches had been broadcast graph in the hall of the school. and Dwight, of Stanton; two Scouts of vlts over the air and 'according to With the senior division and children by previous marriage, annual America, will hold at 27,. Mrs. Axel Fredericksen, chair junior division in separate conJanuary meeting Karl Sikes Hovey Jr., of Palm the Weber man of the state speech WCTU tests the College institute, Ogand Mrs. Elolse Pattiz den, following rooms are Springs, according, to pavid contest, similar programs will leading: R. iN. Gourleys room, of (Los Angeles; also a brother, , be attempted in the future. president. ElJames Beach. of $8.60; Ferdinand Jensen, $1Q.70; (Long (Hovey and a brunette, piano-playe- r The entire council 'wm' be The object of the WCTU gold mer Jeppsen, $8.50; (Lloyd Huist, Elder Kenner Poster officiated it will review - its singer of American and French medal contest is to develop citi- $7.25; Abel S. Rich, $7.30; L. D. at the service and Reverend present and : and popular tunes. make, the necesto standing give talks, Wilde, $6.10; and Wilford Freezenship, ability of Stan:A .missionary farewell will be Charles White, pastor moves to continue its ex"Mayor Borne was sary and of harms the acquaintance ton assisted. mans $6.00. - He didn't room, community church, say if be of liquor, in the girls, Mrs. istence . as a council, , . Wilson n given Sunday evening, January In the junior division" tha 29, Interment was in the Downey said. would try to help out" in the Corinne ward honor, said. rooms are as follows: Business oh the' agenda-- , for Wallace E. Hunt, who has cemetery. ing Girls who participated in the leading Delmont Beechers room, $8.25; received a call to service in the the meeting .Includes the eleccontest besides Trixie Bjorn, tion of officers for, the coming were Sandra Sylvester, Pauline Johnson, $o.75; iM?hi?rhs:pne'Southem States mission of the ,n ,hnrrh year, hearings on the' applicaDavis and Gailene Harris. sen $5.50; Austin Larsen. fs a son of Mr. and Mrs. tion tor another charter, and reJudges were IMr. and Mrs. and Grant Prlsbreys room, $4.50. Verno E. Hunt of Corinne. Wal. ports from each of the operating Alt Freeman of Brigham City basketb 11 the - lace was graduated with the committees. and Reverend and Mrs. W. R. last Friday at the high cjasJ.- of 1943 from Box Elder evening Also four men will be awardTremonton of Pearsons the school gymnasium the Blvers Due to extreme weather con- Methodist church. ed the Silver Beaver award for hooj, and from Box Elder h1gh collected $82.00 for The elders of the Corinne ward t ditions the intermountain conIn 1947. distinguished service to boys, on the program was Joan drive. Also seminary dance a are of Buddhist sponsoring the Young Friday Members of the council who ference Julius C. Campbell is bishop Brockman who played an accor9 that and Glens said Smith at oclock can participate ln the voting inCorinne ward, with Mar- night, January 27, of league scheduled for January dion solo. Winis cafe will sponsor a cof- vin the 14 and 15, at Corinne and BrigNorman in the evening for the purpose clude all Institutional represenand Jeppson Henry fee day Saturday, January 28. as raising funds to send mis- tatives, which means all . organiham City, has to 'be postponed. first and second counselors, of All during the day the cafe and The conference will be held as, as ward clerk, sionaries serving the L. D. S. zations sponsoring a troop , or Carter Floyd will charge 15 cents per cup of church from the Corinne ward. originally planned January 28 all members of the counAh excellent orchestra has pack, coffee, will supply the cream, and 29. cil elected at large, all. members been secured for the dance and of the executive board and all sugar and coffee, and will To Miss Eva Matsuda, Salt Lake a good time is guaranteed for council officers. These' men are the entire proceeds from City and her two attendants. the coffee to the polio drive. everyone attending, by the off!-cer- s from the council area covering Miss Lucille Kawate, Salt Lake We hope that 'coffee day will of the elders quorum. Box Elder,' Weber,' and Morgan City and Miss Pat Miyawaki, the the dance, refresh- counties of Town is title two the over the Our During spread city, the will throughout reign and of Syracuse north half w ments consisting of pie and ice Davis county. the Box Elder high schools annual Smith said. day event. , for events On cream chile be served. other the will and gainbe to Scouts this Senior A tournament for year presented .Among other highlights will play in the high ing funds for the drive in Brig- will be- - held January 5, at the j Everyone is invited to attend be the keynote address given 'February 16-1Smith reham dance. the that was school and of it City, school reported Lake Box Salt Elder auditorium, girls Iga high by Momory ' ' The committee in charge of beys gymnasiums, it was anCity, at the Corinne Y. B. A. cently announced. Author of the the recent show at the Capitol theater, sponsored by the 20-3- 0 nounced today, t arrangements for the dance are church on Sunday, January 15. play is Thornton Wilder. .. club, made over $150. The play will be under the diIt is planned to have a tro- Jule iNelson, president of the Feb. collection box in front of phy for the winner of the tour- elders quorum; Jesse B. Reay, The of Miss rection Thorum, speech Five New Box Elder . instructor, and she will be assis- Van Engelens store has proven nament, but there will be no second counselor, and Don Nelson secretary. ,, student very successful and donations tourney for the district . Students Attend BYU ; ted by Belva Andersen, One of the highlights . ot the Don Ray Secrist- - and to it are gaining rapidly. In director. 6:30 the oclock At Eighth from Box new students Eive box the 'Fifth ward went Ward will play Corinne in the the are manadancing season, ,the Farmer stage Kelly enrolled are at Elder county will be held at from fifth to Pioneer first Dance, Clifford is Blanche and place, the place Bear and gers girls' gymnasium Brigham Young University this WilBox the school gymthe and and Elder First Fourth, high will Scouts Senior River manager. City quarter, according to John E. publicity nasium Saturday, February 4, lard wards are following closely. meet the The cast is as follows: Scouts in the Harper Hayes, registrar. at 8:30 oclock, it was announcDarrell Deem Saturday is the final day of boys gym.- Also at 6:30 the Manager U U They are Try M. Miller, son of Stage ed today. the drive and we are far from Third .ward will play the Fourth Dr. Gibbs Dunn Donald Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Miller, Brigof ward. our .1.... of that certain The old time dances Crowell Gerald Joe reaching Speth goal; ham City; Donald Malmrose, Newsome Leon Jorgensen more than $3300 by that time, At 7:30 oclock the Seventh . Joan (Jody) Peters, daughter are rapidly - becoming popular son of Mr, and Mrs. Hyrum HoweeGibbs Pat Reed Gordon Reeves, county chair- ward will play Honeyville ih of Mr. and Mrs. Milton D. Peters, throughout the country will be Mrs. Malmrose, Brigham City; Floyd Mrs. Webb Brigham - City, was chosen featured at the dance as well Janet the girls gym. Gourley man of the drive, said. and Mrs. Stenquist, son of Mr. 22 cases we had among 15 finalists for the cov-ete- d as modern and pioneer dances, 'Last Olsen Gibbs Norman ,.. year George William L. Stenquist, Tremon- Rebecca Gibbs of Box Elder county and Sweetheart of Sigma Chi committee members of t h e in Morris Janet polio ' - ton; Marcel L. Nielson, son of Wally Webb . Lynn Hunsaker it is predicted that we will have A. title at the (University of . Utah dance, said. , , i L. Mrs. iMarmin Nielson, Mr. and officials more to Reeves , of the . this Wilde Webb Monday. said, According year," Virginia Emily L. Hirschi, Garland, and Wayne a "very dedance committee, Prof. Willard Elden Shaw we must reach the goal so that Among the most sought-afte- r son of Mr. .and Mrs. Louis A. Mr. Webb on titles child show the floor .... stricken with the will be Chlarson queen every campus, lightful Quinn Hirschi, Park Valley. selection of the fraternity sweet- presented during the evening. ... Woman Kathryn King dreaded disease shall have evheart Is made annually In con- Refreshments will Ae--- served Carolyn Hall ery .opportunity to recover.,. Lady in Box r..u Health Department Report t 'It. is estimated that the averAmerican nection with the Sig Derby,' ac- during the dance and prizes will Reese Auditorium The in City Bunny Brigham Lady Tor the week ending January Simon Stimson ..Ricks Knudson age cost per case of polio i$ Legion Post No. 10 will hold a cording to Wally Jenkins, chair be presented to the lady ; and 20, the State Department! of Mrs. Soames Joan Rose $1500, though many of the dinner meeting at the War Me- man. gent , wearing (the best pioneer Health reported two cases of Warren " Miss Peters, a graduate of Box costumes, ... Gary Shirts lighter cases do not cost nearly morial home Thursday, January cases of and three chicken pox Elder high school, is a freshman much to treat. So that ev- 26, it was ahnounced today. that will Si Crowell ..... Johnsons preorchestra, Shelby Stanley measles in Box.Eldet county .... John Holmgren ery child, no matter how poor At the meeting Friday, 'Feb- enrolled in University college. sent the music. Sam J. Dell Sackett his parents may be, shall have ruary 9, initiation of the. new She lives at Carlson Hall, dorSo, as the centennial year too excited when she gave birth Joe 7' women. draws near, come and . partici(Noell Marble the best of treatment, we must members will be the principle mitory for to a daughter in an automobile Ball Players In high school she was editor pate in the fun and dance fb the expense and item of business. Jerry Boyce all share-i- n en route to a hospital. The same March Dimes. donate of to Deanne the ,A11 members of the post were, of the school paper and was honor to our. pioneers, a Thompson five Townspeople, years happened thing . named' In the top ten scholars. Barbara Rasmussen campaign. Reeves said. .. member said, v urged to attend both meetings. Trixie Bjorn Wins Speech Contest ? c n -- ' Meet Of Scout cat-owne- . , Quebec Mayor Gets Matrimonial Plea From Brigham Man French-Can-adia- Utah Good ood ' Blvers Of Box Elder High School talk over the polio campaign at the high school with Dee Glen Smith, (pointing to paper), city chairman of the drive. Others in the photo are from left to right (back Delmont row) Vard Johnson, DeVon Britenbeker, Smith and Lelanct Seely. (Sitting) Beecher, advisor; and Max Hamilton, president. were listed today by Ruth Reeder, : event. ; Some Brigham City .man' They are Cleo Rasmussen, wants a French-Cahadia- n Brigham City; Barbara Burt, bride and he went to the trouBear River City; Joanne Forsgren, ble of writing the Mayor . of Corinne; Carol Bundy, Corinne; Quebec lor a little assistance. Beverly Brummond, Willard; and The article ' apJean Tingey, Logan. Carol Ann peared following in the "Montreal Star" Yates previously entered but was December 16, 1949: left off the last list published. "Mayor Lucien Borne wonThis now brings the total to 32 dered yesterday if his office candidates. was becoming a lonely hearts According to the club, as he made public a let-fe- r the hall will be elaborately decofrom a lonely Ulahn, who rated for the event. wants to marry a As In previous Snow Carnivals, " girL there will be concessions and re "Mayor Borne said he refresh ments 'available. ... ", . ceived the letter from The Snow Queen will be chosen 34, of Brigham City, ' at the dance by votes received -- Jfftab,. who described himself 7 from ticket sales.'"" as lonelyiionest,'t good tp- The contest is open to any girl1 pearance, a good conversation-alisi- , and there is no age limit., , r, and generous, Anyone wishing to enter a posessor ot a few pieces of candidate should mail the name furniture, of the candidate to post office "He asked for help in meetbox 286, Brigham City, it was ing a "charming French-Can- ' stated. ? adian bride. - . , , member of "But the Mormon church, laid down In t a few stipulations: "Apart from being a the girl must be talIn 49 ented, able to speak English, between 22 and 28, pretty, a 7 the landowners who are to accomplish soil conervation work, Willie said. Through the technical assis-anc- e of trained soil conserva-:o- n The Utah State Foresters 1949 experts, districts have help-- d records of fires on state and primore than 5,000 individual vately owned watershed lands tah lse of Clearfield club French-Canadia- gained . out the sessions drew attention to the international slogan, . . . dates for Snow Queen of the anplaces had to be nual Snow Carnival to be held at the Box Elder high school turners Vote For 5ojl 20-21- 0 Entries Listed e cov-rag- soft-- , ball championschip, at a regional conventibn of the clubs In Ogden, Saturday and Sunday, January The organization, with the New Snow Queen ero-io- n representing clubs winning the district or- the Peterson, 20-3- e of the federation and urlng the next two years, to hat he wanted the groups dually start work on wildlife onservation and development. :kl Verl Two Brigham City people figured prominently . in . the 27th annual convention of the Utah Association of v County Officials, in Salt Lake City last Thursday and Friday, ,Janu ary 19 and 20. Boyd M. Sheffield, Box Elder county treasurer, was elected president of the association for 1950 aft! Dr. George A. Boyce, superintendent of the Intermountain v Indian school was the featured speaker. Sheffield, who is now serving his fourth year as Box,. Elder New President county treasurer, served as of the association dur .o, ing 1949.. , In Box Elder county Sheffield r of the is Brigham City Republican party and secretary of the county Re" ' publican party. . Active in civic and church affairs he is now treasurer of the March of Dimes for the county, service officer In the American Legion post number 10, and counselor in the. South stake Mu tual Improvement association. At 32 years of age Sheffield is probably the youngest president the association of County Officials had had in its 27 years history. Two other- Box Elder county men, Fred L. Petersen and P. Russel Wight, have been president of the association. Pe terson Is now deputy county clerk In the county and Wight , lives in Salt Lake City. At the Thursday afternoon Dr. session of the convention Boyd Sheffield George A. Boyce, guest speaker, . who was elected president declared that the success of the of the Utah County Officials Intermountain .Indian school at association at a convention of Brigham City may win Utah the the group in Salt Lake City reputation of giving the' Indians a square deal. last Thursday and Friday,. "Utah might (become as proud of the school aa Rochester, Minn, ' the Brigham City club, of which he Is president, accepted a trophy in recognition of his , ganizations Club Wins 0 Council Slated - , n, Farewell Sunday J. ViJ-so- n, For Wallace Hunt - - . L Fred-rickse- Buddhists Change Corinne Elders Conference Time ... Sponsor Dance - . s High School Plans no-na- te Play Production Senior Scouts Hold Tournament . 7 Slated Joan Peters Wins - . Honors At 4 v -- old-tim- e of L Will Meet ' Tomorrow Night J ; s ? -- out-of-cit- y com-mitt- if fit |